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December 13, 1959 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-13

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Track Becomes

Year-round Sport

In the "good old days," the track
fan had only a few short spring
months during which he could fol-
low action in his favorite sport.
During the last two decades,
however, he has found an increas-
ing amount of competition to fol-
low all year round.
Because of improving time and
distance standards, track and field
athletes have been forced to train
and practice during the fall and
winter as well as spring in order
to keep up with their peers.
Competition Thrives
Because American sport thrives
only under competition, it is logi-
cal for these athletes to develop
new types of contests to keep them
sharp while practicing for the all-
important spring and summer
After the late summer layoff, the
runners begin to strengthen their

ALL-AMERICAN-Bobby Watt earned this honor while just a
junior last winter. The Michigan captain is the cornerstone of
the Michigan defense again this season.

muscles, build up their wind, and
perfect their form with cross-
country running in the fall.
They prefer the soft turf of a
golf course or park for this condi-
tioning work as it is easier on the
feet and the change of terrain'
breaks the monotony of running
on the regular cinder oval. Even
the jumpers and "weight men" en-
joy the freedom of training on the
Obstacle Course
Competition usually starts ini
late October with the harriers run-
ning from three to six miles long.
These are spotted with brooks to
be forded, fences to be jumped and
often snow banks to be plowed
After the cold weather comes,
the track and field men move in-
doors. Here they lift weights to
build up their thigh and shoulder
muscles, and begin to work out on
board and dirt tracks at the dis-
tances they expect to run in the
winter meets.
The high jumpers, pole vaulters
and broad jumpers' hit their re-
spective runways for their first
concentrated practice on form
since the summer. Shot putters
pick up their 16-pound balls of
iron and return to their labors in
the eight-foot circle.
Early February
The big indoor track meets start
in early February and feature
events akin to, but different from
the outdoor meets. The distances
are usually shorter and more
adaptable to the smaller 1/10th
mile tracks. These are also de-
signed to help the runners practice
fundamentals without wearing
themselves out before the outdoor
season begins.
For the sprinters and short dis-
tance hurdlers, there are 60-yard
dashes. The middle distance men

man try their skills at 300-, 600-
and 800-yard runs which approxi-
mate the more familiar quarter
and half-mile distances.
The mile and two-mile events
are usually retained because of
their popularity and the tremen-
dous interest in the times over
these distances. The field events
are un"hanged because of their'
inflexibility. Ofter these events are'
the most closely watched indoors
since there is the constant possi-
bility that new world record might
be set here in the "off season."
Dual Meets
In strictly college competition,'
dual meets between two schools
often generate much excitement as
previews to the impending outdoor'

season and give the coaches a
chance to watch more of their
boys in competition than do the
crowded all-conference meets.
As the weather warms up again,
the thinclads move back outdoors
to stretch their cramped muscles
over the longer distances again.
On the eve of the regular "full
dress" season, the coaches take a
last look at all their potential in
the relay meets. Here they can
enter four men instead of one in
each event and pick their special-
ists for each race later on.
With all of these different types
of meets tc flavor the track menu,
the track and field devotee now
finds plenty of action to satisfy
his wants. Track and field has
become a year-round sport.

Star Defenseman Watt Happy at 'M'

the top players in Canadian jun-
ior hockey (under 20 years) last4
winter, and I'd give Red a pretty1
fair chance at becoming one of
the first graduates of the colleget
game to play in the National1
Hockey League."
Asked about his own feelings
concerning professional hockey,
Watt gave appreciative mention
to the name of Joe Primeau, ex-
Toronto star and now director of
the Maple Leaf farm system.
"I asked Joe for an honest opin-
ion of my chances to play pro
hockey," Watt related. Primeau
had seen the young defenseman in'
action for St. Mike's of Toronto.
"Joe told me that I could make
the American Hockey League (a
minor pro league) if I worked my
head off, but that he didn't think'
I could ever make the big time."
No Regrets
"That made up my mind, be-
cause I felt that if I couldn't make
it to the majors, I'd be better off
getting an education." Watt's de-
cision was one which he has never
had cause to regret.
He makes no bones about his
preference for American-style col-
lege hockey as compared to the
Canadian brand.
"Body-checking is legal any-
place on the ice in Canada," he
pointed out. "It's drilled into you
from the start (about age 8) that
your concern is with the man and
not the puck."
Watt sees excitement for the
fans as the biggest bonus of the
altered college rules. "Frequently
you see a wild race for the puck
in the college game. This rarely
happens in Canada - the players
are too busy keeping their oppo-
nent from the puck."
Rules Differ
"Another rule in the college
games puts a greater burden on
the defenseman, though," he said,
referring to the fact that a pass
can be legally completed across
two lines (blue line and red line).
"This makes -an added threat
out of the player who hangs
around center ice waiting for a
break-away opportunity. If the
defenseman gets caught at the
opponents' blue-line, he can cost
his team a goal."

Watt, one of seven married men
on the hockey squad, stands as a
tribute to coach Renfrew's phil-
osophy about hockey and educa-
"Al's approach is strictly low-
pressure," Watt said. "He told
all the fellows at the beginning of
the season to miss practice if they
had pressing academic assign-
ments. He is vitally concerned
that the guys on the team use
their education to make some-
thing of themselves."
If Bobbie Watt is a representa-
tive specimen, Renfrew's ap-
proach is speaking quite well for


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