See Editorial P-age
\: 'I L
See Today for details
Vol. LIX, NO. 8 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 15, 1978 Ten Cents Fourteen Page
ex Y
'U pres.
A Daily news analysis
First in a two part series
I first met Robben Fleming three
years ago. I was a neophyte journalist
who had just been given the Regents
beat, and I was on my way to my.first
meeting when I realized I had no idea
what the president of the University
looked like.
"Don't worry," an editor told me,
Cyou'll know him when you see him."
So armed with that bit of wisdom, I
trundled off to the Adminsitration
Building. Everyone was milling about,
but one man stood out. He was tall, over
six feet, and his full head of silver-gray
hair made him look distinguished, not
old. Wire-rimmed glases complemen-
ted his academic countenance, but
most unique was his personal
demeanor. While the others appeared
harried and uncertain, he projected the
self-assurance of a man who knew he
was in charge. My editor had been
right; if ever a man looked like a
university president, this was he.
FLEMING CANV1E to the University
in the fall of 1967 during a lull between
crises. 1966 marked the beginning of the
"student power" movement on this
campus, and then-President Harlan
Hatcher proved incapable and un-
willing to cope with growling student
unest. One 1966 Regent recently said
that Hatcher went so far as to prevent
the Regents from meeting with studen-
ts. Hatcher was also opposed to
allowing communists or any radical lef-
tists to speak on campus-a position
that only widened the gap between him
and the students. He considered
demonstrators to be law breakers and
refused to negotiate or even talk with
Although the campus was relatively
calm when Fleming arrived in 1967,
both the Regents and the ad-
ministration realized that increased
student activism was imminent. Their
choice of Fleming reflected a concern
about Hatcher's handling of the student
movement, and a desire to have a
president who was sufficiently
progressive to appeal and relate to the
students, but disciplined enough not to
let the situation get out of control.
Fleming's background as a top labor
negotiator and his easy, affable nature
and level-headedness made him a per-
feet candidate. In addition, Fleming,
who had been chancellor of the Madison
campus of the University of Wisconsin
for a mere three years, was desirous of
Assuming D.C.
Following a week of
speculation regarding his
expected departure from Ann
Arbor, University President
Robben Fleming announced
yesterday he will retire in
Fleming told the Board of Regents at
its monthly meeting he intends to take a
position as president of the Corporation
for Public Broadcasting (CPB) in
Washington, D.C.
Allan Smith, a former law school
dean and vice-president for academic
affairs and currently a University
professor of law, will serve as acting
president until the Regents choose a
successor to Fleming.
ACCOMPANIED by his wife Sally,
Fleming made his announcement in
front of television cameras in a packed
meeting room in the Administration
Building. He was relaxed but seemed
rather sad as he thanked the Regents
for their support and help during his
time as president.
FLEMING SAID he knew he was
making the right decision, but it was
nonetheless a hard one.
The Board, in turn, lauded Fleming's
[V post
"We will be ever in your debt for t
service you have given us," sa
Regent Thomas Roach.I
Fleming cited his eligibility for ea
retirement in December, as well as 1
conviction that new leaders are need
periodically, as reasons for t
decision. "I think it's good f
universities to turn over the t
leadership," he noted.
ASSERTING HIS intention to rema
active until his departure, Flemi
declared, "I do not intend to become
lame duck."
He added that he and his wife owr
home in Ann Arbor, and hope to vi,
here periodically and eventually retu
to live in the city.
Fleming took over as president
the University in January of 1968, a
served throughout one of the mc
troubled decades of its existenc
Student unrest marked the early part
his tenure, with inflation and risi
education costs becoming the maj
problems in recent years.
IN FACT, financial problems a
problems with enrollment are wh
Fleming foresees as the greate
challenges for the University's ne
Fleming believes he will encount
See FLEMING, Page 2
Acting 'U' head
academic veteran-
Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Robben Fleming listens somberly as University Regents comment on his decision to retire in
January. After his retirement, Fleming will become the president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
The Flem
In the eleven years that Robben Fleming guided the
University the institution underwent sweeping social and
physical transformation.
His first year as University president was 1968, the year
history books recall as dominated by the Vietnam War and
the ensuing social unrest.
In Ann Arbor, local issues frequently surfaced at the
fore, surpassing the war in importance.
FLEMING'S ARRIVAL to town in 1967, for example,
coincided with a clash between students and administrators
over the University's strict paternal attitudes. Students won
several battles: forcing the University to abandon its archaic
curfew for freshwomen and then striking a campus-wide rule
ing years
which permitted only a select group of students to maintain
cars on campus.
The movie The Graduate, billed as one of 1968's ten best
movies, was shown to students who also were questioning
their way of life.
The physical appearance of the University in 1968 was
markedly different: nearly two dozen buildings have been
built since. The Graduate Library, for example - known
simply as the General Library" - lacked the complete south
stack area.
The LSA Building housed the offices of the top University
brass and the "new" Administration Building across the
street was just months from completion. And the MLB,
Power Center and Dental buildings were still just a planner's
See THE, Page 9
Law Professor Allan Smith, selected
yesterday by the Board of Regents to
become acting University president in
January, said his role would be
"somewhat limited" but indicated he
would still make crucial decisions
regarding University policies.
"I don't think the University can stay
on hold for very long so I intend to make
policy decisions," said Smith.
THE FORMER LAW school dean and
vice-president for academic affairs will
replace outgoing President Robben
Fleming in January, but will relinquish
that post when the Regents choose a
permanent successor, probably
sometime next year.
Smith dismissed any notion that he
would become the University's next
permanent chief administrator, in-
sisting his position would only be tem-
"Considering my age (Smith is 66) I
am sure my stay will only be temporary
especially since the University seeks to
have a person who could serve about
ten years," said the former law dean.
SMITH SAID he forsees no difficul'
in adapting to the role of a Universi'
official after four years on the La
School faculty. He said he doesn't e
vision any serious initial problems wi
other school administrators because I
knows most of them very well.
"Although some things have chang
at the University, I still feel the bas
funcitoning hasn't changed and
believe I know that functioning syste
very well," he said.
Smith, who was vice-president
academic affairs from 1965-197
referred to that experience as impo
tant preparation for his new job.
"THERE IS A great deal of overk
between the president and the vic
president. I worked very closely wi
President Fleming then and I think th
will help me respond to my ne
duties,"he said.
Smith, who had intended to lecture
Hastings Law School in San Francis
this spring, said the decision to acce
the presidency was not an easy one..
indicated that he and his wife weigh
many factors, including the semester
See SMITH, Page 14
* Read about the
the guard at Ford
story, Page 11.
changing of
Motors. See
Somoza calls
guard reserves -
* In testimony before the
House Assassinations
Committee, Oswald's widow
admitted she thinks her husband
acted alone in killing Kennedy.
See story, Page 5.,
* Also on Page 5, find out why
Italian investigators think
they've come up with a big lead in
the Aldo Moro slaying.
* In-their monthly meeting, the
Regeents gave 'U' Hospital
MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) -
President Anastasio Somoza, in a
bloody struggle to save his government,.
mobilized national guard reserves
yesterday for the fight against rebels in'
at least seven Nicaraguan cities and
Three key cities in Nicaragua's
populous northwest-Leon, Esteli and
Chinandega-remained in rebel hands,
their national guard garrisons hemmed
in by insurgents. Somoza's comman-
ders were trying to get reinforcements
in to relieve the besieged troops, and
street fighting was reported continuing
in all three cities.
NEW REBEL attacks were reported
against two towns-Diriamba, 20 miles
south of this capital city, and Penas
Blancas, on the Costa Rica border. A
national guard spokesman said the
See RESERVES, Page 2
iKey issue
West Bank
Former Secretary of State Henr
Kissinger said yesterday during a pres
conference in Detroit that the Israel
occupied West Bank is the most cruci
issue facing negotiations at Cam
He also said that he opposes sendin
U.S. peace troops into that area.
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