w -- -- - qmm Page 22-Saturday, September 16, 1978-The Michigan Daily The March is on Bos philosophy The Michigan Daily-Saturday, Sept producee The ultimate goal is the Rose Bowl winners-on and off the fie Teams 16 Sept.. Sept. 3U 1 Oct.7 Oct.14 Oct. 21 I Oct. 28 Iv4 1 o. 1 1 No.18 1 No.2 , ... .N.OV.., I No.1 I Mm 7 at Notre Dame Duke Arizona Michigan State at Wisconsin Minnesta at I Norhwestetn Purdue. s Ohio State ILLINOIS* Stanford at at1tisconsin Purduea Michigan at f Minnesota -~_______ Syracuse MissouriisosnPde j Indiana State Ohio State M innst of 1 $ Iw1 NOTRE DAME Missouri (Sept. 9) Michigan Purdue ai Michigan State Pittsburgh at Air Force Miami (Florida) at Navy Cl vlnnd Tennessee at Georgia Tech at USC (Nov. 24) (ievedana) N.v24 DUKE Georgia Tech South atrat at at Wake at at (Sept. 9) Carolina Mich nVirginia Navy Clemson Maryland Tennessee Forest N. Carolina N. Carolina _State ARIZONAtOregon atcIowaM a California at UCLA at at Washington Arizona ARIZONA State Texas Tech Iowa Michigan (Oct. 27) Washington Oregon State State MICHIGAN at at at at STATE Purdue Syracuse USC Notre IdaaWsosna tIw TATEPrd _ _ yrase (Sept. 29) Dame Michigan Indiana Wisconsin Illinois Minnesota Northwestern owa at . at ata WISCONSIN Richmond at Oregon Indiana atMchgan Michigan Ohio State Purdue as Northwestern IlnoatIoaMnnst ______________State a MINNESOTA Toledo Ohio State at Oregon State Iowa at at Indiana Michigan at UCLANorthwestern Michigan IlinoiWisconsin atwaaatat OWA Northwestern tate Arizona Utah Minnesota Ohio State Purdue MIh'gt , n na Wisconsin Michigan State STERN Iowa Wisconsin Colorado ArizonadaMinnesota . ateaP rMici~a WETR oaState Indiananeoa Ohio State PurdueSte Michigan at Wake at at at at PURDUE State Ohio U. Notre Dame Forest Ohio State Illinois Iowa Northwestern Wisconsin Indiana OHIO STATE Penn State Minnesota Baylor Methodist Purdue Iowa Northwestern Wisconsin IllinoisIndiana at aat INDIANA LaU Washington Nebraska Wisconsin Northwestern Michigan Illinois Minnesota Iowa Ohio State Pd State urue I I IA0 -minors roosts wortnwestern Sept. 9 ' t Arizona Hosts Kansas State Sept. 9 BOWLING WITH THE NCAA Date Bowl Site Dec.16 (3rd) Independence Bowl Shreveport, LA Dec. 20 (2nd) Hall of Fame Bowl Birmingham, AL' Dec.23 (44th) Sun Bowl El Paso, TX Dec.23 (20th) Liberty Bowl Memphis, TN Dec. 25 (8th) Fiesta Bowl Tempe, AZ Dec. 25 (11th) Peach Bowl Atlanta, GA Dec. 29 (34th) Gator Bowl Jacksonville, FL Dec. 31 (20th) Bluebonnet Bowl Houston, TX Jan.1 (45th) Sugar Bowl New Orleans, LA Jan.1 (43rd) Cotton Bowl Dallas, TX Jan. 1 (65th) Rose Bowl Pasadena, CA Jan. 1 (45th) Orange Bowl Miami, FL NEW BOWLS FOR 1978-79 Dec. 16 Garden State Bowl East Rutherford, NJ Dec.22 Holiday Bowl San Diego, CA To be announced Pineapple Honolulu, HA ."""{ s.-...::...:. ". k4 ${... . ... By HENRY ENGELHARDT ONE MAN, Bo Schembechler, is responsible for every move Michi- gan makes on the field. Resting on his shoulders are the actions, good or bad, of his players. He is responsible to hundreds of thousands of fans, students and alumni, one athletic director and his own personal pride. Sometimes it's a pain in the neck. After nine seasons Schembechler's record at Michigan is a brilliant 86-13-3. However he has not won a bowl game or national championship and receives a great deal of criticism for these failures. "The fear of every coach," Schembechler says, "is losing. "You know Michigan football is big," he explains. "It's a big time operation and we've got to be careful that we keep it in its proper perspective. We're playing with college kids. 'That's what makes it great. The pro game doesn't give you the enthusiasm of the college game." WINNING IS OF course the object, but there's more than just winning games to Schembechler football. The result of his conceptual scheme is victory. It's important to Schembechler to "have a program that the players take pride in and enjoy playing," he says. "And coaching them well so that they can perform well-having them get something out of it other than just winning games." What is this elusive "something" of which Schembechler, now in his 35th year of either playing or coaching, speaks of? "It's a very, very difficult game to play. Arduous and tough. It takes a certain kind of guy to play. A guy who likes to be challenged," the thick shouldered coach explains. "IT'S TOUGH physically and mentally," Schembechler adds. "And these kids are playing under a lot of pressure-we're a nationally ranked team, playing before big crowds, and so you have to teach some perspective in what you are doing. You don't just throw them out there to win and forget about it." Schembechler expects his players to work hard ("There's no way for success if you don't work," he says) and earning a starting spot should be on the mind of each of them. "I don't want a satisfied third teamer," the former offensive tackle at Miami of Ohio notes. "They all want to start. "But by the same token,twhen it comes down to game time they just want to win the game," Schembechler says. It's this delicate balance between the drive of the individual and goals of the team that a coach must make sure does not tip over. One of the reasons for Schembechler's success (126-30-6 ORIENTAL RUGS WE PAY TOPFPRICE FOR NEW & USED (313) 769-8555 995-X597 career coaching record) is his ability to get his players to fight like hell against each other all week and then play like a team of brothers on Saturday. "EVERYBODY WANTS ambitiously to take credit and improve their "... once you get into your 50's and you're still chasing around some cow town for some 17-year- old kid, you just come to a point when you say 'I don't think I ought to be doing this.' " -SCHEMBECHLER position on the team," Schembechler says. "There's a great misconception that the talent here is so much greater than anywhere else. It's not. "There may be a few spots-I don't think there are too many Rick Leachs, Harlan Hucklebys or Russell Davis' around," he says of his senior backfield, "but there at 95 football players on every team. "The biggest problem is keeping them motivated," says Schembechler, who for the last three years has been upset at least once during the regular season ('75-home ties with Stanford and Baylor, '76-loss to Purdue, '77-shutout by Minnesota). But Schembechler motivates his squad more consistently than most of his peers and the result is his outstanding winning percentage. "Highly motivated teams are hard to beat," he says. "I want to send a highly motivated team out on- the field every time. But you can't shoot for 11 games and expect to get it. Maybe I- should go to biorhythms," he jokes. "You've got to pick the right place at the right time," Schembecler explains. "You've got to have the proper goals, the proper objectives for every game, whether you're playing an obvious victory or one that's going to be a battle." to give us leadership and you've got to play great football, you've got to have your greatest year. This program has been built through the years and it perpetuates itself because there is a great deal of pride." Just as soon as each season.ends Schembechler and his aides turn to recruiting to keep their program moving. "It's a big part of the game," Schembechler says, "but it's become so overwhelming that some (teams) can't do it the way it's supposed to be done." How is it supposed to be done? "Legally," says Schembechler. "Recruiting is devastating. I mean you never know how you're going to end up doing. "Recruiting drove out (former Notre Dame coach Ara) Parseghian, it drove out Broyles (former Arkansas coach Frank) and Royal (former Texas coach Darrell).. It drove out a lot of good coaches," Schembechler notes. "Because once you get into your 50's and you're still chasing around some cow town for some 17-year-old kid, you just come to a point where you say 'I don't think I ought to be doing this.' " What keeps Schembechler, a former Parseghian assistant, going? "Well, for some strange reasoif I like kids better than I do grown-ups. Now I don't know what the hell's the matter with Me, but FOR EITHER AN obvious victory or a battle Schembechler builds his team around his seniors. "If you are a senior on this team," he says, "this is your ball club. You're going to be stamped with it. You've got I'd rather d "FOR E; alumni fu players are corner talk But it's : that keep S He truly lov speed, cc strength in into his pa loves the pe once you've anything yc (other play frontwards "And yoi tough godd "You're go going to be to play. It's Mid 1 -Illinc As the nev football tea faced the Illinois squa the directio: tradition c Schembechl Instead, t the season disappointin poor ninth pl THE CH winning tea this fall, but working wil group of you are undercl even more scoreless Northwester Moeller re young and l we would lil But he adde and there, v year. I am nc Offensively proven rece Eric Rouse Strader and' battle for st position wa: See 01 Over the past two years our indoor ski deck ate x _has helped over 3600 skiiers. We've taught beginners the fundamentals of downhill skiing and helped inter- mediates Improve. substantially. The Cost? That's the best part. 4 it's absolutely free. And we will provideyou with everything you need.. .skis, boots, & poles. 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