Page 10--Saturday, December 9, 1978-The Michigan Daily Cult survivors begin, Ryan probe testimony WOLVERINE FAN EXTRAORDINAIRE Bill Tice: Atu Blue lover SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Survivors of the Peoples Temple murder-suicide testified behind 'the closed' doors of a federal grand jury room yesterday as the panel began probing the murders of' Rep. Leo Ryan and four others near the cult's Guyana jungle commune. Meanwhile, federal, authorities drop- ped arrest warrants against eight Temple members in the case after learning they had died in the murder- suicide that claimed over 900 lives. FOR THlE TIME BEING A Christmas Verse Play by W. H. AUDEN Sunday, Dec. 10-7 p.m. in the sanctuary of First Baptist Chur~ch 502 E., Huron Street presented by The American Baptist Student Fellowship NINE SURVIVORS of the mass poisonings were ushered through a throng of reporters and cameramen in- to a witness room adjacent to the grand jury meeting room on the 19th floor of the Federal Building here. They said nothing, and Peoples Tem- ple attorney Charles Garry, who ac- companied them, refused to answer questions. Later, survivor Paul Mc- Cann, 27, also was brought to the wit- ness room by his attorney, Susan Jor- dan. By midday,, an 11th witness had entered the room. As Garry entered the building with the witnesses, Temple defector Wanda Johnson shouted at them: "Do you know if my son is dead? Do you know if my husband is dead? Tell me if .you know!" THERE WAS no response. The 23-member grand jury is looking mainly at whether a conspiracy to murder Ryan (D-Calif.), was hatched in the United States. The Peoples Tem- ple maintained a headquarters here while most church members were living at the Jonestown commune in Guyana. Law enforcement sources said the jury also hoped to be able to "confirm the identity" of those who fired the fatal shots. By SARA ANSPACH When it comes to Michigan foot- ball, Bill Tice knows the score and a whole lot more, Collecting programs and bumper stickers for more than 30 years, the 43-year-old owner of Tice's package store on State St. has made University of Michigan foot- ball practically his lifelong hobby. Tice's collection of Michigan foot- ball programs is almost complete from 1946 to the present. He also has obtained some earlier programs in- cluding one from October 28, 1922. That year, the guide sold for a mere dime..Tice also has some duplicate programs around for interested traders and said he would settle for some "away game" programs, too. IN ADDITION to his extensive program collection, Tice has been tape-recording all of the Wolverines' home games for the past six years. He carefully records each game on a cassette and often invites team members and their families to come by and listen to their favorite field goal or defensive play. "Bumper stickers were not always funny and original like they try to be now," said Tice, who has collected about 20 different stickers. According to Tice, the first "cute" sticker was issued by Huron Valley Bank in 1969. "It read 'Goody Goody Bo Beat Woody' and made a big hit," Tice recalled. Tice still runs his business accor- ding to the Michigan tradition. "My store is probably the only store that closes for the game on Saturday af- ternoons. I figure if I am going to the game, my employees are going to want to go and enjoy it too," he said. DURING IFOOTBALL season, Tice often makes a flashy football store window display, using old programs, bumper stickers, and newspaper clippings. "The alumni come back and they find it really in- teresting, "Tice said. Loyal fan Tice has been to almost every home game since 1946. "It's not that I feel I have to go," he ex- plained. "I just enjoy the intricacy of the sport. Bo's not fancy, but he plays a winning game."~ University students' profane cheers, which many alumni and fans find objectionable, don't bother Tice at all. "I think today's young people are great. I like to see the en- thusiasm," Tice said. "I think the attitude is much better than it used to be in the 50s and 60s," he added. This year may be the first year that Tice doesn't 'follow the Wolverines to the Rose Bowl. "I'm Michigan football game program collector Bill Tice, right, displays some of his prized possessions to interested customers in his store. U 1 Saturday 7[41 1 lAMIA 'FEUDI-G.ame I (P''\'X )IETIN(-Pu1,i('Afirs 7 STIUDIOl( D-Interc'ieu 204 L0IIMAN AN!) ARKLEX' so . XIIV('E WEL~K 56 SO.NI)''AG , :3E42111E.i NIAII'I IIEE IE(IIIISTX1.S -(a' ilo I 1q14 )I'II1.S-I is ussin 711411 IAMIO) SLt'RES(..iiit 9 SP'IHlTSl"' - ":I' 1": Pa u 1 Cl's-Crie leah'' * 7 RAUDOLPISSIX'r ~ a 9\:411 '.'.E KFI a D 4 0 RIG4RAND BAIS-ioii 8:30 2GO17 NEWS 9:1 0 ' 1IFI:-Dram1a h -Iram (W 541;eaA mer'icaXI e r ''3o- TIU 1)1? 1\it \ "'\ -ta il 111 7 'LOVE':NBOATS('ae~ar 11 0711 CAN-Rliio 7 F] AYIS,\ 103;20 LEI)l( -'ligion'' 111 0 14 ' E'I'i'ili 41: 10 1) 'IIXE Wet I i'l.VE- rm 6h 12: ED AYDD (IT'.'L'')xi'I vr.eFsio 1 -00 sic.1 -4I- ui Nt 5 71ick\ ('s-(c'h aste/rrielti4' 9 Pill NAAFs1H-Rpr 11:2! NF1%AS 7 SNII)INDram '441 NDICKV El) '.M 51)) ')1'E-hrier1 I":E0D (.11 EN UPDATE1--((Iiscussim 1:1 .ItA 1K 11 ) N I 5 P -( 41i44 -Slit 4'"siE g.4Iii Eu ED i:'i\( ' I' . 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"Two Guys from :Milwaukee" 9(' 1.144 % IFT I"IEI1) IK-\-ariet'4 1':00 'S2 I1(l( K"UltJ) III.?S-(MimenE Ima 7 N I''.'.S 1: la4 9 LORD PEI' XI it (II' i '.4:41 aIt I t'1 )agD e'r' 2:1114 1 X:S14"I 2:50D 2N'A'.s Tuesday 7: '"~a.1 Ni1ucu1S 11 X 5AI (it 'E-'ur 1. ll'It : Il ' 1 . - t.o l 7.;o4 2 PIMA'l \1. .21\F:-Kapp/Sand~t4ers 97N 1R1 N F:N( m- lt4-4'i4'1 x:11 P.11( , l.I' I 14lE~'I 5:4)4 2' X'EI 4 IS-I:-h'ania UI SIIISGTo\3)-('outlI4'11-1,:EIui 7 IIAI'PY 1)% I'S 1'S !o41 II1(1 22 540 I1OXII _'_S''I Il Su4\RXXII S''1E TS R11'. '1~"s 8:':11 7 L" 'XII)'. 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THEiI~ t)\G(-NEISIF:I ('1111ISTI''1 S 1)\ NK i: .'-4 Et rtoo 2 I'.L[IGtI' 1N1':\-'liraaI BIM'w 94:004 '3141V'lE-Dria l1la ''1.0 e'l: XA(Cirleo'f44 4 'iiIlrt'o. 1Thursday i BOWiI.NG, 1'OR DO) LRS-4amiii 7AI(' NEWS 94)ODD (COUPE-('ole(11 244 GRlEEN A.Il S-('44nwdc 544SANFO"RIl1)ANDI) 54N-4 'tonedi 5;.M1a'NEII./I.EIIRIERI{ 1PORT'I 7:3:14.21'1 MAG1ZI N EKapp/Sandlers a IN SEARCH'I1OF 7 N'.1All V TG'131EI1111 I.(4li' 21 PE'r'rl('4 .'.lNrI4I--('n)ii4'qI 511 [JOlB N EWIAIRI'-omped 5e; DETRIOITl RI. 'K NEWS 41IDOUG HFINNING'SWORL.D 7 MOR)1K & XII l)'.-(onue(tc 2440M 2.22 504 Nt!. II()KEV' 53 NOIVA 8::30 7 WitAT'S thAPPENING;!! 2o44 H.R.III''/.OAF.-IDia m 111 9:0044 "HA.WAI I FIYl '-4 -4 ime DrIPama I 114I(K 'IlTE-Varea 7 BARINEY Ml~.F1EI -I oco ii ('ll 41' 2441704441'I AB-Ileligin .v;'viK4)BE NNt'NE i) 9:344 754SOAP 14:44442 Bll N:l8' .14IX S-4 rimiit'I ra ta 7 1B..ARBARA' A.''ISI4.r 4l 9WATI'SON III'4)Il'l 11:215 54)NEWS 14: 34E14'41 RON NI E- 4mdt 244 M. IN N.-Ieligion 344 141 EV.M4ONEII:S-(oiiited e'.'.' 54; 'I4N'T" I'1"'.'JI4)''S LIS'. 14 ('lit('L S 1:004 2 I17 NEWS 9(14' NEWS% 241 '1)'' I -11,'ama41I.' 5443(.GON Siti I'.-Game .) 564DICKt('4.XErrt 11:25 9 \EI'S 11:30 2 ('.114)1. BK lN'.''"I .NI) "IIENIS I .I4IIN.' 'AR1154N 7 s' X"SKY.'& li (1 344'.MOV'IEI' 1ra nii4'I :d;A '.1":1%NEW 11:45 I (AN I). AF"TIE DARXK-Xa'iet 12:4144 '' " 'SMI 4:52 '4).LIA*N114 -(rEime Dramaii4 I" 2:94 7 S...TI.I.-('r'imy Dria ma 12:35 !9 P4It E5514 I'.1.5-PrimeIh )'ani a I:4004 4'l'( II 1 W-Ton i Sll ter 1:3447 NEWS 211 2_'I41'IE-%%t-stE'n I I"'.t ''Iakola'' 2::44 1 NEW'..S 4'e 74 2N'F S Friday 7:00IE2 NEW..LYW"..ED) GA.ME II11OXX1.X4. 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PRIZE AWARD.IlIS -Religion 11:01)4 2 17 NEWlS 9 ('IR(' NEW'S 244 MOX'IE-I)4'4ma (I3"') '''Iht 4 .lr' Brigde' 50 G4IN; SHOW'.-ame 11:'25 9INEWXS 11 ::30 21141' (ITX-'.usic I .JOIINNY 'A('1SO N 7 BAR ETTIA-( 'ime Drama)4 "A. Girl ini E1'4IA Pt"it' 56 AB(' NEWS 11:15 9('AN.IIA FTERI DARIK-Variet' I 11:304 21114NS1IE-('rilnl I' i'Im1 I MOV1.'I E-ramail 7 1' \NE'..S-('biase'/.Jarrit'I 24'111 EVE1I SI111.14;tII'- I'41 hI ic AffaI4irs 11:10414 IEI.IGI(I'SSCOIE 44437 .1)Xilstol)'11144 111 !1::r04 94MOVIE-lDneunieutal'1 "'.MediterralnealiiiIotitt4 " 1°_: 30 ,2'MOVI.tE-D ra ma ''I.4e edfthe4 1lo'st" :':41111 1 CLASSROOM)'. 2:3041 2F"OCU'LS: IIE'II4II 'I-I)iscussi44n 7 PERH1l'.'(' 44- Xa rioN 20;00444('1 lt1-Ileliginn 1:55 544i0N FA% s. 104:004 1 IK ('I. XII'S LIXE I'.'ll NESD)''.- ari4'4 I 7 ('ItIIS'I'Xl X.5 'I' '1Il.:GRANXXD s44 11S'l' )1" 4;(It)I''114-G4,,444 40BET F'.'.'-Dnt 10::'e4'L 0111 I'4;--Ileligiou 56 Of) G.' NISM-lDocunmentarv i XI WATER W)R \W/ V1PN LI ) The Finest in Quality Waterbeds & Bedroom Furnishings 3066 PACKARD ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48104 (313) 971-1355 Open 11-9 M-F 11-6 Sat. 504 OMEGA 50c PIZZA' 504 OFF a medium or large pizza with 1 or more items. 769-3400 may not be used with any other store discount your address.T__ - _ ____. __ _ ___-50 Mon day 7:4110 _" NIE 1,';'.IY EI) 4;.IME I BO4WLING FOR DIL t4I. IlIS-GanIe' 1114'NEWS 9)UtEP,"-' nd2 EEN :14' l1S-('om#1 5~41 S.NI"FOR I) INDIISt41N-('omt'4I1 -IDocu h14'ltarI' 7:31 2 PlM X .G.ZI NE-Kapp/Sande44rs .. 1N) TIlE 11NS 1:14(114'N'W'.S Ilsland o o me41 :ien"I441 a44t GO4NG. S114I'.'.-Gamen4 Ai; lI('CK (%XX E'r" 11:05 9ONEWXS 1 .1(}11NY CARSO154N 7 POLICE': .X'4MN-('rjnme Drama11 344 '414)IE-4 '(mlit(l MI') ''IlarlI to HaIndle"' 50 ABC N" u'i