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October 01, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-01

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Fair to partly cloudy
and cool today with
little change in temperature



Steel 'Talks Start





At Ike's


Presiden Set Dadline att Oc.8
WASHINGTON (AP)-Prodded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
steel company and union executives held a two-hour meeting yester-
day and agreed to resume formal strike settlement negotiations this
morning in Pittsburgh. .
Eisenhower set an apparent deaidline of Oct. 8 for progress toward
settling the dispute which has idled 500,000 steel workers, and several
hundred thousands of others in related industries, since July 15.
The President held separate talks with union and management





leaders at the White house, then
France Says
Algeria Must
CFhoose Fate
Prance 'declared yesterday It is
now up to the .Algerians them-
selves to choose their own politi-
cal destiny end tile United Na-
tions should keep hands off.
Maurice Couve' de Murville, the
SFrench foreign minister, told the
S82-nation General Assembly the
Algerians had' already demon-
strated they were placing their
trust for the future in Gen. Charles
de Gaulle-.
But outside the Assembly Asian
and African diplomats expressed
disappointment that the French
foreign minister made no mention
of negotiations with representa-
tives of the Algerian rebel govern-
To Press for Talks
The Asian-African group was
expected to press for a UN reso-
lution urging France to enter such
negotiations. The provisional Al-
gerian government based in Tunis
has ofjered to hold talks on the
basis of de Gaulle's recent pro-
posals. .
The Algerian issue is before the
Assembly for the fifth successive
year. Detailed debate wil Itake
place later in the Assembly's poli-
tical committee.
In what appeared to be a slap
at te lge in rebel government
Makes Statement
"We say no one has the right
to impose on Algeria the regime
that is to be its own. This regime
can result only from the will, free-
ly expressed, of the Algerians
themselves. Combats, violence and
terror are not the means of reach-
ing a soltftion."
He said the Algerians' partici-
pation in a constitutional ref er-
endum on Sept. 28, 1958, consti.-
tuted evidence that they intended
"their future to be made with
Prane ad -wyntsyo-
that to this end, theyn were placing
their trust in de Gaulle."
He outlined to the Assembly the
de' Gaulle plan under which the
Algerians could decide at the bal-
lot box their own political future,
once peace has been established
in Algeria for at least four years.
Urge Closing
For Stores
On Sundays
A prominent Protestant wo-
men's group yesterday joined the
city's Catholic churches in a drive
to force grocery stores to close on
The United Church Women,
representing several thousand wo-
men from Ann Arbor's 40 Protes-
tant churches, sent letters of pro-
test to seven city grocery stores
which have Sunday shopping
'"We feel your emplayes need
rest on these days and an oppor-
tunity for worship,"' the letter
stated. "We feel everyone needs
one day a week for meditation on
things eternal."
The letters were mailed to four
local grocery concerns and three
national chain stores.' The wo-
men's group also sent letters to

the city's three A & P stores com-
mending them for closing on Sun-
The protest against Sunday

said he sincerely hoped "an agree-
hument can be initiated before my
return to Washington next week."
The industry's regula negotiat-
ing team wil eetwt teunion's
four-man team today at 10 a.m.
Yesterday's session here brought
togeher chaiman Roger M.
Corp. and other steel executives
with union president David J. Mc-
Donald. Both sides declined after-
ward to comment on whether any
progress had been made.
Instead, McDonald and United
States Steel's executive vice-presi-
dent, R. Conrad Cooper, isued the
"We have had a frank and con-
structive exploration of viewpoints.
Makes Statement
"The industry and union nego-
tiating teams will, in the light of
Stoday's discussions, resume collec-
tive bargaining in Pittsburgh to-
morrow morning at 10 a.m.,,
Neither Cooper nor McDonald
would expand on the statement, or
give any, details of the discussions
that Blough and the other steel
firm executives had with McDon-
Joseph F. Finnegan, director of
the Federal Mediation Service,
stayed away from the renewed
talks but asked to be called in it
the parties ran into trouble.
"If they can do it under their
own steam, God bless them."'Fin-
TePresident's expressed wish for
for progress in settling the steel
progress strongly implied, however,
that if settlement doesn't come
about, he probably will use Taft-
Hartley law procedures.
For Loans
WASHINGTON (/P) - A United
States proposal for creation of an
international agency to make
easy-payment loans to less de-
veloped nations moved forward
Deegations from world bank na-
tions which declared their position
at the bank's annual meeting with
the International Monetary Fund
here indicated well-nigh unani-
mous support for the plan.
The final decision is due today.
The bank's governors were con-
sidered certain to adopt a resolu-
tion instructing the bank to draw
up a charter for the new Interna-
tional Development Association
(IDA) as an affiliate.
The idea would make soft loans
in the poorer countries; these are
long-term credits which are pay-
able in whole or in part of the cur-
rency of the borrowing nation.
This would distribute among
scores of countries part of the for-
eign aid buren whichno-w falls
solely on the United States. How-
ever, Under Secretary of State
Dounglas Dillon assured the gov-
ernors that dollar-saving is not
the American objective.

Lawmakers Decide
Against Adjournment
By The Associated Press
State Republican Legislative
leaders yeday ndecided against
lawmaking session for the sake of
eight bills scheduled to take effect
Jan. 1.
One of these eight is the new
construction bill which Includes'
$800,000 for the start of plans and
construction on the University's
new Institute of Science and Tech-
The legislators turned down a
suggestion by acting Gov. John B.
Swainson that lawmakers return
for final adjournment today or Fri-
day. He reminded them the eight
bills, mostly dealing with state gov-
ernment reorganization, cannot
become effective until 90 days after
final adjournment - past Jan. 1
uness the Legislature acted this
*'Not Urgent'
"I don't think the situation is so
urgent that we have to come back
and adjourn this week," said Sen.
Frank D. Beadle (R-St. dlair), the
Republican Senate majority lead-
er. "Delay won't make any ma-
terial difference."
Lawmakers met one day last
week and agreed to come back Oct.
21 for possible action on taxes and
a new construction program.
The "possible" tax action would
come if the state Supreme Court
turns thumbs down on the newly
passed use tax. If so, the Legisla-
ture may have to find revenue -
Oni the other hand, if the tax is
okayed, then-and probably only
on that condition-will the new
construction bill be passed.
The ne'v construction' bill was
formerly a section of the overall
capital outlay bill, which last week
was split in two parts at that time,
appropriations were passed for re-
modeling and additions to build-
1ngs throughout the state, 'while
new construction funds were left
in question.
Beadle also pointed out that the
Legislature normally returned 30
days after final adjournment for
"sine die" (without day) adjourn-
ment, mainly for action on vetoes
by the Governor. This, he said,
would push back the effective date
of the eight laws till February.
Still Unsettled
Still unsettled was the question
of whether state officials will ig-.
nore technicalities and put the new
laws into operation on schedule.
"We certainly wouldn't question
them if they did," said Beadle.
"Legislative intent has been made
Beadle referred chiefly to gov-
ernment reorganization bills, which
include transfer of functions of the
State Office of Hospital Survey
and Construction and the Tuber-
culosis Sanatorium Commission to
the State Health Department.


- The Office for Student Affairs
impounded 32 bicycles illegally
parked in front of the Undergrad-
- uate Library yesterday afternoon.
There wer tw e bike pickups a
according to Vice-President for
~Student Affairs James A. Lewis.
There were 40 to 50 empty spaces
ain nearby bicycle racks," Lewis
Undlergraduate Librarian Re-
berta C. Keniston said the library
T has attached about 2,200 warning
sickers to bicycles which have
trance. Several impoune bi
cycles showed scraps of the warn-
ing stickers glued to the seats.
Lewis stressed that no bicycles
will be released until the owner
has presented his receipt for an
~ Ann Arbor licence and paid a
'~.three dollar service fee. Thirteen
S of the impounded bikes did not
have licenses, which must be pur--
chased at city hall.
4 Several students pointed out
that there are no lights by the
~-~IUGLI bicycle racks which makes
Sit impossible to work combination
lcks at night. L.ewis said the ob-
jection was miost valid and that
~ the installation of lights would be
Sconsidered immediately.
[LLEGALLY PARKED-There will be fewer and fewer bicycles The bicycles may be picked up
n front of the Undergrad Library if city and University officials at "Building 97I" on Washington
off Forest Avenue today from 3
iave anything to do about It. And they do, as was proved to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9
resterday when 32 illegally parked bicycles were impounded. a m. to noon.

n Referral
Carifying Group
IFinal Approval of Plan Remains
Under Jurisdiction of 'U' Regents


A basic change in the composition of the Committee on Referral
as proposed by the Student Council Plan Clarification Committee was
made last night by SGC.
In another amendment, SGC suggested that a function given
to them in the new plan be deleted because, in effect, it was mean*
ingless. With these two changes, SOC recommended that the new
plan be approved.
Before the plan is sent to the University Regents for final
approval it will be sent again to the SOC Plan Clarification Coin.
mittee. The Clarification Com-G
mittee ~will discuss any changes
that have been made by the ad - R I
ministration, faculty and the ones
the Council recommended that theTPr
Clarification Committee clear up
some of the language difficulties.
The new recommended compo-
sition of the Committee on Refer- O nuee in
ras moved by David Kessel,Metn
Grad., would remove the president WSIGO )-Peiet
of SGC, the Deans of Men and DWAHINGTONE(Aenh r esidednt
Women, the Vice-President for Dght D Eirsnhowd er yterIay
Student Affairs and an alumnus grave aistr aneto o Italy's
from the Committee. Pime Miniser Antoio Seni or
Under the SOC revisioni the re- hisr coldwataks withh Set
ferral committee would contain mirNiiaS.Krshhv
seven voting members consisting Segni promptly agreed w~ithd.
of: two students not currently senhowerutsiot thed amp u Daid
members of the administratone the cause of world peace.
membr o th sadinitraion The Italian leader expressed this
(who can't be the Dean of Men, view at the White House after
Women or a subordinate of meeting with Eisenhower for three
either; one-choolor colege a- hours of formal and lunch table
ministrative official and three fac- conversations.
ulty members primarily engaged IeLae
in teaching. IeLae
SGC Appoint A^ egni emerged into the lobby,
The students would be appointed Eisenhower already had taken off
by th ice-Presidet for Studengi a Clfrnia vcton he hpes
by the Faculty Senate. had delayed his departure In part
In the other amendment, SOC to see Segni.
proposed that the function giving cA joint Italian - United States
them the right to reactivate and mmune mad clea Esnow..
deactivate student organizations e aosmitiigWsend.
be eimiate asbeig bsicllyfense might despite the easier at-
beeeliinaeds. bigbaial mosphere created by his talks with
In explaining this, it was pointed Khrushchev. h d
out that deactivation is merely stiegfora sfegutedrl dis-
the result of allowing your charter armaen plran beut ited rly dea-
to run out. The proces of ract-aedt a nthebet imdye:
vation is really the same as theN.Rlato
recognition of new student organi- "Th pretantrationa s .ua
zations. ' -Tepeetitrainlsta

Khrushehev Prop oses Negotiations--
AsMethofo Settling Controversies

chev told Red Chia's leaders i
Peiping last night: "We, on our
part, must do everything possible
to preclude war as a means for
settling outstanding questions.n
Differences must be s o 1 v e d
through negotiations, he said.
U.S. Embassy
KARACHI, Pakistah (AP) - The
United States will soon finish a two
million dollar embassy in this
capital city of Pakistan.
The only trouble is that the
capital Is moving away.
Next week is moving time. The
entire top echelon of government
is shifting, including President
Mohammed Ayub Khan, to the
cooler city of Rawalpindi, 700 miles
north. Cabinet ministers and typ-
ists-in all about 12,000 persons-
will transfer.
Karachi has been the capital for
all 12 years of Pakistan's inde-
pendence. A 10-man commission
recommended a change, finding
Karachi unsuitable from the
standpoint of geography, commu-
nications, defense and climate.

The globe-trotting Soviet Pre-
mier freshfrom his visit to the
Unied taes, used te all-em-
bracing "we" to cover the whole
rceptin, but hi remarks were
directed to a predominantly Chi-
nese audience.
Mao Tze-Tung, the Chinese
Communist party leader, and Pre-
mier Chou en-Lai were among
tose who listened in tiprld
Communist Chinese regime's 10th
Leaders Realistic
Western leaders are coming to
a realistic understanding of the
world situation, Khrushchev said,
adding: '
"When I talked to President
Dwight D. Eisenhower . . . my im-
pression was that . . . he has the
suppor of mhany people and is
aware of the need for relaxing
intrnational tension."
The Soviet Premier told the
gathering that although Commu-
nist nations have created a mighty
potenitial they should not test the
stability of the capitalist system
by force.
Calls War 'Wrong' '
"This would be wrong," he said.
"The peoples would never under-
stand and would never support
those who took it into their heads
to act in this way. We have al-
ways been against predatory wars
. * Marxists have always recog-
nized only liberating, just wars."
"Even so noble and progressive
a system as socialism (Commun-
ism) cannot be imposed by force
of arms against the will of the
The Khrushchev s tat e me n t
might be regarded as a warning
to Red China to avoid armed con-
flict over such issues as it claim
to about 40,000 square miles of
territory on the India-China fron-
The Soviet Union urged Peiping
and New Delhi in early Septem-
ber to settle their border quarrel.
Formosa Another Story
The Chinese Communist claim
to Formosa could be a different
matter, in view of Khrushchev's

la Dillon yesterday gaendthisa as
between Eisenhower and Khrush-
chev on trade, a priority item for
the Soviet Premier.
But Dillon did not foresee any
speedy, sizable stepup In trade
between the two cold war adver-
saries. He noted many obstacles
remain, including a lack of Rus-
sian goods that Americans want.
Joseph C. Sutton's name may
become a footnote in textbooks
on education, under the chap-
ter "Modern Teaching Emer-
gencies and How To Meet
Sutton taught a journalism
class at the University of Il-
linols Tuesday with a cooing
baby in his lap.
The emergency came up
when one of Sutton's students
aried at clas myg his
six-mnth-old son.bryig s
"I didn't mind at all," Sut-
ton said, "The baby behaved8
quite maturely." '

Define Purpose
The purpose of the referral com-
mite asdefined by both the
Clarifiation Committee and SOC,
woldb tonadvise the Vice-Presi-'
dentd for tudent Affairs on mat-
ters concerning SOC action.
Kessel pointed out that though
many more changes could have
been made, the interests of SOC
could be best served by pointing
out to the Regents one or two
major ones.
If too many changes were pro-
posed, he declared, the force be-
hind the changes would be les-
sened. If this happened, SGC
might not obtain any of the re-
visions it feels are necessary.

Editors Put Hex on Garg

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
VIETIANE, Laos-The recapture of strong rebel positions in
northern Laos near the border of Red North Viet Nam was reported
officially yesterday.
A United Nations fact-finding committee will visit the area
A defense ministry spokesman said Laotian troops have recaptured
all the Nam Ma Valley. It runs parallel to the winding North Viet-
namese border and has been a staging area for rebels in northern
Sam Neua province.
At the United Nations, Laos laid before the General Assembly
in greater detail its. charges of aggression against Communist North
Viet Nam-.
"We know that North Viet Nam assisted and participated in
raids against ports of the Laotian army . . . in broad daylight,"
Foreign Minister Khamphan Panya of Laos told the 82-nation group.
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay-An agreement to establish a common
market was signed last night by delegates from seven South American

tion dtoes not yet permis reiaxation
in Western defense efforts."
They described the 15-nation
Atlantic Alliance as a cornerstone
of their foreign policies and said it
is still needed to assure security
and the right of people to live In
freedom under governments of
their own choosing.
Segni declined to spell out any
of Eisenhower's report on the
Khrushchev talks.
Account 'Useful'
But, with obvious satisfaction,'
hesaid Eisenhower's accoun was
Accompanied by Italian Foreign
Minister Giuseppe Pella and Am..
bassador Manlio Brosio, Segni met
with Eisenhower within minutes
after arriving by plane.
Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
on,-Ingreeting Segnihailed him-a
one of the West's most vigorous
leaders. In these critical times,
Nixon said, the advice of men like
Segni is particularly valuable in
the quest for enduring peace.
World Series
Begins Today
CHICAGO (P-The World Series
returns to Comiskey Park today for
t~heirst tim in 40 years with the
home against the Los Angeles
SEarly Wynn, a 39-year-old right
hander who won 22 games and lost
10 for the White Sox during the
regular season will be the starting
pitcher for the American League
champions. He will be opposed by
Roger Craig. a 28-year-old right

-' rmmmmmmne-----------------------------------

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