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September 12, 1978 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-12

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Page 14-Tuesday, September 12,1978-The Michigan Daily




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No other stereo store can beat
Tech Hifi's combination of low prices
and great guarantees.


Tech Hifi presents two
stereo systems to help your
nervous system survive college.
Our $169 system (shown above)
is perfect for dorm rooms and small
apartments. It includes a pair of wide-
range Studio Design 16 loudspeakers,
a versatile ERC 1405 AM/FM stereo
receiver (with provisions for tape,
headphones, and an extra set of loud-
speakers), and a Collaro 1253 auto-
matic turntable (by Philips). The turn-
table has an extra-heavy platter that in-
sures steady rotation and comes com-
plete with magnetic cartridge, base,
and dustcover.
For$359, you can get a beautifully-
matched system with exceptionally
spacious sound. That's because the sys-
tem features a pair of Ohm E's, one of the
few time-accurate loudspeakers avail-

able at any
price. The Ohm E's high effi-
ciency make them a great choice for
Nikko's fine-sounding NR315 AM/FM
stereo receiver. And the turntable is. a
handsome Garrard 630 automatic,
complete with base, dustcover, and a
Pickering cartridge.
Both of these systems come with
Tech Hifi's 7-day moneyback guar-
antee. If there's anything you don't
like about how our equipment sounds
(or looks) in your home, we'll give
your money back.
In addition, you'll also recAve
our 60-day defective exchange guar-
antee, 90-day 100% trade-in, 1-year
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Hitachi 850 3-head cacsette
deck........................................$ 359
EPI 100V loudspeakers (each)...$ 59
Harman Kardon 330C receiver..$169
JBL 100 speakers (each)............$229
Technics SA300 receiver...-.......$189
Kenwood 4070 receiver.............$199
Kenwood 620 cassette deck......$145

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