4t£hir4lgau &ia Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3 241 ANNIVERSARY: Red China Prepares To Greet Khrushchev "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printedin The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. )NESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH DONER Serious Difficulties Built Into New Plan TODAY Student Government Council meets to discuss the new Council Plan. The present effort emerged from the long- and often wrangling - meeting of the Clari- fication Committee last year. The new Plan has already been transmitted to the Regents, who called for the revision of the original Plan, for their consideration at the October meeting. The Council can, however, recommend changes and transmit its suggestions to the Regents. Final approval rests with them. The whole Clarification Committee episode was unfortunate. A serious split developed be- tween the student members. This, coupled with perhaps an overly intransigent attitude on the part of the students, resulted in quite a lot of ill will and even disgust on the part of the faculty and administration representatives. One faculty member has since declined to advise In student affairs, though he had pre- viously been of great help in setting up the present Council. Another said he would never again "get involved in something as totally im- possible as those meetings were.- SUCH REACTIONS SGC can ill afford, es- pecially since they were not compensated for by any significant advantages in the new Plan.- Its major innovation involves the substitu- tion of a Committee on Referral for the old Board in Review which caused so much trouble in the Sigma Kappa dispute last year. The new Committee would consist of nine members: two students, one the president of SGC; three faculty members primarily engaged in teaching; two members of the administra- tion, one either the Dean of Men or the Dean of Women; and one University alumnus to serve without vote. The Vice-President for Stu- dent Affairs would be ex-officio, an observer without vote. THME NEW PLAN states that the Committee "is limited to an advisory function." It would be convened when the Vice-President for Student Affairs "contemplates veto of a Student Government Council action," or when four or more members believe that a Council action might involve "jurisdictional questions, procedural irregularities, unreasonable action." Upon considering the Council action, the Committee shall, with reasons stated, advise the Vice-President that the action should be sustained, or advise him to "direct the Council to reconsider the action." In any case, the Vice-President may still veto any action taken by the Council. Except for elimination of the phrase "ad- ministrative policy," provision. for prior con- sultation between students, faculty and ad- ministration on issues effecting them all and provisions for the new Student Regulation Book, other changes in the new Plan are large- ly trivial. E PLAN thus stands or falls mainly on the basis of the new Committee on Referral. And, if the composition of the Committee is left unchanged, the Plan may well fall flat. It is clear that the Committee on Referral is to be called whenever conflict arises. Its func- tion, according to Council President Ron Gregg is "to act as an arbitration agency for disputes which may arise." But the SGC president, Dean of Men or Wo- men and the Vice-President for Student Af- fairs as an observer - the three persons most likely to be involved in any conflicts - are all to be directly associated with the Committee which is supposed to be arbitrating them. IS APPEARS to be a direct violation of the elementary principle that parties di- rectly concerned. in a dispute shall not judge or arbitrate that same dispute. If the arbitratioal philosophy of the new Plan were carried out, one could expect to see Martin Luther King and Governor Faubus both sitting on the Supreme Court trying cases in- volving desegregation in the South. One of the reasons the old Board in Review was dropped was because it led to direct con- flict between the president of SGC and mem- bers of the administration. If the purpose of the new Committee is to resolve disputes, it seems curious to retain the same feature that led to disputes on the old Board. It can be argued that, in Gregg's words, "We want the president of SGC and the Deans on the Committee because they are involved in the issues of dispute and can thus give informa- tion and continuity to the discussions." BUT AT THE SAME SGC meeting, Gregg ex- pressed the inherent contradictions of this segment of the new Plan when he said, "We don't want representatives of the various seg- ments of the University on the Committee. We want people who can look at the situation impartially." To be sure, the SGC president, the Deans and the Vice-President for Student Affairs are likely to have information valuable to the Com- mittee. But provision can be made to invite them to testify before the group. This would present all salient information and reduce pos- sibilities of unnecessary conflict. With such an information-gathering proce- dure, membership of the Committee might be: two students not associated with SGC; three faculty members, engaged primarily in teach- ing, and two college administrators (as differ- entiated from University administrators), such as Dean Robertson. IN ALL THIS, the alumni representative seems rather superfluous. His knowledge of disputes is likely to be lacking; he is not directly asso- ciated with the University community as a whole, and thus has little stake in the general consequences of the Committee's decisions. The alumnus was apparently included on the Committee as a sop thrown to the fraternities and sororities who were afraid that their "fi- nancial interests" would be unduly threatened without representation. However, it seems fairly clear that SGC is not setting out deliberately to deprive the af- filiate organizations of their money. THERE ARE a few more generalized points regarding the idea of Committee on Refer- ral that need to be made. 1) In practice, the Committee should func- tion as a prestige organization. It should have sufficient impartiality that it could legitimately tell SGC where it had made mistakes. Its decisions should further represent the ap- proval of the entire University community if a conflict emerges and SGC is felt to be in the right. This sanction should be sufficiently strong that any veto by the Vice-President for Stu- dent Affairs could only be taken with the sure knowledge of the necessity of his action. Sepa- rating the referral and vetoing functions would also make it perfectly clear who is disagreeing with what-and why. 2) The present review of the Council Plan arose from last year's Sigma Kappa dispute, and has continually been couched in these terms. The review has been focused on the review aspect of the Plan, which was the area of conflict at that time. It is unfortunate that those responsible have not seen the oppor- tunities for other reforms in areas which were not involved in the Sigma Kappa matter. 3) Constitutions and plans are not neces- sarily designed for optimum efficiency of operation. If in organizations good people are functioning with good will, issues will be worked out well regardless of the specifica- tions of any constitution. Constitutions are de- signed to minimize the damage ineffective people can do. Any further possibly fruitless debate on the merits of any SGC Plan should be considered in this light. -PHILIP POWER Editorial Director 'I "1 r)KYO (M) - Red China ex- pressed delight at the results of Nikita S. Khrushchev's Amer- ican tour and readied a welcome for him in Peiping yesterday. "The Chinese people rejoice in Comrade Khrushchev's success," said the official Peiping People's Daily. Immense delight was re- ported by Ta Kung Pao, another daily reflecting official views, Ra- dio Peiping said. The Soviet Premier is flying from Moscow for the tenth an- niversary of his most powerful Asian ally, to be celebrated today. * * * THE VISIT to China gives Khrushchev a chance to fill in Mao Tse-Tung, chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, on de- tails of his 13-day visit to the United States and perhaps to cau- tion the Peiping hierarchy against rocking the boat with fresh mili- tary adventures. Relaxation of tension was the avowed aim of Khrushchev's trip, to the United 'States, which the Premiercalled very successful. Before taking off for Peiping he endorsed as correct President Eisenhower's news-conference ac- count of their agreement on Ber- lin. * * * "WE HAVE indeed agreed that the negotiations on the Berlin question must be resumed and that no time limit should be set for them, but that they must not be protracted indefinitely," the Premier told a TASS news agency correspondent. "The Soviet Government would like again to express the confi- dence that all the parties con- cerned would strive for the ques- tion of West Berlin to be settled without delay and in accordance with the interests of strengthen- ing peace." There has been wide speculation that Khrushchev will try in Pei- ping to persuade the Chinese to take a less agressive line in cur- rent Asian disputes - especially their frontier argument with In- dia and renewed threats to For- mosa - at a time when East-West relations seem to be warming. * * * THE SOVIET UNION appealed to Red China and India three weeks ago to settle their border row. There has been talk in India that Khrushchev might take a hand personally in negotiations for a compromise. Calls for the "liberation"' of Formosa, President Chiang Kai- Shek's Nationalist Chinese strong- hold, have been a fixture of the Peiping anniversary celebrations and they, are being made again now by Red China's President, Liu Shao-Chi. Last year about 600,000 Chinese marched through the Gate of Heavenly Peace into Peiping's great plaza alternately shouting their claims to Formosa and "long live world peace." * * *, . A SERIES of rallies at Peiping's new assembly hall has set the stage for the 1959 celebration. Khrushchev sent a message to the opening rally Monday hailing the Chinese Communist revolution at one of history's greatest events. He pledged eternal friendship be- tween Moscow and Peiping. Radio Peiping, in broadcast# monitored in Tokyo, said 60 dis- tinguished visitors took the ros- trum yesterday to laud Red China's achievements. One was Jose Gonzales of the Chilean Communist Party. He was quoted as saying: "In Chile, as in other countries in Latin America,. the struggle to wipe out the evils of United States imperialism Is being intensified." The main celebration will be held in the plaza, known as Tien- anman Square, built in 1406 for grand ceremonies of the ChinW emperors. 4 Herbiock ia away due to silles s ""d S uisp o "'cA. THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF ACADEMIA: Red Tape, Red Faces Common University Sights By FAITH WEINSTEIN Daily Staff Writer LIKE THE LAND of Oz, the world of university administra- tion is a weird and wonderful place. It is impossible to expand a single summer's experience as the student replacement for the Schedule Committee secretary at a middle-sized eastern university in- to a generalization to fit all col- lege administrations. However, if the consensus of faculty and ad- ministration at this particular university is to be believed, the phenomenon seen there seems to be remarkably widespread. "This place is like a rather ab- sent-minded professor who tripped over some red tape and keeps get- ting more and more tangled up in it," said one member of the uni- versity's faculty. * * * HIS PROVOCATION was a sit- uation typical of the kind of prob- lems which come up continually in this educational organization. As head of a department, he was supposed to receive 150 copies of the time schedule for distribution to teachers and graduate students within his department. Someone misread a label, and the bulletins were delivered to the wrong office, which promptly picked them up and sent them on to a totally different office. When DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) or liberal arts. Must have some college mathematics and be a U.S. citizen. Argo Paint & Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich., has need of a chemist - involves development of formulations of coat- ings, tests, quality controi, etc. Man with B.A. in Chem. Campbell Soup Co., Napolean, Ohio, has several openings for Engrs. at the Food Processing Plant. Need two elec- trical Engrs. -- one experienced and one just out of school. Need a Mech. Engr. and an Industrial Engr..Men with BS in these fields. Roche Laboratories, Orchard Lake, Mich., has need for Salesman for this Ethical Drugs firm for Detroit or To- ledo area. Man with B.A., science major. Ken Brown Inc., Detroit, Mich., has need of a Retail Salesman for this Dealer wh sells Plymouths, Valients, and Dodge trucks. Man with B.A., no specific degree. For further information concerning any of the above positions, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 3371. Attention Seniors and Graduates: For placement after graduation in business and industry, schools and colleges, gov- ernment: interviews during the school year. Registration meeting of the Bu- reau of Appointments in Aud. A, Angeli Hail, Tues., Oct. 6. Come at 4 p.m. Student Part-T ime Employment The following part-time jobs are available to students. Applications for these jobs can be made in Rm. 1020, Admin. Bldg., during the following hours: Mon, through Fri., 1:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring students for part-time work should contact Jim Stempson at Ext. 2006. MALE they arrived there the secretary was on vacation and they were stuck in a closet and forgotten. By the time the information that they were missing finally got back to the Schedule Committee it was too late to replace them and no one knew where they were. It took two weeks and four sec- retaries to find them. The professor's judgement of the situation was not far wrong. The reason behind the whole mess was that no one knew how to get the exact information needed to send the bulletins to the right place. No one seemed to know exactly who was in charge. Seemingly, no one ever does. One of the primary problems in university organiza- tion is that every group (and there are dozens) is convinced that it alone is running the institution. 4 * * THE FACULTY, led by an in- domitable department head or two, is convinced that they are the real leaders, and true pretenders to the throne of the university. Nothing, not the weakness of faculty sen- ates, not the ovious administra- tive control over most phases of their work, not even the devastat- ing apathy that the majority of the faculty itself shows towards doing any real administrative work, can convince them other- wise. The individual schools and col- leges, replete with deans, assistant deans, and assistants to the deans, carry on a constant running bat- tle, with each other, the higher ad- ministration and the faculty for ultimate jurisdiction over any number of things, from waste- baskets in the offices to whole classroom buildings. The student body is naively cer- tam that the university, if not run by them, is at least run for them, a somewhat dubious assumption in view of the actual functioning or- ganization. In fact, it often seems that it is rather run in spite of them. THROUGH ALL of this fracas, the harried administration, whose individual members would prob- ably be a lot happier either run- ning a business or teaching a class, depending on their intellectual slant, try to keep the whole thing running with a minimum of break- downs, and still look after the in- terests of the alumni, the business world and all the rest of the money-giving universe. Which may explain why univer- sity clocks are always slow. Because of the tooth-and-nail fighting between departments, the minor wrangling of schools and the desperate need for order with- in the system, one of the strangest of all possible types of organiza- tional structure has been devised by the administrations. There is a kind of rigid hier- archical set-up, which governs all minor details in a rigorous, bu- reaucratic manner. Every pencil has to be ordered according to specific rank, registered in tripli- cate, and delivered in six months. The only things not governed by this system are the really im- portant decisions, ones which re- quire real authority. The rigidity in minor details Angry memos are sent back and forth, as well as up and down, de- claring that the one department took all of another's furniture with them when they moved, and that the new people have nothing to sit on; detailed inventories, down to. the last coatrack and wastebasket are passed back and forth, assist- ant chancellors have to make com- plex decisions as to who will be en- titled to the "three side chairs" left by the previous office resident. All this leads to a great deal of secrecy around the university. Everyone tries to hide all kinds of plans and facts from everyone else, on the theory that whoever gets there first will reign supreme. s s THIS CAN MAKE a simple sec- retarial job occasionally resemble a spy intrigue. "By the way," the instructions will go, "don't tell anyone that we are moving History into the new building. Once they are moved we'll be all right, but if English finds out before they are gone, they'll want the new rooms instead." And heaven help you if you slip. This strange hierarchy divides the power somewhat, but it wreaks a good deal of havoc as well. There are many times when everyone wishes that they could have "a little more organization around here." Or perhaps what everyone wants is a little less. Organization can be very much. in the way. For instance, when a department has to cancel a course, there are so many different people who must be contacted and in- formed that often the one person forgotten will be the instructor concerned. Like the husband, the professor is always last to know. One of the most persistent clogs in the machinery of educational management is the ubiquitous stu- dent. If all students could be re- placed by IBM machines, the uni- versity set-up could run far more smoothly and many of the major problems would resolve themselves. * W * IN FACT, the first thing a per- son learns on the "other side" of the university organization is how to treat the student, individually and in swarms. A student is generally considered to be an amusing, if slightly feeble- minded soul, with the mindless tenacity of a stubborn rhinoceros. and problems worse than any ever inflicted on man or beast. They are constantly engaged in successful attempts to befuddle an already confused university with insane requests and impossible questions. Students are incapable of understanding, among other things, that in a university of any reasonable size and bureaucratic complication it is impossible to get anything settled in five min- utes,,or in one place. Especially in an organization where everyone is boss, it takes at least three different offices, and four different signatures to com- plete any document. It is the secretary's job to send the student around to all of the various offices which have to sign his card, and to listen to the com- plaints from students who inevit- ably find that the card which must be completed by tomorrow has to be signed by two men who have classes all day and another who is on vacation for the next three weeks. * * * THE STUDENT, who has been given the run-around by every of- fice in the building is understand- ably angry with the whole institu- tion. Because of this, secretaries are equally understandably reluc- tant to talk to students.- The invariable result of this is that the student finds himself waiting, or rather out-waiting the secretary, until she is forced by. sheer will to come and listen to him. Which tends to unbalance student - administration relations. Which tends to make all secre- taries, who are, after all, the door- ways to their bosses, think that all students are bad-tempered. Along with their other annoying habits, students have a nasty tend- ency to sneak up on people when they aren't looking. One minute you are saying to the other secre- tary across the room, "That idiot in Peller's 115 was here and he's coming back. How can I get rid of him." The next minute you turn to smile charmingly at the person who just walked in as you were speaking, and there heis, in full glory, the idiot in Peller's 115. This can be a rather unsettling experience. But then,. there are a great many things in university administration which tend to be unsettling. We can only hope that instability in organization will serve as a stimulant to the educa- tional process which is the reason for it all. , RUSSIA: Reportingf Revamped W ASHINGTON (A) - A United States newsman well versed on the ways of Russian journalism says Soviet reporting has been changing rapidly this year under the impact of American example. Thomas P. Whitney has written in the Washington Post that some of the results show up in Soviet coverage of Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's American visit:. Whitney, who has been writing stories for the Post on Khrush- chev's tour, spent several years in Moscow as a newsman for the As- sociated Press. "It used to be," Whitney said,- "that Soviet newsmen used to ridi- cule their American colleagues' concern with reporting the news fast and they used to declare from a lofty pinnacle that for them it was more important to be 'accu- rate' than to be 'quick.' "Now they scramble Just like everyone else and hurry to report the news as fast as they can get it. Even now and then they express admiration for the industry of their American colleagues." WHITNEY SAID there is a cen- tral direction and orientation on Soviet coverage of the tour. This comes, he said, from a specific or- ganization Inside the delegation of journalists known as the Soviet Press Group. The head of this group is Leonid Ilyichev, chief of the propaganda and agitation department of the Soviet Communist party, Whitney wrote. He added there are about seven other members, including Alexei Adzhubei, Editor in Chief of Izvestia, and Pavel Satyukov, Edi- tor in Chief of Pravda. Adzhubei is Khrushchev's son-in-law. This press group meets daily, Whitney said, and settles the main lines of editorial policy. For ex- ample, he said, while most United States newspapers were reporting Khrushchev's Washington arrival as restrained or quiet, the line set- tied on by the Soviet Press Group was that the reception was enthu- siastic. Once such a line is set, Whitney said, all copy filed by Russian newsmen must reflect It. New Books at Library Parton, Margaret - The Leaf and the Flame; NY, Alfred A. Knopf, 1959. Rama Rau, Santha - Mly Rae- siai Journey; NY, Harper &.Bros.. 1959. Pirandello, Luigi-Short Storie. "p r 1 AH Beer and Skittles AMONG THE attractions of the University of Wisconsin, those most often mentioned are sailing, and beer at the Union. It should be explained that the legal drinking age in Wisconsin is 18, and that the University is located in Madison, home of three lakes, be- fore local students begin agitating for these sports in Ann Arbor. Boating is a popular activity in Madison, as one might expect. Campus lakes are filled with Editorial Staff THOMAS TURNER, Editor PHILIP POWER ROBERT JUNKER Editorial Director City Editor CHARLES KOZOLL .............. Personnel Director all sizes of power and sailboats, some privately owned, some for rent, some available for fra- ternity parties, some reserved for student lead- ers. But most curious of all is their, student Union. Unlike the chromium and ptomaine parlor here, the Wisconsin Union is a monstrous grotto, carved out of granite, with droll German slo- gans decorating its clammy walls. And, most wonderful of all, right near the eating area, one can find co-educational bowling, billiards, ping- pong and dart throwing. THE NOTORIOUS beer seems to make barely a dent on the student facade. Above the snack bar, a sign notes the simultaneous avail- ability of milk shakes, sodas, ice cream, sand-' wiches and beer. Strangely enough, the effect of this mixture is evidently beneficial. No drunken students ...~nnrnt 4 a n rnn ' lrtirh f. tAhal.rAVC Intellectual Intimacy . ,__._ ..__ _. .. ':na.....w's.. w. .. "..d.,r ' ...~': .eae.. ,...,....X s, iau: .':..oGG . . _ .... G.. "!®la: ..