Pcye 8-Tuesday, December 5, 1978-The Michigan Daily LOST-YELLOW unlined notepad with class notes. Call 764-6400 or 995-3063, Vicky. 79A1208 LOST-Small female black cat, East Madison-S. Fifth area. Call 663-8044. 51A1205 FOUND-1 year old kitten. Dark brown. On Nov. 22 near Coliseum parking lot. Call 763-3993. dA1205 IF YOU LOST your keys, we found them. Claim at the Michigan Daily or call 764-0557. ID'D with Vogel. &keys on gold keychain. dA1205 JAN.-AUG. SUBLET w/option to renew. 1 bedroom. Unfurnished. A/C, carpet, pool. $260. 994-6026. V_ ._p84C 1206 OLD WEST SIDE OWN ROOM-Spacious, sunny, available Jan. 1. Bath, kitchen, parking. 668-1929. 00C1210 NO RENT, FREE bedroom for month of December in country house. Mr. Leonard, 994-4943. 99C1205 MATURE STUDENT wanted to share apt. on Church St. beginning Jan. 1st. $122.50/mo. 995- 5453,764-5373, Alberto, leave message. 83C1207 LOOKING FOR FEMALE to share furnished apt. 1 bedroom. 4 blocks from Frieze Bldg. Call Susan, 995-8913. 85C1208 FEMALE LEASE AVAILABLE in Kosher vege- tarian house. $105/month. Call Ilene, 995-4811. dC1205 SPACIOUS SINGLE ROOMS availble for winter term in a newly-carpeted house. Color console TV. Snacks always available. $150 a month. Board plan available. Call soon: Barry, 662-9538; Dan, 663- 1901. dC1205 MALE TO TAKE over lease. Furnished apartment on Arch Street. Call 995-3800. 03C1205 MONTHLY PARKING SPACES near Washtenaw O. ~ ~ ~~ . iT-_ . -.. _. f - -o -n " l i FOR SALE-In excellent condition-Raleigh 10- speed, $120: Bell and Howell Super 8 projector: King size waterbed, no frame; Craftsmen circular electric saw; lots more. 668-6064. 39B1205 NEW GRAVES SKIS available at wholesale prices. 996-0411. 73B1210 VALUABLE NORETAKE CHINA 80 pc.; silver goblets and sherbets. set of 6 each; electric guitar with case. 973-2586. 2488 Dalton Ave. dR XMAS COMING-For Mom, Dad, special friends. Fine photos, poems in GOOD COMPANY-Poets at MICHIGAN. Easily mailable, $5 at bookstores. 44F1210 PHOTO PORTRAITS-GIFTS $5.50 first 8x10; $4 first 5x7; additional less; 483-6883 eves. p02F1208 INTERESTED IN law or grad school? Come to Project Income Tax Mass Meeting Wed., Dec. 6, 7 p.m., AngellAuditorium C. 01F1205 NEED COPIES? THE WORDPROCES- SORS. We do copying, typing binding and printing. Ask about our 10% discount cards for students and faculty. 211 S. STATE STREET 7 days 662-3969 cFtc HELP DISTURBED CHILDREN as you send holiday greetings. Buy MAEDC Christmas cards. 3210 Ed. School or call 763-0450 ext. 24. 31F1211 YOUNG, EDUCATED, male 6'3", 180 lbs., hand- some and athletic would like to meet sensuous, liberated females for fun times. Include phone number (photo optional). Box 7878, Ann Arbor 48107. 72F1207 BAHAI FAITH One God, One Faith, One People. For information call 668-8993. 08F1207 MAKE LOVE!-NOT WAR (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings NEWLY AVAILABLE-Own room in spacious 3 bdrmr apt. 2 minutes from campus. 995-8454. 26C1210 4 MONTH LEASE AVAILABLE for male January- April to share 1 bedroom apartment on campus. Call Mike 995-4618. 08C1205 Apt/rooms at a Jewish rooming house. Low prices. 995-3276,769-3078. pcCtc NEEDED-Third male roommate for 2-bdrm, apt. $127/mo. Dahlman apts. 520 Packard. Dave, 995-5448. dC1206 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED by 1/1 for spacious 2 bedroom apt. between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti $160/mo. plus electricity. Call 434-9424 after 5 p.m. 40C1210 Meeded: Quiet female roommate for winter term. Own bedroom in a two bedroom apt. Call Susan. 994- 5804. _p04C1208% Own bedroom in 2 bedroom, modern apt. Female. Jan.-Aug.$99/mo.662-6712., 05C1206 FOUR WOMEN NEED fifth to share double in comfortable 3 bedroom house. 663-4356. 17C1206 FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM. $210/mo. Jan.-Aug. lease. 3 blocks from Rackham. 665-9702. 14C1210 LIVE CHEAP. I'll tell you how. Car necessary. Call Mike at 971- 7347 anytime. Only responsible, mechanically in- clined persons need call. 19C1207 SINGLES AVAILABLE in Fraternity. 19 meals a week, free laundry. 665-3151 and 668-7893. p61C1207 NEEDED-QUIET FEMALE roommate for winter term. Own bedroom in a two bedroom apt. Call Susan,994-5804. p04C1208 WOMAN! Own room, coed apartment, excellent location, three others. Fireplace, $124 inclusive. 663-7893. 15C1210 TWO WOMEN in beautiful bi-level apartment need 2 roommates Winter Term. Excellent atmos- phere for studying, good times. Call 994-6575. 21C1207 ONE FEMALE. Take over lease in Jan. Own room in 2 bdrm. apt. $170/mo. Near old St. Joe's. 662- 1059. 64C1207 WOMAN WANTED TO SHARE 4 person apt. Convenient S. Forest location. Call 769-6073. 58C1210 BOARDERS FOR NEXT TERM needed in frater- nity. $900 includes cooked meals and full social (both optional). Call'662-3961. 56C1206 ROOM AVAILABLE in 3 bedroom apt. $85/mo., utilities included. 994-0413. 36C1205 SINGLE ROOM in house one block from campus. $90/mo. Available now. 702 S. Division. 995-3608. 34C1205 EAST QUAD-Both leases for a male double for sale.764-3634. 78C1207 RESIDENT ADVISERS for FRIENDS INTERNATIONAL CO-OP to serve beginning summer 1979. Preference will be given to couples who have had experience in group living situations, who have some Quaker interests and background or have relevant international contacts. Interested married student couples without children or pets should call 761-7435. ll1H1210 SHELTER HOME Relief parents, Howell area. Couple to work 2 weekends per month in emergency shelter facility. Experience working with adoles- cent girls preferred. To apply contact Jane Brock, 517-546-1500. 89H1205 NEED EXTRA CHRISTMAS MONEY? Roma's of Ann Arbor has immediate openings for banquet waiters and waitresses. Excellent wages and working conditions. Apply in person, 2196 W. Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor. 29H1205 Excellent opportunities for responsible, hardworking students are available with The Michigan Daily. Monetary compensation is small, but the experience is invaluable. Applications are now being taken for business staff positions. Apply in person, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, MWF afternoons 12-3, see Stan or call 764-0560. dHtc PART-TIME WORK. Can you do outdoor writing, press releases? Apply at once. Call collect 324- 2626 or 324-2404. 30H1209 BREAKFAST WAITRESS. Hour 6:30 a.m.-11:00 am. Part time. Apply in person. Second Chance, 516 E. Liberty. ______ cH1208 NEEDED-COOK for Kappa Sigma Frat House Monday-Friday, lunch and dinner. Phone 761-7104. 60H1205 IMMEDIATE KITCHEN HELP WANTED. Short order cook and kitchen prep. person. AM/PM shifts, full and part-time. Apply in person, 112 West Wash- ington, Ann Arbor. p19H1210 AVAILABLE PART-TIME female holiday positions to help disabled young adult female. Days-=994- 1849/60; evenings/weekends-668-6818. 69H1208 RELIABLE COOK NEEDED for 25 fraternity mem- bers. Six days a week. Call 665-3546. 57H 1206 KITCHEN WORKER and prep cook wanted. Apply in person. Dooley's 310 Maynard St. 994-6500 37H1207 FULL OR PART-TIME day help needed, also drivers with cars for evening help. Apply Bell Pizza, corner State & Packard. 18H1206 Words 0-14 15-21 15 22-28 29-35 36-42 4-49 1.70 2.55 3.40 4.25 5.10 6.80 3.40 5.10 6.80v 8.50 10.20 11.90 4.60 6.90 9.20 11.50 13.80 16.10 5.80 8.70 11.60 14.50 17.40 20.30 DAILY LINE CONTRACT Number of Weeks Number of Weeks line/week 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 13 26 39 inches/week 13 26 39 7.00 10.50 14.00 17.50 21.00 24.50 .34 .33 .31 .30 .28 .27 .26 .24 .23 .31 .27 .30 .28 .27 .25 .26 .24 .23 .22 .26 .24 .23 .21 .20 .18 .17 .16 6 2.10 9 2.05 12 2.00 15 1.95 18 1.90 over 18 1.80 1;90 1.85 1.80 1.75. 1 70 1.65 1.65 1.60 1 55 1.50 1.45 1.40 N.B.: Each group of characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) add. 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 8 lines equals T inch 7 words per line, FEMALE to fill double in co-op $154 incl. room, board, util. 761-7060 Tamara. 06E1206 FRATERNITY now accepting non-member board- ers for 2nd semester. Room and all meals, $900. Call 761-7104. 06E1211 8~i e q as1i ch7 w r s p rln ROSE BOWL BOUND? I need my car driven to L.A. area sometime during Christmas break. Call 995-3437 evenings. dG1907 "JEWISH STAR" STUDENT NEWSPAPER-Open meeting Tuesday. Dec. 5 at 8:30 p.m. at Hillel, 1429 Hill St. cF1205 ACACIA COLLEGE SOCIAL FRATERNITY is establishing a new chapter at the "U." Look for us during winter trimester. 29F1208 UM STYLISTS at the Union. Chet, Harold and Dave. Open 8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Mbn.-Sat. P.S. Ask Dave about those new combs! cF1206 WE BAKE 'EM AND TAKE 'EM Personalized cake delivered with a musical flair. Create your own occasion. 663-1245. cFtc DECADENT ARTIST desires attractive, intelligent female. P.O. Box 8108, Ann Arbor 48104. 31F1209 UNION OF STUDENTS for Israel meeting, Wed., Dec. 6at 7:30 p.m. at Hillel, 1429 Hill St. cF1206 JEROME E. SEID of 527 S. Fourth Ave. has won today's $5.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE from the Uni- versity Cellar. Watch for your name in regular Cellar merchandise ads-DO IT DAILY! Offer good until Dec. 23, 1978at Cellar Info. Desk. 21F1205 114 NO. 51-SPINACH FRITTATA. It's kinda fun, not really a chore, but oh thank God there's only six more. dF.125 ATTENTION CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS! All Michigan Daily Classified Ads must be pre-paid The last day of publication for this term will be Sunday, December 10, 1978. The Daily will resume publication on Friday, January 5, 1979. Have a HAPPY HOLIDAY dFtc SNOW TIRES-Used I winter; in good shape. Fire- stone steel-belted radials BR 78-13. Fits compact, sub-compact cars. A steal for $60. Call 76? 1686 anytime. 8' '95 SNOW TIRES-One pair. A78-13s, for small car. Good condition. $20. 996-0116} 81S1207 MEN'S LOCKER CCRB wanted-Winter semester. Call Ed at 663-1941 or 763-4234. n09K1208 AVOID THE RUSH! BUY, SELL OR TRADE Your BOOKS through the MICHIGAN DAILY BOOK EXCHANGE A two line ad (7 wds. per line) will cost ONLY $1, 50t for each additional line. All ads must be pre-paid so come to the DAILY (420 Maynard) and place an ad or send a check plus a copy of the ad. Ads will appear Saturday, December 9th. Deadline for placing ads is 5 p.m. Thursday. December 7th. For more information call 764-0557 dFtc DOLLAR BILL COPYING Resumes and dissertations. Super quality copies at low prices. Color copies. T-shirt transfers. Lowest book copying rates in town! 611 Church, above Don Cisco's. 665-9200. 47F1210 UNIVERSITY OFM ICHfGAN. SUMMER ST UDY ABROAD Informational Meetings: FLORENCE, ITALY: Wednesday, Nov. 29. 7:00p.m., 203Tappan. LONDON. ENGLAND: Thursday, NoV. 30 7:00 p.m., 203 tappan. 78F1206 PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY - The Personal Growth Center, 403 Miller, 971-0102. cFtc COPIES: 312 each, overnight. Lowest Prices! Fastest Service! Accu-Copy, 524 E. William 769-8338 cFtc AFTER THE FALL APPLE JUICE $2.69/GA. WITH THIS AD, LIMIT FOUR GALLONS 407 N. FIFTH AVE. cFtc JUNIOR/SENIOR YEAR ABROAD Informational Meetings. AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FRANCE: Wednesday, Dec. 6, 7:00 p.m., 2003 Angell Hall FREIBURG, GERMANY: Thursday, Dec. 7, 7:00 p.m..,2003 Angell Hail Contact Hank Pei ter, Office of Study Abroad, 5208 Angell Hall. For further information, 764-4489. 79F1206 Free-cars to L.A. $75 expense allowance, 478-1050. 33F1209 LOOKING FOR A GARAGE to keep my car in during the winter months. Will pay top dollar especially if it's in the S. Forest/Oakland area. Call 66-786~7. OATV9 MOVING? Too muchustuff for a car, too little for a truck? We have your answer inexpensively. Call us 769-9270. Joe. 93M 1206 ALL TYPISTS The Wordprocessors, a commercial typing service has part and full time positions open for mornings, afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Must accu- rately type minimum 60 w.p.m. Good pay and pleasant environment. Call Suzanne or June, 662- 3969. cHte DISTRIBUTE the Detroit News to U of M campus- dorms and other campus housing during fall and spring semesters. r5-7 a.m., 7 days/week (per U of M school calendar). $70/week minimum plus other earning opportunities. You donot have to be a student. Reliable persons only. 668-1733. 20H 1208 Fashion Photographers needed for Michigan Daily fashion supplement. Portfolio required. Call 764-0560 for appointment. Portfolio must be presented at this time. dHtc PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVERS Must be 18, no car necessary, part-time, one or two nights per week. Apply in person only after 4:30 p.m. Omega Pizza, 101 Washtenaw Place. 6,5K1209 Applications are now being accepted for winter book rush 1979. Full time temporary employment positions to start in Dec. and Jan. Apply University Cellar, 530 State in the basement of the Michigan Union M-F 9-5, Sat 10-5. 45H1210 SECURITY GUARDS Full-time, part-time, 11:30 p.m.-7:30 a.m., CAMPUS ASSIGNMENTS. State Security Services 1000 Cornwell Place Ann Arbor, 668-0444 46H1210 CREW CLEANING-Part-time positions available mornings, good wages, at Briarwood Mall. Call USED GEMEINHARDT FLUTE, closed hole. Call Larry, 761-9431. pcXtc GIBSON RD GUITARS intstock. Road Fender, Yamaha and Martin brand names included in our fine selection. Apollo Music ,Center, 323 S. Maiu. cxtc BLACK GRINNELL Spinet Piano. Great for fun. Includes bench. 323 S. Main, Ann Arbor. cXtc BUBBA BROS. MUSIC + PRODUCTIONS Pre-recorded party music or DJ's Disco entertain- CAMERO LT '78, 4-speed, manual transmission, air, AM-FM, cassette stereo, power steering, tilt steering wheel, tinted glass, console, custom styled wheels. $5,200 or best offer. 668-1836. 82N1207 1972 VW SQUAREBACK-Kept in good shape. Custom paint, 4 new radials, new brakes, just tuned, more.,$1350.662-0227. dN1205 VW VAN-Campmobile, 1972. Very good condition throughout except needs new engine. $950, nego- tiable. Call Eric at 996-0726 or Val at 663-5660, after 6p.m. 63N1208 OPEL GT 1970-66.000 miles. Good condition, sharp. 763-0807 or 996-0585. PM only. 45N 1207 FOR SALE-1972 PINTO, good condition, asking $350 or best offer. Phone 429-1194. 17N 1207 '76 CUTLASS-33,000 mi., A/C, AM/FM, good con- dition. $3900. 764-7629. N1208 AAA AUTO DRIVEWAY Cars to all points. Top gas allowance. 13116 Grand River, Detroit. 313-933-5600. 61P1210 TICK ETS IF YOU have SUPER-SAVER Airline Tickets (Detroit-Los Angeles) departing Dec. 20, 21, or 22 and returning Jan. 1 or 2 and cannot go, I would like to buy them. Call Lata between 8:00 a.m. and' 4:30 p.m., 764-0550. pdQ1206 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED for modern apartment close to campus. Call 663-1819. 25U1207 SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDD, for spacious 1- bedroom apartment. Winter term. $125/mo. 668-6476. - ~ - -- -07Y-1208 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED-Single room in furnished apartment. 5 minutes from campus. 994-5164. 76Y1206 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe O 1978 Los Angeles Times Syndicate Single Room in modern 3-man apartr ent near campus. Starting January. Call 663-1620. 8751207 THE AIR FORCE IS FOR NURSES WHO WANT TO GO PLACES. Hawaii, Japan. Europe and the U.S. Going places doesn't only mean travel. It also means professional advancement, with such benefits as: t Great Working Conditions and Challenging Work. * Good Pay with Frequent Increases. * Recognition and the Chance for Promotion. * Advanced Trainng with Wonderful People Join the Air Force Nurse Corps and help care for your country while you go places. Contact your Air force Recruiter. Call: Capt. Doris Centers Nurse Placement Officer 23400 Michigan Ave. Dearborn. Michigan 48124 313-561-7018 ACROSS 1 Island SE of Luzon 6 Aurora's realm 10 Luggage 14 Loyal; faithful 15 Aaron Burr's daughter 16 False god 17 Utopian 18 Lawgiver and king of ancient Babylon 20 Strict; disciplin- arian 22 One of the Bergmans 23 Greeting 24 Opposed. 25 Checkerboard game of Japan 28 Ponder 32 Unclose: Poet 33 Part of a quartet 35 Volatile, hightly inflammable liquid 36 Feudal estate 38 Souvenir of an earlier time - 40 Prefix for the air",, age 41 Ludicrously fan- tastic 43 Changes direction 45 Also 46 Determines 48 Pass 50 Loud confused sound 51 Letters 52 Narrow passage- ways 55 Its capital is Islamabad 59 Whirlpool 61 West Indian fruit Fib l.1v+dO 10 11 12 13 19 21 24 25 Swedish name March in the He- brew calendar Desert in Mongolia Glided Loosen Its capital is Niamey Nest on a cliff Achieve much suc- E ilptlicaLcess 63 Calcium oxide 26 Think, old style 64 Women's apart- 27 Vegetable ment 28 Jetties 65 Game of chance 29 In a pile 66 Kennel sounds 30 Gull-like birds 67 Hoarse breathing 31 Wear away noise 34 When Dover and Calais meet . DOWN 37 Mayor La Guardia 1 Actor Pickens 39 Brook 2 Soprano role at the 42 Surfeits opera 44 Winter vehicles 3 Sea: Ger. 47 To a great extent 4 First name in 49 City of Egypt: Var. mysteries 51 Mesdames 5 Having 52 Running wild confidence . 53 Wash (IGirl's name mean- 54 Meager ixig "flible" 55 Ostentatious show 7 At the drop.. -- 56 Food staple in 8' Type of school: Hawaii Abbr. 57-State 9 Call--(remem- 58 Notederson._ ber) 60 River mothop. 7 L9 1T1 15 1 1 19 21 2 TO ASSIST HANDICAPPED MAN and help with inside and outside house tasks. Will trade for room, board, and loving family. 995-8855. 22H1210 PIZZA HUT is now accepting applications for waitpersons and cooks. Part time and full time. 3045 Carpenter Rd.. 971-6500. Pizza Hut is an equal opportunity employer. 12H1210 HOSPITAL SITTERS URGENTLY NEEDED ..Work when you want Good pay We will train For more information, Call Kelly Home Care, 973-9010 or drop by 2500 Packard Rd., Suite 201 A. E.O.E. p23H1209 PART TIME CAMPUS representative position avail- able immediately. Aggressive, highly motivated individual needed to sell Spring Break sun and ski packages. Excellent commission plus travel bene- fits. Call Summit Travel, Inc. (314) 874-6171 immed- iately for an application. 23H1210 REWARDING SUMMER for sophomore and older college students and teachers in the Colorado mountains working with children. Horseback rid- ing, backpacking, ecology, many outdoor programs. Write now. Include program interests and personal goals. Sanborn Western Camps, Florissant, Colo- rado 80816. 18H1206 SUMMER JOBS. FOREST SERVICE. How, where, when to apply. Complete Information $3.00. Mission Moun'tain Co., 148 E. Evergreen, Kalispell, MT 59901. Application deadline Jan. 15. p95H1205 SALES CLERK. Salary plus room and board. Call after 10a.m., 761-8556. 20H1207 PART-TIME, 2 or 3 evenings and Saturdays. Light janitorial work: sweeping, light mopping, emptying trash. Apply U. CELLAR-S. STATE (IN MICH. UNION) M-F 9:30-5:30. 94H1205 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE ti I T m IT I nrT NU C . In l F TYPING/BINDING * Dissertations * Theses/Term papers " Business/Letters/Resumes 1.m A great way of life . Legal Judie Birdsall 612 S. Forest 665-9843 Suite B cJtc FAST, ACCURATE TYPING, $1.00 per page. Pick- up-DELIVERY-Student Union. 973-2776. 80J1210 PROFESSIONAL EDITING for the final quality of the manuscript Ruth Gladstone-769-2931 _n_7929 pcJtc DISSERTATION & MANUSCRIPT TYPING Free spelling, grammar, punctuation and cleanup. RACKHAM QUALITY GUARANTEED Reasonable Rates KATHY BLACK-665-3416 cJtc WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Technical Copy, Editing, Research, Typing. Experienced Profes- sional. 996-0566. cJ10tc. PROFESSIONAL TYPING and WORD PROCESSING THE WORDPROCESSORS. We specialize in dissertations, manuscripts, resumes, legal and term papers. Rackham quality guaran- teed. Also copying, printing and binding. 7 days 911c Q VTA TV T 9r 99_ o0n, r- - ----------------..----------1_. IM AGUS 0V A 1Qn' C MPA N Y ° SPECIALISTS in( * Perms: Curly, Wavy, This month receiveS I & Relaxers -- ,' & Rea~er '~10% DISCOUNT e Precision Cuts 0 D O * Color on all services * Color Correction OFFRbNL e Facial & Nails (OFFER GOOD ONLY e Press & Curls It' WITH THIS COUPON) MON.-SAT., 9-7 Ann Arbor's Cornerstone of Beauty I 311 East Liberty 994-057I 1aT YOUR SERVICE*.. L . Billing 764-0550 Circulation 764-0558 Classifieds 764-0557 _t- r, Dila~~v 764-0554 I I 33 3 'L 28 1 32 -4-9 I I'" I I 1" 1 I 1 I1 - I I 1 I I I I