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September 15, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-09-15

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"Visit? Why Yes, I Think I Mig it be Able To-"

Ghe lichigau Daily
Seventieth Year
e Free
ed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.





The Daily,'s Obligation
the University '11Community

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DAILY, as any newspaper, is part of a
nmunity, with responsibilities to that
unity. And the fundamental circum-,
of The Daily is that its responsibility to
'niversity community it serves is almost
7 that of a newspaper, never that of a
.re of the University.
Daily, as a newspaper, can be consid-
n many ways the -focal point of Univer-
ife, for it has a unique opportunity to
together the various facets of a highly
rtmentalized community. The Mental
i Research Institute, the history depart-
of the literary college, the workers on the
ix Project's nuclear reactor - there are
ring differences among these groups, and
.ere are also the ties of being under the
organization. Through The Daily can be
d an actual community, of interest as
s of necessity.
des bridging the gap between units of
niversity, The Daily must also bridge the.
etween the academic realm and the out-
world. Many of its readers, particularly
the student body, read no other news-
but depend upon The Daily to provide
with coverage of significant world events.
faculty and administration members use
aily to keep abreast of local happenings.
MORE THAN all of that, The Daily has
newspaper's main obligation - to im-
the community surrolding it. This it
> through cbnstructive editorial criticism,
nore important, through the creation of .
formed populace that has the facts to
it to think for itself.
this should be the primary function of.
aper - to inform, in order to improve.
['he Daily, this means a number of things.
ns, first, that news cdverage must be as
ete, and as factual, as a great deal of
can make it. It means Daily reporters.
search below the surface of any given
to bring the reader a really complete aO-
one that sees a particular event from
ssible angles and viewpoints.
, of course, is the goal, the ideal. In
ce, Daily stories do not always measure
these standards - but the standards,
ere to be aimed for, and each effort by
orter is an attempt to measure up to

TrHESE ARE the obligations of any respon-
sible newspaper. But a number of circum-
stances which make The Daily a unique pub-
lication also provide it with the extra respon-
sibilities that go along with extra privileges.
In particular, The Daily's nearly-autonomous
nature frees it from the restrictions most
newspapers take for granted - the pressure
of a publisher's whims. The Daily is virtually
independent, with full freedom to print what
it wants, so long as it remains within the
boundaries of good taste.
This freedom brings a great responsibility
with it - the obligation to print the truth,
regardless of where it hits. There is always the
temptation to'set aside a story harmful to the
University, to keep bad publicity to a mini-
mum. Yet, if there is to be an improvement, if
there is to be any movement to eliminate a
harmful practice or situation, the University
community as a whole must have ALL the
facts, as only The Daily is in a position to
Basically, The Daily is also a non-profit or-
ganization (although it is actually quite a bit
more than self-supporting). But it is complete-
ly free from any need to placate advertisers;
the influence of those who advertise in The
Daily is restricted wholly to their own adver-
tisements, never to the news columns.!
THE CHARACTERISTICS of the community
The Daily serves is another advantage -
and, of course, another responsibility. Fore-
most among these Is the fact that The Daily
operates in what is, for- it, nearly a one-news-
paper community. The Daily is not shackled
by the need to whet its readers' apetites with
sensationalism in any sense. It is in a posi-
tion to rely on sober, thoughtful journalism;
it can steer clear of the flashy, the slanted, the
sensationalistic. But because it is a one-news-
paper community, its responsibility to cover
every aspect of a story is even greater.
Finally, The Daily operates in an intellec-
tual community, with a readership that must.
be considered above average in terms of intel-
ligence and interest in significant affairs. The
Daily has a tremendous responsibility to recog-
nize this, and take advantage of the oppor-
tunities it offers.

Ann Arbor Offers
Varied Cultural Fare

"'* '-'


Arbor offers students and
townspeople a fairly diverse array
of material,. so that the local
crowd can sample a representative
section of the musical scene.
In this respect, the culturally-
minded individual can sandwich a
large quantity of musical experi-
encyin between coffee dates at the
Union and visits to Health Service.
The theatrical frontier is equally
expansive. Speech department pro-
ductions encompass the whole
range of theatre (legitimate and
otherwise). The Drama Season
brings a usually impressive but
occasionally creepy collection of
famous and infamous talent to
this city.
At the top of the music heap is
the Choral Union Series and the
Extra Concert Series, which fill
Hill Auditorium with capacity
crowds. They feature attractions
such as the Boston Symphony Or-
chestra, Violinist David Oistrakh,
and an assortment of other first-
and second-rate orchestras and
*. **
ALTHOUGH the Choral Union
series operated, at one time in a
fairly rarefied atmosphere, the
vacuum has been filled lately with
a variety of vapors. Many of the
famous musicians of the last cen-
tury have appeared at Hill Aud.
Rachmaninoff played his concer-
tos there, Koussevitsky, Stokowski,
Paderewski, and others of the
same stature have appeared.
Sometimes it appears that famous
names are revered far past their
prime, so that recently, some sing-
ers who have lost most of their
talent occasionally are to be found.

T i 'JA

Apathy, SGC' Year's Big Student Issues,

the Daily's Signed Editorials

ORDINARY newspaper standards, The'
Daily's editorial page is unique.
has no editorial policy in the usual sense
he word.
, fact, if a strict deflnition of "editorial"
sed, it doesn't even print editorials on the
r as an organization, The Daily has no
ral bias to impose on its Interpretation of
news, no control over what specific issues
be discussed and no rules dictating how
will be editorially evaluated. If an edi-
d constitutes an article which presents the
r's viewpoint, or of those in control of the
r, as the dictionaries say, no editorials ap-
on the =page, except those written by The
Y's editor.
ESENTATION of the bare facts is largely
eft to the news section of the paper.
1e demands posed by The Daily's two prin-
s of news discussion-debate and objectivity
answered on the editorial page through use
e unusual medium of the individual, signed
rial. Such editorials represent the view-
t and analysis of their author alone, and
>t in any sense reflect any collective opinion
he Daily.
ragraph I of The Daily Code of Ethics
s that "The Editorial page of The Daily
not reflect one point of view to the exclu-
of all others .. ." This forms the basis of
Daily's traditional free discussion policy of
ing its editorial columns to any staff mem-
who wishes to present his own honest
.on, logically, accurately and responsibly
en and in good taste-regardless of the
cular position taken by the author.
id there is, it might be added, no uniformity
>inion on The Daily's staff. Liberals and
ervatives, affiliates and non-affiliates, peo-
f all opinions and outlooks write for the
Editorial Staff
rial Director City Editor
LES KOZOLL...............Personnel Director
KAATZ ................... Magazine Editor
ON HUTHWAITE........ .. Features, Editor
BENAGH .............. . . . . Sports Editor
iA SAWAYA ...... Associate Personnel Director
S BOW..........Associate City Editor
N HOLTZER........Associate Editorial Director"
R DAWSON ............. Contributing Editor
LYON ................ Associate Sports Editor

paper. In fact, many hold completely contra-
dictory positions, which leads to the practice of
occasionally printing side by side two editorials
of diametrically opposed viewpoints.
HEN UNUSUAL circumstances occur and it
becomes desirable to express some kind of
collective opinion, this is done solely by means
of the so-called "Senior Editorial," written and
signed by the senior staff' as a whole, separate
in location and function from the usual in-
dividual editorials. But this only represents the
position of the senior staff and does not pre-
tend to speak for The Daily as a whole.
One of The Daily's greatest and most unique
advantages is that its views are absolutely not
under the censorship or control of outside
groups. The Daily operates under the overall
supervision of the Board in Control of Student
Publications, which acts as the legal publisher
of the paper.'The Board, however, is only con-
cerned with the broadest direction of all stu-
dent publications at the University and main-
tains a firm policy of refusal to either censor
The Daily's editorials or dictate its policy.
Members of the University administration,
often the most favored targets for Daily edi-
torial criticism, can assure anyone who asks
of their lack of control over the editorial page.
Such emphasis on individual thought and
discussion presents, in turn, problems which
would not exist if there were a definite editorial
policy or outside control. Despite efforts to the
contrary by all connected with The Daily, ir-
responsible, poorly informed and badly rea-
soned editorials may sometimes appear.
HOWEVER, The Daily's masthead claims
"When Opinions. Are Free, Truth Will Pre-
vail, and this reflects the guiding philosophy
of the entire editorial page. Serving an in-
credibly diverse University community whose
primary concern is with the implications of
this claim, The Daily refuses to believe that
any one mind has a monopoly on truth or
validity, and asserts always the corollary that
each individual who wishes has the right to
speak his mind.
"Opinions," many of them well-informed,
others less so, but valid in their own right,
"are free" on the editorial page. And it is
through this belief that the page attempts to
fulfill yet another function: to assist in the
creation and maintainance of a flourishing in-
tellectual community at the University.
This involves many things. It means that

Daily City Editor
A NIVERSITY community, like
any other, is faced with prob-
lems. Issues arise; solutions are
needed. The community in this
caseencompasses more than 23,-
000 students, 2,000 faculty mem-
bers and the University admin-
istration,, which must coordinate
-the official student-faculty com-
When a problem of major pro-
portions arises, all three segments
of the community are drawn into
it. The biggest problem in terms
of numbers is apathy. This "let
the world drift by" attitude has
affected both students and facul-
ty at the University in the last
several years.
The students, many of whom
are content to study and ignore
the, world in which they dwell for
four years, are rarely aroused to
action. Student G o v e r n m e n t
Council elections adequately dem-
onstrate this. A typical election
finds less than one-quarter of the
student body voting, probably a
lot fewer voting intelligently. A
referendum on. whether the Uni-
versity should continue partici-
pation in the Rose Bowl pact
drew only 2,000 voters in May.
* * *
THIS APATHY on the part of
the University community does
not mean there are no issues to
discuss and act upon. Apathy can
result when a' University grows
too large for students to feel they
are really a part of the commu-
nity. Of course; they are. And it
is here where many students fail
to meet their obligation to parti-
cipate in the affairs of the com-
Many are content to sit bliss-
fully back and watch events pass
them. Many, do not even watch.
Responsibility for voicing an opin-
ion, voting, even keeping informed
of what's going on is left to the
"student leader" who turns out to
be, unfortunately, practically any
student who does anything. There
are so few who seem to care about
what's going on, however, that
the term "student, leader" has
clique-ish overtones about it.
The University has real student
leaders, but not enough of them.
An even rarer category is the
"student follower." He is the stu-
dent who cannot lead verywell,
but participates as much as he
can in campus affairs. "The apa-
thetic" could win any vote; they
have a majority.
Problems and issues still man-
age to exist in this atmosphere.
Last year the "Sigma Kappa
Case" brought to light the biggest
issue in recent years: student gov-

Lately though, Mantovani and
the Vienna Waltz Gang have
dropped in, along with a motley
collection of juvenile singers and
a bizarre collection of people call-
ing themselves the "Boston Pops."
(Any relation between this group
and the real Boston Pops is purely
The annual Messiah Concerts,
Dec. 5 and 6, bring this well-
known musical masterpiece again
to Hill Auditorium, while another
Chamber Music Festival in Febru-
ary should be as memorable as the
preceeding ones.
In May comes May Festival, a
yearly event bringing the Phila-
delphia Orchestra and an out-
standing set of soloists to Ann
Arbor for a four - day musical
marathon guaranteed to floor the
most rabid music-lovers, even the
MEANWHILE, back at the
League's Lydia Mendelssohn the'
1959-60 Playbill of the Speech De-
partment will contain such gems
as "Epitaph for George Dillon,"
another loud noise from the Eng-
lish Boar. But more interesting
will be proposed productions of
"Look Homeward Angel," "Enemy
of the People," and an unnamed
original play, to be announced.
The combined production of
Speech and Music departments Is
alleged to be Donizetti's opera
"Don Pasquale." Regardless of the
opera, this should be a high spot
of the musical season.
The Stanley Quartet operates
out of Rackham Ampitheatre, pro-
viding a series of performances of
modern and ancient string quar-
tets (and quintets), usually of high
quality. These concerts have also
turned out to be intellectual mix-
ers of no trivial value to the status
For the seeker after worthwhile
amateurntalent, there is. "Mc -
gras," not very Musical, hardly °
dramatic, but good clean fun
which cannot be mentioned here.
NOW FOR A closer look at the
dramatic scene. The local self-
contained dramatic companies of
the past have vanished, although
one of them has recently oozed
back into Detroit to the dismay of
people with long memories.
Thus the Drama Season (pro-
fesslonals of sometime high ual-
ity) and the Playbill (student per-
formances of admirable quality)
are the mainstay of the dramatic
backbone of the campus theatrical
Those ignorant of things musi-
cal are "prepared" for this life by
a series of University courses
broadly grouped under the name
"Music Literature" wherein a vast
and nameless collection of stu-
dents are kept in a perpetual whirl
of recapitulations and develop-
ments. Rumor has it that some-
thing worthwhile can -be learned
in this way, but there seems to be
some question of whether a dose
of musical salts poured down the
throat can yield much besides
stomach trouble. Needless to say
the concept of grading students on
their ability to assimilate such
knowledge is incredible but; for-
tunately, beyond the scope of this
* * .
FOR THE serious music-lover,
or student interested in learning
"music," there is no substitute for
attendance at whatever of these
musical events he can afford.
Similarly, the student anxious to
learn or improve his knowledge of
the theatre cannot seriously con-
sider missing the Lydia Mendels.
sohn season, although Drama Sea-
son often panders to overstuffed
crowds of local illiterates and must'
be carefully watched and evalu-
ated. If another local dramatic
company should arise, it is hoped
that it would be supported to
whatever extent seems necessary,
for such an organization would

fill a definite lack.
Summing Up: Big city sophis-
tocates need not assume their cul-
tural needs will be neglected in.
Ann Arbor, for the dramatic and
musical season is comparable in
kind, if not quantity, with the
New York - Boston - Chicago axis.
Small-town hicks can profit by
association with these events,
usually do so to a much greater
extent than the urban. gang for
someunexplainedreason. Tone-
deaf student leaders, engineers
and critics can at least try.
-David Kessel

to ,

HISTORIC DECISION-Last October, Student Government Council found Sigma Kappa sorority
in violation of University regulations on discrimination. The sorority was asked to disaffiliate from
the national, but SGC's Board in Review overruled this decision. This historic SGC meeting was held
in the Union Ballroom, with hundreds of students watching the proceedings.
r H E S I G M A K A P P A case, trary to administrative practice case come up again, this time
efly, concerned Sigma Kappa and Regental policy, the new plan be tried on a more explicit co
rority: did it discriminate in its specifically allows review on the stitutional basis?
mbership policies and if so, substance of' issues: was SGC's Some of the Regents, att
at should be done with the SK decision right or wrong on the time they asked for a revision
pter on campus. Student Gov- basis of available evidence? This the SGC plan, said the case sho
ment Council decided that na- substantive review, the adminis- be brought up again for a fi
nal SK did indeed discriminate tration claimed during Clarifica- decision. The Regents couldr
inst Negroes as members and tion Committee meetings, had al- rule , on every specific app
ft the University chapter, as an ways been present implicitly in brought by SGC to them, for t
n of the national, would have the old plan. Now it was to be would be unhealthy both fr
disaffiliate in June. made explicit. their point of view and fr
disaffilia inJue.iewabStudent members of the com- SGC's. Their askirig for a plani
nhe Board in Review, a body mittee claimed it had never ex- vision might be interpreted as
posed of students, faculty and isted in the old plan, and claimed vote in favor of the student cl
ninistrators, overruled SGC's, it should not exist in the new, that SGC had the authority
ision in this case and SGC ap- The new plan will now be re- rule on Sigma Kappa, if most
led to the Board of Regents, viewed by SGC, faculty and ad- the Regents felt the case would
governing body of the Uni- ministration. If they all agree to retried.
sity. it, the plan will be sent to the Re- The troublesome problem is th
'he Regents decided that the gents for final approval. The new 1959-60 marks an era of go
C Plan, an equivalent of a stu- basis for campus student govern- feelings in University student g
it government constitution, was ment will occupy much time dur- ernment. No one wants to ri
biguous in many places. (The ing the coming semester. antagonizing anybody. If this
Drd in Review questioned SOC's* * * the case, as it appears, the Sigr
ht to rule on such an issue as AN INTERESTING possibility is Kappa case will have to wait ui
ority discrimination. The plan brought up by the revision of the more turbulent times to be res
not specifically mention that SGC plan. Will the Sigma Kappa rected.

6s a

SGC had this power.)
All last spring a committee for
clarification of the SGC Plan met
to discuss a new constitution for
student government at the Uni-
versity. The, SGC Plan had been
in effect four years; now its weak-
nesses were to be ironed out. After
four months of meetings, the
Clarification Committee drew up
its final list of proposed changes.
** *
AT THE FINAL meeting where
this list was compiled, one stu-
dent representative walked out of
the meeting; the other student
representative voted against the
new plan. The proposed changes
must still be approved by the ad-

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