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September 15, 1978 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-15

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The.Michigan Daily-Friday, September 15,1978-Page 11

Caldwell new Ford president

DETROIT (UPI) - Ford Motor Co.
Chairman Henry Ford II announced the
election Thursday of Philip Caldwell as
the company's next president,
completing a dramatic shakeup in the
hierarchy of the world's second largest
auto firm.
Ford said Caldwell, vice chairman of
he company since April, 1977, will
ssume the presidency on Oct. 16,
succeeding Lee Iacocca whom Ford
(Continued from Page 10)
AVE ABANDONED lifelong goal of becoming
ext Segovia; must sell 1972 Garcia No. 3 classical
paitar, mint condition, hardshell case-$200. 995-
803. dX917
) UILD GUITARS now in stock along with Gibson,
a nd Yamaha. Drop by to see us soon.
ploMsic Center, 323 S. Main. exte
UJ D LUDWIG 5-piece drum set. Gold sparkle.
U$ED EPIPHONE 12 string guitar, $150. Call Don,
761-431. pcXtc
pONY PC650 reel-to-reel tape deck. Excellent
pondition. Miscellaneous tapes included. Best
offer over $350 takes. 994-0501, 434-0428. p02X912
USED IBANEZ LES PAUL. Call Larry, 761-9431.

ousted in July.
He said Caldwell, 59, will retain the
title of vice chairman and deputy chief
executive officer, clearly establishing
the, soft-spoken Harvard University
graduate as the company's second-in-
ALTHOUGH Caldwell's election
officially was the decision of the
company's board of directors, Ford
made clear that Caldwell was his
personal choice for the job duringa a
power shakeup that took more than
a year to unfold.
Ford elevated Caldwell to the

company's No. 2 spot in June when he
reshuffled the company's Office of
Chief Executive - a triumvirate that
included Ford, Caldwell and Iacocca -
to make room for his younger brother,
William Clay Ford.
At that time, Ford announced he was
giving Caldwell the additional title of
deputy chief executive and put him a
rung ahead of Iacocca on tie
company's corporate ladder.
WHAT WAS widely interpreted then
as a slap at Iacocca turned into a
knockout punch a month later when

Ford, with little explanation, shocked
the industry with the announcement of
Iacocca's "resignation."
No clear reason has yet emerged for
the dismissal. Company insiders have
said it apparently was the result of a
personal falling out between the two
Caldwell's ascension to the
presidency completed what appears to
be Ford's personal plan for a smooth
transfer of power when he steps down
from the chairmanship in two more

Severe flooding hits Arkansas

LITTLE ROCK, (AP) - With at least
10 people known dead from torrential
rains in central Arkansas, searchers
were hoping yesterday for a break in
the drizzly weather so inaccessible
areas could be explored.
The National Weather Service
offered little encouragement, however.
A flash flood watch was issued and the
weather service said another inch of
rain would cause more "serious
THE DEATHS were recorded
Wednesday - eight in the Rock Creek
area of Little Rock and two in nearby
Benton. Most of the victims were swept
down streets that had become raging
rivers when fed by up to 12 inches of
rain in a four-hour period.
Property damage was assessed in the
millions of dollars. National Guard
members patrolling some ravaged
areas reported no looting.
One body was found yesterday and
four persons were reported missing.
"WE HOPE we don't find any more
bodies, but we're afraid we'll find a few
more," said Lt. Ed Ethridge of the
Little Rock police.
About 1,000 Little Rock residents
t were forced to flee their homes when
flood waters roared down swollen
creeks, overturning cars and washing
away some houses early Wednesday.

By nightfall, the worst of the flooding
was over, but persons living near the
Arkansas River in east Little Rock
were evacuated as tributaries began
In Benton, a community fo 17,000
about 22 miles southwest of Little Rock,
two boys walking home from school
were swept to their deaths in a flooded
creek. Their bodies were found in a
railroad yard.
ETHRIDGE SAID police and the
Arkansas National Guard were
maintaining security in areas of Little
Rock and Benton where flooding was
the worst.
Maj. Jackie McRoberts of the
Arkansas National Guard said
guardsmen were making around-the-"
clock patrols of the flooded areas. He
said trucks were on standby to
evacuate residents requesting
assistance, but had received no
requests yesterday.
The prospects of more rain in the
area were not well received.
"It's not good at this point," said
McRoberts as he watched it rain
yesterday morning. "All the debris is
blbcking the drainage ditches. That
could mean that flooding could be
worse than yesterday if this keeps
coming down."
A LOW pressure system drifting

northeastward from Texas was.
expected to bring more rainfall to
central Arkansas.
Much of East Texas was awash from
the rains yesterday.
Up to 15 inches of rain fell on Center,
Texas, before noon. Flash flood
warnings were issued in parts ,of East
Texas, South Texas and along six rivers
emptying in the Gulf~ of Mexico.
One death related to the flooding was
recorded in San Antonio on Wednesday.

Remember Your 'U' Days Best-

" Nike
* Adidas
" Tiger
* Brooks
SNew Balance

WANTED-Male roommate, share 2 bedroom
mobile home on lake, 15 minutes from Ann Arbor.
$125/month plus utilities. Graduate student pre-
ferred. Call Terry evenings or weekends, 437-5438.
MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED for Kosher apart-
mint 1/2 blocks from campus. Call Marc, 995-
0645 06Y919
FEMIALE, preferrably upperclass or grad. or
research worker,. for apartment/home with male
individual. Latter intends this for appropriate
superior student requiring/desiring nearly full
relief of costs of living and education. Good facility
to* be jointly chosen. Female will often be sole
ocoupaat. One bedroom. Call 761-4300, ext. 6D.
KAWASAKI 100cc. Only 2900 miles. A great little
bike. $300 firm. 764-3227. 44Z915
kAWAsAKI 1974, 175 cc; low mileage, helmet
included. $375 or best offer. 973-2597. 19Z917
WKE-3 speed, good condition, cheap. 663-2788.
1976 HONDA CB400-4, 8,800 miles. $700 firm.
Clean, extras. Call Mary, 663-0143 persistently.

Make Us Your Warm-Up
Headquarters For This Fall


"The Voice of Michigan Football for 34 Years"
WPAG 1050

. Adidas
" White Stag Speedo

- Winning Ways
* Jelenk (soon to come)

Men's and Women's Styles
Mon. and Thurs. nights til 8:30
Daily til:30

309 S. State St.


Furniture new, used, antiques, collectables, plants
and junque. Every weekend 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Friday,.
10 a.m-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 214 E. Michigan.
at Park downtown Ypsi. 100 plus dealers inside.
Friday, Sept. 22-Sat., Sept. 23, 9-4:30 'p.m. Also
yard sale in parking lot facing Washington St.
Saturday, Sept. 23, 9-3 p.m. Rain or shine. First
aaptist Church) 502 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI.


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