UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES Words 0-14 15-21 22-28 29-35 36-42 43-49 1 1.70 2.55 3.40 4.25 5.10 6.80 2 3.40 5:10 6.80 8.50 10.20 11.90 3 4.60 6.90 9.20 11.50 13.80 16.10 4 5.80 8.70 11.60 14.50 17.40 20.30 5 . add. 7.00 1.00 10.50 1.50 14.00 2.00 17.50 2.50 21.00 3.00 24.50 3.50 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY-Double room in Kosher house. Beth, 995-1667. 3OC91 CAMERA FOR SALE, Yashica Electra 35. 45 millimeter lense. Excellent condition. $110. Call, DAILY LINE CONTRACT Number of Weeks line/week 13 26 39 Number ofI Inches/week 13 12 .34 .31 .27 6 2.10 18 .33 .30 .26 9 2.05 24 .31 .28 .24 12 2.00 30 .30 27 23 15 1.95 36 .28 .25 .21 18 1.90 42 27 .26 .20 over 18 1.80 '48 .26 .24 .18 54 .24 .23 .17 60 .23 .22 .16 NB.: Each group of characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) 8 fies equals 1 inch 7 words per line 26 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.70 1.65 Weeks 39, 1.65 1.60 1.55 4 1.50 1.45 1.40 MALE CONTRACTS in Friends International Coop. Fall and/or Winter term. International cooking, study rooms, T.V., ping pong, volleyball. ISRAELI FOLK DANCING, Sundays 1-3 p.m. at Hillel, 1429 Hill. cF910 TIRED OF INTELLECTUALS? Want to date a man with his feet on the soil? Dave Hoover, 662- 1535 before9a.m.,orevenings. 10F920 SUPER KOSHER vegetarian suppers, Wednes- days 5:30-6:30 p.m. beginning September 13, $2.50 at Hillel, 1429 Hill. cF913 ANN ARBOR BRIDGE CLUB-Free bridge lessons at 7 p.m. Regular open pair and novice games at 7:30 p.m. Monday and Wednesday. Partner guaran- teed. First Unitarian Church, Washtenaw and Berkshire. I12F917 BOWLING AND BILLIARDS. Open today at 1 p.m. at the Union. cF9IO -Small rust print cosmetic case Sept. 4 con- 9 jewelry of sentimental value. Reward. 994- GARAGE SALE-Furniture, lamps, clothing, odds & ends .r-5Sndav.1026 inol. - 93R910 LECTRIC TYPEWRITER, Brother, $90. Call Bob, 2-8576. 52B910 ANTASTIC 200-family GARAGE SALE Sunday lY, Sept. 10, 1978. 9:30-4 p.m. at 2010 Washtenaw e. to benefit Beth Israel Congregation.s57B909 ANGE, good condition, $35. 663-4812, Richard. 29B912 EASE IN WEST QUAD DOUBLE. Female. Avail- :le immediately. 995-3692. 30B912 EDS, CHESTS, MATTRESSES, couches, chairs, ofrigerators, stoves, and much, much more. ),000 square feet of good used furniture and appli- nces. Drive 30 miles to Jackson and save at ash & Carry Used Furniture and Appliances, L7 E. Michigan Avenue, Jackson. 88B924 eWITT-PACKARD 67-Most advanced calculator iade by Hewitt-Packard. Like new, only used bout 25 hrs. Will sell reasonably. Call Bonnie' eLoof, 995-4400. 87B913 HURCH BENEFIT garage sale-A2CRC 1717 roadway, Sept. 8 and 9, 9-5. 100 families contribut- ig items. Whirlpool refrigerator, $200. Much iore. 59B908 ARAGE SALE-Four families moving: selling rerything. 505 N. Division (1 block from Farmer's [Irket); Saturday, September 9,10-6. 48B909 ACOON COAT-Man's full length, size 43. Never brn. 971-9186r 764-2220. 24B910 ONE OR TWO PERSONS (preferably grads) needed to share 3 bedroom house in excellent con- dition at Washtenaw and Brockman (11/ miles from the Diag). Rent including utilities split three ways would be $145/person; or $190/person if split two ways. Call Jonathan, 769-8520until 6 p.m. or 663- 8174 after 6 p.m. and weekends. 63C912 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Newly-carpeted 2-bedroom apartment in unique older house. Suitable for 3-4 persons. Campus Rentals, Ltd., 1335S. University, 665-8825. 26C914 NEEDED-Parking space near 909 Church. Call 663-5409. 27C915 3 MALES LOOKING for roommate to share bi- level apartment on Geddes. Call 995-3745 and ask for Rob, Jon or Jordan. 17C915 MODERN 2 bedroom apartment, 2 blocks from campus. Furnished, parking, laundry facilities. Call for appointment, 994-0989 22C912 NEWLY DECORATED large modern 2 bedroom apartments on Madison near South Quad. Available for immediate occupancy. Call McKinley Properties at 769-82 for an appointment or for more infor- mation. 25C922 GREAT LOCATION (% block from SAB)-Room available in house, share bathroom, all utilities paid. $145/mo. 663-7453. 89C912 SMALL, FURNISHED bedroom for rent. Close to U-M, EMU. Share bath. $100, 4-month lease. Call evenings, Saturday, Sunday or before 8 a.m. 971- 7529. 12C912 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR WOMEN in co-ed student cooperative houses. Share meals, work, good times! Economical and democratic; several locations available. Inter-Cooperative Council, 4002 Michigan Union, 662-4414. 67C912 OWN BEDROOM in 2 bedroom modern apartment on E. Kingsley. Parking available. All utilities except electricity. $160/month. 663-7453. 04C912 GAWK TW I G HOKUM A M ON D A D O ERASE 0 R 0 A S T E R WAZIR ERECT CAKES O N E KA S H IMI R DOGS BIB LAMA i K E UTAH A G E N I M A G E L E B A N O N A N N U L A R LAY IT A N A G RA M S TAM NAGS W E S E M I A C OLYTE ALA T 0 A O Y X B 0 W L Z N.E R BY Z A N T I N E Z ONE ONER R E N E NANCY TES T ANON SHY, HANDSOME, semi-athletic, intermittent smoker, 25, wants to meet unpretentious woman. Interests include: Walker Percy, Thomas Wolfe, Physics, Gustav Mahler, Bela Bartok, Beethoven, Keith Jarrett, Pat Metheny, Tim Buckley, Nick Drake, Leonard Cohen, Tennis, and Sherlock Holmes. If you would like to meet me for dinner call 1-576-4678 or write Box 266, Royal Oak, Mich. 48068. You have nothing to lose. I'll even play tennis if I have to. 62FM2 NEED COPIES? THE WORDPROCESSORS. We do copy- ing, typing, binding and printing. Ask about our 10% discount cards for students and faculty. 211 S. STATE STREET--662-3969 7 days 1202 S. UNIVERSITY-662-6401 cFtc PERSONAL GROWTH GROUPS (Psych 201). Learn communication and group skills (have fun, too). For info/registration come to PROJECT OUTREACH MASS MEETING: 7:30 Wed. Sept. 13 -Hill Auditorium. 11F913 FIRST SESSION for group of Children of Holo- caust Survivors to be held on Thursday, September 14 at 7 p.m. at the Hillel. All those interested are welcome. Please call 663-3336 at Hillel. 58F912 LEARN AND HAVE FUN, too, working with chil- dren, 2Y-6 years old through Project "Outreach. Call 764-3487 for more information. 65F916 JEWISH ELDERLY Project/Psych Outreach 201- mass meeting September 13, 7:30 p.m. Hill Audi- torium. cF913. THE CENTER for Western European Studies will sponsor a collegiate institute in Western European Studies during fall term 1978. The general theme will be "Getting, Spending and Taking: Peasants, Workers and Government Policy in Modern Europe." Undergraduates are eligible to participate in a multi-disciplinary, one credit discussion and writing seminar. Faculty and graduate student guests will address the group periodically. If you are interested in co-operated with like minded students to share and deepen your knowledge of the Western European experience please contact the seminar co-ordinator, Hank Peiter, 520 Angell Hall, 764-4311. 46F916 BEER CAN EXTRAVAGANZA Michigan Oktoberfest, Fowlerville Sept. 16th 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Miss Olde Frothingslosh in person * call 995-2469 for more information dF91O BEGIN YOUR SUNDAY with a brunch 11 a.m., $1.50. Grad brunch 2nd and 3rd Sundays of month. Open brunch 3rd Sunday of month at Hillel, 1429 Hill. cF909 DELECTABLE DELIS, 6-7 p.m. Sundays. $1.50 per sandwich with sides, New York style at Hillel, 1429 Hill. eF9l0 ATTENTION U-M SENIORS-If you plan graduate study, in the U.S. or England, you should compete now for the Danforth, Marshall, Power, and Rhodes fellowships. You need an outstanding G.P.A., im- pressive extracurricular activities and a coherent plan of study. Please contact Hank Peiter, 5288 Angell Hall, 764-4489 for further information. The deadline for completed applications is September 25. 22F917 76-GUIDE FOR 24-HOUR PERSONAL COUNSELING AND REFERRAL CALL 76-GUIDE. For University phone numbers, events and movies call 764-1817; for student phone numbers call 764-2330. 06F921 KITCHEN HELP WANTED, free board. Sigma Alpha Nu Fraternity, 806 Lincoln Ave. 994-1336. 59H915 PART-TIME JANITORIAL WORK, mornings or weekends. Near campus. Call 1-978-9991 evenings before1. 9HI24 $5 PER HOURI Person wanted part-time own hours to work canvassing neighborhood. $5/hour. 995-5660,24 hour phone. 54H191 BUSPERSON WANTED. Call 994-9155, Delta Upsi- Mn Fraternity. 5511915 KITCHEN HELP, buspersons and dishwashers wanted.Call65-7003. 5611913 DISHWASHER PART-TIME. Perfect hours for student. Apply in person at the Second Chance. 5711913 WAITRESS, WAITER and kitchen help needed. Apply in person. Dooley's,310'Maynard. 3711913 READERS FOR THE BLIND Needed immediately. Hourly rate or volunteer. Apply at bisabed Student Services, U-M 2211 Michigan Union or call 763- 3000. 38H913 STUDENTS NEEDED for LSA Alumni fund-raising telethon. Two to four nights/week, October 6 through November 16. Hours are 6:30 to 9:36 Monday through Thursday. LSA students preferred. $3.50/hour. Call 763-5576. 3911915 IMMEDIATE OPENING for part-time sales person for microcomputer store. Computer knowledge required. C20-30 hours/week. Contact Randy Wright, Newman Computer Exchange, 994-4445, 1250 N. Main St. 411912 ATTENDANT NURSES needed. at Northville Regional Psychiatric Hospital, 41001 Seven Mile Rd., Northville. Appointments are temporary but may become permanent. $4.58 an hour. ($4.92 on 10-1-78). Report to personnel office for application and interview beginning 9:30 a.m. Monday 9-11-78. An Equal Opportunity Employer. 50H913 SENIOR OR GRADUATE STUDENT to supervise LSA Student Telethon. Four hours per night, 6:00 to 10:00, Monday through Thursday, October 9 through November 16. Call 763-5577. Pay $3.50/hour. 401915 DRUGSTORE CLERK, part or full time. Call 971-1140. 4711912 SECURITY GUARDS Assigned to U of M campus and Ann Arbor FULL-TIME OPENINGS 11:30 p.m.-7:30 a.m. $3.71/hr. after probationary period. Paid hospitali- zation, life insurance and vacation. Apply at State Security Services, 1000 Cornwall Place, Ann Arbor (North wing of old St. Joe's Hospital), 668-0444. An equal opportunity employer. 9211914 EAT FREE with Delta Sigma Delta Dental Frat, Hill at Washtenaw. Lunch, dinner kitchen help needed Monday-Friday. 761-6616, evenings. 48H914 SUBJECTS NEEDED for psychology experiments. Sign up now for the psychology subject pool. Earn $2.50/hr. Call764-4209 from 9-4. 13H915 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION ADMINISTRATOR/ADVCATE. Ecology Center of Ann Arbor, 761-3185. Equal Opportunity Employer. 21H910 BRIARWOOD Shopping Center is now taking applications for full and part time positions for fall and winter. Please apply in person, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Briarwood Mgt. Office, 100 Briarwood Circle, Ann Arbor. An Equal Opportunity Employer. 0911914 STUDENT JANITOR-Mornings, approx. 2 hrs. per day, 6 days a wk. Mon. thru Sat. See Arch Gamm, Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard. dH PERSON WITH car to deliver the MICHIGAN DAILY 6 days/week on N Campus for Fal-Winter- Terms. N. Campus-area resident preferred, but not essential. Great pay! Call 764-058. dHlc HELP WANTED-Mechanically inclined student to work part-time. Flexible hours, apply in person. 210 S. First St. 0611921 EAT, DRINK AND BE MERYI Work meal crew for fraternity. Call 761-3126. 21H915 HOUSECLEANING, 12 hours/week, close to a- pus. Call after 5p.m., 02-71. 231~16 PART-TIME COUNTER help wanted. Apply in person at Orange Julius at 1237 S. University, Ann Arbor between 1-5 p.m. Ask for Mike. 1611914 MAINTENANCE PEMSON needed for apartment house. "Some carpentry skills, installation of insula- tion and pointing brick. Nous flexible. Call 43- 5663. 3411915 WAITERS/WAITRESSES needed in exchange for meals. Prefer students. Monday-Saturday. Theta Xi Fraternity, 7616133. Ask for Steward or House Manager. 3511922 ARBY'S ROAST 6EEF Restaurants, located at 3021 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor; 3815 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti; 245 W. Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor are now accepting applications for counter help. Appli- cants must be 18 yrs. old. Students going back to school or housewives that want time away from home. Apply daily 2-5. 8811923 ATTENTION WORK-STUDY STUDENTS: Unique employment opportunity with state-wide cultural institution. Offices located in 19th century home on main bus line. See Wek Study number 0429 for further details. If you qualify, call 76- 1828 for further information. 07H914 BABYSITTER NEEDED for 8-year-ld after school 2-3 times per week. North Campus housing. 994-550. -0196 GOT A CAR? Earn $5/hr. delivering magazines 10 hours/month. Ca11769-3175. 03H910 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for work/study student to become involved in psychophysiological research on the cerebral hemisphere and in bio- feedback. Familiarity with MIDAS and statistics helpful. This would be a particularly rewarding experience for a pre-med or psychology junior or' senior. Call Pat Blackmer at the Psychophysiology Clinic, Department of Psychiatry,768-0115. 94H915 GRAD STUDENT NEEDED to prepare an economic impact report. Rural community. Finance and Housing Associates Consultants. 668-7124. '511914 WORK STUDY STUDENTSNEEDED FOR POSI- TIONS AT MUSEUM OF ART. Reliable, cnscien- tious people with interest in art needed. Position include: Membership Assistant, at $3.50 an hour, light typing needed, basic clerical functions; assist- ant to Museum Technician at $4, hanging, packing, crating art objects. We will train. Both positions 10 hours per week. Call 740395. Delightful environ- meat with exposure to scintillating people .and fascinating art work. 471913 HELP WANTED-Part-time housekeeper. $3.00 an hour. Call Bob, 995-2554. 3.10a EARN $5.50 for two hours work. Report to Room 1057 MHI, Friday, September 8 at 1:00 to partici pate in a written word frequency test. 26910 WOLVERINE DEN Waitresses, M/F, full/part time. Starting iminedi- ately, days and nights. Apply in person. Wolverine Den, 1201 S. University. 4211912. WORKING STUENT for 2-hour per week job. Clerical and typing skills needed. Call Mike at 763-2203 or 9952158. 231921 PROJECT COORDINATOR/ADMINISTRATOR Formative Evaluation Research Associates, a private, non-profit, equal opportunity employer, is seeking an individual to adminster and coordinate an evaluation of a "Goal Directed Group Counsel- ing and Career Development Program" for inner- city Detroit youth. Position will be half-time, from Septemiber 1978 through September 1979. ft PCA will share the responsibility for data eellection instruments, coordinating/conductig group/per- sonal interviews, preparing/analyzing data, present- ing oral. feedback, and writing final report. The successful applicant will have the feolowing skills: knowledge and experience in all aspects of applied social science research; skils in aininstrationf coordination of project; understanding of inner-city youth/culture; skills in interpersonal/group com- munications, data preparation/analysis, writing; commitment to improve program. Flexibility in scheduling is necessary; considerable travel to Detroit involved, with the possibility of some limited air travel. Budgeted salary for half-time position $7920. Send resume to FERA, .1130 HIl St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104, Att: John Meeker. 01986 FREE MEALS in exchange for light clean-up. Call 781-5145. Ask for W.L. or Jay. 381913 WORK PART TIME in a physically disabled per- son's home. Call 9-5, Mon.-Fri., 971-277. 50H914 WORK STUDY The Great Britain Study needs you-to read 19th century newspapers,,code and ender on MTS. You must have a financial aid work study grant. Call R.A. Seweitzer or Debbie McKesson, 764-7487. 55H914 PART-TIME BABYSITER wanted, Burns Park area, for 2-year-old and, occasionally, Kinder- gartner. Top Salary for right person. Heors: Mon. and Fri., 11 to 4; Tues. and Thurs., 11 to 4:39. Own transportation. References 665-840 after 5 p.m. 761H10 1tOMA'S OF ANN ARBOR has immediate open ings for banquet waiters and waitresses, part-. time weekends. Excellent wages per bour. Open- ings also available for clean-up and banquet set-up person. Excellent wass. Apply in person, 21 W. Stadium. 771919 AFTER SCHOOL care for bays 9 and I. Near campus, drivers licene needed. Wages negotiable. 663-965 or66418-72. 7946 NATURAL OOD) dIshwasher-Seva Restaurant, 314 E. Liberty.462-19.1 , 8191 PART-TIME SALES, evenings and weekends. Apply in person, Redwood, w arweedWMaK. 841915 COUNTER HELP and bakery help, full or part- time. Den Bakeries, 434-944, or Sgar bin Bakeries, 761-7532. 985H9 JANITOR NEEDED, 1 hour daily, 5:4-:45, Mon.- Sat. Village Apothecary, 1112 S, University. See Mr. Kriye. cHtc PROFESSIONAL FtMALE/STUDENT desires housing. Will consider coed/coop. Need not be near campus. Call weekdays, 1-326-7010, Emily Sand- PRIVATE PILOT Ground School, room 3080 E. Engineering. 14 session course, meets .Tuesday and Thursday nights, 7-9:30 p.m. Beginning Tues- day, September 12. $45 course fee includes text. Sponsored by U-M Flyers. 24M913 AURORA AFX 11.0. scale slot layout. Complete " ack on 4' x 8' board. 995-7661. 91M910 USED CARS '67 PONTIAC GP. A/C, power, excellent shape, $275.668-7470 or 665-0724 persistently. 53N916 '70 DUSTER for sale. 6-cylinder-automatic trans- mission 325.994-3655, call after 4:00. 44N910 1974 TRIUMPH TR6. 29,000 miles. Excellent condi- tion. Best offer over $3000.995-4736. 10N910 1975 CHEVY VAN, carpeted, heater, bunks, dther extras. $2800. 994-0501, 434-0428. p01N912 '67 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA-Slant 6 engine; stick; rusted body; terrific, reliable engine; gas mileage, brakes, clutch. $200. Call 662-3375. , 31N910 1972 BMW 2002.971-0651, call after 4p.m. 90N915 1971 MAVERICK. Runs well, but rusted. $125.00. 996-5118. 71N909 75 MONZA CHEVY, V-8, 4-speed, 2 plus 2, 45,000 miles. AM-FM radio. Best offer. Call after 6 p.m., 434-0372,434-1189 .61N915 '75 MUSTANG. 4 speed, a/c, AM-FM, deluxe in- terier. $2,750.764-2236, evenings 455-8789. 83N910 '72 DODGE Sportsman Van. Good condition. 761- 4161. Best offer over $800. 82N915 '72 VEGA, new exhaust, brakes. Dependable,, drives very good. $225. 429-2007 after 5. 8N914 1971 VW Squareback, 5,000 miles on rebuilt engine. New fuel injection, electrical work. $1,000 or best offer. Karen after 5,662-2445. 32N916 50-YARD LNE football season tickets. Price negotiable. Marla, 662-2304. 43Q910 SEASON TICKETS for sale. 4 together in end zone. 769-0822, evenings only. 49Q924 WANTED-Michigan football season tickets. 358- 1411 days, 681-1839 evenings. 09Q914 $800 CASH for 8 season tickets together between 30-50, row 20 or higher. 2 groups of 4 also accepted. Call 761-3757 anytime. 20Q912 WANTED-2 senior section football tickets or coupons together. Will pay. Call John, 475-8651 ext. 4'4 days, 434-6518 evenings, weekends. 31Q912 FOUR TICKETS to U-M/Illinois game, September 14. Call Mr. Kidd, 1-268-3770. 39Q912 ALUMNI WANTS 2, 4 or 6 season football tickets. High reward. 063-9866, 996-0335. 51Q915 TOP DOLLAR PAID for U-M football coupons. Call 662-3210. Absolutely any time. 75Q914 WANTED-2 season football tickets, other than end zone preferred. Price negotiable. Call collect (517) 351-7922. 05Q914 WANTED-2-4 Senior priority Michigan season football tickets. Will pay. 663-8644, persistently. 05Q913 cJtc WANTED-College girl to model women's fashions in newspaper advertising for a local retailer. Contact Belle at 761-6214, before 5:30 p.m. 45J913 PROFESSIONAL TYPING THE WORDPROCESSORS. We handle dissertations, manuscripts, resumes, legal and term papers. Rackham quality guaranteed. Also copying, printing and binding. 1 2. UNIVERSITY-662-6401 7 days 211 S. STATE STREET-662-3969 cJtc IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $1.00 for your 26-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Research. '10,250 topics listed. Box 25907-B, Los Angeles, CA 90025(213) 477-8226. cJ1128 RIDING LESSONS-Experienced, qualified in- structor. 482-4579, evenings. 37J914 SELF-STORAGE UNITS, 5'x10' to 20'x30', and out- side r.v. storage. 663-6443. 290919 ONE BEDROOM furnished apt. 1 block from Diag, new wall to wall carpeting and just painted. Also 3 or 4 man furnished apt. with one bedroom plus study. Block and 1 from Law School, parking. Campus Management, Inc., 335 E. Huron St. 663-4101 cCtc ACROSS 1 Sails 5 Former Met baritone 10 What the "six hun- dred" did 14 Not against: Abbr. 15 Energy 16 Upolu port 17 Political doctrine 20 Beseeches 21 Quick look 22 Girl of song 23 "0 Sole -" 24 Feminine suffix 25 Slip by 28 Depends (on) 30 Very pretty girl. 31 Kind of biscuit 32 Tips 36 Sumatran wildcat 37 Fable's import 38 Climb 39 Jagged projection 40 Astringent 41 Coat leather 42 Surfeits 44 Left port 45 Spring mo 48 - Cruces IM wensAnguS..Time.Syud. e 49 Waistband: Ger. 19 50 Ululated 23 52 Zoo exhibits . 25 56 Trend in world 26 national setup 27 58 Ship part 28 59 Spanish man's 29 name 60 Mislay 31 61 Famous lioness 33 62 Condition 34 63 In fresh form 35 37 DOWN 1 Fiber plant 41 2 Get-the 43 ground floor 44 3 Taphole plug, in a 45 foundry 46 4 Engine parts 47 5 Fly a plane 49 6 Thurber character 51 7 Certain rulers 8 Rocky peak 9 Not a copy 52 10 Genus of frogs 53 11 Suppose 54 12 Recordings 55 13 Modern chair style 57 18 Partner of lend Sleep like - Feminine title Flows back Slender In the style of: It. Egyptian god Aria from "Carmen" Shoe parts Seasonal song Tenderfoot Ran Performers of a kind - Ana Novelist Waugh Abject Bestir oneself Kind of TV show Ceremonies "--afraid..." Name meaning "dark as night:" Var. Province of Italy Celebrity To be: Lat. Merganser Geographer's abbr. 110 II 112 113 1 UNION BILLIARDS open today 10 a.m. Reduced. rates everyday to 6 p.m. $1.25 per hour. cF908 ROOMMATES for spacious double room in tri- level apartment. Immediate occupancy. $118 each. 665-7431. dY912 FLOORPERSONS NEEDED. Apply in person. Second Chance,515tE. Liberty. 11910 BABYSITTER NEEDED. 1e a.m.-2 p.m. Thursdays, my home. Own transportation necessary. Call 971-7219. 681912 DISHWASHERS AND BUSPERSONS wanted. Chi Psi Fraternity. Call Jim at 761-8281. 45H921 HARPSICHORD-Italian, ideal for Renassance music. I manual, 2x8.665-0012. 02X911 GUILD GUITARS now in stock along with Gibson, Martin, and Yamaha. Drop by to see us soon. Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Main. cXtc USED LUDWIG 5-piece drum set. Gold sparkle; 769-1400. cXtc ------- ------ - I ...J.....~.. d 1 4 - .9.99 9-9- - - FREE ROOM AND BOARD for experienced horse person in exchange for help training show horses. Phone after 6p.m.,1-878-3153. 33F915 34 - I® 40II~ DI"A nT. f VITWOV nDTIM DQ