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September 26, 1959 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-09-26

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Seventieth Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints,
Illegally Parked Bicyles:
Will They Ever Learn
THE OFFICE for Student Affairs says it is BUT THOUGH bikes were impounded during
going to impound bicycles that are illegally the summer, many students refuse to be
parked around University buildings. The idea convinced. Bicycles still clog the doorways to
is a good one, for though some students may the Undergraduate Library and the fishbowl.
find themselves slightly inconvenienced - and Normally, the hazard of running into a bicycle
only slightly - the rationale behind the policy is bad enough, but should the need arise for
is quite sound. one of these buildings to be evacuated, the
Bicycles blocking entrances to buildings are danger bicycles could cause is frightening.
creating a hazard in case of a fire. So says the Added to this is the problem of the handi-
fire marshall,, and it is hard to argue with capped student or faculty member whose pas-
him. The Administration has alternately plead- sage around campus may be completely
ed for cooperation and threatened the offend- blocked by parked bicycles. It is plain that
ers - all to no avail. So when the Office for bikes cannot be parked on the sidewalks and
Student Affairs says it has no alternative, it in front of doorways, and experience shows
is not exaggerating, students are not going to move them unless
The idea of impounding bikes should be a they are forced.
foolproof way of convincing students to put ~ So when the men come around with a truck
their bicycles in the racks, or if they should and start hauling away bicycles people will be
happen to be full, at least force students to forced to learn. But for how long?
keep their bikes off the sidewalk. --THOMAS KABAKER
Ideas and Humanisnm
TODAY it is fashionable in some circles to humanities; but again, these calls were only
decry the decline of the humanities in an in principle, not plans of action.
increasingly scientific and urbanized world jITH SUCH a concentration of brainpower
But perhaps the humanities are not so badly at the conference, it would seem that more
off after all. This is suggested by the comments concrete proposals could be made.
at the International Council for Philosophy The conference's result should have been
and Humanistic Studies, held at the Univer- more than to set the minds of the participant
sity this *eek. humanists at ease.
Prof. George Boas of Johns Hopkins Univer- Even simple ideas, such as methods of im-
sity pointed out that, it is the humanist, not proving content of humanistic courses to make
the concert-goer who is lamenting the decline them more vital in today's context and more
of the humanities, related to the contemporary world were not.
He suggested that old-style humanists are conspicuous. Something was said on the sub-
out of touch with today's problems, being more ject. But it mostly ran to teaching classical
concerned with issues found in books instead languages, though one speaker called for sup-
of In real life. Other speakers painted some- port of teaching the classics in translation as
What less rosy pictures, but all agreed that an effective method to get traditional ideas
the humanities are far from dead. across.
It would be surprising if a group of indus-
HOWEVER, all present seemed to realize that trialists and professional educators, who are
the humanities are not in as good shape as not professional humanists could do more to
they used to be. further the humanities than the world's most
Prof. Boas suggested that humanists' task eminent. humanists. But the industrialists and
is to ask questions about the world; the hu- educators created the admirable educational
manistic content sells itself. experiment, Michigan State University Oak-
But this seems inadequate. The .day of the land Center, which if successful, could be a
soft sell is over. prototype for a new scientific humanistic edu-
Others pointed to an alliance with science cational system.
as the key to a complete resuscitation of the -PHILIP SHERMAN
SThe Race-of Armaments

.., .- - - .._ ... .. .r'.. .. .. .. . ...
Sig niicantIssuesAffectBritishton,

(EDITOR'S NOTE; Mr. Stone is
an English graduate student from
Oxford University. He is presently
working on a doctoral thesis on
American politics,safter a consider-
able period of research in, the
United States.)
LONDON-Anti-Americanism in
British politics has notice-
ably diminished in the last year.
The bitter memories of Suez were,
buried in the warm greeting given
President Eisenhower on his re-
cent trip to London. For the mo-
ment the guns aimed at Matsu
and Quemoy are silent and the
Formosa issue has conveniently
dropped out of the headlines.
The passing of John Foster
Dulles and his succession at the
head, of the State Department by
.Christian Herter has robbed pro-
fessional critics of effective old
slogans and a vulnerable target.,
Only obscure leader-writers can
be heard muttering about Laos
and Tibet.
NOW, WITH the Khrushchev
visit to the United States a reality,
the threatened showdown over
Berlin has been delayed and it
seems that the President may take
the last faltering steps to the Sum-
mit he was so reluctant to con-
template only a few months ago.
With both the leading political
parties in Britain pledged to work
to bring about a top level meeting
between East and West, the Presi-
dent's popularity here will soar
when such a conference is an-

IT WOULD BE foolish, how-
ever, to allow pious platitudes and
the customary campaign oratory
to obscure some genuine British
doubts and difficulties which must
soon come to light.
Macmillan's chief aim since he
came to power has been to re-
establish in Washington the con-
fidence so sumimarily shattered by
the events of Suez. In this he haz
been amazingly successful. In thef
eyes of the public he has emerged
as a statesman of the front rank.
His visit to Moscow last March
gives-him some claim to be re-
garded as the, architect of the
present Eisenhower - Khrushchev
negotiations. He can be relied up-
on to represent Britain at any top,
-level meeting with a considerable
But so'far all his energies have
been devoted to that single goal
and it is in looking beyond this
that many critics have their res-
sity to adopt violent 19th century
methods for the solution of com-
plex modern problems has caused
"The Observer" and "The (Man-
chester) Guardian," the two Brit-
ish newspapers with the keenest
interest in foreign affairs, to main-
tain strong editorial doubts about
the reelection of -a Conservative
Mr. Selwyn Lloyd continues at
the Foreign Office despite his ob-
vious inadequacies and so far
neither he nor the Prime Minister
have publicly come forward with
proposals likely to make a signifi-.

cant contribution to negotiations
at a summit conference.
On the disarmament issue they
have been particularly sterile, and
their task has been made more
difficult by their supporters. For
many Tories see in the possession
of nuclear weapons a great prestige
value above and beyond their use-
fulness as a deterrent. To them
the H-bomb is essential for Britain
very much in the way the Kaiser
considered a strong navy neces-
sary for Germany in the days of
the Dreadnought--"for the gen-
eral purposes of her greatness."
The bomb compensates for shat-
tered visions of imperial grandeur
and ensures Britain's position as
a world power.
** *
AS MIGHT BE expected, the
Left has been more adventurous
in its approach. Faced with the
prospect that a dozen other na-

tions, including France and China,
will soon possess nuclear weapons
and the subsequent danger of ir-
responsible use, the Labor Party
has embraced a policy of nuclear
containment. In view of the con-
flicting evidence on "fall - out"
dangers, Labor long ago adopted a
plank calling for the immediate
suspension of British nuclear tests.
In the last few months the party
has gone further by proposing to
renounce British possession of nu-
clear weapons on the formation of
a so-called, "non - nuclear club"
which would agree to. restrict such
weapons to the Soviet Union and
the United States. This is intended
to be the first step towards a gen-
eral disarmament settlement.
* * *
MEANWHILE Mr. Gaitskell is
sponsoring a disengagement plan
for a zone of limited armaments

in Central Europe along the lines
of the original Rapacki Plan and
the suggestions put forward by
George Kennan last year.
There is no hint of appeasement
in Gaitskell's policy. He has suc-
cessfully withstood criticism froM
the extremists that he hasn't gone
far enough. The Labor Party ie
heavily committed to the Anglo-
American Alliance and NATO. The
disarmament debate centers upon
the most effective contribution
Britain can make within the
framework of that alliance.
President Eisenhower is re-
ported to be disturbed at the pro-
spect of a Labor Foreign Secretary,
but thoughts of a Gaitskell ad-
ministration should hold no fears
for men with views like Adlai Stev-
enson, Chester Bowles, Hubert
Humphrey or William Fulbright,
Indeed, I doubt that the possibility
frightens even Senator Kennedy.

It's Time for a Change

"OUR BIGGEST enemy is Henry
Luce," the Cuban student
"And he's your worst enemy
Luce, editor-in-chief of Time
and Life, is singled out by Cubans
as the most prominent example
of the bad press Cuba gets in this
Life en Espanol is probably the

Activities and What's in It for Me'

MR. K's SCHEDULE calls for his arrival at
Camp David before dinner on Friday and
for his return to Washington on Sunday after-
noon. There is time enough here for some
talking. But it is not nearly enough time for
talking out thoroughly any of the great issues,
much less all of them. There will be time
enough, however, to talk about how to go on
talking, and if there is agreement on this
point, it will be a very considerable gain.
For until the President proposed this ex-
change of visits, the lines of communication
between the two governments were for all prac-
tical purposes closed. They could not or would
not communicate through their Ambassadors
or through their Foreign Ministers. Because of
this stoppage both countries are beset with
problems which they cannot resolve and about
which they do not want to fight. There is the
German problem which becomes more tangled
and more menacing the longer the division of.
Germany lasts. And there is the race of arma-
ments which with its mounting costs weighs so
heavily on the social progress of both countries.
For various complicated reasons the President
was unable to reopen the communications
which had become closed. So he made a break-
through by entering into direct conversations
with Mr. K.
O N HIS TRAVELS Mr. K. has made a con-
vincing case for the proposition that the
Soviet Union wants and needs to avoid war
and that it wants and needs a slowdown in the
race of armaments. The Soviet Union is spend-
ing oh armaments a larger proportion of a
smaller national product than we are spending.
The Soviet government is able 'to do this be-
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
CHARLES KOZOLL .............. Personnel Director
JOAN KAATZ................... Magazine Editor
BARTON HUTHWAITE ............. Features Editor
JIM BENAGH.....................Sports Editor
SELMA SAWAYA......Associate Personnel Director
JAMES BOW . .......Associate City Editor
SUSAN HOLTZER....... Associate Editorial Director
PETER DAWSON ............. Contributing Editor

cause in the Soviet system the government has
the power to allocate capital and labor to
public purposes. But in the Soviet Union, as
elsewhere, things have to be paid for. The
Soviet Union is paying for its armaments by a
slowing down in the rise of the popular stand-
ard of life. There is no doubt, it seems to me,
that Mr. K. wants, provided that he is not
afraid of the conditions, to" slow down the race
of armaments.
We know from the President's last press con-
ference before Mr. K's arrival that an im-
portant, perhaps the decisive, consideration in
his mind has been the expenditure for arma-
ments and its effect on the American economy.
We are, to be sure, paying for our armaments
and are at the same time enjoying, compara-
tively speaking, a very high standard of life.
But in order to enjoy our great output of
consumer goods and still support the military
establishment, we too are paying a price. The
price is the neglect of the future, the neglect
of the needs of our expanding population. We
have guns and we have butter. But we do this
by economizing on our public facilities, begin-
ning with our schools and hospitals and going
on to our railroads and airports and the de-
velopment of our cities.
MR. K's PROJECT for slowing down the race
of armarnents-I omit the utopian future-
faces us with a national question which we
ought to examinie and to debate and to decide.
It is possible to argue, although I do not agree
with the argument, that it is to our national
interest to slown down but in fact to speed up
the race of armaments. The argument is that
in order to be secure we must restore what we
had until 1949-absolute supremacy in the great
weapons. The military budget should, it is said,
be enlarged and the increase paid for by a
reduction in the social services and by an
increase of taxes.
The counter-argument is that absolute
supremacy is an ever-receding goal which can
never be reached, and that provided we keep
and protect powerful foces in being, we shall
have the maximum security which is attain-
able. Moreover, if we decide to step up the race
of armaments, the Soviet Union, which is quite
able to impose austerity on its people, will re-
In such an accelerated race for armaments,

Features Editor
WITH A WEEK of classes tucked
between the covers of his new
notebooks, the average freshman
will probably pause this weekend
and ask himself just what this
gigantic institution called the
University of Michigan means to
him personally.,
His college friends and high
school counselor have already
briefed him on the educational
challenges the University offers
: his parents on the future
profits of a University education.
But somehow, the freshman
knows the ideal college education
goes beyond the narrow realm of
prolific professors, tiring texts
and close classrooms. A class
schedule taped on the inside of
one of his textbooks and a care-
fully detailed syllabus from each
instructor tells him what is aca-
demically expected of him in the
weeks to come. For some, a means
of breaking out of this narrow
realm of academics has already
been determined by their ability
to throw a block or run the 100-
yard dash in 9.8 seconds.
* * *
BUT FOR the majority of Uni-
versity freshmen, just what direc-
tion they will go and how far
from the restricted bounds of the
classroom in their quest of per-
sonal expansion is as yet unde-
termined. The opportunities here
are limitless . . . everything from
a sailing club to Student. Govern-
ment Council is within his reach.
As the freshman glances about.
his eyes will undoubtedly come to
rest on that organized phenomen-
on especially peculiar to higher
educational institutions called the
extra-curricular activity.
Very soon now, if not already,
the 100 or more active student
groups here will begin their bi-
yearly bleatings of "mass meet-
ings,' "sign up now " and "serve
the University," This includes the

ize a used bicycle sale to the whys
of the Russian premier's current
visit. And perhaps even convince'
others that his opinions are right.
But as he progresses up the
hierarchy of his chosen organiza-
tion, these same opinions may be-
come other than his own person-
al views. The glimmer of a high
senior position and the subsequent
title of BMOC (Big Man On Cam-
pus) may subjugate his will to the
wills of those who will determine
whether or not he is to have a
senior position.
! r
AND AS THE years turn from
freshman to sophomore to junior,
the dull routine of lectures and
study may succumb to the more
short run pleasures of a place of
honor in his organization. The re-
sult might be a Student Activities
Person (SAP) . . . a lopsided char-
acter concentrating more on SA's
than studies.
An aspiring freshman student
at a recent organizational meet-
inn of one of the larger student
activities raised a vital question
in the minds of many a junior
year SAP this year. "Does any-
one ever go through the three

years of work here and never be-
come something?" the freshman
inquired of the personnel director.
Rightly assuming she meant by
"something" a gilt-edged senior
position, he quickly countered,
"Yes, but don't worry about that
Perhaps the better answer
would have been, "Yes, but_ don't
worry about it." The student who
devotes three year out of four to.
loss of sleep, continuous worries
and sometimes dull duties for loss
of sleep, continuous worries and
sometimes dull duties for a senior
position is sadly disillusioned.
* * *
THE "WHAT'S in it for me" of
the student activities question
should come during the years from
freshman to junior. The senior
year is one of looking back on
the profits of the past three years.
The question of whether the
freshman should sacrifice a grade
point, hours of sleep and some
friends for a student organiza-
tion can only be answered by
himself. But the q u e s t i o n i n g
should begin when he is a fresh-
man . . . and never end until he
has graduated.

most influential periodical' in
Latin America, while Time is most
influential in the States.
* * *
SINCE the Jan. 12 issue which
reported Castro's victory, Time
has published some 38 issues. Of
these, 35 contain articles on Cuba.
Almost from the beginning of
the revolution, these began to
show a distinct anti-Cuba slant.
The second article was headed
"Jubilation and Revenge." "The
Mob is Back" headed the eighth,
"Bullets! Ballots?" headed the
ninth, "One-Man Court," the
tenth, "Fastest Gun in Cuba," the
These dealt respectively with
courts martial, reopening of ca-
sinos, courts martial and post-.
ponement of voting, violation of
the double jeopardy principle, and
execution of embezzlers.
GRANTED the excesses of the
Castro regime, the consistency
with which they are discussed, to
the exclusion of any favorable as-
pects, suggests either a specific
bias or a generally unconstructive
Time's Cuban critics tend to en-
dorse the former, charging Tru-
jillo money has bought out the
United States press. Time's Amer-
ican critics, on the other hand,
tend to go along with the latter
Coverage of a specific issue
tended to corroborate the "kept
press' theory.
'The only article dealing speci-
fically and solely with Castro's pet
project, the agrarian reform, ran
in the June 1 issue.
UNDER THE broad heading
"The Hemisphere' the lead sub-
section' was "Cuba." The article
on Cuba's reform program was in
turn headed "Confiscation!" It
occupied the top third of the
The bottom two-thirds was
filled by a boxed story, edged in
blue, headed "The Long,.Sad His-
tory of Land Reform."
"This means the great landed
estates will be broken up through-
out Latin America," the article
began, attributing the quotation
to "a top U. S. sugar broker."
Time presumably thought its
readership would be disturbed by
this alone.
THE BOXED article, which by
its bulk dominates the page, then
went on to describe alleged fail-
ures of land reform in various
Latin American countries.
Dealt with particularly are the
reform attempts of "Mexico's vic-
torious rebels of 1910-17" who

nored any Puerto Rican statute it
found awkward.
Since then, the limit has grad-
ually been enforced, until today
only two sugar companies own
both mills and substantial ,land-
holdings; and both of these will
likely be forced to sell the excess
land to the Commonwealth with-
in the year.
There is of course a problem in
applying large scale methods to
small land 'holdings, but Puerto
Rico has chosen to meet the prob-
lem by setting up some coopera-
tives and encouraging establish-
ment of others.
Cuba's agrarian reform also in-
cludes plans for cooperatives.
THE ANTI-CUBA articles have
continued down to the present, the
Sept. 21 issue containing a story
entitled "Early Deification."
It described a Christ-like por-
trait of Castro, which pictures him
"a fleeting enlightenment cap-
tured on paper of that tremen-
dous hope of God when he want-
ed to make man 'in his image."
This parody of the faith Cubans
have in Castro hardly seemrs a
constructive approach in today's
difficult situation in Cuba.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices 'should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to,
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. 'Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Applications for ushering positions
for the Choral Union Concerts and the
Lecture Series for the coming season
may be made at the Box Office at Hill
Auditorium between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.
on Friday, Sept. 25 and between 10 a.m.
and noon onSat. Sept. 2 . This will
be the final chance to. apply for these
Lutheran Student Center and Chapel
(National Lutheran Council): Hill St.
and S. Forest Ave. Sunday Worship
Services at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Bible
Study at 10:00 a.m. Student Supper
at 6:00 followed by program at 7:00.
Speakers:.Dr. Allan Pfnister and Prof.
Leslie Ross - "Higher Education and
The Church."
"A Discussion of Dr. Zhivago" 'will
be held as a part of the Summer Read-
ing and Discussion Program Mon.,
Sent. 28 at 4:00 n.m. in the Multi-


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