Gjhg 3i14gwu &dIly Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: Shavian Satire Sparkles " 4AJOR BARBARA" by George Bernard Shaw, the third production of the An Arbor Civic Theatre current season, is a stimulating theatrical experience. With a steady hand, Jerry Sandler, the production's director, fol- lows Shaw's lead and has the play build slowly toward a brilliant climax. The play is a debate in dramatic form whose principle virtue is an unbelievably witty dialogue. The Master Irish Imp takes on the middle hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. .Y, JANUARY 15, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: NAN MARKEL Intellectual Dishonesty And Exam Files THE INSTRUCTOR gives the same old chest- nut, year after year ... a neatly filled-in and graded copy of the exam is within reach- ing distance the night before. If you reach, are you cheating? ' Many, including the literary college Admin- istrative Board who last week expelled three students, would agree that the answer is yes. But ifthe copy is blank or is not an exact rep- ica of last year's test - what then? With each additional campus exam file and every discovery of another "standard" test, the confusion grows - how far can you go before your actions can be considered illegal? If the instructor is shortsighted enough to insist on repeating examinations, or if a vague idea of the test's scope will help in figuring out what "extraneous' information you can ignore, there seems little reason for not taking advantage of the situation - if you happen to be operating on the principle of "the grade's the thing." FROM THE scores of students, regardless of grade-point average or IQ, who openly ad- here to and practice this principle, one is tempted to picture the University as a giant diploma mill, not an intellectually stimulating environment. Of course, a diploma is import- ant to your future employer and the student who engages in some fringe-area cheating in order to stay in school can perhaps only be accused of acting o'ut of desperation - of tak- ing the practical route toward that diploma. But anyone who ,draws a defining line be- tween cheating and, getting a little help from. the exam file, shunning the former but in- dulging in the latter, is simply being "intel- lectually dishonest" (as the literary college's assistant Dean Robertson has dubbed it). I NTELLECTUAL dishonestfy is more subtle than cheating, and there is little chance that anyone will be expelled for organizing his study habits around the kind of test the pro- fessor gives. But both actions are directed toward getting something for nothing. Per- haps there's too much idealism in expecting a student to take a course to learn, something -to weed out not only facts (for objective tests) or concepts (for essay ones) but to di- Ethics and the TYRONE GUTHRIE and company seem to be playing both ends against the middle in a drive to get community backing for their rep- ertory theatre. Guthrie's associate, Oliver Rea recently told an Ann Arbor group that the University of Minnesota had offered them a theatre site of five acres on a hilltop overlooking the Mis- sissippi river and financial backing if they build there. Now the word is out they have indi- cated to Minnesota that the University's ac- tion in the fight-for-the-theatre drive has been equally impressive. Since Minnesota appears not to have made such an offer, and doesn't seem to be planning to do so in the immediate future, Rea's action is hardly ethical, although the knowledge that Minnesota isn't putting on as attractive a drive as was believed does increase the University's chances for getting the theatre. SIMILAR LOBBYING and pressure practices often go on in business and Rae, in ac- ceptable producer form, will probably say that his theatre is just another business venture and must succeed as one, However, the ethic of the entrepreneur should not be associated with an educational institution. - One hopes that criticism of their methods will not influence the Guthrie group's selec- tion of a location, and will not prejudice the University's chances of being chosen- However, if Guthrie and Rae want to do something of value, as they say, they might best consier that state universities should be public trusts outside the realm of business poli- tics. The means employed to get subsidization from local concerns - University or private sources - do not become their objectives of bringing theatrical excellence to the areas in- gest and analyze both segments of the course content and emerge with a few well-thought- out opinions based on factual material. But Prof. Jerome Ellison, in a gloomy Satur- day Evening Post article entitled "American Disgrace: College Cheating," attacks the prac- tice of cheating (and cutting corners) more pragmatically. The need for precision in the modern world is growing, he maintains, sug- gesting that the ''space age demands rockets that will work, and these are not produced by designers who won their A's in math by cheat- ing. The surgeon at the operating table needs knowledge, not just a grade." C AN THE STUDENT who puts primary em- phasis on getting a good grade by studying only the subject matter that is positively go- ing to appear on a certain professor's exam have this precision which comes through mas- tering information, thoroughly understanding it? If so, more power to him - the campus is crawling with exam files for his use. If not, what has he got to lose, except maybe the satisfaction of knowing the course content so well he is able to second-guess the professor, coming to an examination with a pretty good idea of what will be covered merely from the way in which the course has been presented. OR MAYBE his self-confidence when he dis- covers that the extraneous parts of his courses, even the parts he managed to parrot back efficiently, contain ideas he'd like to have at his fingertips. Despite Prof. Ellison's argu- ments for on the job precision, it seems un- likely that the ex-student will find himself jobless because of his corner-cutting practices -they are evidently too prevalent these days for anyone to be discovered, if that's any con- solation. Butthe fact remains: whether you are bounced out on your ear for outright copying or remain reassuringly near the exam file the week before finals, you are intellectually dis- honest. The dividing line between cheating and in- tellectual dishonesty remains fuzzy, but it rep- resents most likely an abritrary, quantitative difference and not a qualitative one. -KATHLEEN MOORE New Theatre G'UTIHRIE has indicated that he wants to bring professional theatre to the middle west in an effort to decentralize theatrical ac- tivity from New York. Here he seems to be working for something more than financial success. Granted, the theatre has to make money. No one expects Guthrie and Rea to undertake the project at a loss, nor to personally back their venture. But their actions almost make one suspect that they expect some university to take finan- cial responsibility for one of their pet projects. The idealism implicit in the project thus suffers from questionable shenanigans. And, rather than encouraging support, these tac- tics just might have the opposite effect. UNIVERSITY administrators, rather than being motivated to support the venture, might well be discouraged from offering sup- port if they think they're being played off against each other. Furthermore, Guthrie's first interest in se- lecting a location for the theatre was supposed to have been its cultural suitability and not promises of money and land, although their importance cannot be denied. The educational institutions in question are not in a position to appropriate the money he needs. A more mature course of action would be to take more financial as well as artistic respon- sibility for the theatre's suctess. There is no reason why Guthrie and Rea can't seek - and get - more money in grants from industries and foundations which don't have more such pressing financial obligations as the Univer- sity's and which are only too familiar with business methods. --CAROL LEVENTEN New Books at the Library Kinkead, Eugene-In Every War But One; NY, W. W. Norton & Co., 1959. Mydans, Carl-More Than Meets The Eye; NY, Harper & Bros., 1959. Myrivilis, Stratic-The Mermaid Madonna; NY, Thomas Y. Crowell, 1959. Scholz, Hans-Through the Night, NY, Thomas Y. Crowell, 1959. Skinner, Cornelia Otis-Tlie Ape In Me; Bos- ton, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1959. Ustinov, Peter- Add a Dash of Pity; Boston, Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1959. purger, Nash K. and Bettersworth, John K.- South of Appomattox; NY, Harcourt, Brace, & Co.. 1959. -Daily-James Warneka CIVIC THEATRE-"Major Barbara," George Bernard Shaw's satire of good and evil, began its three night run last night at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Comments on C ontrToversies Brunch?.. . To the Editor: DON'T YOU think that there should be a correction concern- ing your article on "brunch" be- ing served in the men's residence halls? One usually associates the term with a mid-morning meal that serves both as breakfast and lunch. One can hardly call one roll and a glass of milk anything of this sort. Enthusiastically welcomed by most of the men in the dormi- tories, "brunch" has proved to be just another of the disappoint- ments frequently encountered in the men's dorms: Your article, moreover, did not mention that the time for breakfast is short- ened due to the extension of the time allotted for "brunch." In view of these facts, one feels that the term "brunch" should be abandoned for something more appropriate, such as "Famine" or "The New Method of Dieting." The idea is, indeed, progressive and was enthusiastically received. It is unfortunate, therefore, that it has proven to be such a disa- pointment in actual practice. --Raymond C. Weir RAC1 HAM GRANT: T'ave lii Show~ "ARTLY A remembered land- scape and partly the substance of paint as a sensuous, synthetic, pliable material. The problem of the horizon with its conflicts, and yet to maintain a surface peaceful and lyrical. The fascinating diaga- nal horizon with its shifting, faIl- ing, drifting focus. The suspended color, the arrested time, the un- predictable perspective." These, in Louis Tavelli's words, are some of the things which concern him in his painting. (In the current Rack- ham Grant Exhibition of Tavelli paintings at the Museum of Art these words prove to be, an im- peccably precise description of his work.) The. devices of Tavelli's paint- ing are almost as conterminate as those of Mondrian or Albers. With- in a single canvas his colors are often confined to a narrow por- tion of the spectrum and applied as pure, unmixed oils. Further, his brush strokes are generally of similar width. But here the analogy ends. Ta- velli's art explores the vast, elu- sive depth of the abstract canvas with a puissant flux not even at-s tempted in the static language of Mondrian or Albers. * * * BECAUSE ALL fifteen paint- ings of this Rackham Grant Ex- hibition involve and resolve similar problems, a few weaknesses are all too clearly apparent. The in- active surfaces at the edges of the canvas are occasionally uneven and haphazard. In some of the paintings the complex of shifting perspectives is so intense that a much larger canvas is demanded. In a few paintings some of the severe technical disciplines have been relaxed. They .aredone with a broad spectrum of color and the brush strokes are applied with con- siderable variation. Where one color has been Laid over another the result is not so much of mix- ing as it is of a transparent coun- terpoint of hue and texture. Summing up: under most strin- gent restrictions Tavelli has craft- ed the fiat, simple surface of can- vas into a coruscant and magical world. -Gordon Mumma Anti-Semitism .. . To the Editor: CONCERNING Mr. Kozoll's re- marks in the January 12 issue touching this newest rash of anti- semitism in the world: He glibly attributes the. causes of anti-semitism to the social withdrawal of many Jews and to their maintaining ethnical and cultural ties which he says should properly be separated from their religious bond, which would have the effect of "assimilating" the Jews and checking anti-semitism at its fountainhead. But as with all great problems that plague nations and men, the "Jewish problem" must be looked at as something originated and moved by the deeper nature of human re- lations. THE JEWS are generally aloof. Undeniably. But the Jews' intense loyalty and aloofness stems not only from their religious identity but from their ethnic identity as well. It was, in fact, Moses' inten- tion that this should be so when he bequeathed the Egyptian cus- tom of circumcision to the Jews of the Exodus. In the confines of the European and Asian ghettos grew up a cul- tural heritage which has long made important contributions to many societies. Now this cultural and ethnic integrity is probably the most important force that has preserved the Jewish people at all. It has had its rewards as well as its obvious liabilities for the Jews. * * * AS FOR the cultural withdraw- al of many American Jews, Mr. Kozoll, may I humbly point out that for many years (and even today) Jews were not granted ad- mission to the gentile country clubs, fraternities, sororities, etc., of which you speak. Hence the es- tablishment of Jewish counter- parts. But with the decline of Jewish orthodoxy in America, this kind of thing is waning anyway. Undoubtedly the Jews are being "assimilated," as you put it. But for the Jews to immediately renounce their ethnic-cultural identity (impossible anyway), Mr. Kozoll, would be to flatly deny, nay, peacefully forfeit, much to which the Jews hol dso tenacious- ly that they have submitted to their own slaughter rather than renounce that identity. This from time immemorial. Do you remem- ber seven and one-half million Jewish corpses just fifteen years ago? No, of course not. We young Americans never saw them. Charles P. Pollak Most elcome.. To the Editor:. CHARLES Kozoll's interpretation of the Jewish role in anti- Semitism is most welcome. The Jewish community is happy to learn that it may now enter those fraternities, exclusive c o u n t r y clubs, and restricted residential areas which it has so ungraciously snubbed in the past. For the fu- ture, in order to eliminate the difficulties caused by such minor- ity groups, let us all utilize Al- dous Huxley's method and have future generations decanted free from any cultural heritage and all identity as well. Sonya Pickus Susan Rootberg Hoary Notion* . . To the Editor: M R. KOZOLL'S recent "Senior Column" discussion on anti- semitism makes a fundamental. error which becomes apparent after one wades through the turgid introductory paragraphs. Mr. Ko- hoary notion that Jews have made zoll's "Advice to the Jews" is the the situations they find themselves in and that it might be a good idea if Jews would assimilate. In this, he parrots disproved remarks and furthers erroneous concep- tions. Any Jew who follows Mr. Kozoll's advice will eventually find that he has provided unwitting reinforcement to anti-semitism. If I am correct, I infer from his See LETTERS, Page 5 class, -the Ten Commandments, socialism, love and salvation. True to form, Shaw's principle barbs are for the British - "Ev- ery true Englishman detests the English." -* , * THE DRAGON that the crusad- er Shaw sets out to slay in this drama is the crime of poverty and those who pity instead of help those stricken with this "crime." Poverty is a sin against society because it robs men of the ability to rise above the level of animals. Shaw peoples his play with an interesting assortment of charac- ters. There is a munitions mag- nate, Andrew J. Undershaft (Jim Bob Stephenson); his daughter, Barbara, who is a major in the' Salvation Army (Raeburn Hirsh); her fiance, a Greek professor (Beverly Pooley); and various caricatures of the British upper classes and several low types from the London slums. s . *. THE PLAY'S crisis arises out of the fact that the Salvation Army cannot continue its work of soul saving because of lack of worldly support i.e., there isn't enough money. To the Army's rescue, comes Undershaft, the iprince of cannons and bloodlet- Stingand Blodger, king of the dis- tilling industry. Barbara realizes that her fath- er and this other "self-made man" who have both bought the world are now trying to purchase salvation. This is an exceedingly tricky dilemma - can good come from evil. Shaw does slip in an an- swer, "Cannons cannot go off by themselves." The. hope of the world lies in the elimination of poverty through Undershaft's mil- lions and the raising of man to God through Barbara's soul sav- ing. * * ALL THREE principle actors, Pooley, an elastic delight, Ste- phenson, an eloquent devil's ad- vocate, and Miss Hirsch, a ra- diant heroine, reach true Shavian greatness. As a London tough, Fred Oue- lette is outstanding. After a some- what dreary first act, which could easily stand a translation from the British, Ouelette begins the sparkle and humor that bubble over for the rest of the evening. Tom Jennings and Allan Schreiber are delightful as two silly young men. Schreiber has the habit of scratching the entire back of his head which might in- dicate he is in need of a shampoo. -Patrick Chester, AT MICHIGAN: IF YOU'VE seen "Al Capone" or "The FBI Story," or "The Un- touchables" series on television, there's little reason to see "The Purple Gang," unless you're from the Motor Capitol of the world. Since you probably are, it then becomes your civic duty, for the gang in the title hailed from, and terrorized that fair city during Prohibition. And a good job they did, too, until Barry Sullivan stepped in and put them away, without even any help from the Ford Founda- tion. As for how the gang worked --well, their lack of imagination is enough to make you blush. Just the old standard stuff is smug- gling, gambling, narcotics, and protection rackets. Oh occasionally, in the begin- ning, they held up candy stores and rolled drunks, but they began as petty delinquents, and what do you expect from kids, anyway? SO IT IS that life dizzily spirals onward and upward, lacking only experience and leadership, These "The Purple Gang" get, and for a while they make Sullivan's life miserable. They stop at nothing in a world in which not even young, attractive social workers are safe. 'The one in question ends up ge&- ting plugged between her pretty eyes. Not even Sullivan's pregnant wife is spared. She's visited one night by the gang, is driven in desperation to crash through a French door, and dies presumably of shock. Sullivan, a dedicated cop if there ever was one, continues to narrate the semi-documentary ap- proach without even a catch in his throat. The gang, of course, is inevit- ably captured, and athough it's impossible to describe each and every killing, there is a particu- larly juicy one in which a member of the gang, whose loyalty is sus pect, ends up on the short end of a cement mixer. "The Purple Gang" could never be called a dull picture, but it's been done so often before. There are, however, some technically in- teresting moments in which the montage effect is employed with more skill than the picture itself deserves. --3. L. Forsht AT STATE: Petticoat Farcical JUDGING from the crowds en- tering the State Theater last. night, the approaching exams promise to be as big a farce as SGC IN REVIEW: Need. Organization in Appointment By JEAN SPENCER Daily-Staff Writer ADMINISTRATIVE detail is an unavoidable part of the rou- tine functions of Student Govern- ment Council as an agent of, by and for the student body. When, however, three-fourths of the Council's meeting time by the clock, is devoted to commit- tee reports and appointments ap- proval, reconsideration is due. Of six appointments motions, four were met with strenuous objec- tions and debated at some length at last night's meeting. Since the- oretically at least, this should be limited. to rare occurrences, ap- pointments procedure should be subjected to a critical examina- tion -- something is wrong. Appointments are made through two nominating bodies: the SGC Executive Committee and the In- terviewing and Nominating Coin- mittee appointed by the executive committee. The procedure entails petitioning and interviewing or selection according to special re- quirements of the job to be filled. Established procedure allows ample opportunity for discussion, suggestions and indications of opinion before the Council meet- ing in either case. While constructive questioning should be a normal adjunct to to the process of getting an ap- pointment approved, the amount and character of debate which has been taking place lately is preposterous. , One of the causes of this red- tape tangle is the scarcity of per- sonnel both willing and compe- tent to carry out administrative committee work efficiently. The question most frequently raised in respect to a nomination is, "How many petitioned for the position?" More often than not, the answer reveals a one-to-one ratio between positions and applications., Recruitment should be a con- stant concern of the Council, but "new blood" for its own sake has serious drawbacks. First, the re- quirements . of any position in terms of experience is vital in picking a qualified person to fill it. The thing most important and. most difficult to attain in student organizations and their members is perspective - a sense of over- all trends and the directions they are taking within the context of the University as a whole. The student who comes into an organization must gain this through applied self-education. He must study the background of his activity - in this case, SGC- its current and lasting concerns, its influences and spheres of in- fluence. Until this is accomplished his potential contribution in "fresh ideas" will lack depth. These considerations should be uppermost in the minds of Coun- cil members as they review nom- inations, and it is the duty and privilege of each of them to re- view all nominations. The time and place for this, however, is not the Wednesday night meeting. If SGC is to be meaningful as a guiding body for students at the University, its op- eration must be primarily chan- neled into areas of policy and idea, not routine detail. If the Council understands and: accepts the concept which origin- ally led to the delegation of ap- pointments nominations to com- mittees, it will not defeat its own ends by rehashing committee pro- cedure at the Council table. That the Council is aware of this' area of concern and that some of its members have done constructive thought on the sub- ject is commendable. Evidence of this is the compilation of a list of SGC appointments which, with a short description of the duties of each job and the committee un- der which it falls, will be circu- lated to the residence halls early next semester. This is a step in the direction of educational progress on the part of SGC and will create a val- uable opportunity for expansion not only for- the Council but for the students. "Operation Petticoat." Even so, if the students are as proficient in their studies as Tony Curtis was in procuring goods and goodies for the Sea Tiger, there won't be one sad student in Ann Arbor after exams. From champagne to fuel pumps and back the full circle to wo- men, Tony is amazingly adept at getting what he wants. Cary Grant, strangely, is as inept as Tony is skillful, And while a case could. be made for the. necessity of contrast, a pair of real troop- ers working out in close quarters would have been most ribald. Cary Grant is in a hurry to get his submarine into the war. It is sunk in harbor and a few replace- ments are needed. By a misplace- ment of assignment, Tony Curtis is pulled out of an admiral's wife's boudoir and assigned to sea duty. In a fortnight he has the ship equipped with hard-to-get ma- terial and his own quarters fur- nished with the local colonel's own private stock. ** * THE BEST is yet to come. Just after the Sea Tiger belches its way into the first stop, Tony rounds up five female officers to escort on the cruise. Needless to say, Cary Grant doesn't want them aboard. He's still pursuing a war. This.doesn't last long however, It ends as soon as the fair sex' begins to pursue the sailors. And needless to say the lady with the biggest bosom begins to pursue Cary Grant. For at least the next half hour, he sashays around Miss (Joan O'Brien or Dna Merril? Who cares, she has the biggest bust in the movie.) ANYWAY, a few: funny mis- takes are made. With the help of Cary's new girl friend, he man- ages to sink a supply truck. Tony manages to produce as well as usual, but the only paint he can find has to be mixed to nrovide --, Editorial Staff THOMAS TURNER, Editor ['LIP POWER ROBERT JUNKER itorial Director City Editor - LARLES KOZOLL ...........,. Personnel Director AN KAATZ ..,.,...'........... Magazine Editor RTON HUTHWAITE ...,....... Features Editor M BENAGH.....................Sports Editor MES BOW.,.... ,.«.......... Associate City .Editor TER DAWSON...... .. ... Contributing Editor WTEn TAT----..--.-.... ,-Asnoiate Snorts Editor - gort