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December 07, 1978 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-12-07

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, December 7, 1978-Page 11


This week's results

Rec Sports de artment
offers fun for handicaps
Walking. Crossing the street. Riding a bike. Easy tasks for most;
but for some people-quite a challenge.
Christine Smith, a senior LSA student, is legally blind. But this
disability fails to keep her from being physically active. She frequently
hikes, bowls, swims and jogs.
Thanks to the Partner Program offered by the Rec Sports
Department, Chris regularly participates in recreational activities.
The Partner Program, which began in 1976, provides partners for
those handicaps on campus who wish to participate in activities which
otherwise would be impossible.
Individuals are matched with partners who have similar-interests.
and a desire to participate in a selected activity and time slot. There are
presently four handicapped members in the Partner Program and over a
dozen volunteers.
"It's a great program," says Smith. "I've met a lot of really nice
people. I wish more would join. But I guess many don't feel they have the
Joanne Prunty, Assistant Director of Recreational Sports, is the
director of the Partner Program. She accepts applications from
handicaps and volunteers alike, and matches them based on common
From that point, it's up to the partners to program their own
activities. However, if a problem does arise, Prunty is available to help
remedy the situation.
Generally, persons remain with the same partner throughout the
Because of liability concern, volunteers do not actually provide
handicaps with transporttion to and from the recreational building. But
once the handicap is at the building, the volunteer aids him/her around
the facilities and usually participates with the handicap in each function.
According to Prunty, swimming is one of the most popular activities
among participants. It provides excellent exercise for those members
with cerebral palsy and other movement disabilities.
The Partner Program is open to the entire University community:
students, faculty and their families.
All recreational sports buildings may be used. The partners merely
need to show a facility users pass or a validated student ID for
Those interested in the Partner Program may contact Prunty at the
CCRB (764-7415).

Co-Rec Competitive
Imperial Storm Troopers 6, Waldo's 0
Residence Hall "A"
Class "A": St. Peter's Brigade 18. Michigan
House 6
Class "B": Douglas 77, Alice's 'A' 3 l(d)
Residence Hall "B"
Class "A": Wenley 18. Michigan House 6
('lass "B"~: Adams 12, C'hicago 6
Corpus Delecti 6, Stannous Knights 0
If you're planning to use one of the
Rec Sports buildings over the winter
recess, we suggest that you clip and
save the schedule below or call the
various buildings before you leave
for home.
Vacation hours
D~ec. 22-7.:45 a. m.-7 p. m.
D)ec. 23-9) a.m.-5 p.m.
Dec. 24-25-CLOSE D
Dec. 26-29-regular building hours
Dec.30-9 a.m.- )p.n
D~ec. :31 -Jan. l-CLO)SED)
Jan. 2-regular building hers
Dec. 22-7 a.m.-7 p.m.
Dec. 2:-Jan. I-CIAOSEI>
Jan. 2-regular building hours
Sports Coliseum
D~ec. 22-11 a.m.-5 p.m.
D~ec. 23-Jan. I-C'LOSED)
.Jan. 2-regular building hours
D~ec. Y2-': 15 a.m.-5 p.m.
D~ec. 23-25-CLOSE D
Dec. 21-29-, a.m.-7 p.t.
Dec. 30-.an. I-CLOSEI>
Jan. 2-regular building hours

Inner Tube Water Polo
Co-Rec Competitive (Playoffs)
University Lutheran 20, Co-Recreation 2
Knockers 6, First (Couzens 4
Breakers 10, VI) 6 plus 4 1
Knockers It, Breakers 4
U-'rowers 25, Little [louse 0
Michigan Bar Association (W), Condors (L) (f)
U-Towers 10, Michigan Bar Association 5
Markley Blagdon 'A' (W), Pi Beta Phi L) (f)
habs (W), Wenlev (L)(f)
Co-Rec Recreative
Barn Sam 5 14, Alpha Chi Sigma I
Shootzie Scores (W), Newman (I.) (f)
Delta Gamma Hash 13, Aces I
Women's Pre-Holiday Tournament
D~eep Six 4, Humor 0
XVBP's 4, Law Gunners 0
Ambatana 5.MCB's I
Thronson 'A' 4, Ambatana 2
Alice's4, Barbour Newberry 0
Kissin' Couzens 4, AC'ME Volleyball. Inc. 0
AKA (W), Thronson 'B' (L) If)
Wenley 3, Kissin' Couzens 3 (tie)
Alpha Gamma Delta (W), Bursley 5th Bartlett
(l.) If)
Alpha Delta Pi (W), Michigan Business Women
(I.) (def.)
Alpha Gamma Delta 4, Alpha Delta Pi 01
Wimps 5, Psychology i
IS I 6. Group Dynamics 0
All-Campus Doubles Tournament

Bernie Gaps/Larry Fox def. Woody/Neighbors/
Lee Bentson,.16-21, 21-8. li-1.
Bill Canning/Ford Fegert def. Carl Weber/Fran-
cis IDiaz, 21-15. 21-17
All-Campus Pre-Holiday
Round 1
Athletic Supporters 68,Gangue:16
Bad Company 50, IPPS 38
Descendants of Polish Farmers 21), Drunk 'n'
Disorderly 26
Hot Shots (W), The Buds (L) (f)
Alice's Animals 28, 3rd Hamilton 24
Markley Mac Panthers40.Couzens Blue 28
Big Superstars 47, Kelsey Kagers 2:3
Night Trippers 55, Couzens Gold 34
C.W. & Co. 50, Law Whatever 4)
Eliminators 66, Loose-BalI Fowls 18
Fupped Ducks 69, Ambatana 22
Explosion 71, full Mooners 29
Show Biz Kids 84, Ilawaii 5-026
Scott Ilouse :32, Blood and Guts :30
A braxas 50, Atomic Roosters 35
4 Fiji 36, O's Mothers 34
Shotguns51,Dental Derelicts 50
Super Iloopers 57, llummel's Cr'w 55
Pisces 44. Supremes 29
Four Play While One Watches 52, Speed Mer-
chants :1:1
Evans Scholars 1, Young Lions 39
Knicks (W) PBA:( I) (no score reported).
King James Version 1W). East Quad (L) (f)
Psych W, Psi Upsilon 37
B. B. King 50, 3rd Van Duren 13
Tygers :3. East Westchester 24
Affirmative Reaction 7:3, Abeng:31
WPOD 38, Cavaliers 30
Anonymous Tipsters 35, Vidgies M
Corpus D)electi 50, Mountain Oysters :36
Law Food 67, Slaughterhouse Five 1:3
South Quad Ilighs 50, Sigma Phi Epsilon 1126
Beaver Patrol 78, international Shoe 45
,WCB 61. Theta Xi 27
Spoilers 4:3.Sigma Phi to
Allen Rumsey 56. Space Cadets ci
Sigma Phi Epsilon 60, Zan do Kahns 28
.Jets 33:, Sixty-Niners 23
Kappa Alpha Psi 51, Sea-Lappers 22
B-Funk 89, Purple and Gold 52
Roentgens 61, Reefer Madness 29

Round 2
Bad Company 55, Athletic Supporters 5:3
IPPS 29, Gangue 21
Hot Shots 74, Descendents 33
Drunk 'n' Disorderly 38, The Buds 32
Markley MAC Panthers 5.3, Alice's Animals 19
3rd Hamilton 26, Couzens Blue 25
Big Superstars416, Night Trippers 41
Couzens Gold 72. Kelsey Kagers :32
C.W. & Co 5:3, Eliminators 43
Law Whatever 65,Loose Ball Fowls 18
Explosion 43,.Fupped Ducks 41
Ambatana :6, Full Mooners :30
Show Biz Kids 45., Scott House :31
Blood &uts S9, Hawaii 5-032
Abraxas 49, Fiji 42
Atomic Roosters 59, O's Mothers 25
Shotguns 46, Super Iloopers 45
S Hummel's Crew 60, Dental eerelicts 44
Pisces 66, Four Play While One Watches 43
Supremes 54, Speed Merchants 42
Knicks 32, Evans Scholars 30-
Young Lions4:3.,PBA :34
Psych 47. King James Version 42
Psi Upsilon (W), Fst Quad IL) (f)
Tygers 19, B. B. King 12
3rd Van Duren 55, East Westchester 54
Affirmative Reaction 84, WPOD 28
Abeng (W), Cavaliers(l) If)
Corpus Delecti 46, Tipsters 38
l:aw Food 47, 111 Wind 39
Slaughterhouse Five (W), Sigma Chi (IL (f)
Beaver Patrol 82, South Quad Sky Ilighs 46
MC'B44. Spoilers 4:3
Sigma Phi 78. Theta Xi
Sigma Phi Epsilon It75, Allen Rumsey 37
Space Cadets 63, Zan do Kahns 46
Jets 28, Kappa Alpha Psi 24
Sixty-Niners 47, Sea-Lappers 41
B-Funk 56, Roentgens 42
Purple & Gold 46, Reefer Malness 2:3
Sigma Phi Epsilon :37, International Shoe 22
Vidgies (W ), Mountain Oysters (Id (no score
We advise ...,
The scores and schedules presented
on this page are as accurate as
possible. However, we suggest that you
check with the IM department to
double-check deadlines or if you think
your team's score was reported inac-
::i:": :na'i:a' '.. ;; .:" :r"?",+ffaJfi' " .Ry }:.:.

Intramural Highlights
brought to you by


The most expensive
taste in beer.

: y5
" S
" f.
t t"'
.: r

Intramural wrestling gains popularity

Intramural wrestling has never
been popular among university
students in past years. Judging from
this year's number of participants,
however, wrestling is definitely on.
the upswing.
The intramural wrestling
tournaments were held during the
past two weeks at the Sports
Coliseum. Last week the fraternity,

residence hall, independent and
graduate division tournaments were
completed, while the All Campus
division tourney concluded last
Students are showing more
interest in intramural wrestling,
according to Ellen Gold, Associate
Director of Intramural sports.
"In the past, wrestling hasn't been
too big," she said. "But in the
fraternity division this year, the

number of participants doubled over
last year, so there is a little more
Seventeen teams competed in the
fraternity division, 12 in residence
hall, four in independent and two in
Gold noted that the level ofr
competitionis usually good because
many former high school wrestlers
The All-Campus division features

the best competition because it
brings back the top winners of the
other divisions.
"You get the more avid wrestlers
in the All-Campus division," said
Gold. "Hopefully, it draws all the
winners together, looking to be the
cream of the crop."
Each of the division tournaments
had 10 weight classes: 123 lb., 130,
137, 145, 152, 160, 167, 177, 191 and

The following is a list of intramural
wrestling champions crowned last
ei3o-Tom Ogar, Sigma Phi Epsilon
137-David Sherman, Sigma Alpha
145-Keith Cowan, Kappa Sigma
152-Joe Kraus, Phi Delta Theta
160-Alec Roghrock, Phi Delta Theta
167-John Kraus, Phi Delta Theta
177-Shawn Morrissay, Chi Phi
191-Bob Mrozinski, Beta Theta Pi
Unlimited-Craig Selden, Phi Gamma
Team Totals
1. PHI DELTA THETA .............. 63
2. BETA THETA PI .................34
3. LAMBDA CHI ALPHA ............33

1. ALLEN RUMSEY ................48
2. REEVES.........................46
137-Bill Lee, Dental Derelicts
145-Alan Knauf, Law Gold
152-John Trump, Dental Derelicts
167-John Prehn, Dental Derelicts
177-Jack Molenkamp, Law Gold
191-Charles Lane, Law Gold
Unlimited-Jeff Beinlich, Law Gold
Coming soon .,..
Thursday, December 7-
-Entries due for women's singles badminton
tournament at IMSB no later than 4:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 1-
-Mixed doubles badminton tournament held at
NCRB, 2-5 p.m. (Part of Family Sunday-
Funday program)

12-Chris Lee, Beaver Patrol
130-Kevin McCormack, West Quad
137-Robert Langer, Beaver Patrol
145-Stewart Roberts, Irradicators
152-Matt Leavitt, Irradicators
160-David Shiner, Beaver Patrol
167-Ron Ward, MMC
177-Greg Rose, Irradicators
191-Karl Glinke, MMC
While we're in the process of hailing intramural
sports champions, we should also acknowledge
other individuals and teams who have earned
victories this fall.
IN FOOTBALL, titles were, awarded
to: Imperial Storm Troopers, tVD 6 plus 4, the
Bombers, the Bruisers, Corpus Delecti, Beaver
Patrol, Random Samples, Evans Scholars, Delta
Tau Delta, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Nu,
Michigan House and the Douglas 7.

FSay,,lidnether dance!..
wresU'Ctling YOU? r you dia"~

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