JOINT JUDIC ANALYZED See Page 4 Y Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom ti1 CLOUDY, RAIN High.- 4 Low-27 Cloudy with rain beginning in late morning. Mild easterly winds. CX, No. '79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX PAGES '1 i i w w rr rr ,A Policy Require >ard Tests r'C..'' y: r.' '?i? ;: .'.s ,. .. , . ,> ' ;' '?i '...'.A*' .l"? .. A> lflmSW .fl, Ci { t ': 4 Democrats Seek Unicameral Legislature Scores Not To Afect M; Vichigan Applicants By FAITH WEINSTEIN An experimental admissions pol- icy requiring both aptitude and achievement college board exami- nations of all freshman applicants to the literary college will defi- nitely go into effect in June, 1961. ' A memorandum, sent. to Vice- Presidemit and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss by the literary college Committee on Admissions, defInes the rationale and the plans for operation of the new policy. Associate Dean of the literary college James H. Robertson stressed that the examinations, although required, will not deter- mine the acceptability of any in- state candidate during the two- year period that the policy is in its experimental stage. Three Stage. Thee new policy requires three examination sections: 1) The College Entrance Ex- amination Board's Scholastic Ap- titude Test, an objective exam, which tests the verbal and mathe- metical ability of the student. 2) The English Composition and English Writing Sample Test: one objective and one achievement test, also prepared by the CEEB, designed to test the student's abil- ity to compose adequate themes on specific topics. The tests may be replaced by the Advanced Place- ment Examination in English Composition. 3) One other of the CEEB achievement tests, of the student's own choosing, covering a wide range of fields. Not Really Radical "This experiment is not really as radical as it seems," Robertson affirmed. "Actually it has been going on for quite a while with some of the students." All out-of-state applicants have to take the aptitude test, he ex- plained, and a good many both in and out of state take the achievements as well. The new policy is simply an extension of the old. The Committee on Admissions hopes to achieve several objectives tihrough this experiment. They hope to create and cement a cer- tain level of achievement in the high schools, by giving them a measuring rod by which the schools can judge their own achievement. Measuring Rod Employing the examination re- sults as a measuring rod for it- self, the college hopes to use the results to eliminate material from freshman introductory courses that the student will already have learned from his high school work. Presumably, the achievement °tests will also help place, the freshman in courses most appro- priate to his level of achievement, Robertson continued. Among the primary concerns of the committee in trying this ex- periment .is to gain additional evaluative information on the ap- plicant, his mastery over subject matter, and his probability for success at the college level. "it is obvious from the ihcreas- - ing number of applicants to the college," Dean Robertson de- clared, "that we are going to need to be more discriminating in our choice of students. We must try to select those who will most profit from the education we have to offer." Tap All Sources He suggested that all sources of information must be tapped in the effort to achieve the best possible admission criteria. While the Committee feels this experiment may prove valuable to future selection processes, they do not recommend that this data ever be used as the sole criterion for admissions. "We would never make the mis- take of relying on objective data alone," Robertson asserted. "It will not be used to determine the individual acceptance of the indi- vidual student." Police Clas With Rioters In Venezuela -David Giitrow PROFILE Ralph Sawyer Want Action To Get Plan Put on Ballot By JEAN HARTWIG A surprise proposal to institute a unicameral partisan state legis- lature was sprung on the Demo- cratic State Central Committee Sunday. The plan, submitted by a Legis- lative Reform Subcommittee, will be considered by the Central Com- mittee at its Feb. 28 meeting. Backers of the measure urge im- mediate action to put it before voters on the Nov. 8 ballot. Neil Staebler, state chairman, reported "all kinds of reactions" yesterday among Central Com- mittee members and citizens. He explained that differences of opinion to the radical proposal are a natural result, although a majority of state Democrats favor some kind of legislative reform. Nearly Unanimous The 60- member subcommittee was in almost unanimous agree- ment over the unicameral mea- sure, with only one dissenting vote. Staebler explained the rec- ommendation was a result of a six-months' study of various re- apportioning systems originally undertaken because of Senate "roadblock" action in vetoing several proposals by the House. Now that the initial outline has been presented, the subcommittee has been charged with working out specific details of representa- tion and structure. The House is presently con- sidered more representative than the Senate which "permits a small portion of the state to dominate legislation," Staebler commented. Discussion of this and alterna-. tive proposals in county Demo- cratic committees is the next ac- tion to be taken on the measure. 'Good in Theory' Prof. Daniel McHargue of the political science department said the unicameral legislature is good in theory, but its chances of adop- tion are slim. Most Republicans and some Democrats are expected to oppose it. "I wish some industrial state would experiment with it, but the Republicans aren't about to throw away their advantage in the Sen- ate," he said. He explained that in Nebraska, the only state with a unicameral legislature, the nonpartisan system has worked "quite well." How- ever, Nebraska has more partisan homogeneity than Michigan and less of an urban-rural split. The strong political leadership of for- mer Sen. George Norris (D-Neb.) also aided its adoption. Danger Seen The unicameral legislature would not be subject to the im- passes which sometimes charater- ize bicameral legislatures, but there is the possible danger of too rapid action, he note. Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the political science department praised Democrats for raising the issue in an attempt to increase legislative representativeness. Noting the trend toward one- house city councils, he said the proposed unicameral system could probably be worked out, although states "have more 'of a tradition of following the pattern of the fed- eral government." * * * * * Liberal Arts Division * To Open at Dearborn t Eect (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is an interpretive article discussing. the issues facing the recently re- convened Congress. University fac- ulty sources and recent periodicals were used as sources.) B3y PETER DAWSON Daily Contributing Editor The Congress that reconvened last Wednesday has about 25 weeks until it adjourns for the national conventions. What will it do? Its agenda is fairly routine. The budget, in which President Eisen- hower says he hopes for a $4.2 billion surplus, is one issue. It brings with it the questions of foreign aid and military spending. Other issues are2 federal aid for building schools, civil rights, and the farm problem. There will be maneuvering for the 'Presidency, differently done by each candidate. The Democrat- ic Party as a whole has a choice to make: how much to compro- mise with the Administration. Some of its members tend to sup- port accommodation. nost not- able of them is Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, Senate majority leader, who has done a considerable amount of it so as to get bills through Congress that wouldn't be vetoed. Other Democrats want to try harder for more progressive mea- sures. They also want to make'a sharper public image for the par- ty - to give it a distinctive ap- peal to play against the Republi- can slogan of "peace and pros- perity." This slogan will be pow- erful in a year of relaxed cold-war tension, good food, and prosperity, To avoid what happened to the Labor Party in England last fall, some Democrats want to be more aggressive. on-Year Congress HOW MUCH accommodating the Democrats will do is not yet clear. They may do less than they have been doing, partly because Sen. Johnson, whom H ouse Speaker Sam Rayburn supports, needs to increase his following among urban-industrial Demo- crats by making fewer compro- mises and being more liberal. And will the Democrats manage to make much hay out of this Congress? Not a great deal, ac- cording to Prof. George A. Peek of the political science depart- ment. The agenda is just not ex- citing enough, he says, and the Democrats may not be sufficiently aggressive. PERHAPS the biggest immedi- ate issue facing Congress will be the budget, to be presented in a week. In his State-of-the-Union speech, the President said he would ask for $79.8 billion, about a billion more than this year, and hoped for revenues of $84 billion, making a surplus of $4.2 billion. He added that he hoped for a surplus of $200 million in the cur- rent budget, which runs until June. The surplus planned for the new budget may make it easier for Democrats to put through spending measures, the New York Times says, without being criti- cized for unbalancing the budget. Included in the .new budget' would be a military expenditure of about $41 billion. - about the same as it's been for several years. The Administration is expected to be attacked for its decision not to try to match Russia's missile pro- gram, and some Democrats will argue that the Administration is subordinating national defense to balancing the budget Prof. Peek's expectation is that Democrats will push harder on education and housing, not mili- See CONGRESS, Page 4 By THOMAS HAYDEN On an early summer morn- ing in 1946, Dr. Ralph' A. Saw- yer sat down to mess aboard the USS Kenneth Whiting, lolling in a Pacific lagoon near Bikini Atoll. It was the day of rehearsal for the "B" Blast-the under- water atomic explosion-- and' Saywer, technical director of the Bikini project, was under- standably nervous. He went through his morn- ing stack of radio messages as usual. One he found marked "For Sawyer Only." It read: "Regents, Provost unanimously invite you accept appointment dean graduate school. You are first choice and consultations assure your appointment will be received by all faculties." Accept Position "No one ever had less incli- nation to think about the job than I did that morning," Sawyer recalled recently, sit- ting in his dean's chair at the University's graduate school. inclination or no, Sawyer wired back his acceptance three days later, his appoint- ment to be effective in the fall of 1946. Meanwhile, he turned his energies to the Bikini Project. Sawyer's scientific organization included over 550 scientists and engineers, working long hours each day, ironing out al diffi- culties in preparation for the blasts. "The weather was very warm a11 summer. When you came in at night it looked like you'd been sluiced. down with a bucket of water," Sawyer says. "But the heat wasn't as bad as it sometimes gets in Ann * * * Arbor during the summer," he insists. Nor was the pace, Sawyer might add, if he were the brag- ging type. His pace has been accelerat- ing so rapidly since the war, that he now is forced to dis- continue important jobs for which he has no time. After returning to the Uni- versity in the capacity of dean in 1946, Sawyer remained ac- tive in the area of atomic energy as first director of the Phoenix Memorial Project. He was appointed to a great many University and civic commit- tees. His reputation in the field of spectroscopy remained high, although he found less and less time for his own work. Newest Vice-President Finally in the past year Saw- year became vice-president in charge of University research. He still retained his duties as dean of the graduate school, but decided to relinquish the Phoenix Project post. Enough for one man? "Life has become just a little rich," he acknowledges. Sawyer is going to withdraw from a number of committee assignments-no one, includ- ing himself, can be immediate- ly sure how many he's on. Major Responsibility Research, now his- official focus of interest, iss amajor responsibility of any great uni- versity, Sawyer feels. "Most anybody would realize this is a great university and as such hosts students from all over the world. One of the rea- sons we're the best in the Mid- dle West is that we have a See PROFILE, Page 2 187 PER MINUTE: P rof. Bate Unaarme By P By NAN MARKEL The "population explosion" means at present rates 187 children are born every minute, enough to populate a new Detroit every three weeks.° But, "I don't get especially alarmed at the threat," Prof. Marston Bates of the zoology department told public health authorities yes- terday. While people fear the "yellow peril," and speak of <"dark-skinned rcaes overrunning the world," Prof. Bates said it is actually the propor- tion of white-skinned people in the total world population which has increased most in the past three. in.::::,:, ..::1 :t Ann Arbor Police are currently investigating the placing of a three-foot swastika on the main door of Ann Arbor's Hillel Foun- dation Building Sunday. This was the second swastika incident reported in Ann Arbor in the last four days. A swastika was found painted last week on a downtown business building. Rabbi Julius Weinberg of the ,local Beth Israel Community Cen- ter said he was "not happy" about the situation, but added, "Ann Arbor is not an anti-semitic com- munity. There's no great prob- lem here. "I hope that this is only an in- cident and the latent feeling is not widespread," the rabbi added. Sources at Hillel report similar incidents took place in 1957. hundred years. And he charged, "I've never been able to see the frequent coupling of population and war. In Men's Minds "I think war is made in the minds of men and not by eco- nomic considerations and popula- tion problems." Lecturing to visiting public health officials from all over the world, he said he does not feel the density of a country's population has much to do with its strength as a, nation. He cited Japan's current birth bontrol campaign. "Japan is fac- ing up to its problems," he said, "and I can't believe Japan will be weaker because of it." Only when he looks at popula- tion acceleration in terms of biology "do I get worried," Prof. Bates explained. Total world popu- lation was about 548 million in 1650, about 1.1? billion in 1850, and about 2.4 billion in 1950. Hazards Change He charted the "biological" problem this way: "In biological evolution the re- productive rate adjusts to the hazards of existence. But when man started to evolve culturally, and as public health develops, the hazards of existence drastically change. Consequently the reproductive rate, or birth rate, changes drasti- cally too. Prof. Bates pointed to Ceylon, where the introduction of DDT wiped out much disease, low- ering the death rate. Since moth- ers were freed of malaria, the birth rate went up. He told the public health offi- cials, "you people can take a lot of the credit, or the blame, for' this picture." Cant Control Rate Prof, Bates intimated they can effect a birth drop to correspond to the death rate drop which modern controls have brought about. For he does not think popula- tion trend is only dependentuan natural forces, as stated in the "Malthusian proposition"-popu- fan 4.-n n nr. mn-. ,an,.nnrac. on.- Stirton Sees Enrollment , Near 200 Diverse Program Not To Incorporate 'Work-Study' Plan By CAROL LEVENTEN Special to The Daily DEARBORN-The University's Dearborn Center will begin oper- ating a liberal arts program in October with an estimated enroll- ment of 200 students, Vice-Presi- dent William Stirton said here yesterday. Six interdepartmental and five departmental programs will be of- fered, mainly on the junior level. The new division will not fea- ture the work-study plan -- alter- nating a semester of class at- tendance with one of specific work assignments - under which the Center's engineering and business administration programs now op- crate. But Stirton indicated a possibil- ity that such an arrangement might be added to certain portions of the liberal arts curriculum at a future date,.and that the program might be expanded to include work on the graduate level. Interdepartmental Programs Interdepartmental programs to be offered are humanities, social sciences, biological and physical sciences, sociology and psychology and English and history. Humanities includes English, French and German literatures, philosophy, fine arts, music liter- ature and a selection of offerings in history. The social sciences curriculum features sociology, psychology, p- litical science, economics and his- tory. Biological sciences include botany, zoology and bacteriology; physical sciences, c h e i Is t r y, mathematics and physics. Departmental concentrations will be in English, history, chem- istry, mathematics and econom- ics. Formation of the Center was originally motivated by a demand from industry to fill shortages in engineering and business admin- istration, he said, but stressed that the University from the be- ginning rejected the concept of a program devoted exclusively to technology and business. Since the Legislature's appro- priation to the University did not come until July 9 this year, no definite decision on opening the Dearborn Center could be made until that date. At that time, costs of operat-- ing the Center were investigated and curriculum decisions were made. To Increase Faculty The planned expansion into liberal arts will increase the um- ber of faculty members on a full- time basis to 14, and the average class size will be 16, Stirton said. Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the English department, chairman of the planning committee for the liberal arts program, explained that additions to the faculty will come from the Ann Arbor cam- pus and outside recruits. Liberal arts has figured import- antly in Dearborn planning from the beginning, Stirton said, but was necessarily and temporarily postponed due to lack of funds. Cost Greater The program was discovered to cost as much as the other two di- visions combined and, since the Center was forced to begin oper- ating on a minimum budget, "we reluctantly agreed to concentrate on engineering and business ad- mnimstration at flrst,'* Stirton ex- plained. , Greeti To End .l '?^'' " -"":":;""n;".irri:7d~s ,,,;:.."?:+ ":P; "f :?.;'....4" . l::L:.7-'- 'Ye?4 ;};:",r1"y~i 7;.}:*;!~;?i }' IN CLOSE GAME: IneCe 7 By FRED KATZ Associate Sports Editor Torrid Indiana nullified the effects of a revamped, slow-motion Michigan offense to pocket a well earned 77-72 Big Ten basketball victory last night in Yost Fieldhouse. The Wolverines, hardly resembling the ragged outfit that was crushed Saturday, 89-58, by Michigan State, were within upset range until a minute remained, largely through the sniping of Lovell Farris and Terry Miller. But a layup by Bob Wilkinson with 1:04 left stretched the Hoosier bulge to 75-70 and squelched further Wolverine heroics. The win was Indiana's first in four Conference attempts. Michigan::e is still shutout in the victory column after two tries, Michigan junked its traditional fast-break offensive in an effort' to work for the best possible shots as well as to slow down the Hoosiers who entered the game with an 80-point average, Thie Wolverines accomplished their primary goal. They put on their best shooting nerformance of the season, connecting on 29 of 65 -:s PROF. MARSTON BATES ... on population boom. TRAFFIC.: New Post The City Council unanimously approved the formation of a new Department of Parking and Traf- fic Engineering at its regular meeting last night. The new department will be headed by a man qualified in traf- fic engineering and off - street parking who will be responsible to the city administrator. The Park- ing System will be removed from the jurisdiction of Public Works and assigned to this department. Also approved were plans for a Citizens Advisory Board which will be created after the Depart- ment of Parking and Traffic En- gineering is established. Since the net income of the de- partment atppresent is not suf- ficient to provide coverage for additional bond issues of any sig- nificant size, the City Council de- tir.e that the cost of the four