Severe' Year Brings Cash Deficits for U',Staft (Continued from Page 1) (~) SGC Revised .. At its January meeting, the Re- gents asked for review of the Stu- dent Government Council Plan, calling attention to the "ambigu- ity" of the section concerning rec- ognition of student organizations. Their decision came in response to appeals from the Faculty Sen- ate and SGC which protested the Board in Review's overruling the Council. The Board in Review had reversed the SGC vote which withdrew recognition from Sigma Kappa sorority on grounds that the group violated a University rule against discrimination. A faculty-student-administra- tion Clarification Committee prof- ferred a new plan for the Coun- cil after June exams ended, fol- lowing a heated meeting where one student member walked out. Finally approved at the Novem- ber Regents meeting, the plan calls for a major change in review' of SGC action. A Committee on Referral, to take the place of the Board in Review, may now be called to meet when: 1) the Vice- President for Student Affairs con- templates vetoing a Council ac- tion, or 2) four or more members of the Committee on Referral be- lieve an action may involve juris- dictional questions, procedural ir- regularities or "unreasonable ac- tion." It was this last condition for re- view that caused vehement stu- dent opposition in the Clarifica- tion Committee meetings -- two students declared then "unreason- able action" would only add an- other ambiguous term to the plan. Integration Stand The University's top policy- making body, the Regents, also sat up in their deep leather chairs at the November meeting to adopt the first University bylaw against discrimination. To be used as a "directive" for the administration, it states: "The University, shall not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, creed, nation- al origin or ancestry. "Further, it shall work for the elimination of discrimination: 1) in private organizations recog- nized by the University, and 2) from non-University s o u r c e s where students and the employes of the University are involved." Illustrating the "steady prog- ress' already made in this area, President Hatcher pointed to fra- ternity-sorority bias clauses. The Fraternity Presidents de- cided to work against "arbitrary selectivity" when they held their Island Lake Retreat last summer. The Interfraternity Council will help local and national groups to do away with "arbitrary selectiv- ity" as written and practiced, it was stated. Further work on discrimination, from non-University sources came in sporadic thrusts against unfair rental policies. Ann Arbor's Hu- man Relations Commission re-+ ported to the City Council in+ March, we "must unequivocally state that in our community dis- crimination in housing exists." It+ recommended that the City Coun- cil take "appropriate government- al action." Perhaps the most concrete Uni- versity progress was a decision not to ask for photographs of appli- cants with women's residence hall application forms. Censure Lifted,.. Resolving a conflict which stretched back to the nationwide Communist hearings of 1954, in October the University was offi- vis of the mathematics depart- ment - left after refusing to an- swer questions concerning past or present identification with the Communist Party. A Lansing sub- committee of the House Un-Amer- ican Activities Committee inves- tigated the two, along with Prof. Clement Markert of the zoology department, who was reinstated after censure. A last echo of the case came Dec. 9 when the Supreme Court refused to review Davis' convic- tion for contempt of Congress. Record 'U' Budget This year marked a record $33.4 million state appropriation to the University, despite the "cash crisis." Over two million dollars higher than any preceding budget, the The start of the Institute was in line with the University's "new role" of emphasis on research which President Hatcher outlined in his October State of the Uni- versity address. And research received even fur- ther consideration when a new Vice-Presidency for Research was created in the fall. Ralph A. Saw- yer, dean of the graduate school and director of the Phoenix Proj- ect, was named to the post. Dearborn Center The University's Dearborn Cen- ter opened its brand new doors to 33 students in September, offering a unique work-study program to Juniors in business administration and engineering. Two of its four efficiently mod- ern buildings - total cost $4,250,- 000 - stood ready for the class of '61, which had been predicted earlier in the year at near-100. Uncertain Legislative appropria- tion and consequent hesitation over Dearborn's opening caused the "pilot program," its director University Vice-President William Stirton said. Built to serve "the heart of the southeastern Michigan industrial complex," the Center sponsors a program where students spend two quarters studying at school and two quarters working in in- dustry. "It's not big now but it's going to be. The Dearborn concept is an addition to education and I'm convinced it's going to be a rich addition. If I didn't believe this, I wouldn't have left my job in in- dustry," one of the instructors declared. "An optimum teaching situa- tion right now," another called his 11- and nine-student classes. Several hundred students were enrolled in extension courses at Dearborn, including a real estate class and a survey of the Soviet Union. Urban Renewal ... Afterla grueling campaign Cecil 0. Creal won the Ann Arbor may- oralty over Democratic opponent Lloyd Ivesron election day April 6. Devoted to the need for a new fire station and the need not to raise taxes "which have gone as high as they can," Creal's plat- form stated: "It's my belief that to plan for the future you've got to have a background of the past." Under Creal's guidance, the city voted to establish a Citizen's Re- habilitation Committee to look after the pressing urban renewal problem. The vote came over op- position' from Councilman Ives who had strongly backed profes- sional guidance in urban renewal. The question - to renew or not -pestered the city throughout the year. Even the inhabitants of the renewal area itself, a rectangle four blocks wide running from Ann Street to the railroad tracks, were unsure. While one resident said, "I defi- nitely dislike living with rats," an- other asserted "the possibility of urban renewal has retarded volun- tary rehabilitation in this area." P resident's Trip, 0* 0 1 President Hatcher carried through the "personal diplomacy" evident on the national scene and made a six-week Spring tour of Russia. His mission as head of a dele- gation of scholars was to observe Soviet efforts in the humanities. Reviewing the tour for a Univer- sity crowd in Hill Auditorium, President Hatcher described a "na- tion in ferment"-"wherever we turned we could not escape the sense of vigor and participation. "The Soviet Union has paid handsomely for education," he told listeners, "and my fullest observation shows they have made it pay." He stressed Russian concern over the fine arts -- music, drama and ballet -- but had reserved praise for the humanities and so- cial sciences, which he said are still doctrinaire. Attic Dweller.. . And the University's most fa- mous student returned to classes in the year 1959. Attic-dwelling Chheng Guan Lim made head- lines around the country when he was discovered in the attic of a local church, after living there four years on leftover food from the church kitchen. Lim, a native of Singapore, had transferred to the University in 1952. But by 1954 his academic record in mathematics and physics had started to slip and in fall 1955 he went into hiding to "save face." Police found Lim in the church when they investigated footsteps heard by a night watchman. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR from THE PIPE CENTER 1209-A S. University URBAN RENEWAL AND THE JUNKYARDS-Although the city may find money to rehabilitate homes in the four-block renewal area, it is doubtful whether funds can be found to clear out these Junkyards.. NATO: France Opposes Aied Unified Defense System " Broken lenses duplicated " Frames replaced " :Contact lens fluid sold PARIS P) -France's 14 NATO allies argued in vain yesterday that the French should agree to a unified NATO air defense system. The debate was part of a United Statesd-led campaign for over-all integration of Atlantic Alliance military forces. A NATO spokesman said most members of the alliance appear to sets world Speed kMark WASHINGTON (M?) - The Air Force claimed a new world speed record yesterday-1,520.9 miles per hour. The pilot who flew the P104 jet + fighter two and a third times the speed of sound talked afterwards as though he was less perturbed A during the 35 minutes of flight Tuesday than during the succeed- inig 12 hours if checking to make sure he had a new mark. Maj. Joseph W. Rogers of Wor- hington, Ohio, on his first try for a speed record, made it in a Delta Dart aircraft, instrumented and Sloaded for its Job as an all-weather fighter. He :took it up from Ed- wards Air Force Base in Cali- fornia. His speed bettered the Soviet claim in October of a world record for an E66 fighter that flew 1,483 miles an hour. The fastest previous United States flight was 1,404 miles an hour, on May 16, 1958. Twelve hours of studying the radar and photographic record of Rogers' flight satisfied the Air Force that the level course re- quirement had been met. The record was eligible to file with the Federation Aeronautique Interna- tionale, which passes on claims for world flight records. support the United States program for integration of all forces under international command. The dispute over air defense dominated proceedings at the NATO meeting for a second day as the 15 members were' informed by the United States that the Soviet Unior has built a power- ful nuclear and missile system under a fourth arm of its military forces. Ar Moscow propaganda broad- cast heard last night accused the NATO delegates in Paris of keep- ing their "war chariot on an ag- gressive course." Extraordinary Session It was announced last night the NATO defense ministers will meet' in an extraordinary session today to try to find common language on the issue of air integration. Authoritative informants said that despite French objections NATO's Secretary General Paul- Henri Spaak insisted the alliance cannot ignore the integration is- sue. It was largely through Spaak's insistence the extraordinary ses- lon was called. The United States stood firm in the fight for integration despite French anger over the way the question was raised. France wants to retain control of its forces. Integration Question It appeared that the concentra- tion by Spaak and United States officials on the air defense issue was their avenue of approach to the over-all integration) question. Britain, West Germany and Bel- gium gave support to the Ameri- can view that the alliance must have an integrated international command. Franz Josef Strauss, West Ger- man defense minister, rapped what he called "special egoistic in- terests. within NATO." He said NATO must decide whether it is to be a "modern system of alliance or a conglomeration of national states with the United States withdrawing to its continent." ATTIC BED-Cheng Guan Lim, the University student who stayed four years under the rafters of a local church, spent his days lying motionless on this cot in order to avoid detection. He was dis- covered by police in late August. CAMPUS OPTICIANS 240 Nickels Arcade NO 2-9116 AIRPORT TAXI SERVICE To METROPOLITAN AIRPORT $2.50 per person (in groups of four) I cially removed from the censure list of the American Association of University Professors. The AAUP had censured the University in March, 1958, for vio- lating principles of academic free- dom and tenure in the 1954 dis- missal of two faculty members without severance pay. Clearance came after the Re- gents in January guaranteed sev- erance pay to academic personnel dismissed before expiration of their appointment. The two professors dismissed without pay in 1954 - Prof. Mark Nickerson of the pharmacology department and H. Chandler Da- July legislative decision assured a general nine per cent raise for fac- ulty and staff - President Hatch- er said the University was "pleased" since faculty salaries "is our area of greatest concern, and one in which we have felt increas- ing competition in the past year." The Institute of Science and Technology, a dream motivated by Sputniks and sadly over-crowded research facilities, became a real- ity with this appropriation. A sum of $500,000 was set aside for the Institute to begin operations which began in effect when Prof. Robert R. White was appointed its director. h ,, '. t, - to WILLOW RUN $1.50 per person (in groups of four) YELLOW & CHECKER CAB CO, PHONE NOW for reservations - NO 3-4244 or NO 3-2424 4 4r £fri~Iiin D43at! Second Front Page December 17, 1959 Page 3 I I I I I I A CHRISTMAS CARD is a smile you send To a friend you seldom meet, A CHRISTMAS CARD is a moment spent With a memory you find sweet, A CHRISTMAS CARD expresses cheer, Good will and friendship too, For within the message each one brings IS A UTTLE PART OF YOU You will find f pyRUST CRAFT is 0~V~CL r c ~ C~c~ctct 14 a ~r+ 14U 14 .. R4 U* F OUR GALA SHIRT by Adelaar goes goy , and giddy for the' holidaysl Of white k drip-dry dacron and cotton, it adds a surprise touch to the \:}< 1 14N festivities with a rhinestone-sparkled multicolor "mine" printed on the "{ back..10 to1 16 sizes. 7.98 ., Robes of Viyela y ir NIGHT OPENINGS MONDAY,21st TUESDAY, 22n2 A man wants his robe to be light in weight, warm, distinctive in pattern, and to express his instinct for quality. Just such a robe is Viyella... nature's own fibers in a superb blend of lambswool and Egyptian cotton. H E995 OTHER ROBES from $15.95