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December 07, 1978 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-12-07

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Brown fears jet

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, December 7, 1978-Page 9
sales to China

;BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP)-Defense Secretary
Hlarold Brown fears that warplanes Britain plans
to sell to China might be used against Western
alies in Asia, and that the sale could affect U.S.
arms limitation talks with the Soviet Union, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) sources
The sources, who asked not to be identified, said
Brown also told British Defense Secretary Fred
VIulley in a private meeting Tuesday that Britain
should seek firmer assurances the weapons would
iot be used offensively against allies of the West.
BROWN, ATTENDING talks of the 13-nation
NATO's defense planning committee meeting
ere, refused direct comment at a news conferen-
e yesterday on the proposed sale of 80 Harrier
ump jets to China at $7 million each.
But he did say, "We do not interpose objections
o'our allies selling defensive weapons to China.
Neapons that would be considered offensive would
lave to be very carefully considered and con-
ulted upon."

Brown stressed Washington will not sell arms to
either China or the Soviets.
BRITAIN CONSIDERS the vertical take off
Harrier a defensive aircraft. China has said it
would deploy the Harriers along its northern bor-
ders where the Soviet Union has stationed up to 1 1
million troops. The Soviets could consider the air-
craft an offensive weapon in those circumstances.
China also wants the right to build Harriers at
Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev has warned
American, British and West German governments
in letters that "serious consequences" will follow
any NATO arms sales to his Chinese rivals.
members' reactions to the proposed:Harrier sale.
Aides who declined to be named said there have
been no objections-only the reservations voiced
by Brown on Tuesday.
Soures said Brown told Mulley big arms sales to
China could jeopardize chances for a phase-two
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) with

Moscow, one of President Carter's top priorities.
The sources said Brown also expressed concern
that allied weapons sold to China could be used
against Taiwan, South Korea or India. The
Americans have defensive alliances with Taiwan
and South Korea.
THE AMERICANS, British and West Germans
are consulting on how to respond to Brezhnev. The
British have said the Russians have no right to in-
tervene in Britain's relations with third countries.
The NATO officials would not want to appear to
back down to the Soviet warnings, and while few
officials here would say it, the British sale could
force the Soviets to divert more military resoures
to the Eastern border with China-and away from
the Western European front.
Peking is in the midst of a modernization drive
that already includes arms purchases from Fran-
ce. China recently signed trade agreements with
France and Japan and her leaders have made
trips to Eastern Europe that have angered the

('.ronf -

State Dept. knew
of mtass suieide plan


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' WASHINGTON (AP) - State Depar-
tnimnt officials in Guyana receivedt
diectwarnings last summer from the
Peoples Temple cult that its memberst
might commit mass suicide, but the
department says the threat was
ditMissed as a "psychological ploy."
The U.S. consular officer in Guyana,
Richard McCoy, told his State Depar-
tment colleagues that he remembers
the precise words of the warning: "We
will all give up and die. We will all
commit suicide."
THE QUOTE, contained in a written
department statement, was the first of-
ficial acknowledgement that represen-
tatives of the Peoples -Temple cult
carried the suicide threat directly to
U. officials.
At issue was a legal proceeding in
which the cult leader, the Rev. Jim
Jbies, was attempting to retain custody
over a six-year-old boy who Jones
claimed to have fathered. The mother,
Mrs. Grace Stoen, was a former cult
rifimber who had returned to Califor-
According to the department
statement, Jones' wife, Marcelene, and
a: fellow cult member, Sharon Amos,
told Mcdoy the Peoples Temple mem-
Wers would all commit suicide if Jones
lostte custody battle.
"McCoy's reaction at the time was
that the remark was a psychological
ploy designed to influence the outcome
of the trial," the statement said. "He
frankly did not take the threat
seriously. Neither did anyone else in the
This latest revelation came as seven-
M urder
Supervisor Dan White was arraigned
here yesterday for the Nov. 27 murders
of Mayor George Moscone and Super-
visor Harvey Milk.
Mi rcipal Judge R. J. Reynolds read
the two-copnt complaint against White,
charging that he murdered Moscone
and Milk, that he used a firearm in
doing so, and that he was in possession
of a firearm. The complaint also
alleged "special circumstances" in
that there was more than one murder
and in that Moscone and Milk were
elected local officials.
If convicted under such "special.cir-
cumstances," White could be sentenced
to execution in the California gas
Moscone and Milk were gunned down
in the city's tight-security city hall.
White, who is known to have been
angered at Moscone for refusing to
reappoint him to his position as super-
visor, has reportedly confessed to both
Your free time
is worth money
You won't ne.d any experience to
start turning your free time into
extra cash. Whether you are a stu-
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teen more survivors of the mass suicide
- two of them Jones' sons - returned
to the United States, penniless and un-
der a ring of tight security. The FBI
reported that none of those survivors
wished to speak with the press.

Reading from their works.
Thursday, December 7-7:30 pm
(copies of Ms. Kerman's book "Mothering'' will be for sale and to sign)

= i


Moluntaine erg #2.

Now Cm

- ".C!p -," v "... a I-t - W. qlw P, !- - !.I . 4! -

bgrgme- - , , _7n - ., 7-34

The Buschlabel is where it
all begins. Noteo
the snowyp
"- affixed
- moun-.
' r: .-
;r ; ou are tfie Toun-:.
taineer. And this is .;
anad.iThe subject of .
which is selecting the.
proper gear for
(It all fits to-.
gether so nicely,
doesn't it?) . i r" r. :.f~
First and -" ." -
foremost, youl - -
need to pop the
mountain top. For--
this task, faithful moun-,'
taineers use a church -
key. Secular mouon-
taineers use a bottle:
opener. Don't be con
fused by these antics .s. "" t-
with semantics. Just
remember, the opener is
your primary tool. Be - *
true to it and it will be "Be adventurous.
true to you Experiment. Most
Second, choose a mountaineers have a
glass. Here the options personal preference. You'll
become immense. develop one too.
German steins, hand- Food is next. Proper
blown pilseners, mountaineering, not
old jelly jars, to mention proper nutri-
tion, requires a smorgas-
bord selection of snacks.
- Some mountaineers
have suffered from a
arch key used by potato chip deficiency,
faithful mountaineers.) a pretzel imbalance or
. Boffo mug you've, other serious dietary de-
had since third grade.. fects Plan ahead

Comfort is crucial. If you
mountaineer in
public, pick
a padded
bar stool,
one that
(to facili-
tate admir-
===''g the
scenery). At
home, a com-
fortable chair or sofa will
do. Rule of thumb: if it
feels good, and the police
4 don't seem to mind, do it.
Then turn on the
-.tube or spin a tune or
crack a good book. The
choice is strictly
- .between you and the
dominant hemisphere
ofyour brain.Of course,
some mountaineers
say the smooth, re-
freshing taste of Busch
is entertainment enough.
And thank goodness
'vthey do,because
it's an excellent
4,' z- C -'?

- .4

:' a


st_'i .air r ti' , ._GS ii "-''=--

arm -la'= - - "i='r - + +'Ji/- _ _" _., r , s..r




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