t 1 ' nj y, 1 n i, ~ r t / u j / / 'l ( , ( 4 r t _J , '' , , --- - t , 1 . ,'. y r ,,_,_____ -y v' , 1 1 , EVEQ SAQT A SjIOPS fiT Page 6-Friday, December 8, 1978-The Mifigan Daily Confession uiearths 25 bodies in Chile . ;' / ., ~/ /: /) 'c -&, .0 d ' i ! r ._ _ f } / 1i I 7 ELECTRA/ASYLUM $4.99 *+. NEW FROM LWJIA[D IBYRDI TH~ANKSYOLU..rOR Fr.M.L. ifIJIIKIRIG UP MY LIVE) n Rv~n V L7I nu J.C. YOUNG i ..,o F 7 f f;v r~jiii / L IV IN G I N T HE U.S.A. L. R ON STA DT /J.,SSE COLIN YOUNG QUEEN IF ''I NEW FROM ATLANTIC $ II C,CHIC FIREFALL WANT YOUR LOVE STRANGE WAY A SWEET AND SOUR H YES ROLLII PI TH E CARS THE CARS QUEEN ..' . ,, tix SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) - Twenty- five or more decomposing bodies have been found in an abandoned limestone mine and there is speculation that they are the remains of victims of a Chilean political vendetta. A Roman Catholic bishop directed police and legal officials to the site, at the Lonquen mine 25 miles southwest of Santiago. Police sources said four bodies were removed Tuesday, nine on Wednesday and at least 12 more were visible.x WORKMEN HAD to dig out 12 feet of dirt and other material to reach the bodies, which appeared to have been thrown into an immense brick oven and then sealed over. Turner Clinic open house Physicians and social workers at the University Hospital's Turner Geriatric Clinic this week will hold an open house to announce an extended outreach aid program for area senior citizens, the University announced today. The open house will be held in the Turner Clinic, 1010. Wall St., from 4 to 6 p.m. to explain an expanded peer coun- seling program. Financed by a new, $30,000, two-year grant from the U.S. Administration on Aging, the Hospital's model program will utilize senior citizens themselves experienced in the problems of olda ge and additionally trained to help others, officials said. Comparative lit forum set A conference on "The Future of Comparative Literature" will be held here Saturday and Sunday, the Univer- sity announced. The meeting in the Rackham Assem- bly Hall will be from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday. Among the discussion topics are: "The Future of Comparative Literature"; "Comparative Literature and Literary Theory"; "Comparative Literature as Criticial Investigation"; and "The Future of Comparative Literature: Making It Happen." Police soles said the bodies had probably beein the mine three or four years and thiack of oxygen apparen- tly delayed dromposition. Some flesh was still on thoones, they said. . The newspaer La Tercera quoted unidentified Furces as saying the majority of thtskulls of those unear- thed appeared have suffered bullet wounds. THE DISCOVItY has set off expec- tations that the blies could be some of the more than 6G persons who disap- peared after the 73 overthrow of the - late Marxist Present Salvador Allen- de. Those missing -e not on compiled lists of the dead t imprisoned. The Catholic Church antheir relatives say they were last seerwhen detained by agents of a now-dislved unit of the secret police. A group representig families of the missing said they hadeceivedno proof that the dead were thir relatives, but that the discovery profs the validity of their demands for a fulinvestigation of the disappearances. GEN. RENE VIDIL, secretary- general of the military goernment of President Augusto Pinscht, said the justice system is guarantd "full in- dependence and liberty" I'determine what happened to those find in the mine. The government ha otherwise described it as a police atter and declined comment. The search of the mine ws sparked by a confession made to aunnamed priest about two weeks agond some sources say the confessor waj former secret service agent who hL left the country. The contents of the ccfession reached the church hierarch3A com- mittee was formed to make a sref in- spection of the mine, led by Mtsignor Enrique Alvear, auxiliary biop of Santiago. It also included Meignor Christian Precht, who runs the (arch's human rights programs, two wyers who were high officials of the)64-70 Christian Democratic governme, and two magazine editors. 4.99 *i . / / eq.) Back Alley succee4 with vibrant 'Evenin9 (Continued from Page 5) j1 - CHIC P.TOS FIRE FALL NG STONES PETER TOSHI "BUSH DOCTOR" YES "TORMATO" (YOU GOT TO WALK AND) DON'T LOOK BACK PICK MYSELF UP DON'T KILL THE WHALE RELEASE, RELEASE ".". NEW FRO M WARNER BRU . CHAKA KHAN Cha"a Includes the Hit I'm Every Woman Also Includes Life Is A Dance Love Has Fallen On Me A Woman In A Man's World C. KHAN NEIL YOUNG Comes A Timne Includes Already One LookOut For My Love T Four Strong \Winds 0) N. YOUNG B. MARLEY DOUBLE ALBUM SPECIAL $799 TMEROWNG STONES some Gis MISS YOU RESPECTABLE THERS".. VAN MORRISON '.) Wavelength Incudes Kingciom Hall Natalia Venice USA SantaFe. Beautiful Obsssion r 0 VMORRISON ~PROHILE Best Of E0 y uHrris (You Never Can Tell) C E-st La7ie TB) Qf their lifestyle upon her, but she wants to live in her own fashion. The tension between Abbie and the family is tremendous, and sometimes the enraged screaming of the dialogue is hard to take. Really remarkable in this production is Lawrence Evans as Papa, the family patriarch. The old man is left no respect by his descendants, and he is deaf to all they say. He is the heart of the play's humor and statement, and provides for Abbie an example in stan- ding up for herself against the dull, rural persistence of the family. The play provides the evening's chief source of electricity. In fact, it jolts the audience with its strain. The situation's pressure is balanced somewhat with the release provided by the situation. EVIDENCE OF black socialization is evident in all the characters; still,ie can sense the obvious split betweente. city and country people, just as vh white and black. The Back Alley Players are supp4 ted by the University's theater dep tment, which finds the ventures of t . group promising. They acce donations toward the development their program but admission to pe formances is free, for the present. The major attraction of An Evenin of Entertainment, and I suspect witl the Players' other productions, is the vast spirit with which they com. municate their culture. For those previously interested as well' as those who are not, it is really something to experience. The understanding they convey brings hope for the strength society one day might have. I' r ii v ,s \_ #z I A. COOPER 0) ~ft E. HARRIS *0 1. . .1 r s The Ann Arbor Film Cooperstive pemsents at MLB 3 DECEMBER 8 Rocky Horror Picture Show Has Been Cancelled Replacing it is- A HISTORY OF THE BLUE MOVIE (Alex de Renzie, 1970) 7 & 10:20 An excellent compilation of old and new hard-core "stag" films (with an intel- ligent narration stressing historical aspects) featuring such tidbits as the 1915 A FREE RIDE, SMART ALECK (starring Candy Barr), THE NONE STORY and others. The discreet use of soundtrack, ranging from Vivaldi to Cole Porter, from Miles Davis to Terry Riley "establishes de Renzie as a pornographer with taste."-Take One. Rated X. WHAT'S UP, TIGER LILY? - /up' m _ w