1, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,...., ISCUSSES SOCIETY: Prof. Haber Speaks to Reading Group By JAN RAHM John Galbraith's "The Affluent Society" Is important as a predic- tion of possible future abolition of poverty, Prof., William Haber of the economics department said Tuesday.' Speaking to a group of 30 as part of the summer reading pro- gram on social security and its relationship to a free economy, Prof. Haber contended that our modern society cannot be called affluent since there are still many unmet wants, often even in food,; clothing and housing. "This is. especially true of un- derdeveloped countries," he said U Students MaV Witness Sun Ech se Early birds with astronomical aspirations may be in for a treat tomorrow morning. About one-quarter of the sun's surface will be blotted out by the moon when the solar globe emerges from the horizon at 6:32 a.m.; Prof. Hazel Losh of the astronomy department announced yesterday. Providing the weather is clear and the viewer, equipped with dark glasses, can find an unobstructed patch of horizon in the east, the partial eclipse will be visible for about 16 minutes, she explained. By then, the moon's shadow will have retreated and the sun's image wil be back to normal. Although "not important, as- itronomicaily speaking," the par- tial eclipse, Prof. Losh advised, "is ,most interesting to observe, and % abould not be missed, even if one must be up at sunrise to see it." The solar phenomenon, seen oMly during new moon phases, oc- curs when the "moon passes di- rectly between the sun and the earth, and one can see the dark moon projected against the bright background of the sun," Prof. Losh continued. The sun will be completely over- ahadowed by the moon at dawn in the Boston area, she noted. The belt in which viewers may witness tomorrow's total eclipse will ex- tend from the United States' northeast border in a southeast- ern direction across Africa, she, added. Positions Open For League Petitions for committee mem- bership and chairmanships will be available in the Undergraduate Office of the League until Wednes- day. Positions open for committee Onembership are Women's Judi- cAary, Interviewing and Nominat- ing, and the House' Committee. Chairmanships are available for the Public Relations and Univer- sity Services committees. Interviewing will take place from 3-5 pm. Wed., Oct. 7, Fri- day, Oct. 9. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors may petition. "but is also valid for many in the United States." Society Different Prof. Haber pointed out that in Galbraith's view, much of presept- day economic theory was devel- oped when society was radically different from what it is today. Such men as Adam Smith, Ri- cardo, Malthus and Mill wrote at a time of widespread poverty when there was barely enough to supply the wants of life. Our society, Galbraith claims, does not have such problems in getting the basic necessities. His thesis, Prof. Haber continued, is that trouble comes because our ideas on what should be done are based' on old principles which do not hold true in our modern "afflu- ent society." Galbraith contends that we are so overwhelmed with production possibilities that a whole industry, advertising, has grown up to create wants through such devices as planned obsolesence. The author feels this is ridiculous, Prof. Haber said, since we have neglected the public sector of our life-schools, highways, hospitals, research and the like-because of our emphasis on the private economy. Conventional Wisdom "This would, of course, be con- sidered by many as a radical idea," Prof. , Haber commented, "and counter to what Galbraith calls the 'conventional wisdom', which says among other. things that taxes must always be low and that the best government governs least." These are among the "sacred cows" that Galbraith seeks to de- molish. He believes that taxes are not morally wrong and that none of us are paying enough taxes for the purpose of improving our pub- lic economy, Prof. Haber contin- ued. Galbraith goes against both the conservatives and the liberals in advocating high income taxes and high sales taxes, the professor of economics explained. Prices vs. Employment Another major part of Gal- braith's philosophy is that we cannot have both full employment and stable prices. "This does not bother him, though," Prof. Haber added. He would sacrifice full em- ployment to keep down inflation." Prof. Haber was critical of Gal- braith's oversimplification of the problem of inflation growing out of full employment. He considers Galbrait's conclusion that we should aim for stable prices and accommodate ourselves to as much unemployment as necessary to 'achieve this as a dangerous idea. Continuing the Summer Read- ing Program with seminars today will be Prof. Frank Grace and Prof. Marston Bates. At 4:00 p.m. in the Honors Lounge of the Un- dergradpate Library, Prof. Grace will lead the discussion on "The Individual Within Mass Society," using David Reisman's "The Lonely Crowd" as 'the primary book. Prof. Bates will deal with Rich- ard Hofstadter's "Social Darwin- ism in America" at 7:30 p.m. in a seminar on "Darwin's Influence on Culture." . At 4:00 p.m. tomorrow in the same room, Prof. Leslie White will speak on "An Analysis of the Sci- ence of Culture." Saturday morn- ing Prof. Kenneth Boulding will lead the seminar on "An Analysis of the Image." Committee, Jobs Open For J-Hop Petitions for the 1960 J-Hop committee chairmanships will close Saturday. These positions are open to all interested sophomores and juniors. The petitions -are available in Rm. 2534 of the Student Activities Building. The J-Hop is the only all-cam- pus formal dance of the year. A between-semester occasion, it oc- c u r s b e f o r e registration' and classes begin; and women's per- mission for that night will be 4 a.m., the latest of the year. A big name band will play for the event, and "new and differ- ent" plans for this year's J-Hop are being made by the central committee. Due to the financial success of last year's dance, the 1960 J-Hop likewise will be held in the League. Panhel Honor Code Seeks Full View of College Life "The purpose of the new Pan- h e-l e n i c Association pre-rush honor code is to encourage newly enrolled women to obtain an over- all view of every aspect of college life," Panhel rush chairman Bar- bara Greneberg, '61, said recently. The code, unanimously passed by- the individual rushing chair- men, removes former restrictions on personal relationships between affiliated and independent women. Erase Tension "Panhel feels that this will help erase unnecessary social tension during the pre-rush period," Miss Greenberg said. "The code should bring about a de-emphasis of rushing," she con- tinued. "The best preparation for rush is when it comes. Meanwhile, new women shoul4 see and ab- sorb as much as possible and get to know people, which is very im- portant." A further purpose of the code is to encourage newly-enrolled wo- KAPPA SIG'S BEST FRIEND-Watson, mascot of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, has been kidnapped. The house received a ransom note Tuesday signed by "The Bloomer Girls." The boys are angry. The dog offered no comment. Bloomer Girls' Kidnap Kappa Sigma's- Mascot men to view sorority life as a whole and to enter formal rush with an open mind about all houses, Miss Greenberg added. One Restriction One restriction, however, has been placed on sororities at the house level. Any first or second semester freshmen women or transfer students, e x c lu d i n g seniors, who have not had the op- portunity to go through formal rush will not be invited to visit any sorority house, except where their attendance has been ap- proved by Panhel. "The code is, in essence, a phil- osophy," Miss Greenberg said, "rather than a list of regulations or restrictions." "Panhellenic feels that this ap- proach will do the most to en- courage the prospective rushee toward a well-rounded view of college life and of the sorority system as well," she concluded. MISERY Things are not elementary for the Kappa Sigs. Someone has kidnapped Wat- son, the fraternity's mascot, and a look at- the ransom note reveals it'll take more than Sherlock Holmes to find him. ' Watson is a brown and white Saint Bernard who has been with the house for three years. Seen Saturday "But he didn't show up for breakfast Sunday' morning. In fact, the guys remembered the last time we'd seen him was Saturday night when he was walking down Tappan St.," house president Chuck Cnudde, '60, said. Fire Journalists Discuss Problem Of Press .Coverage of Racial Issue' Tuesday the fraternity received a ransom note. Signed by "The Bloomer Girls," it read: "Your dog is safe and sound. "If you want him back, walk carefully to the corner of E. Uni- versity and S. University alone. (Do not contact the authorities or you will witness dreadful repris- als.)" Contemplate Search The note continued with in- structions for the boys to yell "May I.' at the corner and take a number of giant steps. "We figure they don't really want us to go - they didn't list any specific time," Cnudde ex-3 plained. SomeKappa Sigs are contem- plating a search party. They want their dog back. New Members Invited To Join: Service Group Anyone interested in joining Alpha Phi Omega, the University's service fraternity, who missed the open meeting last Thursday night, is invited to come to the Student Activities Building at 7. p.m. Mon- day, Paul Nida, '6OBAd., the fra- ternity president announced yes- terday. At that time, the service, frater- nity will hold its semi-annual pledging ceremony. The fraternity's program con- sists of service projects and social activities. Among its functions are the operation of a mimeograph and duplicating service, maintain- ing poster distribution routes, and assisting at registration and " 'U' Day." GARGOYLE, an old Indian recipe. Be bothered no more by "midnight discomfort." GARGOYLE positively, cures everything. If still no results, come to Editor for laying on of hands. Mrs. C. S. says: "I buy GARGOYLE when- ever I get enough money, and eat the copies. Taste real good except for the staples." GAR- GOYLE-on sale everywhere-rejoice! END BEDWETTING By ANITA FELDMAN "Although som newspapers have done a better job than oth- ers, we wouldn't be in the dilemma we are in today if the press had told the people all the facts about race relations 20 to 25 years ago," Carl T. Rowan, Pulitzer Prize- winning reporter of the Minne- apolis Star-Tribune said Tuesday night. Shedding his views on, the sub- Press," Rowan added that al- though the press devotes full cov- erage to the segregation issue, "a great many aspects of life. In- volving race relations is only cov- ered superficially." Along 'with Rowan, four other journalists also commented on this subject Tuesday night when they were interviewed on the ra- dio program "News in 20th Cen- tury America." Documentary Series This program is a documentary series produced by WUOM, the University's radio station, and broadcast by .a network of 59 ra- dio stations throughout the coun- try. Mark Ethridge, publisher of the Louisville Courier-Journal, Harry Ashmore, executive editor of the "Arkansas Gazette," Sig Mickel- son, CBS vice-president in charge of news and Frank Ahlgren, edi- tor of the "Memphis Commercial Appeal" expressed their feelings on the subject. When asked "What is the job of the news disseminator in this race relations crisis?", Mickelson answered: "To maintain objectiv- ity, honesty and fairness, some- thing which most newspapers have finally accomplished in the past decade or so." Reportorial Job Ethridge maintained that "we need a straight reportorial job of what's going on," and he trusts the common sense of the public if it knows the truth about the situ- ation. On the other hand, Ahlgren in- sisted that the responsibility of the news disseminator was to "maintain the tranquility of his community by showing rationally that the South must learn to live with the Supreme Court's deci- sion, and that anarchy in any form must not be permitted there." Ethridge also lamented the fact that many papers have used their news columns to disseminate edi- torial opinion. Neglect Responsibility "This is a forfeiture of the press' responsibilities under the Consti- tution," he said, "for it is doing what the totalitarian presses do under orders." Commenting further 'on his be- lief that the press has not devot- ed a full enough coverage to all aspects of the race relations prob- lem, Rowan added that, "It is a big thing, and it shouldn't be, when a Negro social event, such as a wedding, is announced on a newspaper's society page. It's no wonder that the Negro press is still so popular." A Negro himself, Rowan feels, however, that the Negro can also help himself considerably by^"do- ing a better job of public rela- tions."' Racial Identification A big problem for papers today is the question of whether or not racial identification is necessary in a news story. Rowan insists that "in ordinary crime stories, unless race plays a particular role, it should never be mentioned. A paper never says "white gunman," so why should it then label a man as a "Negro gunman?", he asked. Such reporting creates a great emotional reaction in -the white reader, causing him to condemn all Negroes as gunmen, he added, and the paper which makes these unnecessary identifications is helping to create the race dilem- ma." Resists Faubus Harry Ashmore's "Arkansas Ga- zette" in Little Rock is the only paper in the area which has "stood firm against Governor Fau- bus,"" he said. "Ourhpape believes we have no choice but to uphold the Su- preme Court's decision, and de- spite Faubus' insistence to the contrary, we have upheld our massive resistance towards him," Ashmore said. He added that "a paper's re- sponsibility must remain con- stant: to present -to the people a coherent picture of what's hap- pening in terms they can under- stand." Do KuThk kirYburself? (SHARPEN YOUR WITSNON THISI*) I 8 . / f ' 4 :y Try FOLLETT'S First USED BOOKS at BARGAIN PRICES r l ' .-~...-.............-.--- *New Books If You Prefer FOLLETT' STATE STREET at NORTH UNIVERSITYS ® 1 Yours for Pennies! Washed and Ironed Only 30c Each KYER MODEL LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS i27 Si.Main St. 1023 Ann St. Phone NO 3-4185 r,. r ., 6' If yo's w e would you say, (A) "What-no skis?":or (B) "Cold?" or (C) "The pool closed three months ago," or (D) "Stay right here-I'll gettheguard!" Af Bn Cf Dfl 0r Do you think the statement "It's always darkest before the dawn" is (A) an astro- nomical truism? (B) a good reason for getting home early? (C) a piece of hope- ful philosophy? (D) an argu- ment for night watchmen? r I I I lili i 'I 1 !' }. i i ! seniors: Don't forget your appoint- ment for your Senior Pic- ture! Failure to keep this appointment will result in the forfeiture of your $2.00 PIi A BJ Cn o Do you think that a man who can pole-vault 16 feet but doesn't like to, should (A) go out and do it any- way? (B) keep the whole thing to himself? (C) do a bit of self-analysis on why he doesn't like to go so high? (D) have the bar set lower? AQ en c o[] When you choose a filter cigarette, do you(A) ask alb your friends, and take their word for what's best? (B) take the one that makes the loudest claim? (C) in- vestigate the facts, then use your own judgment? (D) go for the filter that gives you taste plus filtering? AQ en Cn on smoke VICEROY. They know only VICEROY has a thinking man's filter-the filter with more research behind it than any other . . . the filter that changed America's smoking habits. And only VICEROY has a smoking man's taste. *If you have checked (D) in three out of four questions, you're pretty sharp... but if you picked (C)-man, you think for yourself! . rw'iyC - I r ! 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