6 PROFILE YI r ,Marvin Niehuss By THOMAS HAYDEN Even professors arid legislators respect Marvin Niehuss. Since cynicism rather than reverence usually marks the attitudes of faculty and lawmakers toward college adminis- trators, it is high praise when a literary college professor says, for example: "Niehuss is probably the clearest thinker and the straight- est talker on that side of the street" Many others share his assessment of Niehuss, who as vice- president and dean of faculties is the administrator most di- rectly concerned with the teaching side of the University. Works With Faculty He tends to the needs, complaint and requests of the fac- tiny hires and fires them, argues with them, soothes them, and inculdes many among his closest friends. If the faculty respects Niehuss, he in turn is at least as respectful and proud of them. During some of the bitter months of the state's struggle over taxes, he likened the faculty to a "good football team." "It was as if we were being pushed back closer and closer to our own goal line, then we held at the crucial points" - when It looked more and more like no payroll funds would emerge from; the state treasurer's office. The number of faculty members leaving the University be- cause of the shaky financial situation was not overwhelming last year, and assurance of substantial salary increases came through for many in July. "Their loyalty was tremendous and a tribute to the greatness of } ? this institution," Niehuss says. The tax crisis still reverber- ates and the annual season of salary and job talk is now on __'between various schools and various teachers. Niehuss is hopeful that loyalty and the fulfilled promise of pay raises will hold faculty members at the University. Openly Peased Niehuss wasopenly pleased with the Legislature's record $33 million appropriation to the University for the present fiscal year. "Considering the pressures and problems they (the legis- lators) went through up there, we can't complain," he said. "We told them faculty salaries were our chief concern, 'and they were taken careof." Niehuss, tremendously, in- tense in his work, was literal- ly worn down this summer by the strains on the University, stemming from its critical fi- nancial problems. During the same week that the budget forstate higher education was being readied for passage, Niehuss was hos- pitalized for several days' rest. Cure Cited What was the ma t t e r? "Nothing that about $33 mil- lion wouldn't cure,' was the analysis of Lyle Nelson, direc- ~ .for of University relations. Significantly, while in the hospital,. Niehuss received a get-well card from Republican Senator Elmer Porter, key fig- t ure in legislative appropria- tions, a man sometimes criti- cized for taking a dim view of the needs of higher education. Porter's warm regard for Niehuss may be even more sig- nificant than the tespect the University vice-president re- ceives from the faculty. . 4' N * Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXX, No. 76 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1984 Ike De Flans Gaulle Latin American To V isit U. S. rn Apri Y Groesbeek Makes Estimate Of Februar yAdmissions By CAROL LEVENTEN The University will probably admit 185 new freshmen and about 300 undergraduate transfer students next semester, assistant director of admissions Byron Groesbeck said recently. The latter figure includes inter-University transfers. Figures on transfer students-.entering the University for the first time are not, yet available, he explained. Groesbeck said that the figure for freshman enrollment is a little smaller than last year, while the anticipated number of transferl THEATRE SITE: Rea Says City Still Candidate By ROBET JUNKE Orrd SGC Picks, 'U' Sorority Committee By JEAN SPENCER Members of the Sigma Kappa Study Committee were approved by SGC at yesterday's meeting. The committee is composed of five SGC members headed by Council President John -Feldkamp, '61, as chairman. Other members of the committee are Roger Sea- sonwein, '61, SGC executive vice- president; Daily Editor Thomas Turner, '60; Mary Wellman, Pan- hellenic president; and Phil Zook, '60. Joel Levine, '60, chairman of Joint Judiciary Council, gave a report on Joint Judic to the Coun- cil. He is sitting on SGC for three meetings as a guest with discus- sion privileges. A driving regulations committee was established to bring recom- mendations to SGC for specific changes in the student driving code. Two representatives from the Council, one from Joint Judic, and one from the Graduate Stu- dent Council will make up the committee. A motion was passed allocating $2,500 to the Student Book Ex- change to be used to enable SBX to make advance payments to stu- dents depositing used textbooks for sale through the exchange. Previously the SBX was limited by students' objections to the time lag between giving up a book and receiving payment for it, Phil Zook explained in the rationale for his motion. A revised student opinion survey questionnaire was adopted. The Council executive committee will approve any necessary stylistic changes, and the questionnaires will subsequently be distributed to campus housing units. Judic Joint Judiciary Council will hold a joint policy meeting with the Faculty Subcommittee on Discipline early next semester to discuss opening Joint Judi- ciary sessions when the indi- vidual in the case gives his con- sent, Chairman Joel Levine, 60, of Joint Judiciary Council told Student Government Coun- cil at yesterday's meeting. Currently all Joint Judic sessions are closed. Members of the Restrictive Practices Committee reported that the first meetings of the commit- tee have been devoted to deter- mining just what the purpose of the meetings would be. students is "about the same." TheI proportion of undergraduate transfer students entering in the spring semester is generally larger than. in the fall when the fresh- man - transfer ratio is approxi-I mately two to one. No Quotas Setj The ;estimated number of 300 transfers applies only to students1 entering the literary and archi- tecture colleges and the educa- tion, music, nursing and pharmacy schools. No special quotas were imposed on transfer students for the spring semester, Groesbeck said. He noted that there were more in - state applicants than usual, and that there was "some indica- tion" of an increase. in the num- ber of qualified applicants at the freshman level. He attributed this to an over- all increase in the number of high school graduates. Breaking down the incoming transfer student data, the admis- sions office found an increase in the number of transfer applicants from four-year colleges. Junior College Transfers No appreciable increase In the number of applicants from junior and community colleges was indi- cated he reported. There were, in fact, "very few" transfers com- ing from the junior college level. The estimated figures are sub- ject to change, however, because a certain proportion of those ac- cepted will change their plans by February. Total enrollment for next se- mester cannot be predicted at this date, Groesbeck said, because the "biggest variable" - the number of presently enrolled students who will return is not yet determined. Announces Soviet Plan University pre- and post-doctoral graduate students may study in a Soviet university during 1960-61, Prof. Deming Brown, chairman of the Slavic languages department, said yesterday. A cultural exchange agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union,. completed" in 1958, has helped 46 American graduate students to study in the USSR. To be eligible, applicants must presently be at least graduate students in any field. Applicants should also be pro-' ficient in speaking, reading and understanding Russian, or willing to spend a substantial part of the summer in order to reach pro- ficiency. Applications are now available in Prof. Brown's office, 3072 Frieze Building. Completed applications, transcripts and references must be received by the Inter-University Committee by Feb. 15 in order to be considered. 1 By ROBETJNER City Editor Ann Arbor is still a candidate for the site of British director Tyrone Guthrie's professional rep- ertory theatre, New York producer Oliver Ra assured local residents yesterday. He said that he, Guthrie and Peter Ziesler, New York stage manager, will decide on a location for the theatre they will establish about Feb. 15 as previously an- nounced, and rumors that they, had already selected Minneapolis as the site were unfounded. One of four cities-Minneapolis, Milwaukee, bleveland or Ann Ar- bor-is theprobable location for the theatre. Local residents seeking the 'U Receives Two, Grants The University has recently re- ceived more than $196,000 in grants and funds. The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation has grant- ed the University graduate school $62,000. for use in assisting ad- vanced students and strengthen- ing its graduate program. Funds are in the form of 31 subsidies of $2,000 each for Wil- son Fellows enrolled in the Hor- ace H. Rackham School of Gradu- ate Studies. Three-quarters of each grant is to be used "for assisting beyond their first year any students gen- uinely interested in a teaching career, whether or not they earlier r e c e i v e d Wilson Fellowships," Hugh S. Taylor, president of the foundation, said. Discretionary The remaining quarter is "to be available at the discretion of the in s ti t u t i o n, for strengthening graduate programs." "The principle impact of this kind of grant has been to provide liquid funds to the graduate schools with which they could venture into a variety of methods of support for graduate studies not hitherto possible to them," Taylor said. The foundation was incorporat- ed in 1947 to administer a Ford Foundation grant of more than $24 million, designed to intensify the recruitment of college teach- ers over a five-year period. Also given funds was a team of three University chemists. For Boron Study They were given a two-year grant of $134,200 from the Nation- al Science Foundation to continue study of structures of boron com- pounds. The three, Professors Christer E. Nordman, Robert C. Taylor and Robert W. Parry of the chemistry department, have been investigat- ing boron compounds in a basic research project since 1951. "We are trying to find out what these molecules do," Prof. Parry said. "This may lead to more knowledge about them which may be of some practical value." Boron compounds show prom- ise as high-energy propellants. Practical benfits from such stu- dies include improvements in fuels. theatre for Ann Arbor set up a formal organization yesterday, naming Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of the mathematics department as chairman. He formerly led the local appeal as head of the Dra- matic Arts Center. Sees Administrators Rea discussed the theatre for over two hours with University officials. (The theatre wants to operate with university affiliation.) "We : expressed interest," Vice- President and Dean of Faculties Marvin Niehuss reported. "We be- lieve the theatre would be a very desirable addition to the commun- ity at large." The University has made no definite commitments to the pro- fessional group, Niehuss said. The administrators discussed Rea's proposal and the problem involved in launching the theatre-raising money, location of the building, the group's relation to existing University programs in drama and related fields. Niehuss said the administration would discuss the proposal to see if anything can be brought to the Regents for, action. Since definite plans for a site for the potential building have not yet evolved, any University commitment cannot be too specific, he said. The University would probably donate land for the theatre build- ing, Niehuss said. Finances Encouraging Konrad Matthaei of New York, who is sounding out financial in- terest for the theatre building, termed his results to date "en- couraging." He is not yet seeking definite financial commitments un- til the city for the theatre is de- termined by Rea and his associ- ates. At least $1.5 million will be needed to build a 1,200-seat build- ing. Steel .Price Steel prices are bound to in- crease as a result of this week's wage agreements, Prof. Donald R. G. Cowan of the business ad- ministration school said. Prof. Cowan, who has done ex- tensive research on growth re- quirements of the steel industry, claimed prices will rise because: 1) Employment costs are rising faster than productivity in the steel industry; 2) Material costs will increase, reflecting wage increases in firms which supply the steel industry; and 3) Costs of capital goods for re- placement and expansion purposes will increase. "While this reaction may be de- layed, we're bound to see an in- crease in steel prices unless the industry takes a crippling loss in profits," he explained. "It's re- grettable that a competitive in- dustry must bow to the pressure of a labor monopoly with the help of the government." Prof. Paul W. McCracken of the business administration school said that, although "we're not out of the woods yet," the settlement reflects some progress in the bat- tle against inflationary wage in- creases. -Daily-David Giltrow Niehuss has held his present s t sinp 1951; nrPvious he 4 Jput eJ pbttlu y Null Clu = was vice-president in charge of university relations and a pro- fessor of law. He has been at the University almost continually since 1925 when he received his bachelor of arts degree In economics. Now, as vice-president (part of the "administrative over- head," he wryly says), Niehuss not only oversees all faculty matters, but also stands as the University's chief executive be- hind President Harlan Hatcher. Faculty Gaining Awareness The faculty, Niehuss believes, is "growing more and more aware of administrative problems ... though they're not gen- 3 alerly immersed in them. The men who used to have privacy are k now faced with a serious demand for outside involvements." Though the faculty is by no means complacent, it is "by and large a conservative group," Niehuss says. "We generally don't find a great deal of reaction against change among facul- ty members, but they don't just seize anything because it is new. The faculty will probably originate any possible changes in s. academic procedures, Niehuss explains. What kind of changes? Niehuss himself is unsure, but points to various conditions which might provoke shifts in the American pattern of higher education. Pressures Affect Education Among the major problems "which no institution can dis- regard," Niehuss lists swelling enrollments, expanding fields of knowledge, and "too few qualified people to teach." These demands must be met without "sacrificing the quality of instruction and research here," Niehuss Insists. "Where there's a choice between numbers and quality, we'll have to choose quality. "We're reluctant to abandon those things which have °:spurred quality here: a selective student body, a quality faculty, Sand relatively small classes. All three are found in all quality Sinstitutions. "This ist one of the central problems of a state university- to proceed with caution, not giving up our traditions unless we're sure we can." He feels some of higher education's problems can be miti- E gated if the student takes on more responsibility for his own education. In the American tradition, students have not been trained, to accept independent responsibility, Niehuss notes. "Perhaps it's time for him (the student) to realize his edu- cation'is serious, riot only to himself but to his country." Remains Optimistic EMPHASIZES CONSUMPTION: MacMillan Says Better Advertising Needed By RUTH EVENHUIS "This is an era where consump- tion, not production, is the basic concern," Hugh M. MacMillan, marketing and research director growing up intellectually, emo- tionally, and culturally." MacMillan stressed that "ad- vertising must advanceat a rate comparable to the increase of public sophistication." tised often disappears from the market." He also emphasized the need for creativity in the advertising field: the perpetual' increase of individ- ual brands necessitates a variety