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December 16, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-16

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See Page 4

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

Dai iiij

Mild temperatures
continuing tonight.

VOL LXX, No. 70




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SOVIET EXHIBIT -- Vice-President Richard Nixon shows Nikita Khrushchev a washing machine
during the exhibit at Sokolniki Park in Moscow this summer. The display at Moscow and the ex-
change exhibit in New York City have been described as successful ventures in exchange programs.
'New Diplomacy' Top Story

If there are historians to record
1959, they may legitimately call it
a year in which towering men
paced a shrinking globe.
Because the men moved, so did
whole nations. Because the' men
talked, so did the whole world.
And because the men smiled, the
Cold War thawed, if only slightly.
The men, in uncertain order,
were Dwight Eisenhower, Nikita
Khrushchev, Charles de Gaulle,
Jawaharlal Nehru, Konrad Ade-
nauer, Harold Macmillan.
New Diplomacy...
Together they are evidence for
the year's most important story:
the Rise of Personal Diplomacy.
At no time in modern history
did the leaders of great peoples
travel so far and talk so much as
they did in 1959.
Their story is a continuous one,
for at this moment the President
of the United States travels some-
where in Europe, closing his 22,-
000 mile peace mission.
The President left America Dec.
3, with the words: "I have rela-
tively few months left, and I de-
cided to . . . make an effort that
no President was ever called on
before to make . . . I feel a com-
pulsion to visit a number of coun-
tries . . . and tell them exactly
what I believe the United States
is trying to do; that our basic
aspiration is to search out methods
z by which peace in the world can
be assured with justice for every-
body . .
The peoples of Asia have re-
sponded to the President's appeal.
But when he steps off his trail in
Paris this weekend, his appeal will
have to be at least as great.
In Paris wait de Gaulle, Mac-
millan and Adnauer - leaders
of the three European powers.
They undoubtedly wait with an-
a-ticipation and probably some
*anxieties, for all has not been
pleasant for the Westsin 1959.
Disagreements. . .
Eisenhower will face a major
talks in Paris-that of trying to
help mitigate differences among
the Allies as they prepare for sum-
mit talks with the Russians next
An important factor in Western
differences is the steadily increas-
ing influence of de Gaulle, host at,
the Western Summit.
In one of the year's remarkable
political movements, de Gaulle as-
* sumed the French presidency in,
January.hHe found himself the
head of a country beset by trouble;
for example, France pays some
three million dollars each day of
its five-year war in Algeria. The
new president's goal: the restora-
tion of French greatness.
Over the last 12 months, de
Gaulle has taken a number of
dynamic stands and gained an in-
creasingly powerful role in world
politics. He finally succeeded set-
ting back any East-West summit
meeting until he first visits the
United States, then talks with
Russian Premier Khrushchev in
March. De Gaulle also wants
France to go ahead with the pro-
jected test of its first atom bomb,
and he has toured Algeria and
asked the rebellious nationalist
leaders there to come to Paris
under safe conduct to discuss a'
Also in Paris this week will be
England's Macmillan, undoubtedly
more confident because of the
recent comfortable victory of his
Conservative Party in the British
And with Macmillan will be his
ally, but opponent over various
Western policy questions, Ger-

Berlin Problem .
Germany-and more specifically,
divided Berlin-has been the core
of debate for months between East
and West, but also among the
Macmillan wants some form of
interim settlement on the question
of West Berlin's future. The United
States has generally gone along
with the British attitude.
But Adenauer has consistently
opposed any discussion of West
Berlin at the summit, unless it is
within the larger context of the
whole German problem.
He feels that any concessions to
the Russians might damage both
Germany and the Western posi-
tion in Europe.
De Gaulle shares Adenauer's
misgivings about negotiations over
West Berlin, but the British in-
sist the larger German issue should
not be brought up, since Russia is
not willing to settle such a ques-
tion except in its own terms.
De Gaulle has also insisted on
a "global agenda" for the summit
conference next spring, and is re-
The top stories of 1959:
1) Rise of Personal Diplom-
acy; the travels of Eastern and
Western leaders.
2) Conflict and Disagreement
Blur the Way to the Summit.
3) Nehru and Asian Ferment.
4) Castro and Latin America.
5) The Steel Strike.
6) The 1960 Presidential Race
71 Herter and Geneva.
8) The Space Race.
9) Hawaiian Statehood.
10) Deaths of Dulles, Marshall.
portedly displeased with the other
powers' desire to keep the agenda
The western nations will also
have to deal with other issues af-
fecting their unity, including
France's resistance to integrating
of European NATO forces and a
growing rivalry between the two
European trade blocs.
Waiting quietly east of Europe
while the Allies look for internal
unity is the heavy, hard-thinking
little manĀ° who inspired a great
number of world headlines in 1959,
Russian Premier Nikita Khrush-

He has not uttered a word of
protest at the delays caused by
Western disagreements. He has
spent a full year, visiting with
Macmillan in Moscow last Feb-
ruary and with Mao-Tse-Tung
and Eisenhower this fall.
The news that Khrushchev
would exchange visits with the
President of the United States
was probably the single'.most im-
portant news event of the year. It
broke in late August,~following an
exciting two-week trip through
the Soviet Union by Vice-Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon.
Khrushchev stood in the corn-
fields of Iowa, at the speaker's
table of the United Nations, and
on the quiet grounds of Camp Da-
vid during his American travels.
He talked peace, but firmly. And,
now he waits with apparent pa-
tience for the return visit of the
President and the resolving of
Western difficulties.
Disarmament ...
Regarding Berlin, Khrushchev
has said he wants a peace treaty
and designation of West Berlin as
a free city.
Regarding disarmament, the
Russian premier announced in
December his concept of "univer-
sal disarmament." Russia, he said,
is willing to destroy all its stock-
piles immediately if such a pro-
gram is adopted.
But the Red Premier's idea im-
plies a four-year disarmament
pattern with no controls until the
'program is complete. The West
splits with Khrushchev on the is-
sue of effective controls, arguing
for a step-by-step disarmament
program based on specific, effec-
tive controls. (Here the West Ger-
mans hedge slightly, fearing any
limited agreements over Europe
might result in neutralizing and
disarming them.)
No one could smother the nu-
clear fuse in 1959, and the disar-
mament issue continues as one of
the critical points in internation-
al relations.
Farther yet to the East is the
struggling Asian democracy of
India, ridden not only by popu-
lation and hunger problems, but
by new enemies - the Red Chin-
Earlier in the year, Red China
rampaged through Tibet and has
lately caused much turmoil along
the Indian border.
In the midst of the rising threat
See PERSONAL,'Page 3

Warns Allies
Of Possible
U.S. Cutback
Aims Old Criticism
At de Gaule Policy
PARIS (P) - Secretary of State
Christian A. Herter yesterday
challenged President Charles de
Gaulle's go-it-alone NATO policy.
He hinted at possible United
States troop cutbacks in Europe
unless the Allies shoulder a full
share of the defense burden.
Herter echoed United States
military leaders' dissatisfaction
with the drift of the Western al-
liance in a major, 40-minute
speech opening the annual con-
ference of NATO foreign min-
On the question of United
States commitments to NATO,
Herter told the 14 other partners
in NATO:
Will Maintain Troops
"Let me assure this Council
categorically that as long as the
Soviet threat to our collective se-
curity exists and NATO continues
to command the loyal participa-
tion of all of its other members,
it is the policy of the United
States to maintain American
troops as an effective part of the
shield in Europe."
Herter then warned that the
ability of his government to ob-
tain appropriations from Congress
to maintain United States troop
strength in Europe is "related to
the degree of effort and determin-
ation demonstrated by our NATO
Under 'One Command
The Secretary of State, insist-
ing that NATO forces must -re-
main under one command, de-
clared: "We must maintain the
principle of an integrated defense
But de Gaulle, who has pulled
the bulk of his military forces out
from under the NATO command,
stood pat. He told members of
Parliament who called on him
that he remained opposed to in-
"During the last two wars," he
said, "allied forces were not inte-
grated. Nonetheless, they won vic-
Softened Edge
Foreign Minister Maurice Couve
de Murville of France apparently
tried to soften the edge of de
Gaulle's sharp NATO policy, tell-
ing his fellow foreign ministers:
"We must maintain the balance
of our forces. NATO is indispen-
sable and we require the support
of the United States in Europe."
Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd
of Britain backed Herter strongly.
He said the NATO military effort
cannot be founded on nationally
directed, forces alone.
Herter's speech wound up with
a proposal for a 10-year plan to
revitalize NATO for a global war
of nerves against the Soviet
In order to assure what he called
"a decade of peace with security,"
Herter proposed that the NATO
Council get machinery going for
some long-range planning in five
areas - political, military, arms
control, scientific and economic.





Ike Relaxes Aboard Ship



in Atens

Greeks Give
Wild Ovation
To President





KING, PRESIDENT WAVE-President Dwight Eisenhower and King Paul of Greece were received by
750,000 spectators as they rode through the gaily decorated streets of Athens Monday. During his stay,
the President was cheered at the 120-year-old Parliament hall at Athens-a cheer led by Communist-
line deputies. After departing from Greece, the President boarded a cruiser in the Mediterranean.
Witers To Miss UMW Head

Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
To the nation's features writers
and columnists, to cartoonists
everywhere, this is a black day in
John L. Lewis is quitting, and
where shall we find another?
. This volcano of a man, who
spewed molten prose, who roared,
who glowered, who threatened,
seemed born to be caricatured, to
be described and quoted, to be
hated violently or to be followed
In recent years he has been
comparatively quiet. But in the
background he could be heard oc-
casionally, grumbling and rum-
Now, at 79, John L. is stepping
down as head of the United Mine
Workers Union that he dominated
so long, and an incredible era has
Others May Assess
Let others assess whether Lewis
wielded his enormous power for
good or forevil.Let others ponder
whether he might have been a
more effective force if he had not
been so insistent on playing a
lone, though grandiloquent, hand.
Let's go back a dozen or so
years to another time . . . when
if a Congressman cried out against
labor bosses, you knew he meant
John L. Lewis.
Ah, spring will never be the
same in Washington again.
Once spring meant magnolias,
cherry blossoms, tourists - and
the end of the miners' contract.
Great Wrath
Then up rose John L. Lewis,
and great was his wrath.
Even his silence looked cosmic.
When Lewis decided on the silent
treatment, he could stalk majes-
tically through a crowd of report-
ers like-as one columnist put it--
a frigate sailing through a school
of minnows.
Then the contract would be
MSU Council
Favors ROTC
As Voluntary
demic Council at Michigan State
University recommended last night
that compulsory military training
(RO TC) at that school be placed
on a voluntary basis by September;

Suddenly the snows melted on tentedly from his fat cigar, and he
the summit. The famed eyebrows, would disclose details of another

which had been lowered to half
mast, would return to their normal
Greets Reporters
Reporters would be greeted by'
their first names. Lewis's laugh
would become an amiable bellow,
the smoke would float up con-
G'' May Get
Pay on t ime
Prospects are the University's'
January payroll will be met on
schedule; although the State Ad-
ministrative Board yesterday
passed over educational institu-
tions in its allocation of funds,
a University official said.
At its weekly meeting the Board
set aside $1.8 million in what he
termed a "contingency fund" for'
reserve payments, including uni-
versity payments, payroll and wel-
fare responsibilities.
Although it was expected that
the University would be paid yes-
terday, the delay presents no diffi-
culty because the payroll for which
funds are due is not scheduled to
be met until Jan. 5.

fat contract.
This is a timid age, and the
words are weasel. If a politician
wants to call another politician a
liar, he says his opponent is some-
thing less than candid.
Who is left who can spend his
words so abundantly, so lavishly,
as Lewis?
Different Meeting
Ten years ago I wandered into
a congressional hearing on mine
safety. Normally safety is im-
portant but dull. Yet here was
John L. Lewis, crying out that
1,259,081 miners had been
"maimed, mangled and killed" in
the past 19 years.
"A million and a quarter!"
Lewis- thundered. "If I had the
powers of a Merlin, I would march
that million and a quarter men
past the Congress of the United
States-the quick and the dead.
"I would have the -ambulatory
injured drag the dead after them,
so the Congress might see; and I
would have the men whose eyes
were shot out and who were dis-
emboweled in the mines crawl in
that procession along the cob-
blestones so that the Congress
might see them trailing their
bowels after them."
Dante didn't do much better in
describing the inferno.

Last Cheers Cap Visit
Regarded as Triumph
From Start to Finish
-President Dwight D. Eisenhower
relaxed at sea last night still
warmed by the electrifying ovation
his message of peace in freedom
received from the Greek parlia-
The wild shouts and applause
that echoed through the 120-year-
old parliament hall at Athens were
led by Communist-line deputies.
,t was the loudest and longest ova-
tion the President has received
from any body of legislators dur-
ing his visits to seven nations.
The cheers capped a visit that
was a triumph from start to finish.
Some 750,000 Athenians hailed
him like a returning Trojan war
hero on his arrival Monday.
Athens was a riot 'of crowds,
flags, balloons and banners up to
the time the President boarded a
helicopter in front of the Olympic
Stadium and flew to the United
States cruiser Des Moines in Phal-
eron Bay.
Even as he steamed away, he
was pursued by a foghorn sym-
phony from scores of motor
launches, fishing boats and other
small craft.
Ten years ago American aid was
instrumental in defeating Greek
Communists in a bloody civil war.
Yesterday 78 Communist-line dep-
uties in parliament, mostly from
the United Democratic Left (EDA),
hailed the American President
when he declared he wished to
speak "on a cause close to my
heart . . . the cause is peace and
friendship in freedom."
Zook To Ask
Sigma Kappa
On the agenda for Student Gov-
ernment Council tonight is a mo-
tion from Phil Zook, '60, concern-
I g Sigma Kappa.
The move requests that the local
officers of Sigma Kappa present
to the Council a report on changes,
if any, since the convention of
1958 in the sorority's policies with
respect to restrictions of member-
ship for reasons of race or religion.
A substitute motion is planned
to delegate the problem to a com-
mittee which shall determine the
present position of the issue and
whether or not Sigma Kappa is in
violation of University regulations.
Also, Executive Vice-President'
Roger Seasonwein, '60, will move
that SGC withdraw from member-
ship in the National Student Asso.
ciation Regional Committee. This
will not affect menmbership in the
parent national organization of
A 'etween-semester reading and
discussion program will be under
consideration. The program will
involve three areas, "A Discussion
of Job," "A Discussion of 'J.B.'"
and "An Analysis of Utopian Liter-
Announcements of the Joint
Judiciary Appointments are in
order, along with the final ap-
proval of the SGC questionnaire
to students and consideration of
the World University Service Drive
String Quartet
To Perform

Lewis, Wife To Tour World

East Quad Eats Meal

University Vice-President for Thailand, India, Lebanon, Egypt
Student Affairs James A. Lewis and Western Europe.
and his wife will leave Monday on The first of the journey's four
a six-week trip around the world, objectives, Lewis said, is that of
with stops scheduled in Japan, meeting with members of Univer-

sity clubs. In Hong Kong, Tokyo
and London, he will visit regular
University clubs and, in other
areas, plans to meet with informal
organizations made up of students
and professors who meet periodi-
The Lewises will visit "any re-
lated educational enterprises that
the University is interested in," he'
said, specifying the English Langu-
age Institute in Bangkok and the
en'ineering school-sponsored In-
stitute for Research and Produc-
tivity in Tokyo.
Through older graduates, he has
been able to keep track of more
recent ones-those who left the
University in the past four or five
years-and is "planning to spend
one good. evening or afternoon
with them
"To me the most important part
of the visit is to get their reactions

East Quadrangle residents had
their Christmas dinner last night
with forks.
As residents anticipated partak-
ing of the festive meal with knives
and spoons only, forks were bor-
rowed from another quadrangle
for the occasion.
The news that forks were to be
used for the evening meal spread
very rapidly through the quid, but
not soon enough to prevent a
number of men from purchasing
forks at local stores.
Word of the best bargains in
forks were passed along from
friend to friend, the best reported
bargain in metal forks being one
for 19 cents. Others dug into their
hoards of quad silver obtained be-
fore the mass theft.
The economically inclined
bought packages of plastic forks,
which were distributed to associ-
ates for a few cents each.

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