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January 06, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-01-06

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eIvet 4rna
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy and
snow flurries.

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Graduate Level
Gain Expected
Number of Freshmen, Transfers
That Enter Probably Won't Change



Though the number of graduate students entering the Univer-
sity may increase next year, the relative numbers of freshman and
transfer students to be admitted will remain stable.
University officials do, however, expect a long-range growth in
the number'of transfer students admitted to the University from com-
munity colleges, no immediate change in enrollment policy is con-
emplated. The standard two-to-one ratio of freshman to transfer
students will probably be maintained, Assistant Director of Ad-

5 Presidential
S Word Games
Start Anew
P. Kennedy (D-Mass.) hailed a
a significant gain the announce
ment yesterday that Ohio's Go
Michael V. Disalle supports h
campaign for the Democrati
presidential nomination.
In announcing his candidac
formally last Saturday, Kenned
had challenged other potenti
aspirants to contest with him i
the primaries. One who did no
accept the challenge was Sen
Stuart Symngton (D-Mo.).
"I =don't think I'm a candidat
all," Symington told a news con
Won't Restrain
Still, he told a news conferenc
he would do nothing to keep hi
name out of the Oregon presi
dential preference primary Ma
These were today's develop
ments by individuals:
Vice-President Richard M. Nix
on - He conferred with Sen
Styles Bridges (R-N.H.) and Nor
ris Cotton (R-N.H.) on whethe
to enter New Hampshire's presi
dential primary March 8. Th
Senators said afterward that th
Nixon-for-President organizatio]
there will proceed as planned t
enter Nixon's name and seek a bi
popular vote.
Inherit Problems,
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D
Minn.) - He told the Nationa
Press Club that the next Presi
dent, which he openly aspires t
be, will "inherit a series of prob
lems that have been swept unde:
the rug-where they have bee
festering and intensifying."
He declared that the year
since 1953, when President Dwigh
D. Eisenhower went to the Whit
House, turned into an "age o
Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo.
-He called his news conferenc
to discuss his recent travels t
Africa, the Middle East and Eu
rope, but reporters asked mainl
about United States politics.
One reporter remarked that Ad
lai Stevenson, whom the Demo
ciats ran for President in 1952
and 1956, seems to be willing to
be a candidate again.
Was Symington also in the
"willing" category? The reply: the
Senator would be flattered to be
placed in the same company with
! S
Regent Says
SGC Can Ask
rBias Removal
Student Government Council has
the authority to demand that
every student organization remove
restrictive clauses from its con-
stitution within a specified time,
Regent Eugene B. Power said re-
He added that the Council would
do better at this time to channel
its legislative efforts in the oroad
area of student organizations than
to concentrate on only one.
Appointments to the Sigma
Kappa Study Committee will be
ihade at tonight's SGC meeting.
The committee was set up by a
Council motion to contact the
present officers of the University
' Sigma Kappa chapter and de-
termine whether the policy which
led to the 1958 SGC vote to with-
draw recognition from the sorority
hr been changed.
The Restrictive Practices Com-

mittee will give its first report to

- missions Gail Wilson said re-
Limitation Rumored
It had been rumored that the
freshman class might be limited
proportionately to an influx of
transfer students from commu-
nity colleges.-
Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss re-
ported "no plans at the present
m to further limit the size of the
s freshman class."
- The breakdown of new students
v. for the current semester shows
is 1,481 undergraduate transfers,
c 1,500 more in the graduate and
professional schools and a fresh-
y man class of 3,216.
y And, according to Assistant Di-
%I rector of Admissions Byron Groes-
n beck, there has been no change
t in the number of students com-
. ing in from community colleges
to Depends on Resources
- Niehuss felt, however, that
there will be a larger number of
students from junior colleges
e seeking admission to state insti-
s tutions in the next several years;
- "But whether we'll be able to ac-
y cept them depends on resources
and facilities.
- In agreement was Administra-
tive Dean Robert Williams, who
- called the junior college move-
s. ment "the most rapidly going unit
- in the state."
r Wilson too pointed to the
- "rapid expansion" of junior col-
e leges and estimated that half of
e junior college students will have
n to be accommodated by the Uni-
o versity, and "will, without ques-
g tion, affect the number of trans-
Williams saw the necessity of a
- larger number of transfer stu-
a dents to keep undergraduate en-
- rollment up. "It is difficult," he
o declared, "to maintain the size
- of the graduate school without a
r s t r o n g undergraduate enroll-
n ment."
At present, the graduate school
s comprises 40 per cent of total en-
t rollment, with freshman-sopho-
e more and junior-senior figures 30
f per cent each.
Unusual Distribution
e He called the distribution of
o graduate students "very unusual,"
- giving figures of 4,174 candidates
y for the master's degree, 2,053 for
doctorates and 2,991 students
- seeking professional degrees.
Williams stressed, though, there
is "no evidence to the argument
the University is becoming a
'graduate' school."
But prospective enrollment fig-
ures in the proposed operating
budget for next year call for a
possible increase of 1,000 students
-mainly on the graduate level.
"The growth in enrollment is
primarily in the graduate and
graduate-professional programs,
along with the specialized cur-
ricula for undergraduates such as
architecture, music, business, edu-
cation and the like."a
Won't Effect
The added enrollment though,
will not effect the problem of
maintaining a satisfactorily stable
transfer student ratio.
The requested $5 million state
appropriations increase for the
1960-61 academic year which
would, in part, provide for theE
added enrollment of graduate stu-
dents, is "based on the theory ofI
social pressures," Williams said.
"We should enroll approximate-
ly 25,000 students but can't, and
two years ago had to deny admis-
sion to over 1,000 qualified appli-
cants due to lack of money."
Can't Grow
We have reached the point, he
declared, where enrollment "can't
grow without more buildings."
And, in Wilson's opinion, if the
University must continue to oper-
ate under "severe financial re-
strictions" for the next five years,

"we would undoubtedly have to
control enrollments in terms of

The University's Dearborn Cen-
ter, which began operations this
fall, will operate on a three-se-
m ester b asis beginning next
The Center, originally set up on
the four-quarter basis, changed
to the new system during the
present semester. The change will
allow February high school gradu-
ates wishing to enroll at Dearborn
to begin classes immediately after
graduating. Under the old sys-
tem, such students would have
had to postpone entry until be-
ginning of the third quarter in
late spring.
The terms in the trimester sys-
tem will begin in February, early
June and late September.
Classes for Dearborn's present
student body of 33 are still in
session. Registration for its sec-
ond semester will coincide with
that of the University, running
from Feb. 4-6, after which classes
will resume.
Dearborn Center's final exam-
ination period is concomitant with
its registration because of the
combination work-study program;
students taking finals next month
will leave the campus to go out
to work and those registering at
this time will come from work
activity rather than classes.
For Peace
LONDON ( ) -Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan left by plane
for Africa yesterday on one of the
most delicate missions of his
career - a peacemaking journey
through British territories on the
dark continent.
He will travel 15,000 miles
through sun baked lands, some of
which are seething with discon-
tent and racial animosities.
This is the first African tour
ever made by a British Prime Min-
ister while in office. Accompanied
by his wife and a party of 17,
Macmillan is due today in Accra,
Ghana, an independent member of
the British Commonwealth.
In Accra, Prime Minister Kwame
Nkrumah's newspaper blasted at
British imperialism, injecting a
sour note into elaborate cere-
monies planned to welcome Mac-
millan. The newspaper came out
with the headlines:
Accuse Imperialists
So-called Western imperialists
were accused of trying to frus-
trate a move for a union of inde-
pendent African countries spon-
sored by Nkrumah.
From Ghana, the British leader
will go to Nigeria, the Central
Africa Federation (CAF) and
South Africa.
Macmillan will need all his poli-
tical skills to steer through the
controversies in some areas.
Forty million Nigerians graduate
to full independence, like Canada's
next October.
Nigerian leaders have stressed
their resolve to remain within
the Commonwealth.
Not Independent
The CAF, comprising southern
and northern Rhodesia and Nyas-
aland, is not yet independent.

The country's seven million Ne-
groes are resisting federation
which they regard as a fancy way
of insuring white domination.
Survival of the CAF, even in a
modified form, would suita Bri-
tain anxious to preserve its influ-
ence in a vital, rich part of Africa.

Final Approval

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Traffic and students shuttled
through the labyrinth of cen-
tral campus, its classroom
buildings, laboratories, dormi-
tories, libraries, edging out
farther, beyond the Huron to
North Campus and nuclear re-
actors and wind tunnels.
From his office above State
Street the President of the Uni-
versity of Michigan observed
a portion of the human kaleido-
scope, then turned away.
"Frankly, I don't know where
it's going to end," he said.
Harlan Hatcher was speak-
ing seriously of the size of the
U' Size Mounting
Enrollment had curled over
the 24,000 mark, breaking the
record set only a year before.
How much bigger?
President Hatcher and other
University officials talk now of
expanding to 28,000. By 1970,
enrollment might reach 40,000.
"We can now see and feel
assured we can reach 28,000
without any deterioration," he
"When we get to that point,
we think we'll have enough ex-
perience to decide about ex-
panding further. We'll collect
data, see whether we can grow
more or not, and move back-
ward or forward accordingly.
"One thing is certain," he
emphasized. "We've got to grow
in strength and not in dissipa-
tion of our resources."
The University has grown in
strength so far, President
Hatcher believes. .
Expansion Continuing
Space for expansion has de-
veloped on North Campus. New
programs in new fields of
knowledge, i.e., nuclear en-
gineering and astronautics,
have been initiated. The Phoe-
nix Memorial Project has grown
in significance and scientific
activity has mushroomed. Two
off-campus branches have be-
gun operation: Flint College
in 1956 and Dearborn Center
this fall.
The President has plans to
maintain the University's qual-
ity in the face of ballooning
"We've got tokeep high ad-
missions standards.
"Our strong undergraduate
program will remain, at least
in the foreseeable future.
"There will be more insti-
tutes, along the lines of some
of our nationally known ones,
such as in English language
and engineering research.
These will be cultivated 'as a
means of stepping up training
and research.
"We've got to keep building
our distinguished faculty.
That's where our true strength
'Low Fees'
"Fees must be kept as low
as possible and scholarship
funds have to be expanded.
"A four-semester year is com-
ing, which will increase the
capacity of students to learn,
of faculty to teach, and make
better use of our plant.
"We'll continue as a cosmo-
politan university, enrolling a

tions with fine graduate pro-
grams, he pointed out.
"So, there will be a slow,
gradual rise -In the graduate
population" (which presently
totals about 40% of the stu-
dent body).
"This doesn't mean we're any
less interested in undergradu-
ates, though," President Hatch-
er explained. "We're even more
interested really, since we'd
lose a great deal if we split
the undergrads from the grads.
Freshmen 'Enthusiastic'
"The warm, unspoiled, en-
thusiastic participation of a
freshman class each fall is
priceless. They add a great deal
to the University."
Certain "areas of data" will
determine much of the Uni-
versity's future, the President
said. These are:
1) a bursting population
2) expanding knowledge and
Its application
3) the industrialization of the
4) the drive for better living
standards all over the world
5) the conquest of space and
the new world community.
Emphasize Science
"Mathematics, astronomy,
nuclear physics, power plants-
all these are absolutely central
in the operation of the modern
world. We'll have to put a lot
of effort into programs in this
Humanities and the social
sciences will have to be em-
phasized also, President Hatch-
er said, and "we need another
look at the complexity of disci-
plines and a realization that
they can be offered in different
The humanities are the Presi-
dent's special area. He was a
professor of English at Ohio
State before coming to Michi-
gan,band is the author of a
number of novels and historical
works dealing with the region
most exciting to him - the
Great Lakes and Ohio.
No Time for Teaching
He occasionally lectures to
an English class, but adminis-
trative duties have taken him
almost totally away from the
teaching realm.
"The problems of the Presi-
dent are endless and they range
over every conceivable mat-
ter," he acknowledged. "Some
people are annoyed at the Bur-
ton chimes, others are worried
about calendaring and curricu-
"The big problems, demand
constant planning ahead for
the University's needs and this
taps us of our time and en-
"I personally have to inter-
pret the image, the needs and
services of the University to
our various constituencies
everywhere. This includes keep-
ing the faculty, legislature and
alumni all aware of our plans
and purposes.
"We're expanding rapidly
and must not scatter our en-
ergies," he said. "Central to all
this is the necessity of keeping
the image of the University al-
ways bright."

Wage Policy
Accepts Pact
Pay, Benefits H ike
Accepted by Union
In Unanimous Vote
member wage policy committee
the Steelworkers Union vot
unanimous approval yesterday
the new steel settlement.
This made it official and fin
so far as the union is concerne
except for the formality of signii
of the 2%Y2 year pact giving ti
workers about 40 ceLits an ho
additional in wages and benefits.
The Union's smaller executi
board had approved the settleme:
Surprise Appearance
Secretary of Labor James .
Mitchell made a surprise appea
ance before the union poli
group, and received' thunderoi
It was a closed meeting bi
newsmen outside could hear ti
applause by the union chiefs
the Secretary entered the room.
In a speech, it was learned, Mi
chell praised Union P Presidei
David J. McDonald and Unic
Counsel Arthur J. Goldberg fR
their cooperation in achieving tt
As Mitchell reportedly put i
the American people owe the tw
union negotiators a debt of grat
Mitchell's remarks were inte:
rupted frequently by applause.

New Steel Settlemen


large number of outstate and
foreign students every year.
"We must dedicate ourselves
to any investigation that ad-
vances the boundaries of knowl-
"And then there must be
controlled growth, growth but
not without a quality faculty
and plant. These two conditions
are, foremost."
President Hatcher, tall, sil-
ver-haired and gracious, came
to the University in 1951 from
Ohio State, where he previously
served as English professor,
dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences (1944-48), and vice-
president (1948-50).
Formerly at OSU
"I had known the University
of Michigan's outstanding his-
tory when I was at Ohio State,"
he related. "I actually envied
the University leadership, its
plant and faculty.
"When I finally came here, I
was not only immensely im-
pressed by the fact that the
University lived up to all these
things, but that in so many
other areas it was a great pace-
Now the University must
step up the pace, he added.
"This is going to be a serious
crisis in the next few years,
with college applications in-
creasing, and we're far from
being prepared for it. Not

enough of the national income
is being put into higher educa-
tion. Now it may take a closed
door at the college level to
awaken them to the real need."
Junior College Possibilities
More junior colleges would
seem to be one means of easing
the growing pressure of appli-
cations for college, he said.
"But this will inevitably lead
to a diluted education for
American colleges will also
be the base for more institutes
and graduate schools, he con-
"The University has always
been primarily responsible for
the graduate and professional
training in the state and we'll
probably expand our programs
from time to time,"
Two elements are relavent
to the future of the Univer-
sity's graduate programs, the
President said.
Knowledge Increasing
The first is "the sheer weight
of the body of knowledge that
has to be sorted, mastered, and
given wide application; all this
has made it necessary for stu-
dents to move into graduate
work. This is a new pressure
that wasn't here 15 years ago."
In the second place, the Uni-
versity inevitably gets heavy
pressure in graduate areas
since it is one of the institu-

Two Achievements
The union, the Secretary report-
edly told the policy group, made
two principal achievements in the
1) betting the steel industry to
take over the entire cost of various
insurance programs for which the
workers previously had to pay hall
the cost.
2) Demonstrating that the steel
workers are willing to fight foi
principles they think are right.
Mitchell reportedly went on to
say he is sure the American people
are happy over the settlement as it
insures a long period of industria)
peace in the steel industry.
The labor secretary also ap-
pealed to the steelworkers to co-
operate with management in
bringing about better understand-
ing and better feeling between
labor and management in this
McDonald told newsmen earlier
that delay by some iron ore com-
panies in agreeing to the., settle-
ment terms might delay signing of
the agreement.
Steel Contract
Could Cause
Rise in Prices
By The Associated Press
Business leaders yesterday
hailed the steel strike settlement
as assurance that 1960 will be a
boom year but expressed concern
that inflationary results may push
prices up.
"The settlement is the most
welcome news we could hear in
the. first week of the new year,"
said L. L. Colbert of Detroit, pres-
ident of the Automobile Manu-
facturers Assn. It will, he said,
enable the industry to build a
record 2,250,000 cars in the next
three months.
"The coming year should be the
best one we ever had," added Ray-
mond T. Perring, president of the
Detroit Bank & Trust Co.
L. P. Favorite of Pittsburgh,
vice-president of Aluminum Co.
of America, said, "Near the end of
the year, we predicted that ship-
ments during 1960 would rise 10
to 15 per cent. Now with the suc-
cessful settlement we are more
certain than ever that such an

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Observatory odtosC idSokn
"Research at the very frontiers of astrophysical knowledge is being
conducted in almost the oldest building at the University," Prof. Leo
3 Goldberg, chairman of the astronomy department, said recently.
Research, he said discussing space shortage here, is being carried
on under conditions that visitors have described as 'shocking.'
"The Observatory was planned in 1854 and was enlarged in 1909
to meet the needs of 1909," he noted, "but astronomy now is in the
most rapid development in its history."
- K The Office of Naval Research is the main source of current funds

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