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September 29, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-09-29

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"Your Mov;e"

Seventieth Year


Inconsistency, Danger
Loom in U. S. Policy

Opinions Are Free
th Will Prevail"

Danp Staff Writer

.itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1959


, ..,:

Khrushchev's Visit Provokes
Varying Attitudes Here.

.. 'M going to have a - long, sharp knife.
And, I'm going to ram it all the way
o that sonrof-a . . . The speaker did not
nplete the phrase.
That these words should have been applied
a man who was probably the most powerful '
Atesman to visit the United States in decades
ems wildly improbable. And yet they were
tributed to Mayor Norris Poulson of Los
Lgeles, one of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
ev's hosts and a man who should have known
The intense emotionalism and general brou-
ha which accompanied Khrushchev's visit
sulted li too rmany such outbursts.
EVERAL THINGS caused such violent reac-
tions, and they help to explain, if not to
cuse the kind of emotional insult that Mayor
ulson flung ,at the Premier.
First of all, there is the attitude with which
e government issues and then backed up
hrushchev's invitation to visit this country.
gotiations of some sort were obviously badly
eded, both by our uneasy nation now facing
r the first time the increasing momentum
td excellence of Russian technology "arnd
wer, and by a Republican Party which needs,
mething solid on which to base its record
iring the last eight years in the forthcoming
'esidential elections.
Apparently, the best way to conduct the
gotiations was on a face to face level between
e leaders of both countries. Also important
a the favorable psychological impact on a
spicion-ridden world of the fact that leaders
basically opposed countries were' willing to
~PHA Sayer ac
tLPH A. SAWYER will have a difficult job
as the new Vice-President in Charge of
The need for research coordination is evi-
nt. Faculty members work on areas varying.
or nuclear reactions to national character
the physiological processes of the brain.
rants range from hundreds to millions of
llars and come from widely varied sources.
Research at the University at times suffered
om a lack of cordination. Some investigators
not have sufficient backing because they
n't know where to find it or can't present.
eir appeals effectively. Projects have over=4
pped or duplicated others done elsewhere.

visit each other on at least a politely friendly,
BUT, HAVING decided this, the administra-
tion didn't sem to know quite what to do
with it. From the beginning the affair was
handled in a very curious manner.1
Although the recent cultural exchange pro-
gram has done much to improve the attitude
of the American public towards Russia, it
would have been impossible to expect a coun-
try raised on a "Hate the Reds" theme to
accept the political leader of the USSR; with
open arms. Some citizens including, apparently,
a good part of the Republican Old Guard, felt
positively betrayed by the administration.
The administration, sensing this, immediately
tried to deny their role in the visit, like a
small boy with mud on his shoes who looks
back on the tracked-up kitchen floor and says
"Who, me?"'°
THEN CAME the press release from Wash-
ington,- reciting "Be polite but be reserved,"
"Do not demonstrate at parades" and "Stand
up for our country," all like so many choruses
of "who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf."
Then came the "I hate Khrushchev" buttons
and the politicians who, following Eisenhower's
lead, blasted the man from coast to coast.
Then came Khruslichev.
In the fact of hostility, both genuinely pro-.
voked and semi-unintentionally produced by
the administration, Khrushchev stood up very
well. The visit was not, however, intended as
an endurance contest for the Premier.
And it certainly wasn't the ' most advan-
tageous way to begin negotiations.
es Hnard Job,
YET, BY ITS very nature, research is an
individual matter and mut be free to move
in any direction. It must be given a great deal"
of autonomy.
Sawyer's job is thus cut out for him. He has
already directed much of the University's re-
search, and was chosen because of his work in
science fields, aid should know well the prob-
lems.involved in his new job.
We assume the new Vice-President will in-
crease research volume, without directing con-
tent. We hope his appointment does not mean
emphasis on science at the expense of humani-
ties, languages, and the social sciences.

erblock is away due to illness . t, 159, The PftiewrPublsin Ce,

NEW HOPE for a settlement to
the Algerian conflict emerged
last week in French President
Charles de Gaulle's proposal for
a basis of agreement with the
Algerian national provisional gov-
His proposals appear to cover
the range of possible solutions and
to offer a fair deal to the rebels.
The choices range -from integra-
tion into the French nation; au-
tonomy, which would involve an
Algerian government backed by
France and closely connected with
her economically, militarily and in
her foreign policy; and indepen-
Even de Gaulle realizes that in-
tegration is a concept to which the
Algerians would never agree. In-
stead he favors autonomy, mainly
because he realizes that he can-
not make a better deal. inde-
pendence, in de Gaulle's eyes,
would be a terrible fate for the
Algerian people. There appears to
be no doubt in his mind that the
Algerians could not possibly gov-
ern themselves; and for them to
attempt to do so would only lead
to the country's ruin.
* * *
HOWEVER, .this same indepen-
dence is the only solution to which
the nationalists will agree. Al-
though offered them, agreement
under de Gaulle's terms seems
rather far-fetched. France wants
to remain in control of the Sa-
hara; she maintains that she will
retain any area that expresses a
desire to remain French, implying
a partition of Algeria; and in any
case she would remain in control
for four years before a plebiscite
to decide on independence could
be held.
As they stand, the French pro-
posals are not possibilities for
agreement. Their value lies in that
they offer a basis for negotiations
betwen the French and the Al-
gerians. At present de Gaulle is
awaiting a reply of the Algerian
nationalist provisional govern-
ment: a reply which could mean
the end of a conflict that has
cost France much in men, money,
and prestige.
INTO THIS atmosphere the
United States has etered in the
person of Secretary of State Chris-
tian A. Herter. At a luncheon last
Tuesday, Herter stated that he
hoped no action would be taken in
the United Nations to endanger
the. "just and peaceful solution"
1to the Algerian situation proposed
by President de Gaulle.
By labeling the ' French pro-
posals .'just," the United States
has given them its stamp of ap-
proyal. Coming before the nation,.
alist answer, the United States
statement becomes a type of pres-
sure on the rebels to agree to the
terms offered them and also pres-
sure to keep the Algerian question
off the United Nations agenda.
Last year an Afro-Asian spon-
sored resolution to censure France
failed to carry by one vote. The
United States abstained. This year
there is a great possibility that
such a censure move could pass if
it reached the United Nations, and
it definitely would not help rela-
tions between the Afro-Asian bloc
and the western powers.
* *
THE STATE Department has
spent much time in the last few

years climbing back and forth
over the fence between the Afro-
Asian bloc and France and Eng-
land. American guiding policy has
been made the best deal under
the circumstances, but the result
has been quite close to the worse
The ambiguities of the Sues
crisis when the United States first
attacked and then defended Nas-
ser, the Lebanon crisis which end-
ed as practically an American ag-
gression, and the Israeli situation
in which the United States stands
on both sides of the fence are
examples of a policy that tends to
confuse observers and to indicate
an attitude of opportunism rather
than of concern with basic prin-
The State Department must
come to some conclusions and de-
fine the tenets of our foreign
policy in other fields than the fight
against Communism. Will, for ex-
ample, the Western European
countries be backed in their at-
tempt to maintain modified colon-
ialism or will America set the
path for these countries to follow
in recognizing the right of nations
to govern themselves?
* * *
AT TtIS TIME with a dwind-
ling majority in the United Na-
tions, the United States needs the
support of the Afro-Asian bloc.
The only way to improve relations
with this bloc is to recognize the
national self-determination that
each of these nations has fought
for or is at presnt fighting for.
Backing France in the Algerian
situation will just be one more
patch on the rotting fabric of our
foreign policy.
The United States constantly
stands on the right of self-deter-
mination for the Eastern Euro-
pean countries under Soviet con-
trol. It is hypocritical. that the
same stand is not taken with the
Western satellites.

With the News

THnE NEWS is finally out - the
Dearborn Center has 33 full
time students enrolled. This figure
is shocking, merely in terms; of
money. With $350,000 on which to
operate, this means the Center is
costing the University more than
$10,000 per- full-time student. Of
course there are 300 extension stu-
dents which must be taken \into.
For comparison, a rough esti-
mate of Ann 4rbor cost per stu-
dent is about $1,00 per year for
each full-time student.
Why this low enrollment and
high cost? The answer is simple;
the Center was rushed too quickly
into operation. Michigan State at-
tracted 500 students for its Oak-
land branch which is also begin-.
.ring operation this fall. But they
claimed the MSU-O unit would
open this fall and took admissions
on a definite basis last spring. The
University hemmed and snorted
and promised tentative admit-
tance depending upon the size of
the state appropriation. By the
time they knew they had the
money to open the Center, many
qualified students had made per-
manent plans elsewhere; leaving
the Dearborn white elephant with
an almost empty howdah.
** *
THE CENTER is also only tak-
ing applicants who are juniors,

by Robert Junker
thus limiting the field. Admission
standards are high, but no higher
than the published standards for
the MSU-O branch. Thus there
are some reasons for the small en-
But the chief reason seems to
be the hurried unplanning of the
University administrators. The
funds were appropriated in June.
Three months later the Center is
opening. Curriculum was devel-
oped late. The literary college pro-
gram was not considered import-
ant enough to bother with at this
time. All in all, the entire ap-
proach was one of administrative-
ly controlled chaos. The Center
should have waited a year until
opening. Then a decent enroll-
ment, the right programs and a,
more obvious educational direc-
tion should have evolved.
And the point cannot be
ruled out that many students
probably did not fall for the
"unique work-study program" line
on which admissions were based.
The- concept of liberal education
should be much more appealing,
and certainly seems much more
valuable, than the on-the-job
training, or whatever name it is"
currently being marketed under.
* * *
THE FAULTS of the Center are
becoming obvious. Liberal arts, a
concept to which the University

is committed, were dealt a harsh
blow by the Dearborn Tech con-
cept of education. As has. been
stated here before, a curriculum
of this type is worthy of MSU, but
hardly of the University. Rushed
planning ,and a tentative admis-
sions program also dictated hold-
ing off the opening a year.
The amusing aspects of this
opening cannot be overlooked.
The concept of 33 students march-
ing to their 28 classrooms is rath-
er too much to grasp at a single
sitting. A campus of four new
buildings, two of which will stay'
closed, is telling. But this situa-
,tion is obviously not so amusing
for the administration, or prob-
ably the Lansing legislators who
provided the funds which could
be used Justifiably elsewhere.
The Dearborn C e n t er h a s
opened, a technical center "in the
heart of the southeastern Michi-
gan industrial complex" for all
the city of Dearborn to enjoy.-
Some will, like the employers who}
can conduct on-the-job recruit-
One would hope that this bold,
daring, "unique" e.x p e r i m e n t
would come off somewhat better
than the Center's opening. If not,
the Dearborn Center can be writ-
ten off as an educational blunder,
of limited vision, impracticality
and statism (Michigan Statism).

The Daily Official Bulletin .is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no ,edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Flu Shot clinies for students, staff
and employees will be held in Rm. 58
(basement of the Health Servioe)
Thurs., Oct. 1, Thurs., Oct.,8. and
Thurs., Oct. 15. Hours are 0:00-11:45
a.m. and 1:00-4:45 p~m.
Proceed directly to basement, fill out
forms, pay fee ($1.00 for students and
$1..50 for staff and. employees) and re-
ceive infection. It is reco m anded that
eaqi person receive two injections, 2-3
weeks apart. The-clinics will be open
for both first and second shots.
Social Security and Its Relation to a
Free Economy" will be the topic of the
discussion held as a spart of the Sum-
'mer Rteading and Discussion Program
Tues., Sept. 29 at 4:30 p.m. in the
Honora Study Lounge of the Under-
graduate Library. Prof. William Haber
of the Economics Dept. will lead the
discussion. The program is open to the
(Continued on Page 5)


Educators and Discrimination

VHILE THE University continues its Uedu-.
cational" approach to the problem. of
ranting Negroes legitimate opportunities, the
ate of Michigan is actually doing something.
Last spring Dewitt T. Burton, a Negro, was
ected to the Board of Trustees of Wayne
tate University in a statewide election.
Then last week Governor Williams appointed
nother Negro, Otis M. Smith, to the post .of
tate Auditor-General. If his appointment is
)nfirmed by the Senate, he will-it is generally
elieved-be the 'first Negro to serve on the
ate's administrative board since the post-Civil
Var reconstruction era.
IONCERNING SMITH'S chances for 'confir
~mation, Senate majority leader. Frank
eadle commented, "I don't know anybody
'ho has anything against him."

There is an amazing difference in, attitude
between the practical politicians who must
periodically face the voters and who have
actually committed themselves to positive ac-
tion,' and the ivory-towered, idealistic educa-
tors who yell "education," "patience" and
"property rights." The latter only act-on the
few occasions when they do act-when pressure
becomes unbearable. (Some of these educators
would even scrap the idea of responsible Atu-
dent government rather than jeopardize prop-
erty rights.)
For years, "education"' has been used, in-
stead of direct action, to eliminate discrimina-
tion in off-campus .housing. But international
students and Negroes still have difficulties find-
ing off-campus housing.
And many people believe that politicians are

_ _
. , ;



Store Owner Answers Criticism of Book Prices

Associated Press News Analyst-S
OKYO-Nikita Khrushchev takes another 'K
trip this week which could have more effect i
on immediate world peace than his visit to the
Jnited States. He goes to Peiping for face-to- n
face talks with Mao Tze-Tung. o
These two giants of world -Communism will n
have a chance to discuss a multitude of prob-
'ems against the noisy backdrop of Red China's
L0th anniversary celebrations..
They will confer behind the high red walls t
cf Peiping's Forbidden City, long the home of s
he celestial ,Emperors of China.
Their imperial surroundings will only ac- F
entuate the extraordinary change which has' t
ome over a once-weak and exhausted China o
n the past decade. p
WHETHER THEY stroll around the arti-
ficial lake built by a long-dead ruler orp
ake tea on the motionless marble boat yhich" u
carcely more than a half century ago was allC
hat China boasted of a navy, neither will long ,
orget that together they rule 850 million- hu-

much to talk about with Mao, 10 months his
enior. Mao in turn may well tell Khrushchev
what he wants him to discuss with Eisenhower
n Moscow.
Their conversations will undoubtedly-in the
manner of Communist get-togethers-range
ver the full spectrum of domestic and inter-
national subjects.
HIGH ON THE agenda may well be the crises
created by China's dispute with India over
heir common frontiers and the Communist
ituation in little Laos. ,
They probably will take time to discuss the
Formosa situation, whether to precipitate new
ension in that area through renewed assaults
on the off-shore Nationalist islands, and the
progress or lack of it, of China's revolutionary
peasant communes system.
Though Mao pays lip service to Khrushchev's
position as leader of the Soviet Union, he is
well aware that his own influence in world
Communism is a powerful and sometimes over-
hadowing one.
Mao knows he made a revolution while

lo The Editor:
ABOUT ONCE each year The
Daily allows this writer to
comment on previous letters to the
editor, editorials and the like re-
garding the text book "situation"
in Ann Arbor. James Seder's in-
teresting editorial in Thursday's
issue indicates this year may be
no exception.
Mr. Seder points out that text
prices seem high. Of course he is
correct. However any other word
could be substituted for "text" be-
fore prices and Mr. Seder would be
correct still. Thus room prices are
high, tuition prices are high, food
prices are high, lab fees are high,
parking fines are high, car prices
are high, gas prices are high, cloth-
ing prices are high, supply prices
are high, dating prices are high,
etc. etc. A list of items purchased
by anyone-student or non-stu-
dent-would result in this same
conclusion: America has been the
scene of steadily rising prices since
the heart of the depression in
1932-33, and (minor ups-and-
downs disregarded) the basic di-
rection of all prices has been up
and will continue to be so. ,
The book industry is scarcely
the bell-weather of our economy.
A list of 50 basic industries in
terms of their economic impor-
tance in this country would leave
the entire book industry in 49th
or 50th place. As long as price

explicit-that local book store re-
tailers and their employees are
normal human beings trying to
serve their customers well and at
the same time seeking to enjoy,
average middle - class economic
status; 2) curiosity about his feel-
ing-againsto'some extent implicit
-that one of the very smallest
industries in this country should
be able and expected to resist the
basic' direction of the entire do-
mestic economy.
Mr. Seder's editorial deserves
special praise, however, for his
awareness that text .book prices-
in both new and used texts-are
determined primarily by the pub-
lisher and the professor; not by
the retailer. However, if we as-
sume that the average student
spends $1,000 a semester as the
total cost of taking 5 courses, each
course costs him $200 (and about
3 weelts of his life). The cost of
books for this average course
would seldom total $10.00, or a
maximum of 5 per cent of the
total economic requirements for
taking a particular class. In ac-
tuality my hunch is that the costs
of books for most courses most of
the time comes closer to 2 or 3 per
cent of the total financial outlay
involved in getting another 3 hours
of college credit:
Stated differently, most students
spend (one way or another) at
least two thousand dollars during
n" ..4 - "- . r~c~nmaoi w ,. r

credit hour. (I am of the opinion
that it would-though space does
not permit elaboration.)
ACTUALLY there is a way to
save money on text prices. Many
text books which are discontinued
by professors here, with the re-
sultant drop in market value, are
used by other colleges-especially
very small and impoverished
southern schools. If saving money
on texts is of significant impor-
tance in obtaining an education,
a student can achieve this by
transferring to a whole spate of
third and fourth rate colleges in
Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama,
Georgia, and so on. That there is
a clear relationship between the
quality of texts used and the over-
all quality of the educational pro-
gram offered by these schools is
an essential of my point.
Most students spend far too
little on books while they are here
do not realize that book-store
facilities in Ann Arbor are excelled
nowhere in the country (with the
possible exception of Harvard).
Mr. Seder's editorial overlooks this
observation, and I believe it is 'to
the loss of the academic com-
munity that such a comment, is.
seldom made. We can understand
why book authorsjpublishers, and
retailers occupy such an insig-,
nificant place in the entire eco-
nomy when we see how little they.
a .nnrawina am in na ea,-

stitute ' book store, and library
browsing for movie-theatre sitting.
(I am aware you cannot neck in
book stores and that it is difficult
in libraries, but that is a matter
for another day.)
* -Bob Marshall
Economics -
To the Editor:
I WAS QUITE amazed to see a
letter by Fred Beaver of the
Student Bicycle Shop concerning
the Student Bike Exchange in
Wednesday's edition of The Daily.
I agree with Mr. Beaver that
he has the overhead that the
Exchange does not, but he, in my
opinion, is using the Exchange as
a poor reason to raise his. prices
on new and used bicycles.
There are a few bicycle shops in
Ann Arbor and they virtually have
a monopply of parts for bicycles. It
seems to me that Mr. Beaver ,could
find a better excuse to raise his
prices,, (e.g., the cost of labor
increasing, wholesale parts becom-
ing more expensive, the cost of
rent increasing, etc.).
* * *
IN MR. BEAVER'S conclusion,
he poses a question to us: Should
University students dictate the
businses policies of Ann Arbor?
My answer to him is yes to certain
degrees. After all, the population
of Ann Arbor is somewhere around
50,000. Then, if we add the popu-
lnfin of ta nivrs. which is

twice atsyear at their Police Head-
quarters, at which, at that- time,
over 200 bicycles are sold.
-Sheldon G. Larky
Answer. .
To The Editor:
RE: LE ER of R. B. Schmerl,'
Since Mr. Schmerl attempts to
base .his analysis of ethnic in-
tolerance 'on economic exploita-
tion, I should like to inquire as to
what he considers are the deter-
minants which allow the realtors,
to profit by the discrepancy be-
tweeny the price a white man can
get and a black man must pay for
the same house?
-Jon 3. Faily
To the Editor:
THE OPENING of the new Dear.
born Center raises certain in-
triguing problems for the casual
Enrollment: In an institution of
a reported 28 classrooms, with an
enrollment of 33 students,'it is
clear -that the University has at
last solved the problem that is
facing the rest of the nation's
educational institutions: over-
crowding. For this, University ad-
,ministrative officials should be
Philosophy: The University has

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