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January 10, 1960 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-01-10

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


High -34
Rain becoming snow in afternoon
with little temperature change.

See Page 4

KXN o. 78




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-David Giltrow


One day .just about a year
ago James A. Lewis swiveled
uncomfortably in his chair and
scratched the short hair on his
"I have a guilty conscience
about it all," he said glumly.
"People had told me the rules
were loose and potentially dan-
gerous. I should have tried to
clear it up.
"But -I thought that Student
Government Council might
straighten it out through their
evaluation committee, and I
also took a calculated riskthat
no collision would ever occur."
Conflict Erupts
The collision - between SGC
and the administration - had
just occurred.
The Board in Review of SGC
had reversed the Council's deci-
sion in the Sigma Kappa dis-
pute in which SGC had- found
the sorority guilty of national
discriminatory policies. The'
Board, and Lewis, had over-
Since then, Lewis has had
his problems. Ixi his difficult
position as vice-president for
student affairs, he is inevitably
caught in the occasional ten-
sion between the student body
and administration. The con-
flicts occur over many things,
from bicycle impounding to
Sigma Kappa.
In the Sigma Kappa incident,
a large number of students Were
critical of Lewis' judgement.
The tension was compounded
since many faculty members
agreed with the students..

The criticism has since
thinned, although it occasion-
ally breaks through. The most
recent outburst came last June
when a student representative
stormed out of the meeting at
which the new SGC Plan was
adopted. Some, though not all,
of his complaints were directed
at Lewis.
The new Council Plan is now
in operation. "It's a better plan
than the old one," Lewis said in
his office recently, ,because it
removes some of the ambiguities
of the old one, and provides a
clearer definition of responsi-
Power Search
Will there be more "colli-
sions '?
"Theire's this eternal search
for more power on the part of
the student that we'll have to
deal with," he answered. "Con-
flicts might come, probably over
SGC's areas of jurisdiction.
"But this isn't necessarily a'
bad thing, you know," he con-
tinued. "In a real sense, con-
flicts are healthy."
Lewis has - maintained this
philosophy since he took over
his present duties in 1954. Un-
til the recent establishment of
a vice-presidency for research,
Lewis' office for Student Affairs
was the newest of the higher
administrative posts.
Background in Education
At the time of his appoint-
ment, Lewis was lecturer in the
University education school and
director of the Bureau of School
Services. Previously he served
as teacher and principal in
various Michigan schools, at

Central Michigan University
and Purdue University, and
as superintendent of schools in
Dearborn, Mich.
The 55-year old vice-presi-
dent took his masters' work in
education at the University, and
received his doctoral degree at
Harvard in 1956. He is also a
professor of education here.
A post-war increase in en-
rollment necessitated creation
of Lewis' post. The University
has nearly 10,000 more students
today than during the war
"My job contains two dif-
ferent areas. The first is fairly
clea, the second more in-
tangible," he said.
Both are based on tie premise
that everything in the Univer-
sity should be measured against
what contribution it is making
to instruction, he said.
"The first function of the
nine agencies of our Office then
is to help relieve the responsi-
bilities of the 1? colleges and
schools. We view ourselves as
working for these 17, trying to
help them for example, by keep-
ing the students in better
health, better housing condi-
"In other words, we're not
ends but means, as we are able
to serve."
"We" refers to people in ad-
missions, registration, the Bu-
reau of School Services, the of-
fices of Dean of Men and Dean
of Women, the International
Center, and Lane Hall. These
are the offices taking direct care
of the student from the moment
See LEWIS, Page Z

Ike Desires
Cut in Taxes
For 1961
New Budget Needs
Support of Congress
WASHINGTON (J)-The Eisen-'
hower administration is holding
out hope for a tax Cut in 1961 if
Congress will go along with the
President's new budget forecast-
ing a .$4,200,000,000 surplus.
It also was, learned yesterday
that President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's prediction of a 20-mil-'
lion-dollar surplus in the current
See related story, Page 3
fiscal year is based principally on
expectations of a whopping drop
in farm aid spending.
Estimates of agricultural out-
lays have been reduced by $900
million since September - more
than enough to offset revenues
lost through the steel strike.
Official Comments
A high official, who declined to
be quoted by name, told a report-
er the administration likely would
favor broad tax reform legislation,
including reduction of basic rates,
at next year's congressional ses-
sion provided:
1) The $4 billion materializes
in the 1961 fiscal year that begins
July 1, 1960.
21 The surplus is used to reduce
the record national debt of $290
3) The economy continues to
expand and a recession is avoided.
President Eisenhower drew a
question mark around tax relief
in his State of the Union message
to Congress on Thursday. He said
tax cuts should be voted only aft-
er debt reduction becomes a nor-
mal practice.
Make Prediction
This could be interpreted as in-
dicating the President would want
to see several more years of bal-
anced budgets before tax relief is
While Eisenhower is leaving the
White House next January, it will
be his job to prepare the follow-
ing year's budget for his succes-
sor. He also will be expected to
submit a final series of legisla-
tive recommendations for the new
Congress convening in 1961.'
The present administration has
been working closely with the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee in a broadscale study of tax
reform, and the official who
spelled out current thinking said
a tax cut in 1961 is a distinct ps-
This source, who is in a position
to know and influence top policy,
filled in a number of blanks which
Eisenhower left in his State of the
Union message last Thursday. He
-Spending will total $78.4 bil-
lion in the 1960 fiscal year which
ends June 30. This is $500 million
less than the most recent oficial
estimate made last September.
Revenues will come to $78.6 billion'
or $400 million below the Septem-
ber calculation.



Former President Harry S. Tru-
man may be the keynote speaker
at a conference here commemor-
ating the tenth anniversary of the
Point Four Program, May 15 to
Governor G. Mennen Williams,
who recently sent a letter to Tru-
man- urging him to come, may
also attend, Prof. Samuel Hayes
of the economics department and
chairman of the conference, said
'U' Makes Invitations
Both have been invited by the
Other principal speakers who
have definitely accepted invita-
tions , to the conference include
Paul G. Hoffman, former admin-
istrator of the European Recov-
ery Program and now managing
director of the United Nations.
special fund.er general for econ-
omic affairs for India, Ambassa-
dor B. K. Nehru and Ambassador
George Hakin, Lebanon's perman-

Truman May Visit 'U' Campus
To Honor Point Four Program

May Enter
In Oregon,
Ohio Races

ent representative to the United
Nations, will also be featured.
Secretary of State Christian
Herter and New York's Governor
Nelson Rockefeller were also in-
vited, but declined, according to
Prof. Hayes.
Since Herter will be at the sum-
mit" meeting in Paris during the
conference, Undersecretary of
State C. Douglas Dillon, formerly
Undersecretary . of Economic Af-
fairs, has been invited.
.The purpose of the conference
is to promote a better understand-
ing of United States' foreign pol-
icy and its program to aid under-
developed countries.
Progress made since the Act for
International Development, which
implemented the Point Four Pro-
gram in 1950, and implications for
the future of foreign aid will also
be discussed.
Seminars Scheduled
In addition to public addresses
from prominent American and
foreign speakers, a series of

ound-table discussions will also
be open to the public.
Since "a number of people in
the state of Michigan have very
active positions in the foreign aid
program," Prof. Hayes explained
that the University has asked
Wichigan State University and'
Wayne State University to co-
sponsor the conference. Various
national and state organizations'
may also join in sponsoring it, he
Truman's Plan
The Point Four Program, pro-
posed by Truman in his 1949 in-
augural address called for a new
program to make. United States
technical knowledge and skills
available to underdeveloped coun-
Truman also called for contin-
ued support of the United Na-
tiaons, continuation of economic
id 'to Europe and defense pacts
with allies such as the North At-
lantic Treaty Organization and
the Rio Pact.
Prof. Hayes, now working on a
program of research and instruc-
tion in the field of economic re-
search in under-developed coun-
tries, was formerly the executive
secretary of the inter-departmen-
tal government group that de-
veloped the Point Four Program.
Acts To E nd
R.OTC Issue
The University of Wisconsin re-
gents have deferred judgment on
the faculty's recommendation for
voluntary ROTC, Prof. Carlisle
Runge, chairman of the faculty
committee, told The Daily yes-
The regental vote will be con-
ducted by mail since only six of 10
members were present at the Re-
gents meeting Friday, Prof. Runge
The university facultylvoted
Monday to support voluntary
ROTC and openedthevway for
the last step in a campaign to
abolish compulsory military edu-
cation programs.
Thefaculty vote signaled the
end of one of the longest drives
the university campuS has ever
seen, the Wisconsin student news-
paper, The Daily Cardinal, report-
ed. "In recent years student sen-
ate debated the issue strongly,
passing resolutions asking for a
shift to voluntary ROTC.
Students Vote
"In 1949 the question was sub-
mitted to an all-campus election
with 3,600 students favoring elim-
inating compulsion in the pro-
gram and 1,522 voting for the
compulsory system. A bill chang-
ing ROTC to voluntary failed in
the state legislature then.
As a result of continued cam-
paigning by students, the Wiscon-
sin legislature last summer passed
a law permitting the university to
end its compulsory ROTC pro-
gram if the faculty and regents
If the regents do approve, the
new voluntary program will re
place the compulsory one next
The Naval ROTC program was
not included in the discussions
because it operates on a differ-
ent, and voluntary, basis.
Presents Report'
In presenting his report to the
faculty committee, Runge admit-
ted ROTC "is not a matter in re-
gard to curriculum-wholly with-
in control of the faculty and re-
gents. We had to develop a pro-
gram within the existing federal

According to national law, in-
dividual universities and colleges
have the authority to decide or
compulsory ROTC programs. The
Defense Department will support

Possible Candidate
Celebrates Birthday,
Eyes Other Hopefub
CONCORD, N.H. ' - Enthus
lastic supporters of Vice-Presiden
Richard M. ion celebrated hi
47th birthday-esterday with a
unprecedented state house parta
during which they entered hi
name in the New Hampshire Pres
idential primary.
A few hours later in Washing
ton Nixon's press secretary, Her
bert G. Klekn, told a news confer
ence the Vice-President approved
Klein said Nixon also would ap
prove having his name entered I
the Oregon and Ohio primarie
While Nixon's New Hampshtr
friends were still singing "Happ:
birthday," Secretary of State Har
ry E. Jackson was sending th
Vice-President an official tele
gram notifying him of yesterday'
action here and informing him ha
had 10 days in which gto with
New Hampshire's first-in-the-na
tion primary is March 8.
Admirers Cheer
Nominating petitions placi
Nixon's name in the popularit
poll section of the two-part pr
mary ballot were filed by the Vice
Pr'sident's New Hampshire cam
lpaign chief, Gov. Wesley Powel
Like Sen. John F. Kennedy- C
Massachusetts in the Democati
primary, Nixon has no announce
opponents in the GOP prefereuc
poll where four years ago he w
a stunning write-in tribute tha
helped save his political career.
Opponents Named
However, both. Nixon and Ken
nedy face a variety of opponeit
in the other section of the balkc
-separate contest for election t
delegates to the national part
Already entered on the Republi
can side are backers of New Yor
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller and l
Milton Eisenhower, the Presi
dents brother.
Tne Democratic delegate list ir
cludes supporters of Sen. Stua
Symington of Missouri, and fa
of Hubert Humphrey of Minnf
sota are expected to turn-up b
fore the close of the filing period
February 6.
So many Nixon followers . a
rived to witness the ceremony
was transferred from the Secre
tary of State's office to the large
executive council chamber.
In the middle of a long mahoi
any table where the official bus
ness of state is usually transacte
was a huge blue and pink frostE
birthday cake with the wor
"Happy Birthday, Dick."
Surrounding the cake were N
on's campaign cards, pictures, btr
tons, bumper stickers and th
material extolling the Vice-Pres
dent's qualities.
' '
In Judiciary:
The University law school h
published a report, on udicial a
miinistration recommending cre:
tion of a state-wide 'Court of Al
peals and reduction in the nun
ber of Supreme Court judges.
Prof. Charles W. Joiner of ti
s law school heads the joint co
mittee on Michigan procedur
revision which made the recom
The Court.of Appeals, to be r
ated by the legislature, would co
sist of nine judges, sitting in paa
els of three in various parts
the state,
The Court would primarily
1 responsible' for correcting errc
by the lower courts of the stai

.giving the,"Supreme' Court mnc
time to shape the over-all dire
tion of ..law....
a The joint. committee furtli
trecommended reduction of. t'

-David o ltrow
TECH CHASED - Michigan Tech winger Dan Farrell has picked
up a follower in Wolverine Steve Bochen behind the Tech goal
as Farrell attempts to clear the puck. This was the case all week-
end for the Huskies as they' were chased off the Coliseum ice
twice by the aggressive Wolverines, 5-1 and 4-1. Michigan hay
won eight of ten games for the season.
In Fourth Consecutive Win
A scrap-iron Michigan, hockey team made it two in a row last
night over the favored visitors from Michigan Tech, administering a
convincing 4-1 lesson before a noisy full house at the Coliseum.
It was the Wolverines' fourth consecutive win, and eighth in ten
Once more the story of the game was in the brilliant combined
efforts of Wolverine goalie Jim Coyle and the defensive crew led by
Captain Bobbie Watt.
Coyle turned aside 21 shots and wound up the night as the top
goalie in the Western Collegiate Hockey Association with a 2.5 goals-
- per-game average. Watt set the
Wolverines off flying in the first
period when he. teamed; up with
forward Jerry Kolb and center
Bill Kelly to beat. Tech goalie '
I 1 ~1 George Cuculick shortly after the
e n 14-minute mark.
Watt took a pass from Kolb at

Michigan State Routs Michigan in Big T

Associate Sports Editor
State's hustling team handed
Michigan its eighth basketball les-
son of the season last night, 89-58,
to the delight of 12,208 spectators
in Jenison Field House..
The Spartans, outrunning end

outrebounding the Wolverines all
through the game, pulled out to a
commanding lead midway in the
first half and held a comfortable
advantage thereafter.
It was Michigan's first Big Ten
game, and came after the Blue
had compiled a 2-7 non-league
record. Tomorrow the Wolverines

face another tough Conference op-
ponent, Indiana, in a contest at
8 p.m. in Yost Field House. ,
Take Early Lead
Coach Bill Perigo's team hit its
first four shots from the field and
took a 10-6 lead after three min-
utes. State scored the next five
points and led, 23-19, with 10
minutes gone.
Then Michigan's shooting turned
cold, and while the men in blue
couldn't find the basket, State ex-
ploited the Wolverine defense time
and again for easy drive-in or
short jump shots.
At halftime State led, 58-u6, and
as the game wor on State s lead
increased as Michigan's offensive

the goalmouth and sent a rising
shot off Cuculick's arm into the
Game Breaking
Several times later in the open-
ing stanza, the game appeared to
be on the verge of breaking into a
general skirmish, and the buzzer
found Tech applying increasing
pressure on the Michigan net.
Referees Marty Pavelich and
Doug Young brought the action
under control with an iron hand
in the middle session, handing out
seven penalties to the two teams,
including a ten-minute miscon-.
duct to Techwinger Dan Farrell.
Center Bob White, foiled on
several inspired rushes in the

wim, at Teams 1 Win
Michigan wrestlers and swimmers won important victories
The matmen came from behind to flatten highly-rated Iowa
Qt~ 4&.1 i#: vii~nrv i. n,4 a draw rin the. finaltwo matc~hes.

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