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December 10, 1978 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-12-10

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OAMITTEE TO "PROPOSE INCREASES: The Michigan Daily-Sunday, December 10, 1978-Page 5PPECT FRMC IN
" " U-a unique gift-
'U'housing ratestobsude
By MARK PARRENT suggestions to Housing Director Robert THE REGENTS are expected to takemirydulwodbesehren
Recommendations for increases in Hughes within the next few weeks, up the housing rate issue at their the range ofbl $1880, asomare otis
University housing rates for single The SSRC, composed of housing staff February meeting, in time for the new year's $1,759.50.
students are expected by the end of this and students, has four voting students rates to become official before leases The committee, however, is charged
term from the Single Student Rate and two voting staff members. The for the 1978-79 academic year are to be with recommending whether some ser- R PERIODI CAL RETREAT
Committee (SSRC), a group studying committee makes a recommendation signed. Last year, the Regents ap- vice levels should be changed, which 336 / S. State ° 663-0215
the housing situation on campus. for service and -corresponding rate proved a 7.4 per cent average increase might mean either more or less of an
The committee, which has been levels to Hughes, who in turn makes a for single student rates, a hike which increase.
meeting since the middle of last month, recommendation to the University affected all University housing except
,has also been pondering such issues as Board of Regents for final approval, family residences. FOR EXAMPLE, the committee has
different meal hours for dorms and in- According to Acting Associate Should, all service levels remain the decided to recommend that the cost for
crease '" washer and dryer rates. Ap- Housing Director Norm Snustad, the same, the average rate increase for dormitory washing machines be in..
parents . it will not recommend any recommendations made by the com- next year would be 6.9 per cent, accor- creased from 35 to 50 cents per load, but
policy changes on these matters. mittee usually end up being approved ding to Housing Division calculations. ^some other major issues have yet to be
THE SSRC will pass along its. by the Regents. That would mean the rate for a dor- resolved.
U LI Fire kills 15 retarded patients auiu
SELLISVILLE, Miss. (AP) - A sleeping. The 63 men and women who first floor of the building. coletin
y smoldering fire in a clothing room sent occupied the ground floor escaped He said he had ordered state in-
eX tea n d s a blanket of smoke through a dormitory without injury, vestigators to look into "this terribleg
'at a center for the mentally retarded The state fire marshal's office said it tragedy from top to bottom."
early yesterday, killing 15 women appeared that the fire began in a closet "I want the investigators to find out
o's lo rpatients and inhjuring 16 others, in the room. why no one got to them in time, why so ; ' '
Ii f rauthorities said. Hospital staff, firefighters and police many were killed, and how the fire got
The victims - all women 40 years officers dashed into the dense smoke to so far along without anybody knowing
wand older and classified as moderately evacuate the patients. about it," Finch said.
f a !to severely retarded - died of smoke "it was thick smoke from the floor to/
State School in this southern Mississip- said Van Carter, a dormitory super- hUAIAi Cn
pi town 75 miles southeast of Jackson. visor. "They kept going back in and 20%/ OF F _ @00 ":bo k
All you diehard studiers out there* The center served as both a school helping people out. Nobody panicked. "r
will be pleased to know that the UGLI and hospital for 129 patients. "The difficulty was we couldn't get Taetryl Rewelr, ahepnd Handrfte
has extended its hours for study days "Some of them were in their beds and into parts of the building because of the items.
and finals, others were on the floors," said smoke," said a nurse who helped pull Perfect Gifts Fro Dee b r 1t h og h livleFr he r n ila s ouhn ainsfo h ulig I o hit a eeain
21st, the UGLI will be open from 8 a.m. "They were trying to get out but they was so thick. I'd get in a few feet and HUEO
,to 5 a.m. On the 22nd, the library will just didn't make it." get dizzy and fall to my knees." 1~'" IMPORTS " " ""
still open its doors at 8 a.m., but will The fire broke out during the early "This is one of the worst tragedies to 320 E. Liberty-769-8555 j Libet
24 .close them at 5 p.m. in the evening in- morning in a room for storing clean ever hit the state of Mississippi," said MN R.TE.ST
stead of 5 a.m. in the morning. clothing adjacent to two second-floor Gov. Cliff Finch, as he moved' MONn to- 0ITUS-5:30 662-661
wards where' 66 women patients were tearful employees on the undamaged
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iList Cellar
LIST 349.50 CELLAR 269.00 10.00 8.50
o rbOa e,. f OTHELLO 11.38 PENS with '14 kGOLD NIBS -NOWs°
Easy-open portfolios
CLASS STUGL 10.6 SCORE 4 6.20 from HAZEL Your choice of easy-
c BACKGAMMON 5.60 STRATEGO 8.32 'i1U'1~rmr q~4A',% arr hadeoPudrte
I .:::. arm st yling.w
::. WORLD RUMMY-- -instructions for 26 different languages Tan or Brown Suede....1.33
/,.. Tan, Brown, or Black. . 11.48
Y 4'
fWHICH WAY ERA-part of proceeds donated to ERA 3.39 (8.ESYOPNuorfoi
Tan or Brown Suede.....6.80
"., .Tan, Brown or Black.... 38
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