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January 05, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-01-05

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Sev~entieth Year

"When Oninions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

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"To Another Year"
7 --

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Verne's Journey
THE "JOURNEY Into The Center of The Earth" offered by the Sta,*
Theatre turned into a rather amusing one. For a change, the at-
tractions promised by the advertising posters were really the highlights
of the movie: gargantuan chamelions, prehistoric dimetrodons, Arlene
Dahl after her clothes become tattered, a stratum of cinnabar (where
Miss Dahl's clothes began to become tattered), mushroom forests, sta-
alctites, underground oceans (where on the beach, Arlene Dahl's clothes
reached their most tattered best), and finally the lost city of Atlantis,
which was the only real disappointment.
Jules Verne, of course, first wrote the story. Today,.he remains as
one of the most entertaining writers ever to try science fiction. The

.Y, JANUARY 5, 1960



THE PLAIN white envelope with a California
postmark lay on the Editor's desk among
the other items which had acumulated over
the holiday recess. Opened, it revealed seven
leaflets and two little stickers.
STYLE .. .", the first tract was headed.
"The picture below, which shows Negro sol-
diers embracing and kissing white women at
an inter-racial dance, goes a long way toward
explaining why the Armed Services are having
so much trouble with re-enlistments ...
"UNDER MILITARY discipline American
servicemen have no alternative but to sub-
mit to "integration," since they risk almost
certain court martial by protesting ... If or-
dered to share their bathing, eating and recre-
ational facilities with Africans, they have no
choice but obey. Military service, without
doubt, provides the ideal setting for bringing
the blessings of compulsory mongrelization to
millions of boys and girls, and in this connec-
tion it is interesting to observe that white
WACs at Ft. McClellan, Alabama, and else-
where. are already attending inter-racial
dances at the post where they are encouraged
to consort with Negro troops like those shown
at the left ...
(The picture shows two Negroes in uniform
and one in sport coat and tie, with two white
women in blouse-and-skirt.)
"These girls, like millions of others, have
been so brainwashed with 'tolerance' propa-
ganda that they are incapable of knowing
right from wrong, black from white.. ."
Reprints of the sheet are available from the
American Nationalist, Inglewood, California,
the reader is informed.
'"ERE IS PROOF that the N.A.A.C.P is an
alien-controlled organization!" a second
piece of literature from the envelope begins.
"Despite the fact that it is one of the most
widely publicized, and one of the most bitterly
criticized, organizations in America today, rel-
atively few Americans are familiar with the
name or face of the sinister figure who master-
minds the so-called National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
"He is Albert B. Spingarn . . . president of
the NAACP since 1939 - and he is not a Negro
but a New York Jew.
"Yet our newspapers never print his name
or picture: instead, Negro 'fronts' (such as Roy
Wilkins and Thurgood Marshall) are always
pictured as the leaders of the organization .. .
Thus does our venal commercial press give aid
and comfort to the NAACP and its alien lead-
ers . .. (points theirs.)"
This leaflet, too, is from American Nation-
"HELP!" begins a third. "Our American
Birthright, Christian Heritage and our
American Way of Life need your active DE-

"Use and Distribute 'FIGHT COMMUNISM'
These stamps cost $1.00 for 200, $16.00 for
5,000, $60.00 for 25,000.
They are distributed by a group of Los An-
geles, which advises the prospective buyer that
"use of these stamps is an easy and inexpensive
'"HEIR USE injures or embarrasses no one
other than 'tools' of those of evil influence,
communists, anti-anti-communists, traitors,
dual loyalists, fellow travelers, one-worlders,
political demagogues, gullible stooges (includ-
ing educators and churchmen, both male and
female), 'experts' (?), and professional 'do-
gooders' who 'for gold,' fear, flattery, pressure,
publicity, or jobs 'fall for glib talk'."
The Keep America Committee contributes a
little yellow sheet which quotes the American
Jewish Committee's "official magazine" as say-
ing, "The International government of the
UNITED NATIONS, stripped of its legal trim-
ming, then, is really the INTERNATIONAL
the SOVIET UNION acting in unison."
A PERSON named Roderick J. Wilson intro-
duces himself as follows:
"Hello! This is Roderick J. Wilson. Let's talk
about -- JESUS CHRIST*.. .
"On the doorstep of Christmas it would ap-
pear to be time to give some Soul Searching
Consideration to our STATUS as CHRIS-.
"First, ,we must realize that although we
speak of CHRIST as OUR HERO we do not
have sufficient Courage of Conviction to
whose ideologies he refuted malign his char-
acter, impugn His birth and deny. His mission
on earth .. .
"Why do we supinely agree when self pro-
claimed religious leaders tell us that the Bible
are God's Chosen People?"
A SIXTH flysheet solicits financial support
for "Common Sense," "the Anti-Commun-
ism paper" from New Jersey.
The seventh piece is a reprint of an article
from "Human Events," a right-wing Wash-
ington newsletter which is generally written
on a higher level than the other items in the
This particular article is called "The Illegiti-
macy Racket: A Consequence of Do-Gooder
Federal Aid."
In it, writer John J. Synon alleges the gov-
ernment "has made bastardy a profitable ad-
venture" through federal aid to state welfare
This was the offensive collection, a series of
diatribes against Communists, Aliens, Do-
Gooders, Integrationists and the like. That
someone could consider the editor of a college
publication, or indeed any educated person,
fair game for these pamphlets; is incredible but
apparently the case.

I :



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New Year's Misgivings

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first in a two part series by The
Economist, an English weekly, re-
viewing the United State's past
year and offering a few predictions
for the next.)
THIS WAS NOT, as the cigarette
advertisements would put it,
a thinking man's Christmas. Ding,
dong, merrily the sky is riven by
Mr. Khrushchev's rockets; the
only song which came upon the
midnight clear, that of Americans
telling other Americans that they
have lost their sense of purpose,
was not one to make Christian
men rejoice. When even carols
carried a subliminal message of
gloom, it was not surprising that
the majority of Americans were
tempted to peer no further than
the bottom of their highball
Immediately ahead stretch the
uncharted wastes of the nineteen-
sixties, as cheerless as Antarctica,
with little to look forward to but
more Russian footprints in the
snow. Immediately behind lies a
year full of events to crack the
confidence of the stoutest hearts.
It is not to the point that most
Americans, except the farmers
whose incomes have been drop-
ping and the workers who have
lost their jobs because of the
steel strike, are spending more
freely than at any previous festive
season. Marooned on Christmas,
with a cold expanse of unfriendly
history lying all around, they
might as well eat, drink and be
THE PAST YEAR has seen a
series of events which mark it out
as no ordinary year. Mr. Khrush-
chev came to tell the Americans
that ,he means to bury them, and
to explain to those who took the
he proposes to do it. Even if noth-
ing happened to corroborate what

he said, the shock of his visit
should not be underestimated.
He arrived as a figure out of
the cartoonists' demonology and
turned out to be an oddly'like-
able human being; it was rather
as if a medieval congregation had
seen Mephistopheles invited to
speak from the pulpit and had
found that he was a peasant like
themselves. But several events
have made Americans suspect that
Mr. Khrushchev's predictions had
a sounder basis than they thought.
* * *
agreed to a rare and exhilarating
extent about many of the things
which need to be done to meet
the Soviet challenge. This is true
not merely among the Democrats,
so often at loggerheads, who are
for once saying half a dozen
things in unison. The head of the
Central Intelligence Agency has
been reading the rest of the Ad-
ministration what amounts to a
Christmas sermon on the speed of
Russian economic growth and
some of the recommendations in
the special studies organised by
the Rockefeller Brothers, men not
noted for their anti-Republican-
ism, make Mr. Eisenhower look as
out of date as President McKinley.
A public opinion poll published
in Look magazine this week re-
veals what looks like bland in-
difference to America's problems.
Three-quarters of those asked ex-
pressed various degrees of opti-
mism about the future, and only
seven per cent were warried per-
sonally about the problem of keep-
ing the peace. Six out of seven
said comfortably that they had
enough excitement.
This apparent apathy is the
despair of the pundits in Wash-
ington. It is discouraging to shout,
purple in the face, "the end of the
world is coming" and to get in

reply a cheery wave

and "Merry

* * *
BUT IT IS JUST possible that
this appearance of unconcern con-
ceals a deeper common sense.
Some people have consistently
maintained that the very last
thing the United States should do
is to try to match each and every
Russian achievement in space, in
science and in output. A better
objective, they say,, is to pick out
those fields in which the Soviet
challenge is important; the proper
function of leadership is to rally
the country to meet these specific
challenges by means compatible
with a free society. If the public
is saying, in effect, that it refuses
to be stampeded into a series of
uncoordinated panic measures to
"catch up with the Russians," and
that it is waiting for a leader who
will calmly define the necessary,
goals, it is being distinctly sensible.
This is the Christmas message
which President Eisenhower finds
on his desk as he returns from his
triumphant world tour this week.
By opening negotiations with Mr.
Khrushchev, the President may
have gained the time necessary
for a resolute leader to work out
a national programme. It ishun-
likely that Mr. Eisenhower him-
self, because of his instinctive con-
servatism, can provide such lead- -
If it is not provided by his suc-
cessor, the eleventh hour may slide
past without the revival of Ameri-
ca's purposefulness for which men
like Mr. Walter Lippmann and Mr.
George Kennan have been plead-
ing. But if leadership is forthcom-
ing an American who raises his
glass to Christmas need not feel
that he has drunk a toast to his
country's last decade of power.
-The Economist

story begins when Pat Boone, a
combined budding young genius
and loverboy, gives his Edinburgh
professor, James Mason, a three
shilling hunk of lava as a token
of esteem. It unleashes the secret
of a man already well traveled in
the underworld.
PAT AND JAMES hurry to the
rocky gates, picking up the widow
Arlene whose husband has been
murdered by a third rival - the
demented relative of the man who
first discovered the route to the
center of the Earth.
Discovery follows discovery,
though for a time the expedition
is harassed by the jealous relative.
He eventually proves almost
harmless and conveniently falls
under a rock slide. His life is not
wasted, however, for the rocks
that obligingly bury him open a
tunnel to Atlantis.
At this point, there remains
only ten minutes to the movie.
Jules is undaunted and pulls one
out of his imagination. The final
stunt is so ludicrous that it al-
lows the story to come to a satis-
fying conclusion.
* *I *
though only the most obnoxious
realist would want them answered.
How, for instance, do the flesh-
eating dimetrodons remain so
huge when the only edible food
down there are mushrooms? Or
why did the flesh-eating dimetro-
dons turn to eat their fallen lead-
er when Arlene Dahl was still
helpless before them?
James Mason was good as a
Sherlock Holmes-type geologist.
At times he seemed ready to break
out in a big smile. Pat Boone,
happily, was better in the movie
than on any of his poor TV pro-
grams. He provides some good, if
strained, humor.
* * *
FROM HIS mistaking a duck
scrounging for food to be a fel-
low prisoner tapping out the
Morse code in a foreign language,
to his prancing past some rather
excited nuns in his sheep's cloth-
ing - one can only wish Arlene
was given this chance - Boone's
humorous role provides direction
that becomes more important.
than the journey itself.
For those who like science fic-
tion, and can do without terror
or suspense, this is a good movie
to see.
-Thomas Brien
He Believes
five-feet-five and weighs more
than 200 pounds, and during his
recent visit to San Francisco the
hotel gotsout a special news re-
lease quoting the chef as saying
he was on a salt free diet. That
means high blood pressure and
certain temperamental character-
istics of interest to diplomats, just
as Mr. K's overweight is presum-
ably of interest to his pysicians.
He eats with gusto putting his
head down close to the plate. And
just when you think of him as a
comical clown with this peasant
origin written all over him he
rises to his feet for a speech
which, even through the translat-
or, is moving and menacing and
-The New Republic

(Continued from Page 2)
part of auditorium, east section: LaW
-front part of auditorium, east sec-
tion (behind Architecture).
Section B: Graduate - rear part of
aud. with doctors at west end; Publi
Health - Rm. 2004; Social Work -
Rm. 2004; Flint College - Em. 2004
(behind Social Work).
Section C: Engineering - Rm. 2054:
Business Administration - Rm. 2071;
Dental - Rm. 2033 (North end); Phar-
macy - Em. 2033 (North end); Nurs-
ing - Rm. 2033 (South end); Natural
Resources - Rm. 2023; Music - Rm
2023 (behind Natural Resources).
March into Hill Aud. - 1:45 p.a.
Academic dress.
Academic Costume. Can be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. University Ave.
Orders should be placed immediately.
Science Research Club Meeting.
Rackham Amphitheater, Tues., Jan. 5,
7:30 p.m. Program: "A Rational Ap-
proach to Cancer Chemotherapy" -
Armand J. Guarino, Biological Chemis-
try. "Applications for Nuclear Energy
in Space Exploration" - Theodore P.
Cotter, Physics. Introduction of new
members. Dues for 1959-60 accepted
after 7:15 pm.
The Stearns Collection of Musica
Instruments will be open on Tuesdays
and Fridays from 3 to 4 p.m. Enter at
East Circle Drive (across from the
organizational M e e t I n g. Franco-
American Ulversity Association. 8:00
p.m., International Center. All faculty
members, students, tourists, friends,
Frenchmen and countrymen Interested
in promoting closer French-American
inter-University contacts are cordially
invited to attend.
All interested persons are Invited to
attend a meeting of the Near Eastern
Club wed., Jan. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the
East Conference Rm., Rackham Bldg.
Gilbert Bursley will speak on his col-
lection of Muslim Armor.
Tickets now available for second se-
mester productions of the Dept. of
Speech Playbill.
Richard Wagner's opera, "Das Rhein-
gold." to be presented with the School
of Music, will play Tues., through Sat.,
March 1-5. Tickets at $1.75, $1.40, $1.00.
william Congreve's "The Way of the
World" will play Wed. through Sat.,
April 6-9. Tickets at $150, $1.10, 75c.
"Look Homeward, Angel," the Ketti
Frings adaptation of the Thomas Wolfe
novel, if available, will be presented
Wed. through Sat., April 27-30. Tickets
$1.50, 1.10, 75c.
The above productions wil play at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
At Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg.: The
premiere performance of an original
play, to be selected, Fri., and Sat., May
13 and 14. All tickets 75c, general ad-
mission unreserved seating.
Mail orders for tickets may be sent
to Playbill, .Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre, with self-addressed, stamped en-
velope, and check payable to Play Pro-
duction. Orders may be for any or all
of the four productions,. and should
express first, second, and third prefer-
ences of performance dates for each
Prospective teachers who plan to
take. the 'National Teacher Examina-
tions on Feb. 13 should submit appli-
cations immediately. Applications must
reach the Educational Testing Service,
20 Nassau St., Princeton,,N.Y. by Fri.,
Jan. 15.
An information bulletin and applica-
tion forms may be obtained in Rm. 122,
Rackham Bldg., or directly from Na-
tional Teacher Examinations in Prince-
At the one-day testing session a can-
didate may take the common examin-
ations, which include tests in profes-
sional information, general culture,
English expression and nonverbal rea-
soning In addition, each candidate
may take one or two optional examin-
ations which are designed to demon-
strate mastery of subject matter in
(Continued on Page 5)



Vision and Recoil

TAIPUR, India - This isn't just year's end,
but decade's end. Sure, all decades are ar-
tificial, but so is the natural. You have to draw
boundaries somewhere, and Nature and our
calendar makers have conspired to draw them
at the year, the decade, and the century.
If you want more functional boundaries for
the decade that has just passed into history,
make it start at that moment in 1950 when
Edward Teller, using a formula devised by a
mathematical fellow-scientist, solved the prob-
lem of making an H-bomb. And make it end
with two days in 1959 - the September day
when Khrushchev's big Russian jet brought
him to Idlewild on his American visit, and the
December day when an Air Force plane brought
Eisenhower to New Delhi and the climax of
his Asian tour.
What I am saying, obviously, is that what-
ever else the Fifties will be remembered for,
they will be remembered as the decade in
which humanity caught a glimpse of its own
possible brutish ending -- and shrank back
from what it saw in the mirror of the future.
It was the decade, then, of vision and recoil.
Call it, if you will, the decade of the Apoca-
ONE COULD say far worse things about oth-
er decades in human history. There are
also worse things to say about this one, for it
witnessed in its opening year the'emergence of
terror in American life in the form of the Mc-
Carthy shadow. It included also the Hiss and
Remington and Lattimore cases, the security
hunt, the "massive resistance" of the South
against the school decision, the frenzy of
youthful violence, the rise of the quiz shows
and the fall of Charles Van Doren, the Suez

But a decade is not the sum of its events,
even of its big events. We have to ask what
happened to the human animal and the hu-
man spirit in the decade, not by asking what
events happened in it nor even what sort of
personalities dominated it, but by asking what
was its ultimate inner vision, and what was
its response.
MUST ADD that the final vision of the Fif-
ties was a double, not a single one. We have
caught a glimpse of man destroying himself,
yes. But we have also caught a glimpse of man
manipulating man, reducing him to a cipher.
I refer, of course, to the discipline of motiva-
tional research which has come to be widely
known as the art of the "hidden persuaders."
The pathos of it lies not only in the fact that
there are men who can live only by manipu-
lating others, but also in the fact of so many
other men who are capturable and manip-
ulable. The scar left in our minds by the quiz
rigging scandal with which the decade closed
came not only from an Albert Freedman whose
motto was "Anything Goes," but also from* a
Charles Van Doren whose flaw was that he
was too weak to resist the manipulator.
LEST YOU think I give too cosmic an im-
portance to these episodes, let me say that
I do so largely because oj China. It is the nov-
elists of a decade who pierce most surely to
its vision. Early in the decade there was Nigel
Dennis's "Cards of Identity," the forerunner of
much of our current talk about the loss of
identity. Last year there was a too neglected
novel by Richard Condon, "The Manchurian
Candidate," which retold a McCarthy story in
terms of Chinese brainwashing. Both novels

Bike Rack Policy Irks Student

To the Editor:
that the University is beginning
the new year with a clean sweep--
but only of the bicycle racks, ap-
parently. Surely it must have
brought a warm New Year's glow
to the hearts of Msesrs. Hatcher,
Pierpont, Niehuss, Stirton and our
own James A. Lewis to beaable to
wander about the snow-covered
streets of Ann Arbor and observe
that nowhere on campus were the
bicycle racks cluttered up with
nasty, dirty old bicycles.
I am sure that most students
applauded when the administra-
tion decided to enforce the bike
parking bans in front of the Un-
dergraduate Library and the
Frieze Bldg. (Even though no one
did anything about that numeri-
cal lack of spaces.) "Back," our
administrators seemed to' be say-
ing, "into the bike racks with
those bikes."

there are times when it is much
more convenient to leave one's
bike parked overnight in the racks
-for instance when one's light
has burned out and one is not
anxious to run afoul of the Ann
Arbor city government. Are park-
ing meter's next?
These may seem harsh accusa-
tions but they are a part of a
much larger problem. The admin-
istration has got to cease its policy
of continually hounding students.
It is time that the administrative
branch of the University realize
that its SOLE excuse for existence
is to succor the faculty and stu-
dents of the University. THE UNI-
are treated like adults by the fac-
ulty, why does the administration
look on us as children?
-Philip Munck, '60

were in need of some of the funds.
It may be that as one should go
to the poor for charity, so he
should go to them for humility.
S * *
I AM a loan recipient. I feel
personally that here we have a
wonderful opportunity for stu-
dents in need to avail themselves
of the generosity of the American
people in helping them through
colleges and universities.
It does not offend me that in
return the people ask support for
their moral committment to have
governmental change through le-
gal procedure. Evolution, not rev-
olution. I think it is wise of the
people to ask this. They do not
- ask that we give up all our beliefs
or ideas about government. They
merely ask that we show care, re-
sponsibility and thought in the
changes we wish to make, if any.
Is this not the very definition of
serious intellectual effort?

trust we have of intellectualism in
this country. Now let's see how
paranoid we can be about that!
I AM NOT proposing that we
merely accept the fact of the loy-
alty oath's existence with resigna-
tion and defeat. That would be
more than foolish, and it would
mark us forever as the greatest
herd of clods ever to roam the
It does appear. to me however,
that the unfairness of the affida-
vit lies not in its existence per se,
but rather in the inconsistency of
application. -
THE RUB then seems to be
that we feel somewhat limited in
our freedom to think because of
the loyalty oath. Signing an oath
has never stopped anyone from
thinking as far as I know. It
would seem logical that more
ideas would flow from this re-

N'o Thanks .. .*
To the Editor:
MANY thanks to Sen. John P.
Smeekens for his penetrating
analyses of several of the most
prominent deaths in history. It
seems, though, that the senator is
so engrossed in the past that he
is unable to view clearly the slow,
tortuous death of his own state.,
The senator's solution for Mich-
igan's "purported" tax c r is i s
might be feasible if we were living
in the age of Socrates, or St. Ste-
phen, or St. Joan of Orleans; un-
fortunately, we are living in the
twentieth century. The thought
that " ..we as citizens demand
and respect ... a program whose
appropriation and ' expenditures
are confined within the limits of
revenues as received . . ." dis-
misses the fact that a more com-
plex society necessarily makes



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