See Page 4
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
:43 "a t I
- High-42
Winds from the south
Increasing today
Educators Stress Need
Federal Fund Aid
... sees adult education need
Seek Group
The Council of State College
Presidents failed to select a 'co-
ordinator at its meeting yesterday.
But the Council is "continuing
to work on the problem of finding
a: coordinator," University Vice-
President and Dean of Faculties
Marvin L. Niehuss, who attended
the meeting. in place of President
Harlan Hatcher, said.
There was some debate as to
what specifications for the coordi-
nator should be, he reported.
To Present Budget
According to Council Chairman
Edgair L. Hayden, president of
Northern Michigan College, one
of the coordinator's functions
would be to present one unified
budget for higher education to the
After the Council's last meeting
a month ago, ;President Hatcher
indicated that a coordinator-would
probably be selected within the
' next 60 days.
Meeting with the Michigan leg-
islative study committee on higher
education( the Boyer Committee)
after their regular .meeting, the
council reported the progress it
has made in cooperative studies.
Concerned with Work
Niehuss said the meeting with
the legislative committee was con-
cerned primarily with work done
by the Council during the past
year since the appointment of
f' Prof. Bruce Nelson (on loan from
Eastern Michigan University), as
head of the Council's information
and research office in Ypsilanti.
.His office's "common headquar-
ters," which is where the John
Doe 'Russell Report on Higher
Education in the State of Michi-
gan left off. will remain open until
a coordinator is selected by the
Nelson reported on his recent
visits to other states - Indiana,
Ohio and Wisconsin-whichpres-
ently have volunteered cooperation
among state'- supported colleges
and universities.
Other subjects which Nelson dis-
cissed with the legislative cor-
mittee were the progress made in
coordinating extension services, a
report on an exploratory prelimi-
nary price study, and an agree-
ment on how to count a school's
actual number of enrolled students
more accurately.
To Feature
'U' Choruses
In Concert
Music from seven countries, cov-
ering the last four centuries, will
be presented by the University
musical groups at 8:30 pm. to-
night in Hill Aud..
Christmas music from England,
Russia, America, Czechoslovakia,
Italy, Switzerland and Germany
will be featured in the first half
of 'the program. The University
Choir, conducted by Prof. Maynard
Klein of the music school, will
A growing need for federal funds
to help defray the expense of
pubic education now handled by
state and local tax programs was
stressed by a group of the nation's
educators last weekend.
Invited by Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams to meet at Haven Hall, the
11 participants, including Profs
Howard McClusky and Howard
Jones of the education' school,
emerged "in firm argreement that
the federal tax resources must be
made available to help support our
educational system" and that an
increased program of federal
scholarship is needed.
Pointing to the success of the
Korean War GI Bill, the group's
summary statement said the bill's
"benefits to individual students set
an acceptable pattern for federal
scholarship aid, and demonstrated
that such aid does not mean fed-
eral control of education."
Reject Student Payment
But they also indicated they "re-
jeet the notion that additional
costs of higher education should
be borne by individual students,
whether those costs are imposed
directly by increased tuition, or
are deferred by a system of long-
term loans."
Working from a basic premise
"that the fullest development of
human resources is essential to the
security and well-being of Ameri-
ca participants decided educa-
tional opportunities for all, from
kindergarten through adult educa-
tion, should be expanded.
"Neither educators nor govern-
t ment officials cAn do this job un-
less backed by the necessary pub-
lic opinion," the educators assert-
ed, and suggested the "coming na-
tional campaign proides an ideal
forum" for informing and gaining
support from the public on the
f issues now confronting educators.y
Note More Obstacles
Another obstacle in the path tot
expanded comprehensive programs
of free education for all, according
to group consensus, were the cur-
rent and increasingly urgent
r shortage of both teachers and
classrooms, stemming from Inade-
quate financial resources for sal-s
aries and construction.
Prof. Jones stressed the problem,
pointing to figures showing a
classroom shortage of 140,000 that
has accumulated in the last three
years and the certification ofI
92,000 substandard teachers to in-
struict on an emergency basis.
A countermeasure to the "cumu-
lative effect" of the teacher short-
age, which results from the fact
tha7 t "we are not now educatingC
the high school and college teach-
ers needed to instruct the rising
generation of students" was tot
"greatly increase" teacher salaries,
participants agreed.
Ask Two Types of Aid
k The educators called for federal
assistance of two types to supple--
ment state and local funds: "im-
mediate.fin terms of legislation
>now before Congress" like the
Murray-Metcalf and the McNa-
mara bills and "long-range, in
terms of fundamental planning.
"The time must come soon when
a combination of federal, state and
local funds will be adequate to
provide educational opportunity
for every child."
Offering no hope for the tax-
payer, the educators saw little
ctance to pare down educational
expenses while expanding facili-
ties-"there is no easy payment
plan for American education."
Encourage Community Schools
Among their recommendations
for increasing educational oppor-
tunities was "the fullest possible
encouragement and cooperation"
for the community college. -
Three basic areas of service
offered by this institution were
noted: "two years of higher edu-
cation as part of the, local public
educational system; an easier
transition to the four-year college;
and a center for local adult edu-
cation "
Considering the "ever-acceler-
ating speed of social and techno-
logical change," the conferees pro-
posed that the "education of
adults be regarded. as important
as the education of children and
Business Spends More
According to Prof. McClusky's
... .cites increasing shortages
To Revive
bias Issue
Phil Zook, '60, may revive the
Sigma Kappa issue in a motion to
be presented to Student Govern-
ment Council at the meeting to-
morrow night.
The motion requests that the
local officers of Sigma Kappa pre-
sent a report to the Council on
changes in their policy regard-
ing restriction of membership for
reasons of race or religion, and
any other information bearing on
the sorority's status with respect
to University regulations.-
He will talk with local Sigma
Kappas prior to Wednesday's
meeting, Zook indicated last
night, and ask for the informa-
tion informally if it seems this
approach he seeks, a motion may
not be necessary.
Zook asserts that the Council,
"having determined previously
that Sigma Kappa stands in vio-
lation of University regulations,"
should attempt to resolve the is-
sue either by finding that the pre-
viously existing conflict is re-
solved, or by further legislation.
"Whether Sigma Kappa stands
in violation of University regu-
lationsis a question of interpre-
tation," Nancy Adams, '60, com-
She and Jim Martens, '61BAd.,
Inter Fraternity Council Presi-
dent, agreed in questioning the
wisdom of bringing up Sigma
Kappa at this time. "Ypu can't de-
cide an issue on semantics," Mar-.
tens said, adding that he thinks
the motion is poorly worded.
Book Law
By Court
WASHINGTON (A) - By a vote
of 8-1, the Supreme Court yester-
day struck down a Los Angeles
ordinance making it a crime for
a bookseller to have obscene litera-
ture on his shelves.
The law was held unconstitu-
tional because it penalizes a book-
seller for mere possession of an
obscene book even though he is
unaware of its content.
"It is plain to us that the ordin-
ance, though aimed at obscene
matter, has such a tendency to
inhibit constitutionally protected
expression that itucannot stand
under the constitution," Justice
William J. Brennan Jr. said for
the majority.
Harlan Concurs
Justice John Marshall Harlan
joined the eight other justices in
setting aside the conviction of a
75-year-old Los Angeles bookstore
But Harlan said he so voted
because he felt the conviction was
fatally defective in that the trial
judge turned aside every attempt
by the book dealer to introduce
evidence on community standards.
Harlan objected however, to strik-'
ing down the ordinance.
Brennan noted that the Supreme
Court has held that obscene speech
and writings are not protected by
the constitutional guarantees of
freedom of speech and the press.
He added, however, that the
court's holdings do not recognize
any state power to restrict the
dissemination of books that are
not obscene.
Would Penalize Booksellers
"We think this ordinance's strict
liability feature would tend seri-
ously to have that effect, by penal-
izing booksellers even though they
had not the slightest notice of the
character of the books they sold,
Brennan said.
By dispensing with any require-
ment of knowledge of the contents.
of the book on the seller's part,
the ordinance tends to impose a
severe limitation on the public ac-
cess to constitutionally protected
matter, Brennan said.
If the bookseller is criminally
liable without knowledge of the
contents and the ordinance ful-
fills its purpose, the bookseller
will tend to restrict the books he
sells to those he has inspected,
Brennan added. *
Thus, he said, the state will.
have imposed a restrictionupon
the distribution of constitutionally
protected as well as obscene litera-
"If the contents of bookshops
and periodical stands were re-
stricted to material of which their
proprietors had made an inspec-
tion, they might be depleted in-
deed," Brennan commented.
IRANIAN WOMEN SEE IKE-The streets of Tehran were lined with gazing women as President
Eisenhower and his party traveled through the capital city during a stopover in Iran yesterday.
Eisenhower spent six hours in Tehran while en route from New Delhi to Athens during which he held
a two-hour review of international affairs with Shaw Mohammed Reza Pahlevi and addressed the
Iranian Parliament.
Ike Salutes Struggle Against Communsm
TEHRAN, Iran (A') - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower saluted
Iran yesterday as a valiant nation
that has dared to join the free
world in the struggle against Com-
A cheering, flag-waving crowd
estimated to number 750,000 per-
sons gave the President another of
the tomultuous welcomes of his 11-
nation tour.
. During a crowded six-hour stop
between India and Greece, the
President rode over streets cov-
ered in several places with rich
Persian rugs, held a two-hour re-
view of international affairs with
Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi
and addressed the Iranian par-
Buying Days1
This is to remind you there
are four of them left before the
Christmas exodus.
I liament in the green and white
Senate building.
Stresses Spending
Repeating a point he men-
tioned in India, Eisenhower told
the Iranian parliament the United
States was spending huge sums
for military security "for our-
selves and to assist our allies."
But he told the Iranian legisla-
tors something he did not say in
neutralist India -- "you and the
people of Iran are not standing on
the sidelines in this struggle."
"The people of Iran continue to
demonstrate the quality of forti-
tude which has characterized the
long annals of your history as a
nation," he added.
Withstands Propaganda
- Iran, he said, has borne "the
force of a powerful propaganda
assault," and only Sunday cele-
brated the anniversary of "the
day on which justice triumphed
oer force in Azerbaijan" --- a re-
ference to the failure of a Soviet
attempt to set up a separate state
in northern Iran in 1947.
East Quad .Spoons' over Fork Theft
Again emphasizing the theme
of his tour - "peace and friend-
ship in freedom"-- the President
said the struggle for these goals
was many sided - ideological,
political, military, spiritual and
"All of us realize that while we
must, at whatever cost, make free-
dom secure from any aggression,
we could still lose freedom should
we fail to cooperate in the pro-
gress toward achieving the basic
aspirations of humanity," he said.
Parkiing Lots
The Ann Arbor City Council last
night took its first steps toward
the solution of the city's off-street
parking problems.
The Council's Off-Street Park-
ing Committee presented a' report
in which it evaluated the recom-
mendations made in a report by
the Ann Arbor Citizens Commit-
tee on Off-Street Parking.
The citizens' report listed three
major, recommendations for fu-
ture planning and other recom-
mendations for specific improve-
ments of existing facilities.
The Council approved imme-
diate action on the specific im-
provements. These include de-
veloping a new access from
Church Street to the Forest Street
parking lot to facilitate greater
use of the lot by shoppers in the
South University area and paving
this lot.
Another change to go into ef-
fect is the roping off early in the
day of a section of the lower floor
of the Maynard Street structure
so that all-day parkers will go to.
the higher levels, leaving the low-
er floor for the shoppers.
A flat night-rate charge at the
Washington Street carport of 25c
for auto space after 6 p.m. will
also go into effect.
The major recommendations of
the citizens' report will be con-
sidered in the future when furth-
er study and analysis has been
It proposes that the parking
function should be delegated to a
public authority of a board of cit-
izens with general powers to run
the system. There is a need for
additional off-street parking
space, it reports.
The third suggestion is that the
Car Passes,
Into Athens;0
U.S. To Continue A
For Mutual Defense
Of Iran, America
ATHENS P) -- This ancie
capital of Greece cut loose yeste
day with a mammoth emotion
welcome for President Dwight I
The joy was dimmed by a ral
ing collapse that inured 43 pe
sons, several, seriously, at ti
height of the ovation.
About 750,000 - approximate
the same number that cheere
Eisenhower earlier in the day
Iran - shouted exuberant gree
ings as the President rode throuli
the gaily decorated streets of Ati
ens with King Paul at his side.
Hailed as Hero
For 10 miles,' from the airpo
to the palace where Queen Frede:
ika waited, Eisenhower was haile
as a modern day hero in th
storied land rich with a histoi
of heroes of its own.
The accident happened tv
blocks from the palace, at a sp
the President had just passed.Op
posite the United States embass;
a six-foot railing atop a wall I
front of an apartment buildiu
crumbled under the weight
hundreds of persons who had bee
scrambling for a vantage point.
Those pressing against ,
railing were hurled down upc
spectators jammed In the stree
Pieces of railing fell upon t
Require Aid
Two hospitals and a first a
station said eight of the 43 injure
required hospitalization.
Eisenhower learned of the a
cident when he arrived at l
palace, where he spent the nigi
as King Paul's guest. The Pres
dent expressed sympathy a
asked that his regret be extende
to the victims and their famie
It was the first incident to ma
the President's trip to 11 cour
tries, of which Greece is the se
Eisenhower flew in at dusk ns
the end of a tiring 22-hour da
that began with a farewell to Ii
He flashed his famous grin a
waved in response to the cheers
the thousands who came out i
the chill and mist to line airpor
to palace.
WSU Attacks
Air Force's
Air Force ROTC may be droppe
at Wayne State University.
Despite the fact that there ha
been no formal move by the a
ministration, the possibilityo
discontinuing the course at WS
has been widely discussed on cair
Dr. Clarence Hilberry, WS
president, stated last week th
the question arose when the A
Force requested all representativ4
from schools offering ROTC prc
grams meet.
Meet at Maxwell
The officials met last weeka
Maxwell Air Force Base in A41
bama. No comment on the pro
posed dropping came from Ul
meeting, however.
"They want to discuss the who
program of reserve officer trair
ing in the United States," Hilberr
said before the meeting,
"The Air Force has indicate
before that when a program is ur
satisfactory to both the servlc
and the school, the Air I'brci
would be willing to approve drop
ping the program," he continued,
Controversy Rages
Much of the controversy in tl
The residents of East Quadrangle yesterday observed "forkless
Monday" with a spaghetti dinner.
Spouting such slogans as "We want our forks or there will be
a hanging," the spoon-fed residents suffered the consequences of
a mass theft of 1,200 forks by an unknown culprit or culprits.
The forks were all put away in their bins on the cafeteria lines
after the Sunday evening meal. That was the last the kitchen staff
saw of them.
Party's Over
One dining room was used for a party Sunday night by one of
the quadrangle houses. This was the last group to use the dining room
before the forks from all four cafeteria lines in the quad were dis-
covered missing Monday morning.
Mark Noffsinger, Senior Resident Director of the men's residence
halls, said that the situation "presents a serious problem" because-
"(we) have noknowledge of where they have gone." He stated that
no one was sure whether it was a prank or exactly just what hap-
Come Back, Forks
There is no immediate action that the residence hall directors
plan to take except appeal to the residents for the return of the forks.
Noffsinger said the directors are not interested in serious punishment
for the culprits but only in the return of the utensils.
And so the residents ate their meals sans forks, except for those
enterprising men who used plastic forks and pocket knives with
a fork blade and a few persons who used utensils bearing a strong
resemblance to residence hall forks. Some of the members of the
staff ate with salad forks which were not taken by the "bandits."
Sick of Silver
One member of the dish-machine crew in the kitchen said his
crew took them so they wouldn't have to do as much work. He prom-
W' 7~ ~ I, ___________________________