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September 19, 1978 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-19

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Vol. LIX, No. 11 ( Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 19, 1978 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

Mideast summit agreement


TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - The great
unresolved issue of the Camp David
Mideast summit is the future of about
100 Jewish settlements on occupied
Arab land.
Israel now is faced with a crucial
decision on those settlements, a
decision that could be the key to
ultimate peace in the Middle East.
apparently will have to be overcome
before there can be progress on such
other major and equally complicated
issues as the political future of the West
Bank and Gaza and the emotional issue
of control of Jerusalem, with its Jewish,
Moslem and Christian holy places.
For Israel, the settlements are a
cornerstone of Zionism, clothed in the
mystique of Jews putting down new
roots in the Promised Land and
defending the borders of the Jewish
state. For Arabs, each settlement is a
constant injury to their pride and an
intolerable Jewish presence on Arab
The settlements, mostly small
outposts of 100 families or fewer,
contain only about 10,000 Israelis, but
the symbolic importance of the outposts
is far greater than the number of
THE SETTLEMENTS stretch from
the slopes of Mount Hermon in occupied
Syria in the north to sun-baked Sharm
el-Sheikh on the southern tip of the Sinai
Peninsula. They dot the sweltering
See BUT, Page 6

Vance will travel to
Jordan, Saudi Arabia

Carter told Congress Monday night that
the Camp David agreement has tran-
sformed "this impossible dream" of
Middle East peace into a realistic ex-
pectation, and said he is sending
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance to seek
support for the accord from Jordan and
Saudi Arabia.
Carter went in triumph to a joint
session of the House and Senate, took
their cheers and applause and then
presented his Camp David negotiating
partners, Egypt's Anwar Sadat and
Israel's Menachem Begin.
Carter said there has not been peace
between Egypt and a free Jewish nation
for more than 2,000 years. "If our
present expectations are realized, this
year we shall see such peace again,"
the president said.
In a nationally broadcast and
televised report on the agreements
reached during the 13-day summit con-
ference at Camp David, Md., Carter
said Vance will leave on Tuesday for
talks with Jordan's King Hussein and
King Khalid of Saudi Arabia.
He said Vance's goal is "to secure
their support for the realization of the
new hopes and dreams of the people of
the Middle East."
Carter's speech wound up a day in
which the administration began a
diplomatic and political offensive in
support of the fragile Mideast
agreement, signed in a White House
ceremony Sunday night.
But even before Carter addressed a
z: nationally televised joint session of
AP Photo Congress, with Israel's Menachem
Begin and Egypt's Anwar Sadat in at-
tendance, there was mounting evidence
how fragile the "framework for peace"
really was.
APPARENTLY IN disagreement
with concessions that Sadat made at
SCamp David, Egyptian' Foreign
IsMinister Mohammed Kamel
resigned, just as his predecessor,
Ismail Fahmy, had done last year to
aid those protest the Egyptian president's
rs of the historic peace overture to Israel.
includes The Camp David agreement showed
varying further signs of strain when Begin told
in other Israeli reporters that Israel did not
culty will consider itself bound to forego
er group establishing further settlements on the
some West Bank.
A senior American official, briefing
reporters on terms of the agreement,
o discuss said Israel was prohibited from'setting
vould use up new settlements for at least five
nembers. years. Beyond that period, the

Egyptian President Anwar Saat, left, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin embrace
during Sunday's announcement of an agreement reached at the Camp David summit.

Search for new president eg in

agreement is silent.
THE OFFICIAL, who asked not to be
named, said that after all the terms of
the agreement are examined, other
Arab countries will recognize that
Sadat achieved "many of the long-
desired objectives of the Arab world."
To bolster support for the accord,
Carter was telephoning Jordan's King
Hussein "in the hope and expec-
tation"-as the U.S. official put it-that
Hussein would lend his crucial active
support to the peace process.
At a briefing for 75 members of
Congress in the East Room of the White
House, the president said the 13-day
summit meeting which ended with
signing of the peace framework Sunday
night was "one of the most historic
events I have experienced since I have
been in political office."
See CARTER, Page 6
Gov't troops
enter last
MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) -
Government forces were airlifted into
positions around Esteli in northern
Nicaragua yesterday to attack the last
guerrilla strongholds there.
Esteli has been in rebel hands since
Sept. 9 although the national guard said
Saturday it had overpowered sniper
positions in the town of 30,000.
EARLIER, THE guard, Nicaragua's
7,500-member army, recaptured the
towns of Masaya, Leon, Chinandega
and Penas Blancas, routing rebels who
are led by guerrillas intent on
overthrowing the authoritarian
government of President Anastasio
Travelers from the Esteli area,
including some who had flown over the
town, said it looked dead. They
reported no movement of civilians or
automobiles. A fire burned near the
center of town.
Troops were airlifted to a field north
of Esteli to attack from the north and
west, the travelers said. Rebels held the
high ground leading into thercity from
the south. National guard forces
manned a checkpoint on the Pan
American Highway three miles south of
the town and barred journalists from
,MOPPING UP action was reported in
Chinandega, which the guard wrested
from the rebels Sunday. There was
scattered shooting overnight in
Managua where businessmen vowed to
continue a nationwide strike they called
Aug. 25 to pressure Somoza to resign.,
Correspondents in southern
Nicaragua reported occasional firing
near the outpost of Penas Blancas on
the Costa Rican border. Guerrillas
fought a nine-hour battle with. the
national guard garrison there Sunday
before withdrawing into Costa Rica.
The guerrillas, led by the Sandinista
National Liberation Front, vowed to try
See GOV'T, Page 9

Less than a week after University.
President Robben fleming announced
his intention to leave the post January
; the long process to select a new chief
administrator has already begun.
The faculty Senate Advisory Commit-
tee on University Affairs (SACUA) is
now accepting nominations for a
faculty committee which will be
charged with recommending to the
egents potential successors to
more said at yesterday's Senate
Assembly meeting that nominations
would be accepted until October 6. He
said that SACUA would decide on the
ten member committee by October 13.
Law Professor Allan Smith will serve
as interim chief starting January 1 until
a permanent president is chosen.
Although encouraging outside
recommendations, 'the Regents them-
selves comprise the official selection
committee, and their decision is final.
"The Regents indicated to me very
firmly that they intend to make the
decision," said Livermore.
BUT THE REGENTS are not likely
to completely disregard committee
recommendations. "I was told that with
a careful search process, there would
be few surprises at the end," said

J. 1

Students and alumni will also form a
committee to propose candidates to the
Regents. Methods of selecting mem-
bers of the student committee will be
discussed tonight at the Michigan
Student Assembly meeting, to be held
at3909 Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m.
SACUA will select 15 faculty mem-
bers for their committee, in accordance
with the desires of the regents. The
student and alumni committees will
each have 10 members.
similar to the method uCed by the
Regents in 1966 when Fleming was

selected the University's ninth
President. "They intend to follow
closely the procedure of 1966," said
Although the Regents set no
deadlines for committee recommen-
dations, Livermore said he does have a
rough idea of a timetable. "I would say
that the expectation of the Regents (for
committee recommendations) lies
between eight months and a year," he
requirements for the faculty committee

are not yet clear, Livermore s<
definitely eligible are membe
faculty Senate. The Senate
most University professors of
tenure. Livermore said certa
members of the University fac
probably be included. The latt
includes, among others,
librarians and researchers.
Livermore was reluctant t
the specific criteria SACUA w
in selecting the committee n

Tuesday Council OK's transportation plan
r, The House Assassinations

Committee reports Fidel Castro
may have known about Kennedy's
assassination in advance. See story,
Page 2.
" Indictments for fraud within the
General Services Administration,
are expected to be handed down
within eight weeks. See story, Page
* Classes at Eastern Michigan
University are cancelled until
professors there end their strike. See
story, Page 9.


Iranican ear
TARAS, Iran (AP) - Aftershocks
oiled yesterday across the parched
ountryside of northeastern Iran where k
5,000 persons were reported dead or
njured from a giant earthquake that s
emolished 40 villages and badly t
damaged 60 others.
In this oasis city, hit by the quake's
epicenter, the dead were stretched out t
nder palm trees, their bodies frozen in R
rotesque postures of sudden death and i
rapped in white sheets or colorful f
Sanndwoven cloth.
THE TOWN'S minarets, mosques

killed in

Last night City Council unanimously
endorsed a long-range transportation
plan to be implemented in stages
through 1990, and also unanimously
passed on first reading an ordinance to
allow residents to pay a monthly fee to
park on metered streets.
In addition, Council approved a
resolution installing a traffic signal at
the intersection of Huron and Glenn,
which is the first step in this
comprehensive transportation
THE PARKING permit proposal
specifies that a resident must park
within 500 feet of her or his home and
shall pay $30.00 a month for the permit.
The motion - proposed by Council
member Earl Greene (D-Second Ward)
- suggested that the permits be
awarded at a rate of five per block and
be granted at the discretion of the city
administrator, Sylvester Murray.
However, Council member David
Fisher's (R-Fourth Ward) amendment
- which won approval - restricted the
permits to meters lasting four or more
The transportation plan Council
endorsed is the result of a study
undertaken in 1965 called the Urban
Area Transit Study (UATS) as a result

ROBERT POLENS, director of the
UATS detailed the study which
produced eight major plans, and held
six public hearings.
The 12-member advisory steering
committee secured the consulting
service of the firm Schimpeler and
Corradino Associates of Louisville,
Kentucky, and the University consulted
their own expert.
The plan outlines improvements for
many major thoroughfares and
intersections as well as realignment for

Primary recount begins

the Fuller Rd. Bridge.
THERE ARE also provisions for
improving commuter rail service
between Jackson and Detroit.
Ann Arbor Transit Authority (AATA)
bus service will be stepped up to five
minute intervals on Washtenaw,
Packard, and Fuller-Geddes.
Washtenaw bus drivers may be
equipped with traffic signal controls to
speed service as part of the plan.
See COUNCIL, Page 9

The quake, Iran's worst this year,
killed an estimated three-fourths of
Tabas' 13,000 residents. Most of the
survivors were seriously injured, and
he most severely hurt were flown to
Tehran for treatment.
Officials feared the death toll from
he quake, which measured 7.7 on the
Richter scale, would swell above the
15,000 mark as reports were received
rom remote villages surrounding
Tabas, where thousands were believed
buried in the rubble.

The long-awaited recount to finally
determine the Republican winner in
last month's primary for the 18th
district's state Senate seat will begin
today but it may be two weeks before
the State Board of Canvassers certify,
the official victor.
Washtenaw County officials, under
the supervision of the State Board of
Canvassers, will recheck the absentee
ballots, punch-card votes and voting
machines in each of the district's 174
IN AUGUST, City Councilman
Ronald Trowbridge edged Universitv

now going to be very, very difficult to
beat Ed Pierce, (the Democratic
nominee), Colburn said.
A spokesman from the state
Elections Division said the department
is working vigorously to complete the
recount "as soon as possible."
"WE KNOW the election is coming up
soon and we are doing all we can to get
this thing over with," said Howard
McCowan, an elections specialist.
Although Washtenaw County
comprises 80 per cent of the district's
electorate, votes must still be counted
from Livingston, Jackson and Lenawee
counties. Since those counties must

::. "

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