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January 15, 1960 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-01-15
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cracy, and the national law, to
produce a mystery-chiller.
First novelists Misses Hutchins
and Weston derive a sometimes
less-than-suspenseful, but never
unelaborwte melodrama while ig-
noring any pathos or tragedy in
the social situation. Accepted as
such, the book moves rapidly
along, with only occasional lapses
of credibility.
Mathew Scott, the main char-


await nJuS reprieve ore ome
a martyr. About here, even a re-
viewer becomes convinced of the
.ASirrationality of the fantastic plot
which is only suggested in this

aster, provokes and focuses the
action of the story in his rogue-
sairt role, combining journalism,
justice, and jeopardy. He is sent
to the small Southern town of
Monagee City to glean from some-
one else's back yard a segregation


Headquarters For

story for a national magazine. He
naturally alienates the white resi-
derts for attempting to exploit
their moral problem for Northern
This reaction aligns Scott with
the Negroes, and especially their
attractive and sensitive school-
toacher, Ellen Winters. Before the
relationship is developed too far,
she is killed one evening on a
riverbank, which sees more activity
than the Arboreuteum on a warm
sprint night.
Aer death causes a mystical
conversion in Scott, convincing
him of the need for his personal
dedication to the plight of the
Southern Negro.
To increase tension, Scott is
accused and even convicted of
Ellen Winters' murder. whose story

Overbeck Bookstore


ANY NEW BOOK upon such a
prolifically-docmented subject
as the city of Florence must al-
ways need to recommend itself
more strongly than its predeces-
sors. The English firm of Bats-
ford has added to the quantity of
of this extensive literature with-
out contributing much of quality:

1216 S. University

Phone NO 3-4436



FACE OF MY ASSASSIN, by Jan A NOVEL of the South today"
Hutchns an Caroyshouldnnot be a melodrama.
Hutchins and Carolyn Weston, Segregation is only one of the
Random House, New York, 498 pp., more obvious evidences of the gulf
$4.95. of hatred and fear between men.
As such, it is a social and moral
he has put .before the nation's problem which needs to be dealt
readers. The local sheriff has with far more seriously than this
manipulated the courts, and a novel does on both the political
majiority of the townspeople to and moral level.
arrange the conviction. Segregation and the whole
Southern situation -demand a
Among the few -that he failed to Steryoftuandeadiganda
terrorize with his stereotyped tac- mastery of understanding and
tics, reminiscent of Faulkner's approach if they are to be used
Percy Grimm in Light in August, well. Even William Faulkner's In-
is the daughter of the local, be- truder in the Dust, his most seri-
hind-the-scenes, inequality leader. ous attempt to write primarily
She has fallen in love with Scott about segregation, suffers under
and arranged his escape while in the weight of the problem and
transit to the state prison. The becomes a second-rate novel.
escape allows sufficient time for In American literature the social
a sufficient liaison between lovers. novel has fared poorly as an art
Scott sees the irrationality of the form when it has infrequently
appeared. The maligned word
"fraternity," abused most by those
, wh~o display it as a banner, has
been a difficult subject for the
E N CE ' English-speaking writer. The lan-
guage has been shorn of its vital-
ity concerning the brotherhood of
FLORENCE: by Kurt Otto-Wasow, man because the English-speaking
studio: Viking Press, New York, people are perhaps the most pre-
1959, $5.95 tentious about this subject.
In any analysis, a first novelist--
their Florence combines photo- and especially two joint first novel-
graphs by Kurt Otto-Wasow with ists-should be wary of utilizing a
an introduction and commentary social and political problem as the
by Sylvia Sprigge, but the purpose theme for their beginning efforts.
of such a combination is elusive. -Robert Ashton
The colour photographs are ex-
citing in their capture of the
tones and texture of Florentine
landscape and architecture; there
are particularly fine pictures ofG
the Bargello "John the Baptist'
and of the Certosa di Galuzzo.
But, equally, the photographer's
imagination is at times weak: an
uninspired view of the church at
Fiesole, a side view of the Pitti
(why not the impressive sweep of and GIFTS
its main facade?), and an almost
aerial view of the Palazzo Vecchio,
which demands to be photo-
graphed from the far side of the
Piazza della Signoria from where
one first sees it, however hack-
neyed such a "shot" may be.
BUT THE photography is the
less disturbing feature of this
book. The purpose of the com-
mentaries which Miss Sprigge has
contributed remains obscure. A
stranger to Florence would not
find it useful as a guidebook, for
neither Miss Sprigge nor Batsford
obviously intended to vie with
Herr Baedeker or Le Guide Bleu.'
Neither would anybody read it
as a history, for Miss Sprigge is
herself the first to acknowledge
that her potted Etruscan history
and chronological narrative can-
not compare with facts from the
better encyclopaedias. Her intro-
duction is perhaps useful in artic-
ulating certain historical associa-
tions which the city has for the
visitor, but these are mixed with
a fugue of facts and some strange
and often irrelevant allusions to nDg G
Hitler, the Pre-Raphaelites, urunoge
Beardsley and possible revivals of 307 South State
the visual arts.
Concluded on Page Eleven

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no finer portable




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300 S. THAYER NO 2-2500

ne-fourth humorist and one-
half witch doctor," said the stu-
dent football manager as he
pointed to Jim Hunt when the
University of Michigan athletic
trainer hustled out on the field to
aid an injured football player.
Now Hunt, one of the nation's
best-known men in the field,
doesn't believe that description
is accurate. But it certainly is a
good start in depicting the talka-
tive little trainer who has grown
up with his business.
Hunt actually is a part-time
doctor, part-time humorist, part-
time teacher, part-time inventor,
part-time philosopher, part-time
morale builder-and he does a
full-time job in each department
during the school year. His spe-
cialties are football and basket-
ball but he aids all sports.
At the University, he's ' been
given unquestioned authority to
withdraw any player from a game
for an injury, which means that
Hunt's decisions are perhaps just
as crucial to Wolverine athletic
fortunes as those of football coach
Bump Elliott or basketball chief
Bill Perigo.
Because Hunt has this power, he
prepares in advance by planning
preventive programs and learning
to recognize all phases of injuries
to avoid their further develop-
Jim Benagh is Daily Sports
Editor and a student in the
literary college, majoring in
in wedding plans
in wedding papers
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As the first step in planning
your wedding, we invite you
to come to us and initiate the
engraving of your invitations
on Crane's Kid Finish, the
choicest of papers for this most
important moment in your life.
Our staff will also take pleas.
ure in helping you select your
bride's notes and letter paper
for die-stamping, your calling
cards and informals-your
complete paper trousseau from
our collection of Crane's Fine
Ramsay Priners
119 East Liberty

F ACH ATHLETIC event means
another day of continuously
scanning the field to see if some-
one is limping, looking dazed, or
needing rest.
"I see very little of a game,"
says Hunt, who has been associ-
ated with athletics for most of his
56 years. "I spend most of my
time with the injured and when I
do have time to look up, I'm
checking for further injuries."
It doesn't really matter whether
he sees the game or not any more.
,He says he is so preoccupied by
interest in his work that he can't
get emotional over the thrill of
victory or the disappointments of
"I always feel sorry for the
boys themselves when they lose a
close one," he admits. "But I just
can't maintain the emotions for
He dipped cautiously into the
past and confessed: "I used to
have the interest . . . but .,.
Then he jumped immediately
back to the present-as if he had
suggested that he violated medical
ethics by thinking that his time at
an athletic event was not 100 per
cent concerned with the treatment
and prevention of injuries.
r JIM, as he has been called
by athletes at Michigan for 13
years now, medical ethics mean a
lot. In his undergraduate days at
Minnesota he wanted to be a doc-
tor, but the financial conditions
were against him.
So he chose a degree in physical
education and certificate in physi-
cal therapy as a second way of
applying his interest to a career.
He hasn't regretted the move
either, despite the low pay.
"I enjoy my work," he says with
a sense of pride.
His work involves a doctor's re-
sponsibility in many respects and
he is allowed to do many things
that are off-limits to a regular
therapist or a nurse.
"For example, many times we
(Concluded on Next Page)

Jim Hunt's job is to repair athletes physically. Here he sits with foo
he was injured in a pre-game practic

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