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September 16, 1978 - Image 23

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Page 14-Saturday, September 16, 1978-The Michigan Daily

The Michigan Daily-Saturday, Septem

1978 'M' roster



Pos. Hgt. Wgt. Class

*ARBEZNIK, John ..............OG-C




61 **BARTNICK, Greg ..............OG 6-2 238 Sr.
65 BECKER, Kurt ................. OG 6-5 230 So.
28 *BRAMAN, Mark ................DHB 6-1 195 Sr.
8 BREAUGH, Jim ................QB 6-2 188 So.
41 CANNAVINO, Andy ............ILB 6-1 205 So.
85 CHRISTIAN, Chuck...........TE 6-3/2 203 So.
22 *CLAYTON, Ralph ..............WB 6-3 211 Jr.
35 DAVIS, Michael ................FB 6-1 226 Jr.
33 ***DAVIS, Russell.................FB 6-1 215 Sr.
92 **DeSANTIS, Mark ...............OLB 6-3% 215 Sr.
10 *DICKEY, B.J...................QB 6-0 185 So.
29 DIGGS, Gerald ...............DB 6-0 186 Jr.
73 ***DUFEK, Bill ...................OT 6-4 263 Sr.
32 *EDWARDS, Stanley...........TB 6-0 191 So.
18 FEASTER, Rodney .............WR 6-1 182 So.
14 GAUDETTE, Roger...........DHS 5-11 186 Jr.
68 **GIESLER, Jon .................OT 6-4/2 253 Sr.
90 *GODFREY, Chris ..............DT 6-4 242 Jr.
95 **GREER, Curtis .................DT 6-4 222 Sr.
4 *HARDEN, Michael .............DHB 6-1 179 Jr.
31 HARRIS, Stuart ................DB 6-2 184 So.
75 HETTS, Chuck .................OG 6-4 246 Jr.
94 HOLLWAY, Bob ................OLB 6-2 208 Sr.
25 ***HUCKLEBY, Harlan..........TB 6-11 199 Sr.
97 JACKSON, Jeff.................OLB 6-71%2 228 So.
93 *JACKSON, William .............DT 6-3 222 Sr.
88 ***JOHNSON, Gene .............. TE 6-3 231 Sr.
15 JOHNSON, Irvin ...............OLB 6-2 205 Jr.
81 JOHNSON, Oliver ..............OLB 6-3 201 So.
16 **JOLLY, Michael................DHB 6-3 178 Jr.
44 JONES, Rick ...................ILB 6-3 210 So.
81 KASPAREK, Ed ................WR 6-0 180 Sr.
55 *KEITZ, Dale ...................MG-DT 6-1 233 Sr.
57 KEOUGH, Kelly.............. DT 6-3 230 So.
39 KLIGIS, Mike....... .......DHB 6-3 195 So.
6 KOZLOWSKI, Jim ..............DB 5-11 180 Jr.
69 KWIATKOWSKI, Dan ..........OT 6-4% 235 So.
7 ***LEACH, Rick.................QB 6-1 192 Sr.
76 LEONI, Mike ...................OT 6-3 255 Jr.
34 LEONI, Tony ...................TB 5-10 194 Jr.
59 *LILJA, George .................C 6-4 245 Jr.
63 LINDSAY, Rock ................OG 6-2 235 Sr.

Feels so good
Football games have usually spelled good times for all. This season the athletic
,department has notified student ticket holders to continue having a good time at
the games, but not to get overly goofy or you'll wind up outside the stadium.
inning still tough
despite success-Bo

(Continued from Page 10)
major league baseball with the Detroit
JOINING GIBSON on the receiving
end of Smith's aerials will be tight end
Mark Brammer and split end Eugene
Byrd, both proven performers. And
when Rogers' pro-styletoffense calls for
a running attack, there are six
candidates to choose from. Leroy
McGee and Bruce Reeves are the
Even though MSU lost Big Ten
Player of the Year Larry Bethea to the
pros, this year's defense should be
adequate. Melvin Land and Angelo
Fields will solidly anchor the line,
provided that Fields' knee is sound. In
the secondary, veteran strong safety
Tom Graves returns.
With such personnel Rogers appears
set for a legitimate run at the title in his
third year on the job. The Spartans, still
probation-bound for one last year, are
certainly aided by their conference
schedule, which doesn't include Ohio
emerge victorious from Michigan
Stadium on Oct. 14 and then avoid any
upsets the rest of the way, at least a
share of the crown should go to East
Lansing. If everything else goes
according to script, that is.
Such a vision obviously involves
plenty of conjecture at this stage of the
game. But then there's certainly
nothing wrong with a little optimism
going into a season.
If not electrifying, at least optimistic,
For the Wisconsin Badgers of 1978,
a turnaround is definitely in order.
The Badgers began the 1977 gridiron
season by rattling off five straight
victories, and cruisedBinto their sixth
game in Ann Arbor with Big Ten title
visions in the back of their minds.
But the Wolverines came up with a
super effort, sending Wisconsin out of
town on the short end of a 56-0 wipeout.
AFTER THAT, a sputtering red and
white offense could only account for
three touchdowns, as the Badgers lost
their last six games to go 5-6 for the
Following such a skid, what do the
Badgers have going for them in 1978?
Firstly, new head coach Dave
McClain, whose teams at Ball Stae
garnered a 46-25-3 mark overall and a
13-4 slate in Mid-American Conference
McClain has installed the I-option
offense he used at Ball State to replace
Wisconsin's old multiple offense and
wing-T. According to McClain, this will
mean a more wide-open style of
football. "We're going to throw the
football much more than in the past,"
said McClain.
MAKING THE new offense click will
be senior quarterback Charles Green,
along with final-year tailback Ira
Mathews and fullback Tom Stauss.

The Badgers' top receiver for the
past two seasons, David Charles, will
be on the receiving of most of Green's
slants, while Matthews will handle the
kickoff and punt returning chores.
The Big Red's strongpoint appears to
be a defense which lost only two
starters to graduation and finished
third in the Big Ten last year in total
defense and second in defense against
the pass.
Wisconsin will play all nine other Big
Ten teams this fall, with Oregon and
Richmond furnishing the non-
conference competition.

At Minnesota, Gopher fans are
wondering if their football team can
come up with the same stuff it had last
year when it knocked off three college
football powers - Michigan,
Washington, and UCLA. And if so, can
it happen more often?
The Golden Gophers were 7-5 overall
last season, including a 4-4 conference
record and a loss to Maryland in the
Hall of Fame Classic. But Coach Cal
Stoll has several newcomers on this
year's squad, and will have to
overcome the problem of inexperience
if the Gophers are to have a winning





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The offensiv
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would like a s
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Most of M
will come fro:
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total points
See OP


MALINAK, Tim ................ILB
*MARSH, Doug .................. TE

6-1 217
6-3 229


(Continued on Page 21)

After fifteen winning seasons as a
head coach of college football teams, it
may seem that Bo Schembechler
should know exactly what is necessary
for success.
But the Michigan coach maintains
that the game of football is far too
complex to write down a simple rule for
victory which may be applied to every
team in the country.
"You can win football games a lot of
different ways," says the 46-year-old
Schembechle. "Ther isn't any one
philosophy that is going to win it, or one
strategy. Coaching is getting good
material, good young people that can
FINDING THAT talent on this year's
Michigan squad shouldn't be that
difficult for Schembechler. He
convinced 92 players to report for fall
drills and from that group will come the
starters in today's conference opener
with Illinois.

With all those Maize and Blue jerseys
to sort through, the week delay in the
beginning of the 1978 schedule would
seem like a welcome relief to the
Michigan coaching staff. But according
to Schembechler, "It stinks. I don't
want to play after Thanksgiving. I like
to get it (the season) over before
Thanksgiving. I don't know why it is set
up this way. TV has nothing to do with
it. I guess the schedule was probably
set 8-10 years ago."
Along with the delay in its start, the
'78 schedule also has another new twist
to it. No longer can perennial patsy
Navy be found as one of the non-
conference games which are normally
used to run up large scores on
opponents and secure a high position in
the rankings. Instead "a real battle"
will kick-off the three non-conference
games as Michigan travels to Notre
"It's the most important non-
(Continued on Page 15)

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