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December 06, 1978 - Image 1

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Vol. LXXXIX tNo. 74 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 6, 1978 Ten Cents Ten Pages


Kenworthy bids for Dem nomination

. . .........

A sobered Jamie Kenworthy - all
wisecracks aside - yesterday announ-
ced, as expected, his candidacy for the
Democratic nomination for mayor.
Kenworth began what promises to be
volatile campaign by attacking the
Republican mayor and Council for
mismanaging the budget, violating the
open meetings act, and adopting a "do-
it-today" approach to problem-solving.
Mayor Louis Belcher meanwhile took
out petitions to run for a full two-year
term for mayor. Belcher won last
April's special election by promising to
repave the city's blighted streets and
solve the parking problem, and this
April's election will be a vote of con-
fidence in how well the Republicans
have kept their promises.
OPPOSED TO broad promises, Ken-
worthy said he would challenge citizens
to lowered expectations, by "explicitly
stating" what city hall can and cannot
Kenworthy looked uncharac-
teristically well-groomed at his 3:00
press conference as he unveiled his new
haircut and mayoral image. Even his
green pants and blazer came'
frighteningly close to matching. While
the 31-year-old Kenworthy has been the
favorite of Democratic party regulars
for some time, the candidate admitted
that his previous graduate student ap-
pearance - the uncombed hair and

bargain-basement fashions that were
his trademark - had worried some
party leaders.
But Kenworthy made it clear that his
campaign wouldAbe waged on substan-
ce, not style, and he left no doubt that
the Democrats plan to make the
Republican-dominated Council their
central campaign issue in the April
"I BELIEVE we need to raise the
standards at city hall," Kenworthy said
in his prepared statement. "Our cam-
paign will not suggest that no good has
emerged from the current Republican
council ... However, recent events at
city hall have saddened many citizens
who do not wish to see the city's attor-
ney directed to challenge the Open
Meetings Act."
Kenworthy was referring to the Sep-
tember incident in which a visiting Cir-
cuit Court Judge found the entire
Republican caucus guilty of holding an
illegal closed meeting on May 23 to
discuss city budget changes. This was
in violation of Attorney General Frank
Kelley's earlier interpretation of the
State's Open Meetings Act.
As a result, the city's 1978-79. budget
was tossed out and a new budget had to
be adopted - this time in public.
REPUBLICANS again ran afoul (of
the Open Meetings Act when Belcher
scheduled a hasty special session of
council to discuss parking structures,


but then realized that by law he had to
first post a 48-hour notice of the
"They (the Republicans) did not have
any sympathy with the law," Kenwor-
thy said. "Of all the things you have to
-do as mayor, you have to tolerate
making decisions in public."
Kenworthy said Belcher - con-
sidered a formidable foe - is
vulnerable on the open meetings

Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
AN EXUBERANT hopeful auditions for a summer job at Opryland, U.S.A. The Nashville amusement park held tryouts
at the Michigan Union yesterday. See story, page 7.
State rejects pot bill

AZ attorney to get Council seat

Special to The Daily
LANSING - After months of debate
nd procedural delays, the state House
Representatives voted yesterday to
eject a bill that would have
ecriminalized marijuana. Supporters
f the measure claim it will be re-
onsidered today in a desperate effort
o get it passed before the legislature
ecesses early next week.
Although the proposal received a
lurality of votes among members
resent yesterday, the final tabulation
as still three short of the required 55
votes representing a majority of the
total 109-member governing body. For-
ty-nine representatives voted against
IBUT THE BILL, which would call for
lower penalties in several instances, is
not dead yet, according to a leading
House Democrat.
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Ar-
or), a frequent advocate of
ecriminalization during his six-year
tenure in Lansing, said he is not willing
to concede the battle until all possible
re-considerations have been exhausted.
The representatives are allowed to re-
consider a particular vote twice before
that vote becomes official.
Another leading legislator, State Sen.
Paul Rosenbaum (D-Battle Creek), the
chairman of the House Judiciary
Committee and the bill's floor general,
said that even if it is re-considered, its
chances of passing are very slim.
Rosenbaum and other supporters of
the bill pointed to the attendance factor
as a major obstacle confronting the
bill's future prospects for approval. The
Battle Creek Democrat, an unsuc-
cessful candidate for Senate this year,,

v .;.

explained that the attendance during
the lame-duck session usually declines
daily and yesterday was an especially
"We'll try it over, but I'm not very
optimistic. It's not probable that we'll
be able to get over 100 members on the
floor together at the same time for the
rest of the session,",said Rosenbaum.
He had predicted before the vote, as
did other supporters, that it was very
possible they would pick up the
minimum 55 votes. But after the vote, it
was clear that some key supporters
were absent.
The bill, if passed, would remove any
jail sentences for minors convicted on
possessing less than an ounce of
marijuana. Also, a person convicted
with possession of more than one ounce
of pot would be guilty of a misdemeanor
resulting in a fine or a possible 90-day
jail sentence. The present punishment
is a one-year sentence.
Although chances for approval seem
unlikely during this session, many
members predicted yesterday that the
influx of a new crew of young liberal
representativs would probably secure
the bill's passage during the early part
of next year.
"There is no question of it not passing
next year. A lot of the new guys, I
suspect, probably adopted this stance
during their campaigns," said Rosen--
Dan Sharp, a Bullard aide, however,
said he is uncertain whether many of
these young politicians will be able to
be unintimidated from constituency
pressure and vote for
Yesterday's setback was another in a
long series of defeats which has

plagued the fight for decriminalization.
Similar House measures in the past
have also been narrowly defeated by
the more conservative wing of the
legislature. But with the lack of con-
stituency interference confronting the
outgoing legislators, including a num-
ber of conservatives, there was
speculation that the measure would
finally receive the required votes.
Unlike past debates in which shouting
sessions have been known to occur,
yesterday's discussion was toned down
considerably. The usual opponents of
See REPS, Page 7

Speculation was confirmed yesterday
that Ann Arbor attorney E. Edward
Hood will become the next Republican
member of City Council, replacing
Councilmember Ron Trowbridge in the
Fourth Ward if Council approves.
Mayor Louis Belcher said yesterday
he will nominate Hood to fill the Fourth
Ward vacancy once Trowbridge
resigns, probably in January. Hood will
run in the up-coming April election as
an incumbent, giving the Republicans
an edge in the city's so-called "swing
HOOD, 38, is a University graduate
and law school graduate whose only
previous governmental experience is a
three-year term on the cable-casting
commission. Already a petition has
been taken out in his name for the Four-
th Ward seat in April.
As of last night, Hood said no one

from the Republican party or the
mayor's office had contacted him about
his pending appointment. So the coun-
cilman-designate would only say, "If
Ron is definitely going to resign and I'm
going to get the appointment, I'm
Going into the April election, then,
Republicans will have three incumbent
Councilmembers running for reelec-
tion. Besides Hood, Louis Senunas in
the Third Ward and Gerald Bell, the
Mayor Pro Tem, in the Fifth Ward, will
both try to retahn their seats. With
Belcher, the GOP will go into the city
elections with an incumbent mayor for
the first time since the election of 1975.
FIVE COUNCIL seats are up for elec-
tion in April, one in each of the city's
five wards. Traditionally, Democrats
hold the student-heavy First and
Second Wards while the Republicans
See BELCHER, Page 7


WASHINGTON (AP) - President Six ad
Carter's budget managers claim they governm
can cut the federal housing budget and dispute
still increase subsidized units, but his because
housing experts say the reduction than two
would slash the program by one-third, BUT M
sources report. sparked
The Office of Management and Democra
Budget (OMB) is recommending the who note
Department of Housing and Urban than sub
Development (HUD) budget authority Republi
for housing be reduced from about $26.3 ministra
billion in the current fiscal year to OMBs
about $22.5 billion in Carter's 1980 bud- HUD to g
get, the sources said, First,
HUD SAYS this will reduce sub- HUD's p
sidized housing from the current 330,000 high.
units to about 225,000 in the budget year AN Al
beginning next Oct. 1. The department (D-Wis.)
will appeal Wednesday to OMB for even HU
money for 300,000 units and for smaller Carl H
cuts in some other departmental Coalition
programs. match H
But OMB has challenged HUD's -
225,000 figure, and claims the depar-
tment can actually subsidize just over
330,000, units with the lower dollar'
figure by using lower cost-per-unit
estimates and switching some dollars TEHR
to cheaper subsidy plans. strike by

ed 1
, t
, s

recommend HUD cuts

inistration officials in several
t offices who discussed the
eclined to be identified
arter's final decision is more
eeks off.
RD of the cuts already has
rotests from traditionally
c black and urban groups,
that 225,000 units are fewer
ized in all but one year of the
n, Nixon and Ford ad-
ys two changes would allow
more units with less money.
e budget office argues that
unit cost estimates are too
TO Sen. William Proxmire
however, said he thought
s estimates were too low.
man, head of the Urban
aid he doubted OMB could
D's expertise in housing costs

and warned against optimistic
estimates while inflation continues.
One government source, siding with
HUD, said, "You could do what OMB
wants, but some ingredients would be
missing, like roofs and plumbing."
SECOND, THE budget office
recommends producing fewer new or
rehabilitated units and instead sub-
sidizing the rents in more existing units
than HUD believes the law allows. New
or rehabilitated units cost roughly
twice what it does to subsidize existing
units. The sources said HUD wants 66
per cent of the units to be new or
rehabilitated, but OMB wants only
about 55 per cent in that category.
HUD argues that there isn't enough
vacant housing of the necessary size or
price in areas that need subsidies for
the OMB plan to work.
Ironically, because most housing
subsidy dollars are spend years after

they are authorized, the dispute has no
significant impact on Carter's drive to
cut the deficit in 1980 from the current
$40 billion to $30 billion.
THE DELAYED deficit impact led
one source, sympathetic to HUD, to
say, "This is not an attack on inflation
but an attack on subsidized housing.
.HUD thinks that if low income housing
isn't subsidized, it won't get built. But
OMB thinks more expensive housing
can trickle down to the poor through
rent subsidies."
Twelve black leaders told Carter
Monday they accepted the need for
domestic spending cuts in his battle
against inflation. But Holman said they
listed housing second only to jobs
among programs where they would like
to avoid drastic cuts.
Carter made no promises, but war-
ned the blacks they wouldn't like all his
decisions, Holman said.


MSA postpones
selection ruling

The Michigan Student Assembly
MSA) was unable to make its final
lecision regarding student input in the
Jniversity presidential selection
rocess last night, because when the
ssue came up the group lacked
MSA President Eric Arnson said the
decision will take, place next week.
Although MSA had finished inter-
viewing for the student advisory com-

the committee," said Arnson. "I
believe in the good faith of the Regen-
ts," he added, "and we should give it
one last shot."
Arnson continued, "If it doesn't work,
we should get out."
However, MSA member Joe Pelava
had planned to introduce a resolution to
boycott the process, .,and another
resolution to create a student commit-
tee that would provide a "working
alternative" to deal with the Regents'
position in the presidential selection

* Tel-Aviv History Prof. Yitz-
chak Ben Gad claims the
"existence of the State of Israel,"
not Palestinian refugee issue, is
the roadblock to Mideast peace.
See story, Page 2.
" Searchers rescued 21 sur-
vivors yesterday from a twin-
engine plane that crash-landed on
a mountainside Monday in
Walden, Colo. See story, Page 7.
" The Cagers take to the road

oil outp
shah's e;
nment Ir
new vio
report co
the aler

Strikers cut Iran "s oil supply
AN, Iran (AP) - A spreading vers believe this figure to be wildly A spokesman for Khomaini said in
y oil workers trying to oust Shah exaggerated. Paris that Iran's natural gas industry
mad Reza Pahlavi cut Iran's was at a "total standstill."
ut almost in half yesterday, WELL-PLACED sources, who asked This spokesman said anti-shah
ling the economic base of the not to be identified, said oil production demonstrators had taken control of
mbattled government. has dipped below 3.5 million barrels, Bushehr after the shah's secret police
d opponents of the shah just above half Iran's normal daily allegedly killed two religious leaders
meanwhile, that anti-gover- output of six million barrels. The oil in- late Monday.
ranians had taken control of the dustry was just recovering from last
Gulf port city of Bushehr after month's crippling 15-day strike when RELIABLE SOURCES reported that
lence Monday night, but the the new walkout began Monday. one religious leader, Sheikj Abu Ashuri,
ould not be confirmed here. Iran's military prime minister, -Gen. was shot dead in a gunbattle with police
Gholam Reza Azhari, appointed by the trying to arrest him Monday night in
PS AND armored vehicles, on shah Nov. 6, ruled out using the army to Bushehr. Ashuri was being sought for
rt for a new challenge from force the oil workers back to work, as allegedly making inflammatory anti
rs here, patrolled the volatile was done to end last month's strike. shah speeches in a local mosque.
area of Tehran yesterday. The "We must convince them that their
was the site of three days of activities are not only damaging to the Sources who asked not to be identified
beginning last Friday night in government, but to the people as a e shoot-out began when shuri

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