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January 08, 1960 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-01-08

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Cloudy with possible flurries.
Warmer with moderate winds.


LXX, No. 76




teeI Compromise
['o Decrease Deficit
Controller Miller Expects Rise
Of $19 Million in State Revenue
LANSING- Settlement of the steel strike will mean a $19 million
crease in stpte- revenue through June 30, end of the present fiscal
But State Controller James W. Miller said the state's deficit was
il between $75 and $80 million. It was Miller who yesterday reported
e prospects of additional new income to Gov. G. Mennen Williams.
he treasurer said that although an improvement in general economic
nditions does play a part in the income gain, the steel strike settle-
mt is the primary factor.
Ten million of the new money will be general fund revenue, while
million will go to the related fund for school aid. He commented
earlier predictions had been made because business conditions
could not be accurately forecast
during the Taft-Hartley cooling-
off period which temporarily put
the steel industry back into oper-
aton, but left possibility of a re-
niewed walk-out.
And income projections are us-
ually not issued until just before.
the proposed state budget is an-
nounced, he added. Plans call for
announcement at the end of the
,. , , ., month or .in early February.
Miller saidwithout the new in-
crease and .the new tax program
voted by the Legislature just be-+
fore it adjourned, the state's
deficit would be $167 million for
the current fiscal year.




Peace, Budget Surplus



....hears fund report,
Late Brun ch
There's good news for students
whose eating habits don't coincide
with schedules in the residence
Beginning Monday, brunch will
be served following the regular
breakfast, Leonard A. Schaadt,
business manager of the residence
halls announced yesterday. "I be-
came worried," Schaadt said,
"when my son and daughter at"
Michigan State University told me
that they rarely had 'time to eat
breakfast." After discovering the
same situation existed at the Uni-
versity, he decided to have brunch
in the morning.
' Brunch will be served in oath
the dorms and quads approxi-
mately 15 minutes after the break-
fast lines close and will last about
45 minutes to an hour. In place of
a full breakfast, coffee, "milk,
doughnuts and sweet rolls will be
Students will be expected to
carry their own dishes back.
One still bleary-eyed student
said it will be quite a novelty to
eat something before lunch, but
then added, "If I can get up in
Another student, slightly blinded'
by the light, twisted his bathrobe
around and whined, "Well what,
about those of us who sleep late
in the morning and can't get up
by 9 a.m.?" But comments such as;
this were in the minority.
In answer to those students who
voiced fears that the new service
might add to the rates at the
residence halls, Schaadt said he
believes very little added cost will.
be incurred. He explained that'
many of the students now coming
down for breakfast will wait for
the more inexpensive brunch.
One element of discord was
found in the basement of one of
the quads. A student, sweaty from
the dish-machine, looked up sadly
and moaned, "Work, work, more'
work. Next they will be serving
tea in the afternoon."
SeekCosing \
f0- . *
Of Bsinesses
For Sunday
LANSING (')-A drive to free:
Sunday from non-emergency com-
mercial activities was launched
yesterday by the Michigan Coun-|

Warned of Deficit
Though he asserted he was hap-
py "as a Scotsman" to get the new
money, he warned the deficit still
Williams warned the increase in1
revenue "doesn't mean we are yet
out of the financial woods."
"The state's cash and revenue
crisis won't be ended until action
is taken either by the legislature
or the people to establish a sound
an adequate tax program," the
governor continued. ,.
Observers commented the reve-
nue increase may heip vindicate
positions of both flepublicans and
Democrats in the crisis..
Sticks to Estimate
The Republicans have long ad-
vocated a large "growth factor"
in the state's revenue, which Wil-
liams has denied, sticking behind
the $308 million estimate of rev-
enue made by the administration
last July.
On the other hand, Williams has
argued the-1958 recession has been
ae major cause of the state's. difi-
culties, and not the spending poli-,
cies of his administration.
Cash receipts of the state treas-
ury have been increasing for the
past few months, though they are
not expected to keep increasing at
their present rate..
Regist ration
ig h at MSU
Michigan State University re-'
sumed classes yesterday with a
record winter term enrollment of
19,668 at the East Lansing cam-
This enrollment topped the pre-
vious winter enrollment record set
in 1957 by more than 1,000, regis-
trar Kermit Smith sai.

Reds Set
T'es t Area
In Oc~an
WASHINGTON (P) - Russia's
answer to President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's plug for United
State missile achievements came
in quick and precise fashion from
Moscow last night.
In less than six hours after Ei-
senhower told Congress that
American intercontinental balls-
tic missiles have been traveling
more than 5,000 miles and hitting
within a two-mile target area,
Moscow told the world:
Between Jan. 15 and Feb. 15,
Russia will begin testing missiles
by firing them into areas located
about 1,000 miles from Hawaii
and approximately the same ,dis-
tance from the Marshall Islands,
used by the United States for
testing big nuclear weapons.
A spokesman said the State De-
partment had not received any
advance notice from Russia re-
garding the plan.
Approximates Atlas
The range for the Soviet test
firings -- which Russia declares
are aimed at developing boosters
for peaceful research vehicle
launchings - could approximate
that for the United States Atlas
Assuming the launchings are
from an area in Eastern Siberia,
the firing distances could be from
4,000 to 6,000 miles.
Russia already has been test
firing ICBMs from the Eurasian
mainland into the north Pacific
Ocean in an area generally east
of the Kurile island chain and
northern Japan.
Aimed at U.S. Sphere
The new announcement indi-
cates that the forthcoming test
missiles will be aimed intoan area
considered a sphere of interest of
the United States, although in
open international waters.
Government'legal authorities
said there are many precedents
for use of the high seas for such
experimental purposes.
A nation conducting such tests,
however, has certain responsi-
bilities under international law:
a need to avoid interfering un-
reasonably with the activities of
other nations; and a responsibility
to notify fliers, mariners and fish-
ermen of the region of peril.
At first reading it appeared that
in a general way the Soviet gov-
ernment was following about..the
same kind of procedure as that
used by the United States in warn-
ing when it plans test firings from
Cape Canaveral and Vandenberg
Air Force Base.
The impact area designated by
Moscow is about 250 miles west
of American-owned Palmyra Zs-
land, from 400 to 600 miles south
of Johnston Island also Ameri-
can - owned) and approximately
1,100 miles southwest of Hawaii.
Several Soviet missiles have
been observed coming into the
north Pacific in recent months by
United States navy planes and
ships. Soviet observer ships also
have been seen checking the firing
accuracy of the Russian missiles.

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"If American colleges are go-
ing to provide room for ,.the
huge high school classes coming;
now," Wilbur Pierpont said,
"we're going to need consider-
ably more funds."
He said it gravely and rested
his hand on a heavy, gray vol-
ume containing the budget re-
quests of all the agencies sup-
ported by the state, including
the University.
Pierpont, quiet, modest, and
at 46 the youngest of the Uni-
versity vice-presidents, runs the
financial affairs of the Univer-
sity from his post as vice-presi-
dent for business and finance.
Studies Capital Outlay
Every fall Pierpont's office
must coordinate the capital out-
lay requests of the University
and send them off to Lansing
where they eventually find their
way into the budget book.
Months later the University
receives its money for the new
fiscal year -- always less than
originally requested.
Very little upsets Pierpont,
but this comes fairly close.
He-and others in education
-see- a "real need" for more
dollars as the demands on
American schools increase,
Cites Needs
In Michigan, for instance, the
nine state - supported institu-
tions of higher education need,
according to Pierpont:
1) a great many more class-
rooms and laboratories;
2) medical facilities, both at
the University and at Wayne
State University;
3) engineering and natural.
science plants;
4)? other auxiliary services,
particularly plant maintenance.
The University situation ex-
emplifies that of most other
schools, he noted. The institu-
tion is expanding or replacing
outdated facilities faster than
the state legislature can find
funds for support.
Need Continues
The continual need for more
money still remains, according
to Pierpont.
Many building plans are un-
fulfilled. The University has
requested funds for several
buildings on North Campus, in-
cluding music, education snd
dental schools, fluids engineer-
ing laboratories. So far no
money has been forthcoming.
"The University's real scarcity
is space, especially for special-
ized laboratories and offices,"
Pierpont said.
"Other schools need ' class-
rooms more than we do, how-
ever," he admitted.
Sees Expansion
Pierpont envisions more build=
ings for the University, not only
on North Campus, but at the
Medical Center, and a "limited
amount" of building on central
ce mpus.
"The development of North
Campus is sufficiently far in the

-David Giitrow

Recommends Cut of National Debt
With Expected Excess of Revenue
WASHINGTON (/P) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower
yesterday forecast unmatched prosperity for the United
States, a debt-cutting surplus for its government and - if
the Soviet cooperates - peace with justice for all the world.
In a confidently optimistic State of the Union message,
Eisenhower told applauding members of Congress that in-
come should exceed outgo in the 1961 fiscal year by $4,200,-
Despite a record peacetime spending proposal of nearly $80
billion, the amount left over if Eisenhower is an accurate
prophet would be the highest

future so we (the present plan-
ners) don't have to worry much
beyond that," he said.
Adding new buildings or
changing the physical plant in
any way requires much calcula-
tion, Pierpont warned.
"We generally assume educa-
tional ideas will change and
therefore any planning program
for the University must not be
raid or binding.
Avoid Impediments
"In other words, we don't
know what might be forthcom-
ing, and we don't want to cre-
ate a physical framework that
will be an impediment to plan-
ners in 1965."
Taking North Campus as an
example, Pierpont explained
"there might be some changes
out there someday, so we're de-
liberately leaving some space
How about extending branch-
es of the University to other
parts of the state?
"The Russell commission
(which surveyed higher educa-
tion in Michigan) was against
branches, but this doesn't nec-
essarily mean the idea is with-
out merit," Pierpont said.

The University. has already
opened two branches; one at
Flint in 1956 and the Dearborn
Center this fall.
If the state feels this is the
proper way to meet higher edu-
cation's demands, the Univer-
sity might be willing to
continue expansion through
- branches, he suggested.
Three conditions make long-
range programming extremely
serious at present, Pierpont
First, there are projections of
an "unprecedented increase in
demand for post high school
Emphasize Progress
Second, he said, is the in-
creased emphasis on the impor-
tance of "rapid progress" in
advanced fields.
The third condition, he con-
tinued, is the "renewed empha-
sis" on the importance of coa-
ordinated planning on the part
of state schools to assure econ-
amy in meeting new demands.
"The expansion plans of their
schools -will not conflict with
curs," Pierpont claims "They
ire complimentary. Every
See PROFILE, Page 2

since the Truman adminstra-
tion found itself with an ex-
cess of almost $8% billion in
Apply to Debt
Eisenhtower, greeting Congress
at the start of a Presidential elec-
tion year, recommended that any
such surplus be applied against
the $290-billion national debt.
He used a pet phrase in lieu of
"surplus," saying he preferred "to
think of such an item as a reduc-
tion of our children's inherited
As Republicans cheered and
Democrats reacted with mild ap-
proval, Eisenhower said that once
paying off part of the debt be-
comes normal practice, the gov-
ernment can proceed to reduce
taxes. He did not suggest when
that time would arrive. r
But for the country at large, he
declared, "1960 promises to be the
most prosperous year in our his-
Sees Possible Thaw
With diplomats from other na-
tionshincluding Russia, present
for the packed joint session of
House and Senate, Eisenhower
said recent Soviet deportment of-
fers hope of "a somewhat less
strained period" in relations be-
tween East and West.
"We must strive to break the
calamitous cycle of frustrations
and crises which, if unchecked,
could spiral into nuclear disas-
ter," Eisenhower told the nation
listening and watching via.. radio
and television. And this, he added,
would represent "the ultimate in-
While dedicated to peace, Eisen-
hower said; the United States will
not weaken its defenses until
measures of enforcing disarma-
ment are worked out.
Must Keep Defenses
He said no nation would risk
general war, and terrible retalia-
tory losses, by attacking this
country. "unless we. should be so
foolish as to neglect" forces of
defense. These have acquired new
strength, he said, as the Atlas In-'
tercontinental Ballistic Missile
has reached the ready stage.
Eisenhower also said that in-
creasing numbers of nuclear-pow-
ered submarines, "impossible to
destroy by surprise attack," will
enter the fleet. Some will be armed
with 1.200-mile range Polaris bal-
listic missiles.
But he held out hope that it
will not be necessary to use these
Peace in the world, Eisenhower
said, will lead mankind into "a
vast new technological age - one
that, despite its capacity for hu-
man destruction, has an equal

C lims z Life
Prof. Emeritus .Edward M.
Bragg, 85 years old, of the engi-
neering college collapsed yester-
day and was pronounced dead, on
arrival at St. Joseph Mercy Hos-
pital, apparently the victim of a
heart attack.
Prof. Bragg, a graduate of Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technolo-
gy, came to the University as an
instructor in 1903 and served as
head of the naval architecture
and marine engineering depart-
ment from 1928 until his retire-
ment in March 1944. Prof. Bragg's
career was continuously associat-
ed with the Marine Towing Tank,
located in the West Engineering
Dean Stephen S. Attwood of the
engineering college recalled hat
Prof. Bragg became an instructor
the year the tank was built. "His
association with it, until his re-
tirement, produced important re-
search results that were benefi-
cial to his students as well as the
marine industry,"Attwood said.
Prof. Bragg was the author of$
a textbook, "The Design of Ma-
rine Engines and Auxiliaries," and
conrtibuted a section on ship
forms- and powering published in
the Marine Engineer'suHandbook
(1920). He also wrote numerous
articles for professional journals.
The University of Michigan ,En-
cyclopedic survey states: "He
(Bragg) was concerned more with
theory and fundamentals tha
with commercial applications, and
his lectures reflected his clear un-
derstanding of his subject. His
major interest was in propellers
and paddle wheels, but he also
contributed much to the present
theory of hull form and resist-
Prof. Bragg is survived by his
wife, a son and daughter, and
seven grandchildren.
Now vailable
Application is now open to.all
students for participation in an
International Relations Seminar
to be sponsored by the National
Student Association, March 11-13
at Kalamazoo College.
Student Government Council
passed a motion Wednesday to
participate in the seminar, which
will include discussions by partici-
pants on current international
problems, debates and specific is-
sues, speakers in the international
relations field and appearances by
NSA officers.,
Special emphasis is to be given
to the student's role in the inter-
national field, with special docu-
mentation on recent student up-
risings in Latin America and Af-
rica and an attempt to examine
the underlying motives for these
A total of 15 students from uni-
versities and collees throughout

It was six per
figure for winter
EnrolJment for
which ended in
was 20,360, but a
the winter term
Smith reported.

cent above the
enrollment last
the fall term,
slight drop for
is customary,

He added that the 545 students
enrolled for the winter term at
MSU-Oakland compared to the
fall term figure of 570.

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Alpha Clhi Omega To Build New House

Building soon will start on the new Alpha Chi Omega. house.
The new building to house 70 coeds will replace the one located
at 1004 Olvia Ave. in which 39 sorority girls live and their annex
which houses 16 additional girls. The new house, which will cost
over $267,000, will be located on the present site of the old Alice
Lloyd home at 1735 Washtenaw.
The sorority has sold its former house to the Evans Scholars.
Money from the sale will be used to help finance construction of the
new house. Additional funds have been received from alumnae.
The new quarters for the sorority are scheduled to be completed
and be ready for occupancy by next September.
Three-Section House
The house, which was designed by a local architectural firm, is
divided into three sections: the living area, bedrooms -and the base-
The living area will contain the living room and, on a different

capacity to make poverty
man misery obsolete."
Calls for Unity
Eisenhower said the
faces "what may be a
point in history" and said'
time would be wasted

and hu-
in the

months ahead by "irrelevant in-
terbranch wrangling."
Reaction to this call for har-
mony between the White House
and Congress, as to other points
in Eisenhower's broad-brush. de-
piction of the state of the coun-
try and the world, varied as ex-'
pected according to party faith.

: :.
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