iswan project )pened SPENDING BOOSTS POSSIBLE: Surplus Prediction May Hurt Ike WASHINGTON (') - President Dwight D. Eisenhower may have surrendered his most powerful weapon against Congressional spending by predicting a four bil- lion dollar budget surplus. There are signs that the Demo- cratic-controlled Congress may ASWAN, Egypt (A') -President Nasser yanked a switch yesterday and launched his cherished Aswan High Dam project-long a pawn in the East-West cold war in the Middle East. Before cheering thousands, Nas- ser thanked the Soviet Union for financing the first stage of the billion dollar hydroelectric-irriga- tion project after the United States and Britain withdrew their offer of help in 1956. Yet possibly mindful that he still may need help from the West to finish the ambitious project to control the Nile and expand its work for Egypt, Nasser declared he bore no rancor, " "We remember the country (the Soviet Union) which agreed to help us iri this project," Nasser told the crowds in this town in upper Egypt. "We celebrate the building of the dam without ha- tred of those who fought us." Nasser laid the first stone, bear- ing the date of the ground-break- ing ceremony. Then he pulled the switch that set off 10 tons of dyna- mite and shattered a rocky bluff's face on the east bank. A big Soviet delegation was present headed by I. T. Novikov, minister of power station con- struction sent from Moscow es- pecially for the occasion. Visiting King Mohammed V of Morocco was another spectator. Nasser said his United Arab Republic had been able to begin construction of the 645-foot dam -which will be the world's highest despite "threats and economic pressure" from other countries. The UAR antagonists "afforded us an opportunity to win and to be sure that our victory depended on the people and on our determi- nation to build the dam ourselves in our liberated country and to follow the path which we want ourselves," Nasser said. It will takefour years to com- plete the first stage, construction of a coffer dam and a diversion canal. The second stage-the con- struction of the dam and its hy- droelectrical tunnels will take, nearly six years. East and West Germany, Italy, Britain and Japan have expressed a desire to bid on the second stage of the project. The dam, which will use 17 times more granite than the Great Pyra- mid of Cheops at Giza, ultimately will produce an expected 10 billion kilowatt hours of electricity annu- ally. push through Eisenhower's new $79.8 billion spending ceiling in an election year when four possible major contenders for the Demo- cratic Presidential nomination are in the Senate. The feeling among some of the Democrats is that by forecasting a substantial surplus, Eisenhower has given them room to lift de- fense, school construction, hous- ing, depressed area and other out- lays above the President's recom- mendations without being accused of budget-busting. Prospect Alarms Senate Republican leader Ever- ett M. Dirksen of Illinois said yes- terday he is alarmed at the pros- pect of an election year surge in spending. He told Sen. Kenneth B. Keating (R-N.Y.) on a television program taped for New York sta- tions: "I see some pressures working at the present time in the depressed area field, the housing field and elsewhere and it would appear to me that efforts are going to be made to spend some real money out of the treasury over and above the budget if it can be contrived and if they can get votes enough in order to approve it." Predicts Discrimination However, Sen. Mike Mansfield of Montana, the assistant majority leader, said that because many Democrats don't think there will be anything like the surplus Eisen- hower has estimated, they will use discrimination in increased spend- ing. "Where we think some of the President's estimates need upping, we will up them as we have in the past," Mansfield said. "Where we can make reductions without dam- aging the national security, we will make them." Sen. George D. Aiken (R-Vt.) said in a separate interview he ex-j pects Eisenhower to veto any spending measures that go much above the totals he will recom- mend in his budget message. "I think we might expect a bumper crop of vetoes this year," Aiken said. Republicans argued last year that any small increase in expen- ditures would break through the precariously balanced budget. Predict Move In Test Talks WASHINGTON States strategists (A') - United figure Russia IKE A1ND THE BUDGET-President Eisenhower's projected four billion dollar budget surplus, predicted in his State of the Union Address (above), leaves the door open for Congressional spending hikes. ARTS AND LETTERS: Sculptor Philosophizes on Sunrise, Art must budge one way or another to prevent a blowup of the nuclear test talks resuming in Geneva Tuesday. The conference of the atomic powers-the United States, Russia and Great Britain--recessed over. the yearend with the discussions in the crucial stage. How the negotiations for an agreement to ban atomic test ex- plosions develop now will have a major bearing on the general East-West disarmament parley starting March 15. Agreements Reached In 14 months of talks so far, the Geneva conferees have agreed on 17 articles of the 30 or so which would be expected in a treaty out- lawing nuclear tests.-, They recessed last month in a deadlock over Soviet rejection of United States scientists' findings that sneak tnderground atomic blasts can be far more difficult to detect than previously thought. The West insists the treaty must provide adequate controls against possible violators. West Preparing When the' talks resume next week, United States negotiators plan to try again to get Soviet acceptance of the West's propouals for policing against underground sihots. If the Reds do not agree-and there is little optimism here that they will-then the Americans are preparing to re-offer a version of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's April 1959 plan for a limited agreement against atomic tests in the atmosphere and under water. This would be easier to police. But here again there will have to be some change in the Soviet stand. I" t mfexseatures NEW LEAAtD?-- . NNA L.BIRTN NationswithGovernment SponsoredSirtibControl Programs ,," Nations WheraGovernment is CONTROL.POLICIES Nations with Quolified Government Suprt a irt trofficially Opposed to irth Contrl and-or Ativ. rivate Agendies Olhts * .Yrivatae gences active tespite official government policy f ies no offiiat policy, isures money grants to parents o trE families Naos Enorce irth Conro By The Associated Press With its 92 million persons I crowded into an area no greater than California, Japan has taken extreme steps to stop runaway population growth. Among the nations of the world, it has the most ambitious birth control program, France, like Italy and Spain, ranks among nations where offi- cial policy bans any form of birth control. While some countries are tak- ing steps to control population growth, others virtually encourage it by providing special benefits and grants to large families. These are the extremes in a world problem that has become a hot political issue in the United States. The fact of population growth is not being debated: the evidence is clear that this will continue so that by the year 2000 the world population will more than double. Question Action What is at issue is whether any- thing should be done about it. The map pinpoints nations which have definite official policies promoting or opposing birth con- trol programs. Of course, there are many nations where govern- ments have no official stand - for or against - but in which private groups are active. Birth control-whether through sterilization, abortion, mechanical By STEPHANIE ROUMELL Sculptor Joseph Goto came just this fall to the University; where he is anassociate professor of de- sign school. Prof. Goto has sculpture in sev- eral places, including New York's Museum of Modern Art and Chi- cago's Art Institute. His career as an artist began in 1947. Prof. Goto said, "If you ask me about my work I would say, 'When I got up this morning it was cold, the sun was shining- it was a beautiful day. I hope other people think it is too.' I can speak of this knowingly. "But about my art, I dn't know. I never know what's going to happen with something I'm working on until it's through," Second Front Page January 10, 1960 Page 3 Prof. Goto continued. "It's bad to talk about art; people make too much over it." Prof. Goto came to Chicago from his native Hilo, Hawaii, in 1947., Comes For Visit "I came just for a visit and got stuck here. I didn't have anything to do so I. went to the Chicago Art Institute where my brother was studying (Prof. Goto's broth- er is at present a painter in New York). Thus his formal career as an artist began. "When I was small, I wanted to be an artist. But you get lost - chasing after girls, football . My father said, 'You want to be an artist? You don't have to go to school-work in the cane field!" At the Art Institute Prof. Goto studied all types of art. He didn't start out specifically to be a sculptor. "But one tends to specialize," he remarked. At exhibitions his sculptures regularly fared better than his paintings. Begins Exhibiting He first began exhibiting in 1950 at a show called the "Exhi- bition Momentum" in Chicago. It was organized by a group of stu- dents. In 1952 Alfred Barr of New York's Modern Art Museum liked a piece that Prof. Goto was exhib- iting. Barr bought the piece for the museum, and Prof. Goto said that this was "one of the most important points in my career." "I like primitive art, Michelan- gelo, cave drawings, Picasso .. you can't be an artist unless you understand these things. "When I work I don't con- sciously think of all these things, but I can't help being influenced. 'Would Be Writer' "But if I verbalize everything I do, then I'd be a writer," he re- marked suddenly with a smile. "I'm trying to build a studio in Ann Arbor. It's a big garage and cold. "I still have a studio in Chicago, but it'stoo small - crowded. It's cold, dirty, black with Chicago soot-messy. "It's beautiful. In the summer you can smell garbage, dogs run by, kids shout, rats run all over the place. It's in an alley," he ex- plained. "I like it. I can work any place. But in Ann Arbor there's one dis- advantage -- getting materials. I have to go to Chicago." Prof. Goto taught art at Wil- liam and Mary College extension in Richmond, Va., before he came to the University this fall.. Notes Conflict, "I want to spend all my time working on my sculpture, but I also have to make a living by teaching. So there's a conflict," he said. "Yet teaching is creating in a way - it's a cycle between my work and the students. "In a sense, teaching gives me freedom. When I work on my own and don't sell, then I have my family to worrk about. This lim- its my freedom."' Prof. Goto met his wife at the Chicago Art Institute where she was studying painting. They have a son four years old. "Still, I haven't found a real solution. I keep wishing for more time to work on my own. The art- ists of the Renaissance had the best solution," he said thought- fully. r . New Shipments of YARN arriving daily! Wide variety of weights and colors. V, ENUSIANd VOSSLAMMER for Studio Cards with a punch. BRUNDAGE GIFTS 307 S. State 1 0 Nickels Arcade Y~ICAISO IL I . (Ladies' Styles Only) SANDLERS-COBBLERS--PENALJOS BRITISH BREVITTS ยง ' Selected styles in a wide variety of colors and patterns by these well known manufacturers. All styles are from our regular stocks and are tremendous bargains on today's market. THREE PRICE GROUPS $485 $ 77 $ 95 (Values from $8.95 to $18.95) No Approvals-No Returns-All Sales Final $ A few pairs of SNO-BOOTS $77n7this nrnin NOrmandy 2-0303