117i y 1101/116{O II IS -LO l11"Q -1-1I I-I-U" Ld- Page 6-Sunday, December 10, 1978-The Michigan Dpily 7S America re-thought, relfected through the Conversations i By Barbara Abels n aine do a 0 0 They have worked within the left during the labor movement, the Marxist movement, and through the technological revolution after World War II. They worked on the left when public was not officially admitted by the will refuse to cooperate with the tinhi 1.n t'S- agency. "Assist in making introductions agency in covert recruitment if th'*AV ru" e for intelligence purposes" means the of their jnvnl,'°" -' covert recruitment of foreign studen~t- cefsuyn nA eirr ^ ec u trs turn er Says the I ecutsIOeg te in S OCAmL p CIA':S Ca bfe C eKols fact I'rmengnc esu'tSwh?Wi~ttee the Son Us -t fleA e 4s ret CIA, acti;.td ts 1976& censor thrdh)C ~ td cj n ittL~ t ~ ~ h e tdt e,,t heb I of~ e- .1e c v ~ . c t 1 CONVERSATIONS IN MAINE: EXPLORING OUR NATION'S FUTURE By James and Grace Lee Goggs, and Freddy and Lyman Paine South End Press 299 pp. $4.80 T ODAY IN THE United States of America time seems to fly. His- tory seems to collapse into the present. Be here now. Practice tends to win over theory. Things we can feel, see, taste, swallow, and wear, dominate ideas, values, and ethics, the whys and the wherefores. Food is a commodity. We Barbara A bels is a member of the Political Directions Collective. buy it at a store and never perceive that it was grown, raised, packaged, tran- sported, refined, and stocked, by the energy of many people. Community has been replaced by network. Love is taken to be a sexual act. We see politics as manipulation by people in power, separate from our day to day lives. We appear to be living a life without depth: But history is a developing relation- ship. At special times in the history of humanity, when life development and process seem to be at a standstill, a few people begin to develop and share new ideas. They are ideas that have been developed from historial situations. They are true, profound, and have the ability to burst through the appearance of depthlessness and move us into the future. The shared thoughts, feelings, and ideas expressed in the book Con- versations in Maine: Exoloring Our Nation's Future are such ideas. Conversations in Maine by Freddy and Lyman Paine, and James and Grace Lee Boggs is a collection of essay/discussions that took place bet- ween the four in Maine during the summers of 1970, 1971, 1972, and 1974. They are exciting insightful discussions that reach into what it means to be an American today in 1978. Freddy and Lyman Paine, and James and Grace Boggs have spent most of their adult lives on the political left. they took giant steps into civil rights and black natonalism, anti-war and the women's movement, all movements designed to raise questious of human relations; that is, to put moral and ethical decision-making above efficien- cy, money, business. The Paine: and Boggs have (and had) grown with every step they took. And as the reader sees in Conversations in Maine, they were able to take their experiences and the experience of Americans as a whole, and look at them in a new-light. In Conversations in Maine the Boggs and Paines begin at the beginning. See CONVERSATIONS, Page 8 Turner- and the CIA fight U SCi-Fi illuminates authors' albedo STRANGE WINE By Harlan Ellison Harper & Row 262 pp., $9.95 and THE WAY THE FUTURE WAS By Frederik Pohl Ballantine Books 312 pp., $8.95 F REDERIK POHL and Harlan Ellison have a lot in common. Each author has won a slew of Hugos and Nebulas (the most prestigious awards in science fiction) and each is an exemplary figure of SF from decades past - Ellison a major writer of the 60s, Pohl preceding him in the 50s. They have By Bill Barbour been good friends for several years. Most importantly, both have recently written books which show neither has lost his way with words. Strange Wine, by Ellison, is a collection of fifteen never-before-anthologized stories of speculative fiction. At their best, Ellison's stories put the reader through an emotional wringer, leaving him or -her drained. At their worst, they read like the tantrums of an over-hyped iconoclast. Fortunately, the good stories outnumber the bad in this anthology with three that deserve a place among the author's b e st..th o - "Croation," the first of these, is a pathos-filled account of a carelessly promiscuous man who meets his destiny in the sewers of a city. The story's powerful ending is not easy to forget. "Lonely Women Are the Vessels of Time, =another outstanding piece, is Ellison's insight into the single's scene and the special kind of loneliness peculiar to it. Early in the story, he sums up, through the persona of his protagonist, what the bar scene is all about. The last of these elite works is "The New York Review of Bird," in which the author brings to life Cordwainer Bird, a professional pseudonym he reserved for his stories that had been mangled by insensitive editors. -Bird leads the reader on a joyous romp through New York City as he quests to destroy the "New York Literary Establishment" he despises. Each story in the collection is preceded by a short introduction, in which Ellison tells the circumstances under which the story was written. In addition, at the beginning of the book is amore formal introduction, which is a diatribe of television. It is obvious that in the years since the author wrote The Glass Teat, a highly critical television column, he has grown more and more distrustful of the medium. Bill Barbour is a member of tfie Iaily arts stff Strange Wine is essential for several reasons. The aforementioned introductions, in addition to breaking up the fiction pieces, give telling insights into the author's personality. The stories, even the worst of them, are attractive and magnetic. Most importantly, Strange Wine re-establishes Harlan Ellison as a true master of the short speculative story. In a somewhat different vein is Frederik Pohl's The Way the Future Was. This book is an autobiography which traces the author's involvement in science fiction from his days as a fan in the 30s to his thriving writing career of the 70s. Ideally, it should be cathartic and purgative; in fact, it falls a little short of these goals, but is, nonetheless, enjoyable. See SCI-FI, Page 8 A. W HEN THE Director of Central Intelligence Stansfield Turner invited University President Ro ben Fleming, along with as yet an undisclosed number of other college presidents, to come to CIA headquarters last June, he had one goal in mind-stop the University from adopting guidelines which would restrict the Agency's covert activities on campus. a The University of Michigan is just one of more than 40 colleges which have either adopted or are considering guidelines that would prohibit government intelligence agencies such as the CIA from using professors, administrators, or anyone else as a covert agent on campus. The June meeting at the Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia, which Fleming was unable to attend due to a conflict in his schedule, was the second in a series of three day-long seminars wherein the "common interests" of the CIA and academics were discussed. It is generally believed the purpose of these seminars is to protect what is perhaps the CIA's most sensitive domestic program-the recruitment of foreign nationals on Ameican college campuses for the Agency's clandestine service. In a heavily CIA-censored section of the final report to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities, the Agency admitted to "using several hundred American academics (administrators, faculty members, and graduate students engaged in teaching), who in addition to providing leads and sometimes making introductions for intelligence purposes, occasionally write books and other material to be used for propaganda purpose abroad." The report went on to state that these academics are located on more than 100 American colleges, universities, and related institutes and that generally no one, besides the individuals involved, is aware that a CIA link exists. Rene Becker is the Daily editorial director. seem obvio Universities move to blockpe requests th covert activitiesoncm u ifteis The CIA f ~answer, wi confirming records exi By Rene Beckera"een University fifth high students in A simik Of particular interest to the CIA was, Weissman learned recently that he several of according to the report, obtaining leads was the subject of a five-year CIA Columbia on "political foreign intelligent sources, investigation to determine his eligibilty Dickenson especially those from communist for the Agency's clandestine service. California countries." The Committee noted that The Agency considered using filing gr American academics provide "valuble Weissman as a covert CIA agent at the institution assistance" in making those contacts. Seventh World Youth Festival in against t The Intelligence Committee's report Vienna in 1959. Agency's r sparked two reactions. In addition to The most noteworthy aspect of this deny that a the thousands of requests for personal investigation is the fact that Weissman Gardels files under the newly expanded never applied for CIA employment and . result, his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), that he was not aware that he was being case upon the CIA received requests for all files investigated. Weissman was never set. The ( within the Agency indexed under the contacted by the CIA. others, w titles of more than 80 colleges. Also, a Columbia number of universities began to discuss UT AS THE CIA released more operated n adopting guidelines which would and more documents, the reve- by the Ami prevent the type of covert activities lations became more and more The lav outlined in the Senate report. spectacular. As a result of an FOIA requests b The trendsetter in this case was request by Nathan Gardels, a the likelihc Harvard University. In May, 1977, University of California graduate growing r Harvard became the first American student in political science, the CIA guidelines university to adopt guidelines. released documents which proved that in the CIA. As with Harvard, the key to all former UC Vice-President Earl Bolton The CIA guidelines either adopted or served a tour of duty with the CIA when major off considered, is the prohibition of covert he was an administrator at the restrict recruiting-an activity the University university system. campuses of Michigan Civil Liberties Board has The documents revealed that Bolton Spearheac called "a particularly pernicious advised the CIA on student unrest, Director T practice." recruiting UC students, academic Turner The CIA's covert recruitment cover for professors doing research for visible d program came to light through one of the CIA, and improving the Agency's assuming those thousands of FOIA requests public image on campus. more thar submitted after the Senate Select Despite these revelations, the CIA a variety Committee hearings. would not release any evidence which business g Gary Weissman was a student at the confirmed the much touted theory that audiences University of -Wisconsin in the late the CIA used its campus contacts to the Amer 1950s. He served as president of the recruit foreign nationals for its Editors, 7 Wisconsin Student Association in 1959 clandestine service. decade h and after graduation was mildly active The schools with large foreign intelliger in the ant-Vietnam war movement, student enrollments, where it would . . .,. r $%1r .C1 : P;; 'T11 N.Tv .? 'd i a Y.? ac" _I y - I