f THE MICHIGAN DAILY VE ADVICE: Psychiatrists Not Able To Enforce Treatment Detailed Program Used To Choose Secretaries i, ----- (.- "Psychiatrists can prescribe treatment, but they cannot force{ a patient to take the treatmentt unless he is an immediate danger to himself or the community," Jack C. Westman of the University Medical Center declared recently. "Even when a patient might be a potential danger, the psychia- trist can only inform responsible relatives or community agencies of the need for treatment. Only an acute emergency can change this pattern of patient-doctor relation- ship." A psychiatrist cannot enforce treatment, he continued, any more than a physician can force a car- diac patient to take digitalis. "Much depends on the individual receiving the advice," he noted. "The doctor can only emphasize the gravity of the situation and the ways in which help can be obtained. Further action in non- emergency cases is the responsi- bility of the patient or his family." Westman noted several reasons why families may resist psychia- tric treatment: 1) they may fail to recognize the importance of seeking help; 2) they may hon- estly disagree with the doctor's SDIAL NO 5-6294I diagnosis; 3) misconceptions about cost also may be a factor; 4) and relatives may hesitate to get aid because they feel they are respon- sible for the patient's illness. "While prolonged !private psy- chiatric treatment may prove ex- pensive," the doctor concluded, "clinics and state hospitals offer high quality service at a cost geared to the financial abilities of the patient." 'U' Professor Set To Retire The Regents Dec. 18 granted permission to Prof. Paul S. Barker of the internal medicine depart- ment to retire when he becomes 65 years old on Aug. 22., Prof. Barker has been with the department since 1923 In other action, the Regents adopted memoirs expressing regret over the deaths of Edward A. Cary of the neurology department on Nov. 24; Dexter M. Ferry, Jr., prominent Detroiter and longtime University benefactor, on Dec. 6; and Walter W. Gries of Ishpeming, former State Board of Education president and University alumnus, on Nov. 23. JOHNNY MATHIS will sing to J-Hoppers Feb. 5 in Hill Audi- torium. Mathis, a golden voiced high jump and basketball star from San Francisco, first claimed fame with a single record success, "Wonderful Wonderful." Panhel is sponsoring him on, campus. Stger Johnny Mathis Will Perform, for, J-Hop Columbia recording star Johnny Mathis will appear here on Feb. 5 at Hill Aud. Mathis's performance, to be pre- sented by Panhellenic, will en- hance J-Hop weekend. Reserva- tions for tickets may be made at the Undergraduate Office of the League from 2 to 5 p.m. Jan. 11 thr ugh 15. Mathis is definitely one of the important new vocal personalities in recent years. He is a versatile entertainer. His audience has no age limits. It ranges from demon- strative teen-agers to sophisti- cated supper club patrons. Smartest Night Clubs Beside appearing in many of the nation's smartest night clubs and on leading television programs, Mathis is recording top discs and albums. The 24-year-old recording star has to his credit ten best- selling albums, all of which have sold more than 100,000 copies. Mathis received a Record In- dustry Association of America Gold Record Award for his first album, "Johnny's Greatest Hits," which sold over half a million copies. His single record sales have exceeded the six million mark. Mathis was still a San Francisco collegian when he signed his Co- lumbia Records contract in 1955. At that time, though he had done a little semi-professional' singing, his chief claim to fame was ath- letics. In high school and college, Mathis won several medals and honors in track and basketball. His intentions at one time were to instruct physical education. His singing success, however, changed his mind. In 1957 Mathis was named the "Number One Most Promising Male Vocalist" by a billboard poll. His hometown, San Francisco, has honored him by declaring Dec. 18 "Johnny Mathis Day." ivic Theatre Tryouts Open Calling all actors, singers and dancers. A mass rmeeting for all those in- terested in participating in the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre's produc- tion "Wonderful Town," will be held at 7:30 this evening in the Ana Arbor High School band room, B126. Tryouts will begin immediately following the meeting. Appoint- ments for auditions at a later datu may be made by calling NO 2-7940. Clarence Stephenson of the speech department will direct the play. Edgar LaMance, '60M, will be the musical director. Performances are set for April 14, 15 and 16 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The thousands of secretarial and clerical workers assisting in the operation of University machinery are chosen for employment by a detailed testing program. Close to 1,500 applicants a year,; from high school graduates to grandmothers, are tested by the personnel department's testing and training section for secretarial or clerical positions. During busy seasons, as many as sixteen tense applicants a day take a general clerical aptitude test, a typewriting test, and if they !choose to, a shorthand test, Interviews Held After the scoring of these tests, each applicant is interviewed by the employment interviewer, Jean Underwood, who makes the initial decision. The final decision is made by the dean, director, department head, or supervisor for whom the applicant 'may work. A representatiye group of ap- plicants was composed of women ranging in age from 18 to 53 years years old. The latter was a college graduate of 1923 and was mother of three children and grandmother of five. These women represented a variety of cities in Michigan as well as the states New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. One of them, a Latvian, had been in the United States just ten years. Their first test, general clerical aptitude, was administered by A. E. Misko, the in-service training supervisor, and his secretary, Mary Dunn. Before it was given, one of the prospective secretaries re- marked, "I feel quite tense and hardly able to write." Most of the others agreed. Tests Complex The actual test was composed of a clerical, a numerical, and a verbal section. After it was over, they all "untensed" and discussed their reactions. Among them: "I'm wondering - maybe I should go back to fourth grade arithmetic." "Some of it was sort of catchy, but if you're wise enough, you'll know the answer." "After the test, I really wonder if I'm as smart as I thought I was." Following the aptitude test, the applicants took a typing test. Two of them took the shorthand test composed of three parts-a letter at 60 words per minute, a memo at 80, and a letter at 100. To those who are accepted and placed in a University position, a unique in-service training program is offered. This program, super- vised by Misko, offers such skill- building courses as secretarial ac- counting and business math, filing, ty :writing, business English, and shorthand. At present, Misko is writing a training reference manual tenta- tively scheduled to be published this spring. His office is also work- ing on a survey to determine the validity of the pre-employment tests by comparing their relation- ship to the employe's effectiveness in her position. The third annual Secretarial Workshop, designed to give Uni- versity secretaries an opportunity to exchange ideas on business let- ters and effective writing and speaking techniques, is scheduled for May 10, 11, and 12. Former workshops covered the subjects of duplicating and records' manage- ment. To Deliver Discussion OfCold TWar Federal Aid A dvantages Acclaimed By SANDRA JOHNSON Federal aid for direct relief pro- grams in the states would greatly improve standards of assistance in most of the United States, Prof. Wilbur J. Cohen of the School of Social Work declared recently. As a member of the twelve-man Advisory Council of Public Assist- ance, Prof. Cohen has helped dur- ing the past year in the prepara- tion of twenty recommendations. One of these suggests that fed- eral grants-in-aid be made avail- able to the states for direct relief to needy persons without any resi- dence requirements. Financial Help. . "If adopted by Congress," Prof. Cohen said, "the proposal would be of great financial help in lead- ing industrial states such as Mich- igan, Pennsylvania and Ohio which usually are very hard hit when heavy or sudden unemploy- ment occurs." ' At the request of Congress the Advisory Council's year-long study of existing federal-state public assistance arrangements were made under the jurisdiction of the' United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The Advisory Council's report also recommended a uniform dis- proportionment of payment to all needy persons throughout the state. Needy Children Assistance for all needy children, rather than only for children of a missing or disabled parent, was urged. Prof. Cohen described this re- port as "a constructive and timely document The Council also noted a "na- tionwide shortage" of social work- ers and suggested that universi- ties step up their training pro- grams in this area. ]ath Lectures To Continue J. H. C. Whitehead, Waynfleet professor of pure mathematics, will deliver the Ziwet Lecture Series this week under the aus- pices of the mathematics depart- ment. The three lectures on "smooth manifolds," which began yester- day, continue today and Friday at 4 p.m. in Rm. 1025, Angell Hall. To Talk. Today On Advertising Hugh M. MacMillan, market- ing and research directhr of Camp-. bell - Ewald advertising agency, will speak on "Advertising's Role in Marketing," at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 131 of the business ad- ministration school. The topics of his speech will in- clude controversial issues in ad- vertising; ethical and unethical advertising practices; and adver- tising's present adverse publicity. The talk is sponsored by the re- activated Michigan Marketing Club, a collegiate chapter of the American Marketing Association. ROSALIND IDEN --to performhere Shakespearian Performers To Act Here Sir Donald Wolfit and Rosalind Iden (Lady Wolfit), internationally acclaimed Shakespeare performers, will present their "Scenes from Shakespeare" at 8:30 p.m. Satur- day at Hill Auditorium. The program consists of cameos. --in costume and with stylized scenery-from "Hamlet," "Henry V," "Othello," "Macbeth," "A Mid- summer Night's Dream,""Richard III" and others. The Wolfits formed their own repertory company in 1937, after playing at the Old Vic and at the Memorial Theatre, Stratford-on- Avon, and have since given more than 2,000 performances, They have brought the works of Shakespeare to theatres from Brussels, Nairobi with Paris, New York, Copenhagen, Rome and Milan in between. Their appear- ance in Ann Arbor is one of only three engagements they have ac- cepted in the United States en route to a tour of Australia. "There are audiences every- where," Wolfit explains, "and they can't very well come to London. So we go to them. We strive to give the public the same Shakes- peare the Elizabethans saw. That is the Shakespeare who has come down to us-and who will continue to endure as long as the British stage endures." Wolfit was seen here recently in his starring role in the film "Room at the Top." Tickets are one sale daily at the Auditorium box office from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. I v MARSHALL D. SHULMAN .*.tospeak today Marshall D. Shulman, associate director of the Russian Research Center at Harvard University, will speak on "A Fresh Look at the Cold War" at 8 p.m. today in Angell Hall. Shulman, onetime Detroit News reporter and former special assist- ant to the United States Secretary of State, is a lecturer on govern- ment at Harvard University. As a special assistant he dealt with Russian problems as an informa- tion officer of the United States mission to the United Nations. Shulman did field research in France, studying the operation of the French Communist Party in relation to developments in Moscow. His study, made possible by a Rockefeller Public Service Award, was reported upon in "So- viet Policy in Western Europe." Shulman administers the Har- vard Russian Research Center's studies of economic, political and social organization of the Soviet State. The lecture is sponsored by the University committee on the Program in Russian Studies. '4 NOTICE STUDENT ART LOAN PRINTS ARE DUE: Thursday, Jan.7, 1 -5 Friday, Jan. 8, 1-5 Saturday, Jan. 9, 1 -5 Return to S A B Basement, Room 528 x0.'r1:1"iKS++?r:"J: ""1": JJ ::++:tY.+rJ 1^Y.T':: fy^ " S'.S: .S :-"ti1""Y. :T"'-h rvNr.:"rJ.i":tr rt r v xVJAw.""",","v v:A" 1":.".::"^ ".+ "rr:+s.1: "r r . J ... wr.".-.Y. +. .": r.".".v : v^-"si4": . "'"1::" S"t .. ..^-..w..:yVr,.......i .... 1. ..1... ...t.4..A......tM1 l.:"a":,"}:":{::V: "4'.. .A. .-"4.4 R.t.. X.A 4 .:.s........ 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Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 74 General Notices Midyear Graduation Exercises: Jan. 16, 1960: To be held at 2:00 p.m. in Hill Aud. Exercises will conclude about 4:00 p.m. Reception for graduates and their relatives and friends in Michigan League Ballroom at 4:00 p.m. Please en- ter League at west entrance. Tickets: Three to each prospective graduate, to be distributed from Mon., Jan. 4, to 1:00 p.m. Sat., Jan. 16, at Cashier's Office, first floor lobby of Ad- ministration Bldg. Academic Costume: Can be rented at Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. University Ave., Orders should be placed immediately. Assembly for Graduates: At 1:00 p.m. in Natural Science Aud. Marshall will direct graduates to proper stations. 'Graduation Announcements, Invita- tions. etc.: Inquire at Office of Student Affairs. Programs: To be distributed at Hill Aud. Doctoral degree candidates who qualify for the Ph.D. degree or a simi- lar graduate degree and.who attend the graduation exercises will be given a hood by the University. Hoods given during the ceremony are all Doctor of Philosophy hoods. Those receiving a doctor's degree other than the Ph.D. may exchange the Ph.D. hood given them during the ceremony for the ap- propriate one immediately after the ceremony. Such exchange may be made in the Natural Science Aud. after the recessional march. Plans for Mid-Year Graduation Ex- ercises: Sat., Jan. 16, 1960, 2:00 p.m. Time of Assembly: 1:15 p.m. (except noted) Places of Assembly: Members of the Faculties at 1:15 p.m. in Rm. 2082, second floor, Nat. Sol. Bldg., where they may robe. Regents, Ex-Regents, Dean and other Administrative Officials at 1:15 p.m. in the Botany' Seminar Rm. 1139, Nat. Sci. Bldg., where they may robe. Students of the various Schools and Colleges in Nat. Sci. Bldg. as follows: Section A: Literature, Science and the Arts- front part of aud., west section; Education - front part of aud. center section; Architecture - front -front part of auditorium, east sec- tion (behind Architecture). Section B: Graduate - rear part of aud. with doctors at west end; Public Health - Rm. 2004; Social Work - Rm. 2004; Flint College -- Rm. 2004 (behind Social Work). Section C: Engineering - Rm. 2054; Business Administration - Rm. 2071; Dental - Rm. 2033 (North end); Phar- macy - Rm. 2033 (North end); Nurs- ing - Rm. 2033 (South end); Natural Resources - Rm. 2023; Music -- Rm. 2023 (behind Natural Resources). March intoHill Aud. -- 1:45 p.m. Academic dress. Academic Costume. Can be rented at Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. University Ave. Orders should be placed immediately. Organizational M e e t i n g. Franco- American Uversity Association. 8:00 p.m., International Center. All faculty members, .students, tourists, friends, Frenchmen and countrymen interested in promotingycloser French-American inter-University contacts are cordially invited to attend. All interested persons are invited to attend a meeting of the Near Eastern Club Wed., Jan. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the East Conference Rm., Rackham Bldg. Gilbert Bursley will speak on his col- lection of Muslim Armor. Tickets now available for second se- mester productions of the Dept. of Speech Playbill. Richard Wagner's opera, "Das Rhein- gold," to be presented with the School of Music, will play Tues., through Sat., March 1-5. Tickets at $1.75, $1.40,,$1.00. William Congreve's "The Way of the World" will play Wed. through Sat., April 6-9. Tickets at $1.50, $1.10, 75c. "Look Homeward, Angel," the Ketti Frings adaptation of the Thomas Wolfe novel, if available, will be presented Wed. through..Sat., April 27-30. Tickets $1.50, 1.10, 75c. The above productions wil play at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. At Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg.: The premiere performance of an original play, to be selected, Fri., and Sat., May 13 and 14. All tickets 75c, general ad- mission unreserved seating. Mail orders for tickets may be sent to Playbill, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre, with self-addressed, stamped en- velope, and check payable to Play Pro- duction. Orders may be for any or all of the four productions, and should express first, second, and third prefer- ences of performance dates for each production. Prospective teachers who plan to take the National Teacher Examina- tions on Feb. 13 should submit appli- cations immediately. Applications must reach the Educational Testing Service, 20 Nassau St., Princeton, N.Y. by Fri., Jan. 15. An information bulletin and applica- tion forms may be obtained in Rm. 122, Rackham Bldg., or directly from Na- tional Teacher Examinations in Prince- ton. At the one-day testing session a can- didate may take the common examin- ations, which include tests in profes- sional information, general culture, English expression and nonverbal rea- soning. In addition, each candidate may take one or two optional examin- ations which are designed to demon- strate mastery of subject matter in part of auditorium, east section; Law the fields he may be assigned to teach. All candidates will receive informa- tion concerning the campus location of the tests. Candidates for common examinations are to report at, 8:30 a.m., Feb. 13 and candidates for one or two optional examinations are to report again at 1:30 p.m. Tomorrow at 4:10 p.m .the 'Dept. of Speech will present a double bill in the Arena Theatre on the first floor of the Frieze Bldg. Sean O'Casey's "Bedtime Story" and William Saroyan's "Hello Out There" will be performed. No ad- mission will be charged. Announcements ordered by February grads can be picked up at SAB Thurs. and Fri., Jan. 7 and 8, from 9 a.n. un- til 5 p.m. There will be a few vacancies in the Martha Cook Bldg. for the second se- mester, Feb., 196,0. Those interested may apply to the Director. For ap- pointment please call NO 2-3225. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wish- ing to recommend tentative Jan. grads from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Edu- cation for departmental honors (or high honors in the College of L.S.&A.) should recommend such students in a letter sent to the Office of Registra- (Continued on Page 4) Organization Notices International Folk Dancers, dancing and instruction, Jan. 6, 8 p.m., Lane Hall. Modern Jazz Society, meeting, Jan 6, 8 p.m., Union, Rm. 3D. * * * Organization Meeting for Gilbert & Sullivan's "IOLANTH E" Sun., Jan. 10, 7:30 P.M. Union SING-ACT-STAGE CREW SIR DONALD WOLFIT ... at Hill Auditorium PLUS * BACK ... by popular demand! CHARUE Mack CHAPLN sennetfs A Continental DistibulingInc.Release Look for Great Comedy NEXT WEEK! Bernard Shaw's . brilliantly outrageous MAJOR BARBARA is coming to the Lydia Mendelssohn stage C-SATURDAY 8:30 P.M. SIR DONALD WOLFIT ROSALIND IDEN NOTED BRITISH SHAKESPEARIAN STARS * °IN A BRILLIANT PROGRAM OF THEIR FAVORITE ROLES IN COSTUME I I I I