FPA STATEMENT: ROAD TO PROGRESS Y Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom :43 a t I SHOWERS, COOLER Hligh-72 Low-53 Warmer, clearer for weekend See Page 4 ;, LXX- No. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1959 FIVE CENTS SIXP IGis ANGRY HOST-An American farmer who hosted Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in Iowa hurls several ears of corn at over-anxious news photographers. Khrushchev (far right) was reported to have been very amused by tloe incident. Khrushchev Ends Flying Tour, To Hold Talks with President AT UNIVERSITY: Conference Discusses Humanism, "You see the world and find it good, you see man and his great- ness-this is thesort of thing humanism is," Prof. . C. Aston of Cambridge University today told 60 scholars assembled here for the fifth annual meeting of the International Conference for Phi- losophic and Humanistic Studies. He and others struck out against the stilted scope humanists have set for themselves. Humanism can- not be cut off from science or sealed in sixteenth century Ren- aissance tradition, Prof. Aston in- dicated. Question 'Fallacious' "The question of science versus the humanities is fallacious," he said. "Great scientists have always been great humanists. The most important changes in outlook have been promoted by the Galileos." Calling on the humanities to help out science, Prof. H. G. Con- stable, formerly at Harvard and Cambridge, said, "Our mission is to make human beings of those who are dehumanized by the na- ture of their employment." Most of the world-known schol- ars agred that humanism can help provide new content to a mechan- ized life, fulfilling man's "urge to reflect on himself." Must Have World View Prof. Aston stressed that hu- manism must be world-wide in its view. "We arrogantly assume the Western way of life. This could be fatal." Prof. Albrecht Goetze of Yale University said, "Civilizations other than ours deserve attention because some are our equals and because we have to coexist with all of them." The "disorder" in Oriental hu- manism has brought unfounded distrust, Prof. L. Bazin of the Ecole des Langues Orientales pointed out. This disorder, the many languages in which Oriental humanism is taught, does not mean that some are not as cultur- ally great as Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Not a Dilution He warned against considering Oriental humanities "a dilution of the Western tradition." Although some scholars empha- sized the importance of Greek and Latin, Sir Ronald Syme, sec- retary-general of the confernece, described "certain conditions of the Graeco-Roman culture" as "deleterious." The two-day conference ended on a strong note, voiced in mid- morning by Prof. Aston, who said, "Never was there in my country, in this country, or in any other country, such a demand for knowl- edge." --" -- 'topgap Buildi SIntensifies 'U' PHOENIX MEMORIAL: Launch Campaign for $2 M By KATHLEEN1 MOORE WASHINGTON (IP) -- Nikita S Khrushchev returned from his fly, ing tour across the United States yesterday to get down to the real business of his American trip. This is a round of intensive talks with President Dwight D. Eisen- hower on a wide assortment of cold war problems ranging from disarmament throaigh the Berlin crisis to fighting in Laos.' The outcome of these secret discussions, starting late today at Eisenhower's Maryland mountain retreat, Camp David, and contin- uing through Sunday morning, is bound to affect the course of world events in the days and months ahead. Perfunctory Welcome In contrast to the ceremonious welcome he received at the same airport 10 days ago on his arrival from Moscow, Khrushchev was greeted m6re or less perfunctorily yesterday, on the theory that this was 4just another stop on his itinerary. Khrushchev came back from his fast-paced trip to California and back in what appeared to be a happy and mellow mood. He an- nounced at one point during the day that he was "having a won- derful time." This was in Pittsburgh, where the Soviet Premier visited a big machine factory and made a luncheon speech at the University of Pittsburgh. In the speech, he put blame for continuing the cold war on this country. Khrushchev noted in a speech yesterday that some people are wondering if his purpose in com- ing here was to divide the world between Khrushchev and Eisen- hower. He termed this line of speculation absurd. But for the most part he ap- peared ,in high spirits. Gives Away Watch So pleased was Khrushchev with the friendly gesture of one Babbidge Calls- Graduate Aid Most Costly Education on the graduate level requires more financing than on any other level, the graduate con- vocation was told last night. The speaker, Prof. Homer D. Babbidge, Assistant Commission- er for Higher Education, of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, said that the gov- ernment has recognized this need in passing the National Defense Education Act. He called the act the first systematic approgch to the problem of augmenting the country's supply of college teach- Prof. Babbidge praised gradu- ate study as "one of the most re- warding experiences in the life of the mind. He said that federal sponsorship of the Graduate Fel- 1nwshin Prngram shnu1d increas .factory worker who handed him an 8-cent cigar that he slipped off l his $40 wristwatch and presented it to the man on the spot. Touring around Pittsburgh in a big open auto, Khrushchev's spirits Park Insists Single Par Pa Serves India By JUDITH DONER "India operates much like a one- party state," Prof. Richard Park 1 insisted at the Political Science Roundtable last night. Although it may appear that the major political rivalry exists be- tween the Congress and Commu- nist parties, in actuality the most substantive politics go on within 1 the Congress Party itself, the poli- tical scientist explained. "The Congress Party leaders are smart enough to include everyone from Marxists to reactionaries among its members," Prof. Park said. "It proposes a democratic socialist ideology, but actually car- ries a conservative line." Carries Contin "And since it was the vehicle of nationalism, it carries with it a certain continuity," Park added. But Prof. Park foresees a tri- partitie: political system develop- ing in years to come. Predicting a split in the Congress Party, hebe- lieves that a democratic socialist and a conservative party will re- sult, with the ever-present Com- munist party remaining in the background. "They (the Communists) are likely to be less important than the major socialist element, especially ah the Indian conflict with the Communist Chinese continues, Prof. Park related. Need for New Party Although he believes the domi- nant need politically is for a demo- cratic socialist party, Prof. Park was of the opinion that a con- servative party would not be un- welcomed. Conservatives come in large numbers, but they need leadership, he maintained. "A conservative party would be supported by landed proprietors, shopkeepers, small businessmen, big business and finance men and the professional classes," Prof.. Park predicted. Bile Licenses 'To Go on Sale Bicycle licenses may be pur- chased in the lobby of the Ad- ministration building on Monday and Tuedav from9 a m. +n 4 n m- 1 F 4 3 k i seemed to be lifted by the biggest if not 'the friendliest crowds he has seen since leaving New ;York for the West Coast last Saturday. A possibility arose that Eisen- hower may make some kind of a public report on the Camp David talks. The Soviets have arranged for Khrushchev to hold an hour-long news conference after he returns to Washington from Camp David Sunday afternoon, and to follow this up with an hour-long speech on radio and television. Having thus delivered his fare- well sum-up to the country at large, Khrushchev is due to board the Russian jet airplane that brought him here on Sept. 15 and fly back to Moscow. Whether the world will get only Khrushchev's version of the Camp David meeting in the first few hours after it is over was an open question. Ask President's Plans A reporter asked White House Press Secretary James C. Hagerty whether Eisenhower had any plans to counterbalance the Russian pre- mier's news conference and radio- TV talks. Hagerty declined specifically to comment on whether Eisenhower had any plans to go on television and radio after Sunday's windup of the Camp David discussions. With enough funds left to last only 12 more months, the Phoenix Memorial Project last week launched a campaign to raise $2 million by the end of the academic year. The project will try to raise enough funds through private con- tributions to carry on a "slightly expanded" research program dur- ing the next five years, a plan which received approval of the Regents last winter, Roger Leath- erman, asistant to the Project's director, explained yesterday. Although similar in this respect to the initial drive when the pro- gram for research in peaceful uses of atomic energy was estab- lished 10 years ago, the current campaign will -be a "more quiet search for funds," Leatherman said. To Contact Individuals instead of again attempting to "involve everyone in a general search for contributions," he con- tinued, the project will "appeal primarily to a select group of in- dividuals" contacted by alumni groups throughout the state and in many of the nation's major cities. "Initial education" of prospec- tive contributors in the form of progress reports, explanations of the Project's objectives and tours of its North Campus facilities is expected to be completed by the end of October, he said. It will be followed up by appeals for funds to which no specifications for use are attached. Since its initiation, Phoenix Pro- ject has allocated about $1.7 nil- lion for non-restricted research by members of the University faculty. No Restrictions Practical applications of the re- search, he stressed, are not con- sidered in granting funds and all jects are free of any kind of se- curity regulations. Past studies have enveloped the "broad spectrum of intellectual interests," from atomic energy's possible uses in engineering and nmedicine to its influence on law; 'international politics and psy- chology study, Leatherman pointed out. Other facets of the Project's annual program include provision of facilities and trained personnel to support the University's nuclear engineering curriculum now being followed by 98 graduate students and to assist industry and other outside organizations wishing to conduct research of their own. Leatherman suggested this com- bination of research and education developed by the, Project and the' University as the probable reason nig Budget Crowding06" Must Delay. ii lion Construction Temporariy President Hatcher Stresses Urgency Of Expansion Needs By NAN MARXEL The stopgap $1,120,983 appro- priated Wednesday for building needs at the University brought to focus again the picture of an institution bursting its seams. University President Harlan Hatcher said yesterday, "In effect, it means that for another year we must mark time while critical * needs pile up on us. If the Uni- versity is to meet its obligations in the- future, it is essential that we begin now to make some prog- ress on our building program.". Facilities "taxed to the utmost" were painted by.Vice-President in Charge of Business and Finance Wilbur K. Plerpont. FUND-RAISING -- The Phoenix Memorial Project, dedicated 1 to research in peaceful uses of atomic energy, has only enough funds to last 12 more months. A campaign to raise $2 million by the end of the academic year has been launched. IN WASHINGTON: Five, SEATO Countries '.To Discuss Laos, Question WASHINGTON (P) - Five foreign ministers from Southeast Asia Treaty Organization countries will meet here Monday for an informal strategy session on the situation in Laos. In announcing the three-hour meeting the State Department said only that it will be "an exchange of views on matters of mutual interest to the member countries." But there is little doubt the Communist-sparked fighting in Laos will be a major topic of discussion. SEATO secretary general Pote, Sarasin tioi . on is flying in from Bangok with the the situation. SEATO- - latest available informa- Urge UN To Condemn Communist China, UAR military advisers are also due to report. Those attending the meeting will be United States Secretary of State Christian A. Herter, and foreign ministers Richard G. Casey of Australia, Couve de Mur- ville of France, Manzur Quadir of Pakistan and Thanat Khoman of Thailand. All have, been attend- ing the United Nations General Assembly session in New York. The other three SEATO coun- tries, England, New Zealand and the Philippines, are being repre- sented by their top diplomats in Washington., A United Nations fact-finding subcommittee is now in Laos in- vestigating the southeast Asian kingdom's complaint that Com- munist subversion and aggression directed 1y North Viet Nam and Communist China, are behind the trouble in Laos. U' Regents- TO Convene The Regents will meet at 2:30 p.m. today in the Regents Room of the Administration Building, They will consider appoint- ments, leaves of absence, and gifts, grants, and bequests. New graduate programs in phar- macy and education will also be discussed. The pharmacy program would lead to a doctor of phar- macy degree; the education pro- gram would lead to a degree as specialist in education. This is the Regents' first meet- ing since July, when they officially approved the University's new In- stitute of Science and Technology.: Provides for Remodeling The appropriation provides $859;000' for remodeling the West Medical Building, $200,000 for general renovation of University Hospital, and $70,983 for the Mental Research Building now under construction. Big "disappointments" to Uni- versity officials were the Legisla- ture's steps postponing an $800,- 000 grant to start plans and con- struction on the new Institute of Science and Technology. The Legislature put off consid- ering funds for new construction, including the University's Imti tute, until it reconvenes Oct. 21. It is understood that these appro- priations may not be passed if the use tax is declared unconstitu- tional. "Serious Handicap" Noting the long-present "ur- gency" for a science institute b u i d i n g, Plerpont .last night called it "a serious handicap not to be able to proceed with, the building." Until it can be put up, the i- stitute's personnel must find re- search space in scattered labora- tories and offices in.present sci- ence buildings, he said. Looking to. long-range building needs, Pierpont explained that "each year the needs pile up" and "become even more. urgent each year that goes by without getting enough funds for construction." Need Laboratories "First priority goes to. labora- tories and space for research, and faculty office space," he said, in- dicating no shortage of classroom space as yet. The University's request for funds for buildings planned and. awaiting construction is already out of question for the 1959-60 budget year. Only the science in- stitute is even considered in the new construction bill stin' to be decided. A cyclotron laboratory, the sec- ond unit of a fluids "engineering building, and a music school building are among those "in limbo." Pierpont added that much- needed physics and chemistry buildings, a heating plan,- and architecture building have not as yet been allotted planning funds. Mean der,Over TO Maynard Don't hesitate another day. Wander oyer to the Student .Publications Building at 420 May- -nard Street today about 4:15 p-m. and find out about. joining The Michiganbaily. If advertising techniques, the science of circulation and the won- ders of finance enthrall you, try the business staff for its practical experience in newspaper manage- ment. NEW DELHI ()--Tibetan guerrillas are waging war against Red for the At China's troops with knives, old firearms and whatever weapons they establishing can capture, a brother of the Dalai Lama said yesterday, other nation Gyalo Thondup estimated in an interview that "far more than to date in U 50,000" irregulars are operating from remote areas of eastern, delegations northern and western Tibet. They fight though they have no way of countries. getting weapons from the outside, - he said. OPERATIONVIMPAIRED: Ireland yesterday was reported stepping in on behalf of the Dalai Lama in an effort to havethe M edical Ce United Nations condemn Red M e ea Ce China for crushing human rights: in Tibet. At the same time Israel accused the United Arab Republic yester-s day of' threatening the rights of all maritime nations by refusing passage of Israeli cargoes and ships through the Suez canal.o Mrs. Golda Meir, the Israeli foreign minister, told the 82-na- tion General Assembly her country : was not prepared to accept con- tinued discrimination against Is-' raeli shipping. She described the UAR action as a "gross, arrogant and continuing breach of inter- A nationally guaranteed rights." Farid Zeineddine, deputy for-s eign minister for the UAR, took the rostrum immediately in the assembly hall to assert that Israel has no right to use the 'canal be-r Qmic Energy Commis- request for aid in similar programs in ns, which has resulted rniversity and Phoenix visiting 16 interested s iter Feels Lack of Funds University Medical Center is seriously concerned because state agencies have been unable to pay their bills to the Center. This concern was expressed in the Center's annual report, which was released yesterday. "The failure of these state agencies to pay their bills has left us with limited cash for our day- to-day operation," Dr. A. C. Ker- likowske, director of the Univer- sity Hospital, said. - The hospital does not receive operating funds from the state, but medical costs of many pa- tients are normally paid by state aid and welfare programs. The report said that the state had run up a hospital bill of $610,- 853 at the end of the fiscal year, June 30. Consequently, University Hosnital has postponed over half I ,! I