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September 08, 1978 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-08

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r. _ momm"

Republican State Senator Gilbert Bursley, an 18-
year veteran of the Michigan House and Senate, has
been appointed president of Cleary College, a small
business school on Washtenaw Ave. in Ypsilanti.
Bursley, a former University regent and student, is
running for a seat on the Board of Regents in the
November election.
He will assume office immediately but will not
accept a salary until he finishes his term in the
Senate on December 31.
"WE HAVE SEARCHED carefully for the type of
leadership Cleary College most needs at this time,"
said Arthur Sempliner, chairman of the Board of
Trustees at Cleary. "We think Gil Bursley 'can
provide this..

new C

"To start with," continued Semp
feet on the ground in this com
another man would take six me
established in the area. Bursley i
respected in educational-leg
throughout Michigan - and nations
Bursley has chaired the State
Committee and has sponsored legi
both Drivate and public institutions
PRESENTLY HE serves on
organizations, including the
Improvement of Post Secondary
Department of Health, Education
the National Assessment of Educat
Because of his extensive experic
Bursley says he feels that the
making to college administration

leary chief
pliner, "he has his one.
imunity, whereas "I have been associated with education for 20 years
onths just to get and all the legislation dealing with education in this
s well-known and area,"said Bursley.
islative circles BURSLEY SAID he also feels he is particularly
ally." suited to handle the needs of a career-oriented
Senate Education business college like Cleary.
slation supporting "My primary immediate concern will be to make
.several national sure the quality of students remains high. We look for
Fund for the a marked upswing in enrollment, acquisition of more
Education of the of the finest teaching equipment and a further
and Welfare and improvement in a respected and professional
nl in education, "With my contacts through industry and state and
snitn erucation private affairs," explained Bursley, "I feel confident
switch from law-
should be a small that these goals can be achieved."

The Michigan Daily-Saturday, September 9, 1978-Page 7
Food prices decline
0.1 per cent in Aug.

lower food prices pushed overall
wholesale prices down 0.1 per cent in
August. the first decline in this key
measure of inflation in two years, the
government said yesterday..
Average grocery prices in retail
stores already had declined last month
for the first time in four years. The
decline at the wholesale level means
consumers will continue to enjoy some
inflation relief in weeks and months

ahead since price trends at the
wholesale level, especially for food,
eventually are reflected in lower
consumer prices.
Wholesale prices had increased 0.5
per cent in July and were up 7.7 per cent
over the 12-month period ending in
August. The Labor Department said
consumer food prices at the wholesale
level dropped 1.5 per cent in August, the
biggest drop in two years.

(Continued from Pa
say the program emph
rather than quality
However, Krasny po
officers are also evalua
;exam as well as an oral
arrest output is one p
pronged evaluation, he
Krasny pointed out
level of the area in whi
working and the numb~

gives cops
age 1)
'stem, however, officer spends in the patrol car are also
aasizes quantity taken into consideration.
police work. The police chief said in addition to in-
inted out that house training, seminars will be offered
ted on a written on topics such as human behavior, rape
test. Ticket and investigation and handwriting analysis
art of a three- to better educate the force.
added. "SOMEWHERE along the line we
that the crime ought to have a more efficient police
ch the officer is force. They get paid a pretty good
er of hours the salary," Krasny said. He added that


Ann Arbor Civic Theatre
201 S. Mulholland off W. Washington



ticket quotas


crime in Ann Arbor has been reduced
by 10-15 per cent per year for the last
four years.
Mayor Pro Ten Gerald Bell (R-Fifth
Ward) commented on the program:
"Basically, I like it. We've not had a
way in which to reward younger,
inexperienced police officers, and I
think this is a good way to reward
He added he had some reservations
about the program, particularly
regarding the "emphasis on quantity
rather than quality. "I think it's a
matter of fine tuning, I don't want
officers writing tickets if they don't

have to, but some areas need more
tickets written."
Detroit Police Lt. Lonnie Hasty said
his department has no incentive
program similar to Ann Arbor's. Hasty
said that the force is evaluated on the
basis of service in ten areas including
appearance, judgement, maturity, lack
of prejudice, patience and
He added the service rating system is
used mainly for promotion in
conjunction with the oral and written
tests, the latter being the more
important. Members of that force are
rated twice yearly.

KTEItIE Open Auditions
FOR "The Unexpected Guest"
Sun. Sept. 10, 7:30 p.m. and Mon. Sept. 11, 7:30 p.m.
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre Building OCT. 25-28
201 S. Mulholland, Ann Arbor

- -

Vote set 0a
(Continued from Page 1)
THE TISCH proposal may inadver-
tently cause an increase in personal
income tax, and that poll showed the
plan was opposed by those who would be
hardest hit by an income tax increase
- professionals, college students and
those with incomes over $15,000.
Tisch confidently predicted
Wednesday that if the election were
held today, his tax-slashing plan would
'U' counte
(Continued from Page 1)
the Indians claim, continued Daane,
subsequent treaties abrogated any
agreement made between the
University and the tribes.
Daane stated "for the record," that
the University would not at this time
offer the "defense of laches" but
teserved that right if the case should
move into other phases.
LACHES, AS a defense, means that if
a trust did exist, the Native Americans
forfeited the benefits because they took
too long to assert their rights to
'education at the University.
Daane called to the stand the
University's only witness, Helen
Hornbeck Tanner, the director of a
roject to create an atlas of Great
Lakes Indian history. Daane asked the
court to qualify Tanner as an "expert"
witness. The Native Americans had
called upon two historians to act as
expert witnesses.
But the lawyer for the tribes, Elmer
White, an Ann Arbor-based attorney,
'made strenuous objections to the court
over the admissability of Tanner as an
expert witness.
Tanner admitted under White's
examination that the University had
paid her $2,000 to research article 16 of
the Treaty of Fort Meigs. Tanner also
"testified that she had declined an offer
to do research for the tribes. She also
acknowledged that White had told her
he could pay her little, if at all.
Tanner then lashed out at White for
trying 'to impune her integrity. She
countered that White told her he
expected to make $1 million on this
case. Attorney White asked the court to
dismiss University witness Tanner
since she had been paid by the
'University without the knowledge of the
court. The judge denied White's motion,
and accepted Tanner as an expert
Tanner, under questioning by Daane,
"-A K -" f..

n tax cuts
win by a bigger majority than the
California Proposition 13 won by. Tisch
said that his plan would get 60 per cent
of the vote, and "anything less than that
and I wouldn't be satisfied that we've
done our job."
The canvassers also ruled yesterday
to allow on the November ballot a*
proposal to allow state troopers to
bargain collectively.
rs Indians
testified that the Treaty of Fort Meigs
was negotiated in order to obtain the
last remaining lands in the Ohio-
Michigan area still owned by Indians.
TANNER stated that although no
Indians attended the University for at
least 80 years after the Fort Meigs
treaty, no subsequent treaties indicated
that this was a violation of article 16 of
the 1817 pact. She said it was a common
practice for Indians to complain about
inadequacies of prior treaties when
negotiating new ones.'
Tanner testified that article 16 of the
Fort Meigs Treaty "was an
unimportant detail of the treaty"
relative to the overall purpose - to
unite densely populated Ohio with the
little-settled Michigan Territory.
DAANE'S MOST intensive
questioning of Tanner came on the
point of Indian interest in education.
Noting incident after incident, Tanner
recited a long list of examples of the
troubles missionaries such as McCoy
had had in providing Indians with
When Daane finished his examination
of Tanner - which had carried over a
few hours into the second day of the
trial - White began one of the longes
cross examinations in recent
Washtenaw Circuit Court history.

MON. ttwu SAT. 10 A.M. tit 1:3b P.M. SUN. R HOLS. 12 Noon til 1:30 PM.
Monday-Saturday 1:30-5:00, Admission $2.50 Adult and Students
Sundays and Holidays 1:30 to Close, $3.50 Adults, $2.50 Students
Sunday-Thursday Evenings Student & Senior Citizen Discounts
Children 12 And Under, Admissions $1.25
1. Tickets sold no sooner than 30 minutes
prior to showtine.
2. No tickets sold later than 15 minutes
after snowtime.



at Nat. Sd. fl.50






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