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January 14, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-01-14

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Little change
in temperature.

, No. 81




linnesota Lacks
id for Theatre
University Has Not Offered Land,
Financial Support to Guthrie Plan
The University of Minnesota' has not offered land or financial
fort to induce Tyrone Guthrie to choose Minneapolis as : site for
new theatre, Todd Hunt, editor of the Minnesota Daily, said

;ontrary to information given by Guthrie's associate, producer
r Rae,. Hunt said that university administrators are not in favor
,ving 'the theatre if it requires financial sponsorship.
3e described current Minneapolis feeling about supporting the
et as "spiritual but not financial." "We'r'e in just as bad financial
'shape as you are: we don't even
--have enough money to buy books
for our library," he asserted.
,'T . O ele ad ,Offered
w Rae told University officials that
' Minnesota had offered his com-
u! pany a hilltop site of five acres,
overlooking the Mississippi River,
in contrast to the University's "ex-
)I 1IUfISLS pression of interest" when he was
in town last week for conferences
By ROBERT HOWE on the project.
Hunt said that "editorially fa-
e United States needs both vorable" Minneapolis papers, and
ary and economic might to not Minnesota administrators, had
Russia's challenge, Marshal proposed the site as part of a plan
man, Associate Director of to build a new riverside campus.
ard University's Russian Re- "We have been made aware that
;h Center said last night. Milwaukee and the Detroit-Ann
the United States succeeds Arbor area, competing with us,
engthening the political and have offered financial backing,"
imic vitality of the non- he declared.


mnunist world and can sus-
sufficient military strength,
e may be, over a long period
me, a modification in the So-
foreign policy objectives," he

"Russia tends to play upon
European nationalism in the. be-
lief that it will retard and reverse
the economic and military prog-
ress of the Western "countries,"
Shulman said.
Wants Agreement
For their present plan, Russia
wants a United States agreement
not to interfere with the natural
governmental mutations in other
lands, and no changes of mili-
tary frontiers except for China,
Formosa and Viet-Nam.
"It seems probable that the
Soviet leaders, and the Soviet
people as well, will, if events con-
tinue to move their way, be
strengthened in their convictions
that their view of history is cor-.
rect, and that the Soviet committ-
ment to the future will be vali-
dated," declared Shulman..
This seems. to discount any
United States hope of Soviet in-
ternal revolution if present condi-
tions for the Soviets persist or
List Principles
In the later part of his speech,
Shulman listed the principles of
the United States policy toward
the Soviet Union.
"A military equilibrium is of
fundamental importance to the
United States," asserted Shul-
man," and if a military unbalance
occurs, the chances for negotiation
are greatly harmed."
"To deal with the Soviet chal-
lenge is not the purpose of ,Ameri-
can policy: it is an incidental,
though vital problem. We should
direct our central attention to the
political and economic progress of
the non-Communist world."
"This forward movement, in-
spired by a vision of democratic
progress, is the course of action
most likely to lead to a modifica-
tion of the Soviet policies over the
long run," Shulman said.-
Shulman, a graduate of Michi-
gan and editorial director of The
Daily in 1937, has made two trips
to Russia and has served on the
United Nations.
Council Group
To Help House
'U' Minorities
A project to help members of
minority "groups obtain housing
will be carried on during the
spring semester by the Human
Relations Board of Student Gov-
ernment Council in conjunction
with ' the Ann Arbor Council of
"We started out reaching a lim-
ited number of people, but the.
project has expanded" chairman
Ellen Lewis, '60, of the Human

No Offer
The University, however, has
made no such offer as yet.
Hunt said that Minnesota's
drama department has backed the
theatre, seeking financial support
from local businessmen and in-
terested groups.
Considerable interest has been
expressed in tying the theatre in
with Minpesota's drama depart-
nent, he explained.
Guthrie told Minneapolis earlier
that "he would come here if ade-
quate action were taken in fi-
nancing the theatre, but no offer.
has been made and he hadn't re-
turned," Hunt reported.
Rumor had it that Guthrie, im-,
pressed with the Minnesota offer,
had decided on Minneapolis. But
Rea rejected this, saying that no
decision on the theatre site had
been made.
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of the
mathematics department and di-
rector of the Dramatic Arts Cen-
ter has led the Ann Arbor drive
for support, setting up a tempo-
rary steering committee for a rep-
ertory theatre.
Guthrie is expected to announce
his choice of a site by Feb. 15.
To A id Poort
PARIS (A') -- The free world
took its first tentative steps early
yesterday toward pooling its re-
sources to meet the threat of Com-
munist economic penetration in
the world's underdeveloped areas.
A 13-nation economic confer-
ence in Paris 'adopted United
States proposals for a coordinated
aid program.for underdeveloped
The result was a compromise
between the American efforts to
boost European participation in
aid to underdeveloped areas and
Europe's insistence that internal
economic conflicts must be settled
Adopt Resolution
The conference adopted three
resolutions which would:
1) Set up a committee to con-
sider replacing or expanding the
Organization for European Eco-
nomic Cooperation (OEEC) into
a 20-nation group to coordinate
Western aid plans.
2) Farm an interim group of
eight countries, plus the European
Common Market Commission, to
promote immediate aid until the
larger body is formed. Informed
sources said it would take at least
18 months to get the bigger group
3) Give priority to settlement
of European trade conflicts. The
20 governments would set up a
committee to study this problem
and would appoint subcommittees-
to deal with the conflict between
the six Common Market nations
and the seven countries of the
Free Trade Association.
Swiss Proposal
The trade thflirM-c~fin m

Of J-Hop
This year's 'Hop ticket sales
although fairly low, mark a turn
for the better in the annual
dance's attendance record.
Alex Fischer, '61, general chair-
man for the dance, reported that
ticket sales totaled approximately
350 tickets at last report. The ex-
pected turnout for the dance is 600
couples, the capacity of the
League, and Fischer felt that there
would be no difficulty in reaching
this number.
The dance's popularity has been
on the decrease in recent years, as
evidenced by a drop in attendance
from 1350 couples in 1955 to a low
of 566 couples in 1959. A loss of
$500 was sustained on the dance in
1958, which resulted in the dance's
change of location from the I-M
Building to the League.
A concert by Johnny Mathis the
evening preceding the dance is
expected to publicize the J-Hop
weekend this year. If enough
couples are present at the dance
to make it a financial success, as
last year's was, J-Hop will be able
to hold its own against arguments
that the dance should be abolished
due to its unpopularity on cam-
To Consider
Student Government Council
last night announced its intention
to consider and make recommen-
dations concerning the University
physical education requirements.
The motion provided that the
Council invite related information
and opinions from the University
Athletic Director, the Chairman
of Programs for Men and Women,
the Director of the Intra-Mural
Program, the athletic chairmen
in student housing units and the
Health Service director, as well as
from other interested students and
Information and opinions are
particularly sought with respect
to the purpose of the require-
ments, the effectiveness of the re-
quired programs, the degree to
which the purpose of requirement
and programs are consistent with
the educational aims of the Ui-
versity, the capability of the I-M
program to add to or replace the
required program, and student at-
titudes toward the required pro-
Speaking for his motion, Phil
Zook, '60, asserted that its adop-
tion "would indicate that we have
serious doubts regarding the re-
quirement." He added that he did
not intend any invitation beyond
the one expressed in the motion,
in reply to a question whether he
planned to have the University
personnel mentioned talk to the
He further indicated that he
may follow this motion early next
semester with a motion to do away
with the requirements.
An instructor in the athletic de-
partment encouraged the Council
in its action toward the evalua-
tion. "It will be good for the de-
partment," he said, adding that

SGC's inquiry into a matter that
involves University regulations is
justified. He called for objectivity
on the part of the Council in mak-
ing the evaluation, however.




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--David Giltrow




Erich Walter is generally a
happy gentleman.
Fall days find him strolling
across campus, .making sure of,
arrangements for convocation
or commencement exercises,
handling the tours of foreign
visitors, seeing "a proper job is
Walter, as secretary to the
University, is essentially a pro-
tocol officer. His 44 years here
have left him genial - but
sometimes troubled.
No Central Focus
"There is nothing to bring
this community together," he
He says it with considerable
experience: Walter has served
as an English professor, chair-
man of academic counseling,
dean of student, assistant to
the President, and finally, as
secretary to the University.
He has seen all University
presidents but three - Haven,
Tappan, and Frieze.
When he enrolled as a fresh-
man in 1914, the campus popu-
lation totalled about - 5,000.
Since then it has twice dou-
"If I have had any central
purpose here, it's been trying
to break down the aspects of
bigness and trying to adjust
the student to the University
complex and make him feel at-
tached to this place, in the way
students are attached to small-
er schoo'ls," he says.
Difficult Task
"It hasn't been wholly a los-
ing battle, but it's been diffi-
"When we were students, we
knew our professors quite well,
and often spent Sunday after-
noon in their homes. A paper
would then be presented or a
discussion would be planned:
Afterwards academics were
dropped and the class and
teacher just socialized.
"Later on, when I taught,
my wife and I always planned
to have students to the house.
These were the pleasant times."
Walter received his Bachelor

of Arts degree in 1919 and be-
came an instructor in rhetoric.
By 1923 he was an assistant
professor in English, and by
1927 he began to blend teach-
ing and administrative duties
by becoming chairman of
Freshman English.
English Teacher
He continued teaching Eng-
lish, later acting as chairman
of academic counseling and
dean of students.
Today, informal discussions
at the home of teachers have
become less and less possible,
Walter .asserts.
"A class of 40 is just too
large for the close relationship
between the teacher and his
When the Michigan Union
was last remodeled, Walter re-
quested space for a large living
room with a butler's pantry,
"where you might have coffee.'
and tea. This could be used by
professors who don't have the
room at home for their stu-
Idea Neglected
The idea was finally dropped.
"But I still believe in it," Wal-
ter admits.
The relaxed atmosphere of
the Sunday afternoon sessions
is almost foreign to the student
today, Walter admits.
. "There's a lot, less 'hanging
around. the lamppost,' and
much more of the maelstrom
of activity that is our life
generally. This has seized the
"There's .a more direct ap-
peal to the student to make a
lot of himself quickly. Every-
thing should have a quick pay-
off, a quick return on the in-
More Free Reading
In former days, Walter re-
lated, students prided them-
selves on a C average, "which
was bad," but there was more.
reading independently just for
the sake of reading. "Students
took more time to follow their
own inclinations. We develop
libraries under the guidance of
professors we especially 'liked.



We read about things we felt
were interesting.
Today, however, "the human
being is beginning to look at
life and his relations to it as
having a very quick obsoles-
cence. People think they are
expendable, replacable like
everything else. This hangs
heavily over us; you see it
when you talk to young people.
Security Sought
"This is why they clutch for
security. They are afraid of
their own expendability."
This is part of the "problem
of bigness," Walter explains.
"The stud1ent is swept off his
feet by the size of the place,
and if he also has this feeling
of expendability,' things, are
pretty difficult for him.
"How will I, as an individual,
break through the bigness and
make my mark? the freshman
asks, according to Walter. "He
tries to understand it if he can,
find a place, and become
Individual Lost?
And as the University has
increased in size, the individual
student has found it harder to
become meaningful, and the'
"sense of community" .has eb-
bed, he continues.'_
"There's almost nothing now
to bring this community to-
gether,' he says..
University students have lost
the sense of class spirit here
that once was very strong here,
and still is prevalent at smaller
schools, Walter claims.
In bygone days, the fresh-
men wore caps, songs roared
up and down Washtenaw, pad-
diles flashed, and students "be-
came proud as. hell of their
class and of the school.
'Senior' Meaningful
"You got a notion of what
it meant to be a senior. Fresh-
men today don't even see a
convocation, since it's been cut
off from the rest of the aca-
demic year. They never realize
the meaning of being a senior,
in cap and gown..
"Often I wish we could all
get together in one place-not
in cars, but walking-down to

the Stadium, perhaps. A1l this
toward dusk of a spring eve-
ning. It would make us far
more conscious of the fact
we're all together here."
"I hope this isn't just an old
man talking."
Walter suggests more invit-
ing of professors to student
residences. "In a place as large.
as this, we must adapt as best
we can.",
Wouldn't Halt Growth
But he wouldn't consider
checking the growth of the
"When you consider...the
greatness brought to this Uni-
versity because it is large, our
problem is not to cut back but
to do some things in terms of
the bigness we now have."
There has to be a willingness
on the part of the professor
and the student to do a little
more "hanging around the
lamppost," Walter says.
"Perhaps we should culti-
vate some idleness," he pro-
Enjoys Idleness
"I get a kind of enjoyment
out of being idle.Soe much of
our social life is beating the
drum of activity for its own
"Not enough people know.
how to smoke a cigar," Walter.
"It's a practiced art. You
have to lean back, and culti-
vate a conversational give and
take. This is the mark of cul-
tured people: not being etern-
ally active.".
He hopes that by "general.
agreement," people can learn
to cultivate idleness.
Leisure Avoided.
"So many old people shrink
from relaxing. They should en-
joy not doing something.:
Walter' is 62 years old. Does
he plan to retire? To partake
of some leisure?
"I'm not retiring until I get
to the end of my run:-that's
seven more years. Sure, I'd like
to have some leisure..
"And I won't spent it all
smoking cigars, of course . ."

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To Include
On Eucation
Governor To Discuss
Civil Rights, Budget
In State-of-State Talk
Gov. G. Mennen Williams will
face a joint session of the Repub-
lican-controlled Legislature with
his annual "State of the State"
message this morning.
Although Williams was not
available for comment on the
speech, press secretary Paul W.
Weber assured The Daily that
"the subject of education in gen-
eral will be dealt with in the mes-
Many issues that "got kicked
around" last year such as civil
rights, a state commission on
problems of the aging and re-
organization of state agencies will
also be major topics, he noted.
General Legislation
Senate Appropriations Commit-
tee Chairman Elmer Porter (R-
Blissfield predicted the governor
will consider "general legislation
without money attached."
He also reported Williams will
present his budget recommenda-
tions, includling state university
appropriations, in 12 days. He had
no information on the amount to
be designated for the University.
Yesterday the combined legisla-
tive group began its 1960 session
with the intention of wrapping up


Hit Plan

In a caucus yesterday.
Democrats, of both houses re-
solved to oppose' any Demo-
cratic State Central Commit-
tee action for an unicameral
legislature, Sen. Elmer Porter
(R-Blissfield) said last night.
Noting that most Democrats
are "bitter over the State
Committee boys considering
such action," he predicted
failure for the issue.
In the Senate, all 12 Demo-
cratic members met yesterday
to discuss the proposal put
before the State Committee.
The senators also opposed any
reappointment which would
alter the Senatorial districts.
its year's budget as quickly as
possible and avoiding last year's
stormy 11-month hassle over
money problems.
Short Session
"This is going to be a mighty
short session if I have anything
to say about it,".'Sen. Porter com-
mentad. He hopes to see money
bills passed by April 1.
The legislative timetable, sched-
uling "short" sessions- for even-
number years, calls for recess Ap-
ril 15 until official adjournment
May 12-13. Deadline for the pre-
sentation of bills is Feb. 27.
So far only 200 bills have been
submitted for drafting, in com-
parison with the 250 which were
written at the same time'- last
year. Most of these are "reruns"
of measures introduced, but not
passed during the last session,
legislative bill-drafter Kennedy
Sanders said.
Major Issue
Sen. John W. Fitzgerald, (R-
Grand Ledge) set off what will
probably be ,the major -issue of
the next session with his resolu-
tion for a four-cent sales tax.
It was the Democratic block 'of
the GOP attempt to put this pro-
posal on last year's ballot that set
off the 11-month tax battle.
Republicans are shooting for a
state vote on the November ballot
and Democrats will probably
counter with an income tax bill.
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Major Barbara

To Begin Tomorrowt)
The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre's production of Bernard Shaw's'
"Major Barbara" will begin its three night run at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow;
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.'
"In many ways, this play seems to address itself directly to the
atomic age through the medium of high comedy," Jerry Sandler, play
director, said.
"Though the play was written over 50 years ago; the challenge,
that we reexamine our moral values and find new and better ways
to solve the world's problems, could easily have been written by a play-

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