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December 06, 1978 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-12-06

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Page 10-Wednesday, December 6, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Council Dems halt land purchase

City Council Democrats thwarted a
Republican effort Monday night to
show adequate support for the purchase
of land on E. Washington St. on which to
build a seven-story parking structure.
The vote was taken so City Ad-
ministrator Sylvester Murray could
exhibit political backing for the project
when it was considered yesterday mor-
ning by the State Municipal Finance
Commission (MFC). The bond was ap-
proved by the MFC yesterday, accor-
ding to assistant City Administrator
Godfrey Collins. The commission's ap-
proval was required in order to sell the
$3.1 million bond, which Murray said
would begin on December 20, with the
*MFC's sanction.
'COUNCIL VOTED p.rtisanly 7 to 4
on Oct. 16 in favor of the project. Eight
votes are necessary for the land pur-
chase, and two Republicans cannot par-
ticipate in the final vote because of
possible conflict of interest. Coun-
cilman David Fisher (R-Fourth Ward)
and Clifford Sheld (R-Third Ward) are
both employees of Ann Arbor Bank,
whose land Council intends to purchase.
. The city already owns most of the
land on the parking structure site, but
needs about 7,700 square feet from the
bank. Murray estimated the cost of that
plot at $165,000-the appraised value.

The structure would be built and owned
by the local Building Authority.
The conflict has centered on com-
bining uses of the building and adding
some housing units on top of the struc-
ture. The Democrats have repeatedly
asked for an idea of what the entire
project would look like.
MURRAY SAID he has discussed the
housing addition with several
developers-the First Martin Cor-
poration in particular-and they wan-
ted to be assured that Council favored
the project before expending efforts
and drawing up plans.
Mayor Louis Belcher once again
issued a plea for bi-partisan support of
the plan, but was unsuccessful.
Councilwoman Leslie Morris (D-
Second Ward) said she could only vote
for one parking structure, and the city
could only afford one over the next five
years. Since she did not feel this is the
best location for such a structure and
she said does not feel assured that it
will be a multi-use project, she could
not vote for it.
COUNCILMAN Earl Greene (D-
Second Ward) said his no vote was "a
matter of trust. I don't trust what's
going on." He restated his concern
about a multi-purpose carport and that
he wanted to make sure the parking and
housing facets blend together well.

Councilman Kenneth Latta (D-First
Ward) refuted Murray's reasoning for
wanting a resolution from Council to
take to the MFC. "Cities tell the MFC
plenty of times that they need approval
because of city politics." Latta added,
"They just took this vote to put
pressure on the Democrats."
During the meeting Belcher accused
the Democrats of previously saying
they would vote for the plan if housing
was included, and then not voting for it
even though housing was promised but
not outlined.
ALL FOUR Democrats refuted
Belcher's charge following the
meeting, saying that they never in-
dicated before that they would vote for
the plan in its current form.
"A sensible and wise leader would
have sat down with Council and talked
about the parking problem," said
Councilwoman Susan Greenberg (D-
First Ward). "It's one of the few times
in our lives that we've had any control
between now and April."
Morris said she had tried to discuss
their diffefences with Belcher before it
became clear eight votes were needed
to approve the sale of the land. "He
didn't even hear me," she said.
Latta termed the whole affair "a
hoax" and said the vote "was a par-
ticular fraud because Murray already
knew how we would vote." Latta men-
tioned earlier in the meeting that the
vote was pointless because Murray had
already individually polled the
Democrats and discovered their
feelings on the matter.

Around the WorldSpring 1979

Do uble vision

Four-year-old Katie Williams of Chicago presses her nose against a store window while Christmas shopping with her grand-

Grants for women, minorities

The University has received from the
Koppers Company Foundation in Pit-
tsburgh a $1,500 grant to be divided into
three $500 scholarships for freshperson
and sophomore minority and women
students in engineering, officials an-

This is the second year that the
University has received this grant.
Recipients for 1978-79 are Suzanne
Ahrendt, a sophomore in chemical
engineering, Leslie Slagg, a sophomore
in chemical engineering, and Eric L.
Kirkland, a sophomore in mechanical

Ann Arbor IRS boss
arrested for bribery

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If pregnancy poses a special risk for you,
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WITH Wire Service Reports
The head of the Ann Arbor office of
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
was among five persons arrested Mon-
day on charges of bribery and con-
spiracy to defraud the government.
Robert Magon, 52, an IRS super-
visory revenue officer, and three other
IRS officers are accused of writing off
more than $33,000 in back taxes owed by
Detroit builder John Downing, in ex-
change for $3,600 in kickbacks.
IRS OFFICERS Ernest Iczkovitz,
George Angelillo, Frederick Schwartz,
and Angelo Perry were also arrested in
connection with the case.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) spokesman Ben Brewer said that
the arrests culminated "a lengthy in-
vestigation by IRS Internal security
agents and FBI special agents."
Brewer added, "The plan was to write
off Downing's tax debt."
According to the indictments retur-
ned by a federal grand jury in Detroit,
the four IRS agents worked with Detroit
building contractor George Angelillo
with the intent of releasing Downing
from his back tax obligations. Downing,
who was not charged in the indictmen-
ts, is believed to have worked with the
FBI and IRS investigators.
The indictments state that Angelillo
told Downing in August of 1977 that "he
had a friend who might be able to
help ... with his tix problems." At
subsequent meetings with Magon, and
IRS officers Ernest Iczkovitz and

Frederick Swartz, Downing turned
over checks of $100 and $2,500 to cover
'entertainment expenses,' the indic-
tment said. Iczkovitz and Swartz
worked at the Southfield IRS Office.
ANGELO PERRY, the fourth IRS
worker, got involved last August when
he placed Downing's tax account on an
uncollectable status on the IRS com-
puter. Perry worked at the Dearborn
IRS office.
If convicted, the five men could be
sentenced to up to thirty years in
prison. Their pleas will be entered in
U.S. District Court in Detroit when
their trial dates are set.
Nucleoside forum planned
An internationally known medical
researcher, Professor Geoffrey Bur-
nstock, head of the department of
anatomy and embryology, University
College, London (England), was the prin-
cipal speaker at the Research Forum
on "Biology of Nucleosides and Clinical
Applications" to be held Dec. 2, 8:30
a.m.-1 p.m., in the Towsley Center, the
University announced.
Co-sponsored by the University's
Biomedical Research Council and the
Diabetes Research and Training Cen-
ter, the Research Forum brings
medical researchers to the Medical
Center in an effort to enhance the work
of both clinical and basic science in-
vestigators, according to Irving Fox,
M.D., forum program chairman and
director of the Clinical Research Center
at the University Hospital.

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