.. Pill Rolling She trichgautBiy Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 When Opinions Are Free Truth Wil Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: KENNETH McELDOWNEY MORAL issue first appe that ther at all. J could not drugs was they said to take c Next w were mak profit, th their obl had to pa cost a gr that this on the d E FI be six ing. The their net higher tr runs acco facturers mittee h much hig ET S1 still heeded t This me old Sigm The ca controvei and does old argue for the r no one r tices of themselv H SO WH ressu possibilit publicity is trying he will d spect the He WI body of a "in viol SGC. Bu the soro to func campus. Little would be a service ASO' Drug Industry Should Be Put Under Government Control ITY SEEMS to be becoming the key In any case, there are companies such as in the drug price investigations. It Upjohn, which in ten years has earned more ared when drug companies complained than three times the total worth of the com- e was no reason for an investigation pany. This is considered to be a reasonable ust because there were people who Profit. afford the fantastic prices of some , This in essence is the crux of the matter. Up- s no reason to make an issue out of it, john maintains that the drug industry is a . There are always welfare agencies growth industry. Interpreted, this means that are of such problems. ,.they assert they can charge as much as they hen it was revealed that some drugs can get; and their main concern seems to be sing literally thousands of per cent in doing just this. ie drug industry replied that it was H igation to charge such prices. They iy for research on new products which enterprise principles of the system in which eat deal of money and the only way we live. To attack this basic principle could be was possible was to charge high prices interpreted as being un-American. bugs once they were developed. But is this so? Is the drug industry the same as any other industry in relation to that it IGURES involved, however, appear to produces for the consumer? This is disregard- mple enough to question this reason- ing the other factors being investigated; the drug companies spend six per cent of reasons why drugs in foreign countries sell at on research which is agreed to be a much lower price than in the United States han most other industries. The' profit even though they are produced by the same irding to the big pharmaceutical manu- company; the fact that drugs are sold to the at about 13%. The investigating com- government at a much lower price than to the as figures that place this profit at a general public; the fact that small companies gher amount. sell the same drugs at prices much lower than gher______unt,_ the big companies charge for the same drug; the fact that the large companies charge almost * Amexactly the same inflated price for certain drugs which could not be accidental; disre- garding all the issues of monopolistic practices LEEPING dogs lie" is a time-worn but carried on by these companies is the question. valuable suggestion. It could well be After all this, is this industry the same as any oday by at least one member of SOC. Other? mber proposes to dredge up the tired The drug industry is not. It deals with the a Kappa issue. lives of people in a more intimate way than al- ampus is tired of having this ancient most any other. All the progress made in con- rsy dragged through SGC meetings quering diseases, in extending the lifespan of not care to have to listen to the same humanity finds its expression in the products ments that have filled the newspaper of this same drug industry. past two years. To be perfectly frank, really cares about the pledging prac- IT WOULD BE no exaggeration to state that Sigma Kappa - except the members it has become the industry second only to ,es the food producers in its necessity to the lives of man. ATEVER this member's purpose is in This can be emphasized just by looking at recting the issue, it seems to have little those same arthritis sufferers that began the y of succeeding. If he is looking for whole controversy, men and women in their , ll he will find is notoriety; if he last years are depending on the benefits of to gain respect for the Council, all drugs just to be able to move their limbs. Such to is even further reduce the little re- dependency-in them and others-cannot be e campus has for it now, placed on the open market as it has been up LL succeed in reminding the student to now. a fiasco in which the sorority was found The government should take steps to con- ation of University regulations," by trol an industry as vital as this. Public utilities it this didn't really mean a thing, a have been government - regulated for many rity has continued and will continue years, yet still manage to make substantial tion as a recognized house on the profits. Such action would be the logical con- crete result of the present investigation in men puffed up with self-importance drugs. A government control is necessary so e doing themselves and everyone else that people do not have to spend what little if they "Let sleeping dogs lie." they have to promote "growth" industries. -MIKE GILLMAN -ARNOLD SAMEROFF THERS SEE IT: t. ~f ' -' _c '_". ," ' e :i z, _ a . v, . . . _. . , . . , .h r . "~4. " y 'T yrt$ 's° C w }'^. N'f a6i . Y.., _.; S f'.. ." ?;' ,'a r: :SL n. * i t. 4 .b. . ' ,- ." ' . i 3- F . fi. a r. ¢. * t r a' i ' e I = .: O 4. STANLEY QUARTET: Mozart, Williams Good; Beethoven Too Intense IN A WELL-RECEIVED concert last night, the Stanley Quartet played three profoundly individual and contrasting works. Magic, sleight- of-hand, these are the essence of Mozart's "Quartet in D major, K. 575" which opened the program. The first movement in particular seems to bloom from the most in- substantial melodic material, one idea springing from another. The last movement is an enigmatic Rondo built on the same theme as the first movement, but treated in a more muscular, linear fashion. TheStanley Quartet sounded, tohme, rather tense and uneasy throughout the work, but certainly the octave doublings -- which seemed to be Mozart's obsession in this piece - would have made Satan himself tense. "THE QUARTET in A minoi by the late Ralph Vaughan-Wil- liams struck me on first hearing as being very good music - un- ashamedly sensual, clear-eyed, non-neurotic. The second move- ment, perhaps the most memor- able part of the work, begins with a static, archaic-sounding choral, played very softly and without vi- brato.: Moments such as this, particu- larly in the second and fourth movements, emanated a kind of I 4 ! , a .r' .,. ::±~x' R: ,,, i" ..,yam ' :: IHerblock is away due to illness MAUIMt ttSL L Ui Pouiec MAX LERNER: Ache s and Echoes in India NEW DELHI - Dwight David Eisenhower has finally made it. In the opening ceremonies at the World Agricultural Fair the Indian Prime Minister bracketed him with the ascetic Indian hero and god incarnate-Mahatma Gandhi. The point Nehru made specifically was that both of them "found an echo in the hearts of our millions." Yet the linking of the two names was the final accolade that Nehru could bestow on his American visi- tor. If Ike was liked by the Indian masses yesterday, he will be re- vered tomorrow. * * * THE FAIR'S opening had none of the verbal fireworks that.marked the opening of another fair re- cently, at Moscow. It was a com- bination of an Easter Fifth Avenue parade and a planned bedlam, both of them held on a big circus ground. You crowded in through a lifted, improvised tent flap, and then pushed and were pushed to a huge dusty lot where Indians and Westerners were seated in separ- ate groupings as if to refute the general theme of togetherness in all the speeches. The Westerners wore tweeds and suits, the Indians wore their own colorful costumes which, alas, are also beginning to admit West- ern influences, such as black and white Enna Jettick sport-shoes under a lovely sari, or the dubious admission of nylons into the sari family. There were women with caste marks and nose jewels, looking more rather than less beautiful in middle age. There were old men in beautifully-pleated turbans and there were children everywhere, children carried, walking, being dragged. Then the waiting, an Indian tradition on every occasion, and the mounting tension as added thousands try to squeeze into a space that has long since ceased to exist while the ushers stand helpless, mumbling gentle words about the confusion. And then of course the speeches, as ,always. IN THIS SETTING President Eisenhower spoke his modest words about having been a farm boy and hoping to become a farmer again, and then launching on a kind of 4-H speech except that this one developed the cute homily of the 4-F's-food, family, friend- ship, freedom. If indeed the Presi- dent is engaged in a selling job here in India, then it is a soft sell he is pursuing. One might argue, as the London Economist does, that this soft sell is the exactly right approach in India, and that it conceals a major American policy change. The idea is that President Eisen- hower has decided on a shift of emphasis from military to eco- nomic aid and from the support of the developed European econ- omies to the support of the un- developed Asian and African econ- omies. The idea further is that his ambitious trip is meant to focus popular attention on the new area of support, and also to intensify the popular demand for peace without which the big sum- mit conference may fail. MAYBE SO. Yet the hard fact is that American aid to India could even today be far more abundant and effective if it were not not for policies and positions that President Eisenhower himself has taken. Foremost among these are the budgetary cuts which the President has been pushing and which scarcely create the right cli- mate for increased foreign aid pro- grams. The other is the new "buy American" policy adopted by the Development Loan Fund. It has been coming in for sharp criticism here. "Link," the magazine associated with Krishna Menon and his group has some bitter things to say even in its current issue about American aid. A change in the American cli- mate is not the only change that President Eisenhower will have to achieve. There will also have to be a change in the Indian climate, toward a greater generosity of at- titude toward American modes and motives of behavior. THERE ARE ancient woes in India that can be healed only by a massive effort on the part of its friends along with its own strength. These woes-poverty, ar- chaic methods of using land and manpower, superstition, overpopu- lation-will not yield easily. The expansion of heavy industry must be a major part of the attack, as must also a revolution in agricul- ture. But it is hard to achieve these changes without training a new group of leaders. Amidst the grace- ful amenities exchanged yesterday when President Eisenhower got an honorary degree at Delhi Univer- sity, no one could be expected to say that the Indian educational system is narrow, topheavy, and inflexible. ~n industry one of the greatest lacks is the lack of a class1 of skilled managers, whether in the private or public sectors. And at the village level where decen- tralized administration is recog- nized as being crucial, there is an! appalling scarcity of young men and women willing to devote themselves to the tasks of village lekrship- India's young peopl have talent, intelligence and a hunger for knowledge. India has the human resources for a great democratic elite. But it has not found a way of training them or of infusing them with fire. The Stanley Quartet Gustave Rosseels, violin Gilbert Ross, violin Robert Courte, viola Oliver Edel, cello intuitive warmth, rather than the rigorous, logic and hyper-expres- sivity which the twentieth cen- tury has come to expect of the string quartet medium. Listening to the "Quartet in F mino, Opus 95" of Beethoven is a violent and not altogether plea- sant experience. Beethoven's ab- sorption in eccentric rhythmic and harmonic figures, reaches a radical depth in the Opus 95. So much energy is generated by, these figures that every moment is painfully intense. The Stanley Quartet projected the violence and intensity of the work whether all the notes were there or not. There were some snatches of bad intonation and bad ensemble throughout the evening, but the music itself was evident without exception. It is unfortunate that such a generally good concert was per- formed for a relatively sparse au- dience. Those planning musical perforomance calendars might do well to space such offerings as the Tuesday choral concert and last night's Stanley Quartet farther apart. There can be surfeit of mu- sic. --David Sutherland LABOR: Strike 'Historic' IT IS ALWAYS hazardous to write chapter headings for fu- ture historians. Nevertheless, we venture the statement that the current steel strike will be char- acterized by future labor histor- ians as the event which marked a decisive reversal of the generally favorable environment which la- ,bor has enjoyed since the early thirties. From Roosevelt's first in- augural onward, American labor --despite many setbacks and some of the harshest struggles in its history - steadily gained strength relative to management. In the post-World War II years, some- thing approaching equality of bar- gaining strength may actually have been achieved - for a brief period. But the counter-trend which has set in with the steel strike will, in our view, continue for some years to come. It is, therefore, logical that sections of industry should seize on this mo- ment in labor's history to clamor for direct, coercive governmental intervention in industrial rela- tions. -The Nation GUSTAVE ROSSEELS ... newest Quartet member DAILY OFFICIAL BULIETI The Daily Official Bulletin is al official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsiblity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 'p.m. the day preceding. publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1959 VOL. LXX, NO 71 General Notices Second Semester Registration Notice: All students who are interested in as- sisting with second semester registra- tion Feb. 3-6, 1960, must fill out a st- dent registration help application. These applications must be obtained from the receptionist in Rm. 1020 Ad- min Bldg., during the hour' of 8:00 a.m., to 5:00 p.m. Wed., and Thurs., Dec. 16 and 17. All applications must be returned to Rm. 1020 by 5:00 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 17. Late applications will not be accepted under any circum- stances. Prospective Teachers wishing to take the National Teacher Examination may secure an information bulletin and .an application blank from the Examina- tions and Testing Division, Rm. 122, Rackham Bldg., or directly from the National Teacher Examinations, Educa- tional Testing Service, 20 Nassau St., Princeton, N.J. Applications must be mailed to reach the Princeton office no later than Jan. 15. Applications for The University of Michigan Sponsored Research Fellow- ships to be awarded for the spring semester, 1959-60, are now being ac- cepted in the office of the Graduate School. The stipend is $1,125 plus regis- tration fee per semester. Application forms are available froni the Graduate School. Only applicants who have been employed on sponsored research for at least one year on at least a half time basis are eligible and preference will be given to applicants who have corn. pleted the equivalent of at least one full semester of graduate work at the time of application. Applications and supporting material are due in the office of the Graduate School not later than 4:00 p.m., Fri., Jan. 8. Library Hours During Christmas Va- cation: The General Library, the Un- degraduate Library, and all division- al libraries, except the Music Library, will be open on regularly scheduled hours until noon on Sat., Dec. 19. The Music Library will be closed Sat. The University Libraries will be open on short schedules beginning Mon., Dec. 21, and will resume regular hours on Mon., Jan. 4. Libraries will be closed Sat., Dec. 26 and Jan. 2; Sun., Dec. 27 and Jan. 3; also Thurs., Dec. 24, Fri., Dec. 25 and Fri., Jan. 1. The General Library and the Under- graduate Library will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the following days: Mon.,Dec. 21 through Wed., Dec. 23, and Mon., Dec. 28 through Thurs., Dec. 31. Vacation hours for divisional, libraries will be posted on the doors of (Continued on Page 5) 4 4i I A 'Payola' and Cultural Values IN ANOTHER six months, the specific revela- tions of fraud and corruption within the broadcasting industry will be pretty well for- gotten. Americans may have long memories for personal indignities, but they have no lasting taste for distant embarrassment. Who today remembers the girl who got the mink coat in Mr. Truman's day? Who got the home freez-; ers? Who were the five percenters? Just so, the particular details of this sick- ening mess will be lost in the stink of some- thing else. The fired disc jockeys will sit be- fore new microphones; the lipstick company's stock will recover its six-point loss; the pro- ducers of rigged quiz shows will go on to other enterprises. And doubtless Mr. Van Doren, the Shoeless Joe Jackson of Morningside Heights, will find gainful employment somewhere. There will be, we suppose, some new laws. One of the ironies of this business is that the political quacks, missing the real illness, will prescribe a poultice of bills and acts and regu- lations having the force and effect of law, and the broadcasting industry, which can be cured only from within, will be further weakened by ministrations from without. IN BRIEF, an opportunity for national self- examination predictably will be lost. As a people, we have little stomach for introspec- tion. It is so much easier to shout, "them dir- ty crooks!" or to cry, "There oughta be a law," than to look squarely at the dirty pejorative, payola, in all of its wretched implications, and to ask ourselves how we got this way. The fault lies wholly in ourselves, and in the sort of shallow, materialist society we have built for our country. Here we sit in our inner- spring cocoons, fashioned of infinite soft self- It o 4V At WM M73Mfi deceptions, and stare at the disc jockeys out- side. Who will cast the first stone? Will it be the farmer, paid for not farming his land? Or will it be the executive, padding his ex- pense account? Will it be the railroad fireman who tends no fires, the brakeman who touches no brakes? Will it be the student who cheats? Will it be the veteran who fakes a disability? The bureaucrat who makes useless work? The politicians who buy votes? The special interests who buy politicians? The merchant whose fan- cy package conceals a shoddy product? Who is the condemner, who the condemned? ALL THIS is not to condone for an instant the greedy, cynical and irresponsible con- duct of those persons in the broadcasting in- dustry whose contempt for the American boob is now so shockingly revealed. They are reap- ing their own whirlwind. It is merely to sug- gest that we get this scandal in perspective, painful as the process may be. If a handful of disc jockeys and teen-agers' idols have been able to prostitute themselves by promoting popular recordings for personal profit, where does the blame lie? Where, basic- ally, does it lie? If the quiz shows have been able to play millions of vewers for suckers. where did the suckers come from? If so whole- some a program as the Firestone Hour can be forced out of existence by a Trendex rating, who created an atmosphere in which money is everything and quality nothing? ONE DOES not have to search far for the answers. When our schools are crowded with "crip courses," and our ministers are ab- sorbed in the intricacies of administration, and our familes have left t to somebody else to in- culcate cultural values in their children, and I LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Soap, Standards, Sigma Kappa Subjects 'A (Editor's Note: The following let- ter was sent to Vice-President Mar- vin L. Niehuss with a copy to The Daily, President Harlan Hatcher, Vice-President Wilbur Pierpont and Mr. Leonard Schaadt.) Mr. Marvin L. Niehuss 1220 Fair Oaks Pkwy. Ann Arbor, Michigan Dear Sir: I read with great interest the article in last Saturday's Daily concerning your recent election as president of the Michigan Health Council. At this time I would like to extend my personal congratu- lations to you. It is, however, in my opinion, quite ironical that you - a vice- president of our University - should be elected to this post. Why students do not wash their hands at all those opportune moments that health authorities harp on. This, I feel, is a definite health hazard, * * * THt University does not only refuse to provide soap, but it also prohibits the individual houses from providing soap with money from their respective treasuries. To make matters worse, Univer- sity officials have refused to dis- cuss this situation with students and offer no concrete reasons for the lack of soap. MI Yes, your recent election does constitute somewhat of an ironic situation. Here you are, the lead- er of an organization designed to promote the health of the people Language Exam . To the Editor: SEVERAL comments and ques- tions have been directed to members of the Graduate Student Council indicating that a consid- erable amount of misunderstand- ing and misinformation exists, among the graduate student body concerning recent changes in the Foreign ° Language Examinations for the Doctorate. The main change in the former examination procedure has been the addition of a Graduate Screen- ing Examination in French and German. The adoption of these screening examinations appears to be the main point of concern among graduate students. its name implies, a means of indi- cating such lack of knowledge to the students concerned. For these students, then, time would much better be spent reviewing basic grammar in.the language. Since the screening examination requires only one hour of the stu- dent's time, and will provide no difficulty for the adequately pre- pared student, it is a convenient and quick means of providing in- formation to those students who would not be able to pass the written examination. For the less inadequately prepared student it will serve to indicate areas where some additional review should be made before undertaking the written examinations. Sigma Kappa .. . To the Editor: UPON READING The Michigan Daily of December 15 I was quite taken aback at the proposed action to be taken by Phil Zook, '60, regarding the aged issue of Sigma Kappa sorority on this campus. I am of the opinion, as I am sure very many persons on this campus are, that over the past couple of years the issue of bias in Sigma' Kappa has been thor- oughly and completelyaconsidered and reconsidered by various or- ganizations at Michigan. Now the matter has about reached a point of mockery, and any further ac- tion by Mr. Zook or anyone else is i,," u, k-r,inar" the name 41 I A