See Page 4
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Rain to continue through the day
but become lighter toward night.
[. LXX, No. 80
Shutdown Makes
Consumers Wary
Study Says Steel Controversy Hits
All Consumers, Not Only Strikers
The steel strike spread uneasiness and caution among consumers,
the Survey Research Center's latest consumer study finds.
It compares consumer attitudes and inclinations to buy over the
nine years since the survey, widely used in industry, was begun.
While consumer optimism rose steadily during the twelve months
up to July 1959, the post recession trend was arrested by the time
this study was compiled in October and November of 1959.
Affects Whole Population
Clearly "the steel strike had an impact on the American people
as a whole, and not only on those directly involved (that is, on strik-
___ .
Beckett Sees
Return Wavc
Of Asian Flu
Asian flu has come again to
Ann Arbor, and "at the present
time, it looks like a moderate epi-
demic," according to Dr. Morley
B. Beckett, Health Service direc-
The Health Service infirmary
now holds 29 students with upper
respiratory infections. At least
some of these have Asian-type in-
First signs of the flu came las1
week, and this Monday the first
positive tests came back from the
School of Public Health labora-
tories. Out of the first six tested
five cases have been verified as
Asian flu.
"No one can say for sure wha
we're going to have, but I don't
look for as widespread an epidem-
ic as we had in 1957," Dr. Beck-
ett said. He explained that two
years ago the flu was so wide-
spread because this strain was
new to the United States anc
people had built up no immunity
to it. Now, however, some people
have had shots and many may
still have some residual immunity
left fromn the epidemic two years
H e a1t h Service's immediate
problem is their limited numbei
of beds. If admissions do not far
exceed the number of dischargec
patients, there will be little diffi-
culty. When and if more room is
needed though, the faculty exam-
ination center can be closed anc
ten more beds can be set up in a
matter of hours.
Dr. Beckett also warned thai
the time for preventative shots is
in the fall when they are given
To Discuss
Physical education requirements
will come up for consideration
at the Student Government Coun-
cil meeting tonight.
Phil Zook, '60, will present a
motion proposing a joint faculty-
student committee to consider the
effectiveness of the required pro-
gram, the degree that it is con-
sistant with the educational aims
of the University, and student at-
titudes toward it.
A report will be heard from a
committee formed' to compile all
past SGC actions into a precedent
file. Members may then use this
file for reference regarding SGC
policy decisions. A reference list
of all appointments is empowered
to make with their terms of office
will also be reported on.
A motion to delegate the Willo-
politan project to a committee will
come up in addition to the ap-
pointment of a Council member
to the Student-Business Relations
Committee. The latter committee,
composed of Ann Arbor mer-
chants and students, functions to
ease student-merchant relations.
Approval of the appointments
to the Driving Code Revision'
Committee will be considered. Ron
Bassey, '60, will also make a prog-
ress report on the possibility of
'having the final exam schedule
printed at the beginning of each
T TOr Ir L
ers and others laid off because of
steel shortages)," the report de-
Not as many of the nationwide
cross-section of about 1,300 adults
expected to buy soon after Octo-
ber and November as they did in
Further, fewer consumers in fall
1955 believed. personal finances,
general business trends and mar-
ket conditions would improve, and
"among the lower and middle-in-
come groups sentiment even de-
teriorated compared with June."
Optimistic Predictions
Hiowever, long-range expecta-
tionas are at least as optimistic as
before the steel strike. "The strike
seems to have given rise only to
uneasiness regarding the near fu-
ture," the report says.
The survey predicts improve-
ment in consumer optimism now
that the steel " strike has been
settled since this removes "a ma-
jor source of uneasiness among
Upswings in outlook Were al-
ready reffected in the second half
of the survey, taken in the three
weeks after November 9 when
work was resumed in the steel
mills. The first one-half of the in-
terviews were taken in the three
weeks before work was started.
Cites Slower Recovery
Unfortunately, "even aside from
the strike, the recovery in senti-
ment from the 1958 recession was
slower than the recovery from the
1953-54 recession," the report in-
dicates. It adds that present con-
sumer expectations are not "buoy-
ant" enough to push spending
above the rise which income
trends above will bring.
Factors other than the steel
strike brought consumer concern
in fall 1959. The tight capital
market and rising interest rates
were well-known by the public.
Many more people than in 1958
said it is harder to finance the
purchase of a house, and fewer
expressed intentions to buy one-
family homes to live in.
Worry About Inflation
People worried about inflation,
perhaps more so than in June, the
survey finds. The notion that in-
flation will hurt personal finances
appears to hold back consumer's
buying durable goods such as
household appliances and cars.
But the report sounded good
news for the auto industry's lat-
est experiment - revealing most
people think the new small cars
will be popular, a sizable minority
prefer the compact car over tra-
ditional and foreign models, and
many who intend to buy in the
next twelve months intend to in-
vest in a small car.
Give Vote.
Democrats gave Majority Leader
Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex.) a
51-12 vote of confidence last
By that +majority the Demo-
cratic Senators rejected a motion
by Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn.),
to strip Johnson of his authority
to appoint members of the party's
Policy Committee.
Gore also included in his mo-
tion a provision to enlarge the
nine-member Senate Democratic
Policy Committee.
Makes Another Proposal
Gore also proposed that the
Policy Committee be directed to
form legislative policies to be sub-
mitted to the vonference of all 65
Democratic Senators.
Support for -the Gre proposal
came from members of the party
who generally list themselves as
liberals. The votin g took place at
a caucus behind closed doors.
Gore told n e w s m e n that
"though we lost this time, we may
have won in seeming to lose."
Sees Optimistic View
"The whole fight augurs well
for our party," he said; adding
that he was gratified the confer-
ence had given 2%V2 hours of con-
centrated attention to party poli-
cy and procedures.
Asked if he believed the out-
come would enhance Johnson's
presidential chances, Gore said he
hoped it would not make any dif-
ference to anyone's presidential
ambitions. He added:
"It had no such motivation and
should have no such effect."
The vote of Sen. Hubert
Humphrey (D-Minn.), an an-
nounced candidate for the Demo-
cratic presidential nomination,
was cast by proxy. Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore.), who has author-
ized the entry of his name in at
least two presidential preference
primaries, was present.
Buz Fire
At Princeton
PRINCETON, N. J. (A') - The
P r i n c e t o n University faculty
member who compiled a contro-
versial book in 1958 has been no-
tified his contract will not be re-
newed, the school said yesterday.
Otto Butz, assistant professor
of politics and author of "The
Unsilent Generation," a collection
of 11 anonymous essays by
Princeton seniors, will end his stay
at Princeton in June.
Princeton President Robert Go-
heen told a news conference yes-
terday the university's decision
was not because of the book.
At the time Prof. Butz' book
was published, it aroused a cer-
tain amount of animosity at
Reviewing the book for the New
York Herald-Tribune, Terry Fer-
rer said that "such statements
are hardly likely to enhance the
academic prestige of Princeton."
The essays were supposed to re-
flect that character of a genera-
tion of Princeton men. Some dealt
with drinking and sex.
Ike Asi
House .Plan
Washtenaw County will prob-
ably not gain any addition repre~
sentation if the Democrat-pro
posed unicameral legislature isK
created, Rep. George Sllade R
Ann Arbor) said last night.
He added he had not seen the
specific Democratic plan so his
stand was conjectural, but he saw
no particular advantage for the;
local area.
Washtenaw County is now rep-
resented by one Senator and two
States Opposition
Sallade commented the new
plan merits attention just as any
proposal on legislative reappor-
tionment, but said he was per- >
sonally against it.
The advantages claimed for the
unicameral legislature of Ne
braska did not justify the "present:
radical departure," he noted.
Sallade expressed concern abouts
increases of lobbyists' power and<
lack of protection for the Uppers
Peninsula if the unicameral legis'
lature plan goes into effect.w d
He said a single hose would
certainly not free the legislators
of special interest group pressure>
and emphasized that once a bill<
is passed by the legislature, "that'sr
The Upper Peninsula deserves
protection, which it probably
would not get under the new plan.
Expectations are, if the plan
is approved, the Upper Peninsula
would lose a large portion of its
present representation, as would
areas such as Muskegon.
To Promote Conflict
But the representation losses inz
this area will bring internal con-
fiict to the Democratic party too,'
Sallade pointed out. Democrats as
well as Republicans would lose '
their seats to the populous South-
eastern counties.
The upshot will be that the pro-
posal will not be placed on ther
ballot by the legislature, Sallade
concluded. Senate Democrats as
well as Republicans will oppose *
the measure.R
Upper Peninsula Sen. Philip
Rahoi (D-Iron Mt.) agreed: I'm
bitterly opposed to the plan and"
they'll hear from me on that. I
don't want the Upper Peninsula to
lose all its representation to De->
Placed by Petition
The plan culd be placed on the
ballot by petition, Sallade added,_
since "it is easy to get signers,"
but he doubted it would be aph
Other Republican opposition"
was more aphoristic. It ranged
from "This smells like a power'
grab," the diagnosis of Republi-
can National Committeeman John
B. Martin, Jr., to GOP Majority
Leader Frank Beadle's "I thinkx
they're nuts.">
Beadle, (R-St. Clair), added,
"They're trying to get themselves:
off the reapportionment hook."
He said it was a compromise to
satisfy outstate Democrats who
might lose seats if the legislature .r
was reapportioned on a popula-
tion basis.
"The people of Michigan won't
go for a system that gives control
of the legislative branch of the
government to four or five coup-
ties in the Detroit area.''
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-David iotrow
ks Removal of Limitation
The man dropped into the
chair like a lazy figure six, and
balanced a glass on his belt-
The place was plush Hidden
Valley, where the Regents
golfed and talked and golfed
some more on a summer week-
The man with the drink was
indoors, talking quietly with a
couple of associates.
Likes Leisure Life
"You know, if it were always
like this, it wouldn't be half
bad," he observed comfortably.
He hardly looked the part of
a stiff college administrator.
He looked even less like the
president-elect of the Ameri-
can College Public Relations
Lyle Nelson, however, is both.
Wants To Forget Job
Sometimes he wishes he could
just return to teaching jour-
nalism and forget his enormous
task of selling the concept of
the University of Michigan to
the public.
Because he has headaches.
"It's not an easy task," he
says, referring to his duties as
director of University relations.
"We're talking about quality
education and the importance
of educating a relatively small
number of students.
Advantages Hidden
"The advantages just aren't
apparent to many observers."
Making those advantages ap-
parent is Nelson's job. He is
responsible for University's In-
formation a d.News service and
special publications, as well as
tending to numerous public re-
lations details.
His "pitch" is slow, analytic
and convincing.-
Sells Education
"The most important thing
to get across," he said, "is the
distinctive nature of the Uni-
versity's educational program."
First of all, he explained, 40
per cent of the University's en-
rollment is on the graduate
and professional levels, an "ex-
tremely high concentration."
It costs dour times as much
to educate these students as it
does to educate undergraduates,
Nelson said.
"Therefore, all this has a
real effect in terms of the
money we need, as compared
with other schools where gradu-
ate and professional enrollment
is not as high.
. Explains Research Cost
"'The other reason for our
distinctiveness is research.
We're a major center, and this
makes a difference when deter-
mining the amount of financial
support we should receive."
People don't always under-
stand this, Nelson finds. "So we
try to emphasize the services
that directly affect the public,
such as medicine and some
phases of research."
"At present, we're not broad-
ening their understanding," he
frowned. "We're just not pre-
pared . .."
"How do you prepare?"
seemed a question. Nelson has
many answers.
Answers Question
"We've got to involve the key
leaders of the state in educa-
tion, first of all.
"Last fall we started taking
the University to the people
and providing them with in-
formation. The vice-presidents,
deans and myself traveled, gen-
erally about a week at a time,
talking everywhere.
"We spoke at alumni and
service clubs all over the state
and were pretty favorably re-
Calls for Film
Nelson also wants a film
showing various phases of Uni-
versity life. "Not a useless little
one, but one really worthwhile
and well done,
"We can show the people the
importance of the University
in other ways. For example, for
each county we can find out
how many doctors received
their training at the Univer-
sity, demonstrating the prac-
tical importance of the Uni-
Despite his surface relaxa-
tion, Nelson keeps 'busy. So
busy, in fact, that he probably
will never get back to teach-
Attends 'U' of Oregon
Following an AB degree at
the University of Oregon in
1941 where he edited the stu-
dent newspaper ("It was an
All-American paper then, but
now it's poor"), Nelson worked
with Oregon papers and even-
tually went back to his alma
mater as assistant to the presi-
dent and associate professor of
"I'd still rather be teaching
journalism," he said frankly,
"but I'm just not qualified now
because I don't have the time
to stay with it. As an adminis-
trator you soon begin to slight
the teaching side of your
The best administrator, Nel-
son feels, is "the one who is
closest to the actual operations
of the University."
Familiarity Not Simple
Such a familiarity is not al-
ways simple to achieve here, he
"The University is a collec-
tion of small, decentralized
areas, tending to be autocratic,
standardized, and impersonal,"
he said.
However, he continued, "as-
sociations outside the office are
also with University people.
Perhaps that makes up for the
Nelson is called on to re-
present the University in dozens
of varying situations. Occa-
sionally, a touchy incident will
crop up, he acknowledged, "but
you've got to take the bad with
the good.
"The University will come
through. There will be moments
when we're on top, so when
you're on the bottom, just roll
with the punch."
Such an incident was the
See PROFILE, Page 2
B egins Fight
In Congress
For Sa.vings
Tight Money Battle
Opens with Message
On U.S. Bond Rate
WASHINGTON A') -Presdent
Dwight D. Eisenhower reopened
his tight money battle with Con-
gress yesterday in a brief, almost
curt, special message demanding
removal of the interest ceiling on
'government bonds.
Congressional inaction on re-
moving the 4% per cent ceiling
last session, Eisenhower said, has
had the effect of loading taxpay-
ers with interest rates on the na-
tional debt at the highest levels
in several decades.
"I deem it imperative, there
fore, that this restrictive ceiling
be removed," Eisenhower's three-
paragraph message said.
Shows Ike's Concern
It was the first special White
House message of the new session,
attesting to the urgency which
Eisenhower attaches to the mea-
sure left languishing in a House
committee when Congress ad-
journed last summer.
Widespread opposition in Con-
gress is ascribed to the unwilling-
ness of the Democrats - who op-
pose the Administration's tight
money policy - to vote for any
increase in interest rates.
Eisenhower gave notice he is
asking Secretary of the Treasury
IRobert B. Anderson to transmit
proposed legislation that would
take away "this archaic restric-
tion on flexible debt manage-
ment." The ceiling dates back to
the liberty loan drives of the First
World War.
Sets Treasury Limit
It forbids the treasury to pay
more than 4% per cent on securi-
ties maturing in five years or
more. In the recent sustained and
general upsurge. of interest rates,
the treasury has been forced to
rely on more frequent, shorter
term borrowings. These are con-
sidered inflationary.
The President said this practice
has brought about a much more
rapid increase in short term debt
than would otherwise have oc-
Ike TO Seek
Postal B~oost
WASHINGTON (') -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower again will
ask Congress to increase postal
rates--a request that was turned'
down last year, Rep. Charles A.
Halleck (R-Ind.) said yesterday.
Halleck; the Republican House
leader, did not say in talking to
reporters how much of an increase
would be requested or give any
other details. However, one high
official who declined to be ,quoted
by name said earlier that the pro-
posed boosts would total $500 mil-
lion a year.
Last year's rejected request
would have brought in an esti-
mated extra $355 million. The
proposal would have boosted post-
age on a first class letter from
four cents to five and on air mail
from seven to eight cents.
Postal rates went up on Aug. 1,
195$-first class letters from three
cents to four an ounce and air
mail from six to seven. Since then,
the post office says there have
been increases in salary and re-
tirement payments for postal
workers and in transportation
Halleck made his statement
after he and other GOP Con-
gressional leaders were given a
preview at the White House of
Eisenhower's budget for the next
fiscal year that starts July 1.
I ~r Mi-ir rN''u', ,
Fie Strsi udage
Two Escape Burning Room
Fire broke out early yesterday morning in Anderson House in
East Quadrangle.
Firemen were called to the scene and residents evacuated the
building at approximately 5:30 a.m. as a blaze trapped two residents
in their room. The fire was confined to the one room only.
Roger Boylan, '63, and Tom Kershner, '63, residents of the room
where the blaze occurred, were apparently unharmed and neither
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received medical treatment.
Arbor Fire Chief Ernest H
called the incident an arson
He said that lighter fluid had
parently been poured under
door and set on fire.
The door to the room
burned on the inside and a
hanging near there caught fir
increase the blaze.
Boylan said that he and Ke
ner woke up and saw the fire
that it was too hot for them t
through the door. They. wen
the ledge of the window and ye
for help.
i n n - - - - - - - - - - - --
I ap-
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By TJHN FISCHER }said- ther is onl on small t a ncernin thefinanria lia _I can not h left to stat TtateourtsasITheatistics of the damages of
o go
t to
The relative youth of atomic
energy has brought with it many
unanswered questions in the field
of insurance, Saburo Aihara, visi-
tor from Japan, reported.
Aiha O.O 0 1.3 +0 + ,4',iof ,f +.f
att, 41 e l uiy ute rtlt e-
actor and a larger one on the way.
Japan is, at present, drafting a
bilities of these reactors.
He predicted the law will be
passed to some extent on Ameri-
ca's Price-Anderson Act which,
provides for the federal govern-'
ment indemnifying damages in
in this country, he said.
Determining liability is one of
the problems which is very difficult
to determine, because of the in-
fancy of the atomic age, he ex-
the atomic bombings on Japan.
will not be of much help, Aihara
maintained, as an explosion of a
reactor will be of much less inten-
sity and effect.