Frosh, Sophs Prepare for Meet
ON Tam Witecki
The Leaders
KELSEY AND. TAYLOR are tied for the residence hall all-year
championship lead, while Sigma Alpha Epsilon leads in the social
raternity division, according to I-M department statistics.
It is a big jump to the top for both Kelsey and Taylor, ninth and
4th place finishers in last year's overall standings. The two South
Duad houses are tied with 354 points following the completion of
he four fall sports: "A" and "B" touch football, outdoor track and
Official standings after the early winter results will be released
ifter Christmas vacation.
Kelsey won both football crowns and finished third in track to
uild up the bulk of their points. Taylor picked up seconds in "A"
ootball and track, along with a third in cross-country.
Defending champion Gomberg won the outdoor track title and
s fourth in the standings with 309 points, while Anderson won the
ross-country crown and is fifth with 289 points. Anderson is the
op team in East Quad and Allen Rumsey, third with 332 points, is
Nest Quad's leading team,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon's big point-getter this fall was its "A"
ootball team. This team, one of the best in I-M history, not only won
,he title but remained unscored upon. SAE's leading point total,
ncluding only the fall sports, is 389.
Second place Phi Gamma Delta won both the cross-country and
utdoor track titles to roll up 200 of its 365-point total. Another title
winner was Alpha Tau Omega, which won the "B" football title.
Defending champion Sigma Alpha Mu is off to a slow start, scor-,
ng just 262 points, good enough for' eleventh place. Sigma Phi
4psilon, runnerup last year and a perennial contender, is in the fourth1
The first stage of the I-M winter sport schedule will reach com-
letion this week. Winners already this winter have been Gomberg
n "A" volleyball and wrestling, Kelsey in "B" volleyball and Anderson
n handball.
Fraternity champions have been Sigma Chi in westling and Zeta
3eta Tau in volleyball. This week's championship matches will feature
'hi Sigma Delta and Sigma Alpha Mu in handball, and Phi Gamma,
)elta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon in dual swimming.;
Taylor will meet Williams in the residence'hall dual swimming
. middle distance man .. top shot-putter
To Open at Penn State
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's slim but able wrestl-
ing squad has been busily pre-
paring for its opening weekend of
competition, which may prove to
be its toughest of the entire sea-
Tomorrow the Wolverine mat-
men travel to Penn State for a
Thursday night dual meet with
the team which is billed as the
best in the East this year. The
next night Michigan moves on to
meet Syracuse's g r a p p l e r s,
coached by former Wolverine Joe
Back for his 35th season ast
Wolverine wrestling coach is Cliff
Keen, Michigan's "dean of coach-
es." Back, too, are all but two
members of the 1958-59 squad
which finished a strong fourth in
the Big Ten.
Only senior on last year's team
'U' Coeds
To p''Record{
But Lose
All-Stars .
THE I-M DEPARTMENT alsonamed the touch footballAll-Star
teams this. week. TWO members of Kelsey's championship squad,
end Bruce Baldwin and back Art Ryall made the residence hall team.
An all-around athlete, Baldwin was named to the basketball All-Star
team last winter.
Runnerup Taylor also placed two men on the squad, back Bill
Ludwig and center Gary Gephart. Remaining team members were
back Gerald Goulish of Greene, back Clark Kretchmer of Allen
Rumsey and end Dan Stone of Huber.
Chi Phi's fine passing combination, back Bruce Connybeare and
end Terry Ziegler made the fraternity all-star teah for the second
year in a row.
SAE's championship team placed quarterback Jack Mogk and
right end Mike Ratterman on the All-Star squad.
Other team members include backs Don McNeal of Phi Gamma
Delta, back Noel McIntosh of Delta Tau Delta and center Steve
Wittenberg of Sigma Alpha Mu.
In the independent division, center Dave Fauri of the champion-
ship winning Cooley Elders made the All-Star squad. Ends named
were Ted McVay of Gomberg's Older Element and Paul Heins of
Nakamura Co-op.
In the independent all-star backfield were Dave Cook of the Blue
Devils, Mike West and Walt Lewis of the Beantowners and Red
Berenson of the Canadiens.
This was the second appearance on an all-star squad for Berenson
and West, both of whom made the residence hall team in previous
Miller May See Action
was Captain Larry Murray. Just
three members of this season's
team are seniors - 123-pound
Captain Mike Hoyles, 177-pound
Karl Lutomski, and heavyweight
Fred Oln. The rest of Keen's ten-
tative starting lineup for this
weekend is composed primarily of
Ambi Wilbanks, who didn't
compete at all last year because
of injuries, will compete at the
130-pound slot vacated by Mur-
Junior Wilf Hiildebrandt and
soph Fritz Kellerman are slated
to divide the chores at 137 pounds.
Junior Jim Blaker, last year's
regular 147-pounder, is back to
compete at the same weight.
S t ill another junior, Dick
Fronczak, is scheduled to be the
regular 157-pound contestant for
the Wolverines. Junior Dennis
Fitzgerald, who like Hoyles was
runner-up in his weight at the
Big Ten meet last year, returns
at 167.
Two Karls - Fink and Lutom-
ski - make a strong 177-pound
contingent for the Wolverines.
Michigan's titlehopes have al-
ready been dimmed by the loss
of Big Ten 157-pound champ
Don Corriere (transferred to Le-
high), and of 137-pound Jim Ag-
new, who broke his arm while at
home for Thanksgiving vacation.
Gym Meet
Michigan's gymnasts will hold
their second intra-squad meet1
of the year, tomorrow night at'
The event will be open free
of charge to the public and i
again will pit the Sophomore-I
Junior team against the Senior-
Freshman outfit which took the 1
first meet, 62-40. 1
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first of two articles on Michigan
tracknmen. Today's deals with the
freshmen and sophomores. Tomor-
row we will review the juniors and
The indoor track season starts
in earnest this Thursday evening
for the Wolverine regulars and
Starting at 7:15 with the field
events, there will be an intra-
squad meet at Yost Field House
with freshmen, sophomores, jun-
iors and seniors competing for
their respective classes. This year's
juniors, who have won the meet
the last two times, are again
favored. However, there are sev-
eral outstanding freshmen and
sophomores who are expected to
do well individually.
Frosh Vaulters
The freshmen should have the
pole vault just about all to them-
selves. Steve Overton, who cleared
12'10" in the Indiana State high
school meet last spring, is the
favorite, with Doug Eglestone as
second choice. There are no other
pole vault specialists on the whole
track team.
In the 65-yard high and low
hurdles, freshman Dave Theriot
has the best chance of upsetting
junior speedster, Dick Cephas.
Theriot has the fastest time in
trials so far in the lows, and is
second fastest in the highs.
Things look a little better for
the sophomores. Middle distance
man Ergas Leps is an almost sure
winner at the % mile distance as
To Compete
For U.S.
Ray Senkowski, a Michigan 18
year-old frosh tennis hopeful, was
notified last weekend by Bobby
Piatt of Louisville, that he had
been chosen to represent the
United States in the coming Junior
Davis Cup matches.
The matches will be played in
Miami, Florida, starting on New
Year's Day and extending through
Jan. 3rd. The tournament is being
held for the second successive year
and promises to be an annual af-
Senkowski will be representing
the United States in a series of
matches that involves 25 coun-
This year Senkowski will be
teaming up with Bill Lenoir of
Tucson, Arizona, and John Kara-
basz of Coral Gables, Florida. Up-
on the shoulders of these three
ride the hopes of the United States
Cup chances.
Last year's tournament was won
by the team from Brazil and the
United States entry came in sec-
he boasts the best time in that de-
partment this year. Leps will also
have an excellent chance in the
600- or 1000-yard events if he is
entered there.
His 2:15.6 time in the latter,
which betters even junior Tony
Seth's best this year, is an indica-
tion of his potential.
Ray Locke, although an aca-
SAM Wins
Sigma Alpha Mu won the
fraternity handball champion-
ihip last night, defeating Phi
Sigma Delta, 2-0.
The winning doubles team
was Mike Adell and Steve
Wittenberg, while the singles
winner was Tom Pliner.
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demic junior, will probably com-
pete for the sophomores as this
will be his first year of Varsity
competition. Locke broke the na-
tional high school record for the
12 pound shot with a 62'7" heave
three years ago and a 51'6" putt
with the 16 pound ball makes him
the favorite on the basis of best
efforts so far, for Thursday night.
McRae on Cinders
Fresh from the football turf,
Bennie McRae is ready to take up
duty on the cinders. The sopho-
more speed merchant from New-
port News, Va., has an :08.0 clock-
ing to his record in the 65-yard
high hurdles, which establishes
him as a co-favorite with Theriot-
in that event.
Steve Williams, the yearling
high jumper from Boyne City, will
get his first taste of varsity com-
petition and is rated by coach Don
Canham as a close second to Dick
Cephas. It is possible that Wil-
liams might be able to outlast
Cephas, who will be in several
other events, and pull an upset
Juniors To Shine
In the mile relay, both the
sophomore and freshmen teams
have excellent chances-but only
if all four men on the Junior team
catch the flu the night before.
Otherwise, as coach Canham
suggested, "We might as well run
the Juniors against ALL the rest--
they'd still win."
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Four University coed swimmers
broke a national record in the
Cereal Bowl Relays at Battle Creek
Saturday night, but still finished
second in their event.
The 200-yard medley relay team,
composed of Diane Thimme, Bar-
bara Estes, Sperry Jones and Mar-
cia Jones, splashed to a 2:07.1
clocking, .3 of a second better than
the existing junior national wom-
en's record.
But a team from Detroit Wom-
en's City Club nosed out the Mich-
igan women by .4 of a second to
take the first-place trophy.
The Michigan coeds took third
place in the 200-yard freestyle re-
lay, the only other event in which
women could compete. The team
of Carcia and Sperry Jones, Pat
Trimmer and. Sharon Crawford
was timed in 1:56.3. Detroit Turn-
ers won the race and Women's
City Club was second.
nhere Is a chance that guard
rry Miller, captain of Michigan's
sketball team, will see limited
ion against Tennessee here Sat-
day, Coach Bill Perigo said yes-
Miller turned his right
th two minutes gone1
,me at Butler Saturday
d his absence, along with
ctors, contributed to the W
es' 85-63 loss.
The possibility of a qui
very for Miller provided a+
g note for the cagers, w
11 looking for their firstt
er three, straight losses.
In the latest one, the Wolv
(:ed by only five points,
h seven minutes to go.
ebigan's offense and d
sedived, and Butler out
rigo's club, 21-4, in that s
'We just ran out of gas,"1
>Iained. "Rich Robins and
rris fouled out, Milleri
ailable, and Dick Clark (
ler's replacements) was
en he took the floor. Het
e flight and just made iti
' he Wolverines, following
lent established in thei
> games, continued to sh
etroit 95, Xavier (O.) 71
idiana 67, Kansas St. 58
'est Virginia 91, VMI 76
emsor, 74, Davidson; 70
[arylnd 59, Georgetown 48
'tre Dame 70, Nebraska 62
linois 89, Marquette 77
entucky 77, Kansas 72
astern Michigan 71, Hillsdalef
entral Michigan 75, Calvin5
issouri 78, Wisconsin 66
in the'
h other
ck re-
ho are
a below-par average from the field
(.333, compared to Butler's .413).
"We get behind, then we press
too bhard trying to catch up," Per-
igo said
The Tennessee game here at
4:30 Saturday afternoon will be
regionally televised. On Monday,
Denver will visit Yost Field House,
which is expected to be sparsely
populated for both games.
These games have been sched-
uled during Christmas vacation
Perigo said, "because some of
these teams are on the roaddur-
ing vacations, and that's when we
have to play them."
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