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September 19, 1978 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-19

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Page 12-Tuesday, September 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Grand Opening Sale Now at all Tech Hifi Stores.


Introducing Tech Hifi.
The first Tech Hifi store
opened eleven years ago.
Today, Tech Hifi is the
largest dealer in the East,
with 61 locations in ten
states, and one million
happy customers.
The newest, Tech Hifi
has just opened in Lansing.
For the first time, Lansing
has a hifi store that com-
bines low prices with
strong guarantees, knowl-
edgeable salespeople,

large selection, and com-
fortable soundrooms.
The Tech Hifi "Buyer's
Protection Plan:'
Everything we sell is
backed by our own five-
point Buyer Protection
Plan. You'll get our guar-
antees in writing, right on
your sales slip.
Our 7-Day Moneyback
Guarantee protects you if
there's anything you don't
like about how your equip-
ment sounds or looks in
your home. We give you
seven days after your pur-
chase to return the equip-
ment for a full refund. No
questions asked.
Our 30-Day Price Pro-
tection Guarantee protects
you if another authorized
dealer advertises a lower
price within 30 days of

your purchase. /
We will refund
the difference.
Our Buyer
Protection Plan
also includes a
Speaker Trial,
and 60-Day
Defective Ex-
change Guaran-
tee. We'll give
you all the details
on these when
you come in.
Salespeople Who
Know What They're
Talking About.
We're hifi hobbyists,
not professional sales-
men. All of us keep up with
the latest hifi technology,
and we enjoy talking about

it. So whether you are an
audio engineer, or a new-
comer to hifi, you'll find
that we'll be glad to take
the time to explain any-
thing you want to know.
Before you pick your
stereo, come in and pick
our brains.

Grand Opening Specials.
(good in all Tech stores with this coupon only).

ERC 1405 receiver
1 Studio Design 16 loudspeakers
Collaro 1253 automatic turntable
Kenwood 2600 receiver
KLH 300 loudspeakers
BSR 250A turntable
Nikko NR 315 receiver
Ohm E loudspeakers
Garrard 630 turntable

JBL 100 speakers (each)............
Studio Design 36 speakers (each)...
KLH 300 speakers (each)................
Kenwood LSK 200 speakers (each)

$ 85
$ 60
$ 70

Collaro 1253 turntable (complete)..
Micro Seiki MB10 turntable
(complete less cartridge)..............
Kenwood 1033 turntable
(complete less cartridge)......... "



Pioneer SX450 receiver (5/store).... $ 99
Harman Kardon 3300 receiver........ $169
Technics SA300 receiver.................$189
Onkyo TX1500 receiver.................... $175

Tape Decks
Kenwood 620 tape deck.................$145
Tandberg 310 Mk. II tape deck........$499

Come play.

Plus a giant selection of
extra specials at our new
Lansing store.


Stores als

4 South Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing 394-443,
o throughout Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Ve

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