Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom xii CLOUDY, COLDER High--36 Low-Z8 Partly cloudy with continued cold. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1959 FIVE CENTS TWE VEPA .a..rr uyt, rnui 0 0 on !~ 4 Leader Hails President's 'Peace Quest' U.S.-Indian Relations Seen at New High; All Problems Erased NEW DELHI (P) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru held private talks last night on a range of pressing world problems. Early today the President and Nehru flew from New Delhi to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal and continue their discussions. Met by long-waiting crowds, Eisenhower and Nehru set off on scheduled tours of an agricultural center and a farming village near the ancient city. Last night's meeting came after a dinner Eisenhower gave for Nehru at the United States am- bassador's residence. There was no official announcement on the ground covered, but reliable in- formants said the talks centered on issues ranging from India's border troubles with Red China to world disarmament. Gives Tribute The stage for their latest meet- ing on this fourth day of Eisen- . bower's visit to India was set by a glowing tribute from Nehru to Eisenhower's "pilgrimage in quest of peace." A United States official said the three hours of discussions Eisen- ,hower and the leader of the world's most populous democracy have had previously were "exceed- ingly cordial." He declared United States-Indian relations at the moment were at the highest peak since India became independent. M. C. Chagla, Indian ambassa- dor to Washington, said Eisen- hower's visit to India will open "a new chapter in world history." Ease Tensions One major result of the Eisen- hower - Nehru meetings so far seems to be an easing of tension betveen Pakistan and India-long at loggerheads over boundaries, water rights and the princely state of Kashmir claimed by both na- tions. The Indians are reported to have been assured that United States military aid to Pakistan is granted as an ally in the anti-Communist SEATO pact and not a menace to India. This seemed implicit in Nehru's repeated statements that there are no problems between India and the United States. / Discussing his visit next year to Moscow, Eisenhower is said to have told Nehru he believes Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev is also searching for a formula for an insured peace. To Issue Communique A communique the two will issue before Eisenhower's departure is expected to dwell on the principle of negotiation rather than force to settle disputes. It also is expected to declare that disarmament is the only means of warding off the an- nihilation of humanity. The unprecedented outpouring of affection for Eisenhower from the masses the past three days was S matched by 8,000 of New Delhi's elite this afternoon. They nearly mobbed the United States presi- dent at a garden party given in his honor by President Rajendra Pra- About 100 Indian security men and United States secret service agents, shielding Eisenhower, al- most had to fight their way through the eager crowd pressing around the famous visitor. Council Opens Two Positions To Petitioning Student Government Council has announced the opening of petitioning for two positions, of- flice manager and calendaring com- mittee chairman. The office manager will serve as secretary to the Executive Com- w4,-.. Anal st Cites Asia's Swing To US. Side By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Foreign News Analyst NEW DELHI (R -It took Com- munist China to start the tide of free Asia turning toward the United States., But it took President Dwight D. Eisenhower and the impact of his personality to demonstrate dra- matically that the tide is really running strong in American favor at this moment. United States troubles are far from over in Asia. But United States fortunes are, enormously improved since the time America's motives were greeted with wide- spread suspicion among nervous governments struggling out of the colonial era. cAs Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru pointed out Friday, the timing of Eisenhower's visit is most important. Nehru hints at this by referring constantly to the visit "at this hour." Cites. Timing The reason for this insistent reference to timing seems obvious. Eisenhower's visit follows a series of events which made the sub- continent and the rest of south and southeast Asia highly ner- vous - the Communist Chinese suffocation of Tibetan freedom, truculent gestures against Bhu- tan, Nepal and other border areas, belligerent incursions into Indian territory and even nastiness to once friendly Indonesia. But Nehru knows the Eisen- hower visit somehow has got across to the men in the street- as well as to the educated public -that India has a big and power- ful friend ready to come to their aid against the huge northern neighbor apparently restless for expansion. Communists Watch There is little question but that the Communist Chinese are watching closely what is going on in New Delhi even though Eisen- howerhhasravoided mentioning Red China or the Communists by name. The Communist Chinese are undoubtedly aware that the Eisen- Isue s hower trip is a means of serving notice that India is far too im- portant to be permitted to fall I before Red conquest. Up to the time of Communist a thrusts from the north, India's leadership had been unwilling to t acknowledge it might need pro- tection from the Red Chinese. lI a i a c 3 U h i ~ ii PRESIDENT EISENHOWERt i . .. eases tensionsi Too High 9 .C City Planning By SUSAN FARRELL Planning, someone once said, is intelligent cooperation with th nevitable. For Ann Arbor's city planners the question is what is inevitabl nd what should be done about it. Since the end of World War II, Ann Arbor has been faced witl remendous growth which, from all indications, will continue. The city has increased in area by 119 per cent since 1946. Popu ation is expected to reach 90,000 (including students) by 1970. Th ssessed valuation of city property is 56 per cent higher than it was In 1946-approximately $100 million. It is the function of the City Council, the Planning Commission nd the city's administrative departments to recognize, encourage nd guide this growth, Robert M. Leary, city planning director, said Why is Ann Arbor growing? Primarily because the University, the main economic base of th ity, is constantly expanding. State Support Determinant There are, of course, different projections of growth for thf University. And the first variable in any projection is the amount o: tate support, which determines the capacity of the University ti ccommodate students while maintaining high-quality instruction. "But an average increase of 600 students each year to a total o: 2,000 is possible and foreseeable," John McKevitt, assistant to the Jniversity vice-president in charge of business and finance, said. "The most desirable level of enrollment is a matter of question,' e added, "but 32,000 is an adequate basis for planning, although tho ntensity of University operations is not based solely on enrollment.' The University and the city naturally have many commor nterests. Maintenance and development of streets, sewers and other utilities n the campus area is a basic concern. The rapidly increasing numbei f married students has heightened joint city-University interest i ousing facilities. University, City Cooperate The University has Worked with the city on a survey of traffi .onditlons and offstreet parking, a matter of increasing concern tc )th. And the projected boulevard from, the University to Nortl ampus, which will benefit both the city and the University, necessi- sates close cooperation. A CRITICAL PROBLEM I -Associated Press Wirephoto GREET IKE - Beaming and waving flowers, people of New Delhi crowd along the streets during President Dwight D. Eisenhower's motorcade bringing him into the Indian capital. The enthusiasm ' of the Indian populus was later echoed in Nehru's cordiality. Exile Invasion of Paraguay Halted at Argentine Border ASUNCION, Paraguay 04) - The government of President Alfred Stroessner announced yesterday that armed "political delinquents" from outside the country tried to invade Paraguay yesterday but were squashed. A communique said one group of Paraguayan political exiles tried to cross the Parana River from Posadas, Argentina, but was inter- SENATE PROBE: Drug Prices Called' C! ti cepted by a Paraguayan naval 1< Cites Suri The American Rheumatism As- sociation yesterday honored Prof. Cyrus C. Sturgis of the medical school as one . of the original founding members of the associa- tion. The association is presently celebrating its 25th anniversary with a weekend celebration meet- ing in Detroit. Dr.,Phillip Hench of the Mayo Clinic presented the recognition awards to the founders at the De- troit conference. However, Prof. Sturgis was unable to attend the meeting and arrangements were made to present his award here.. The presentation to Prof. Sturgis took place in his office in the Simpson Memorial Institute. It was made by Dr. Charley J. Smyth, association president, yester day morning., Prof. Sturgis first came to the University in 1927 as a professor of internal medicine. He is a former director of the Simpson Memorial Institute and ex-chair- man of the internal medicine de- partment of the medical school. He's a co-author of a book on blood diseases. aunch and the rebels threw their >arms into the water before sur- rendering without a fight. The communique charged a plane from Posadas dropped a bomb on a military installation at Encarnacion but it failed to ex- plode. The invaders were seeking to overthrow Stroessner's five-year- old regime. The communique, issued by in- terior Minister Edgar Insfran, pinpointed the attempted upris- ing at Encarnacion, across the river from Argentina. It said several rebels were in- jured and that a mopping up op- eration was being carried out. "The .civil population, and in particular the Colorado Party (Stroessner's ruling p o 1 i t i c a 1 group), is lending its fervent sup- port to the civil and military authorities," the communique said. "They are proceeding with the work of cleaning up, with inflex- ible determination to repress with maximum severity the -criminal intention. "The rest of the country re- mains calm."' , BuyingDays This is to remind you there are five of them left before the Christmas exodus. WASHINGTON (I)-Sen. Estesi Kefauver (D-Tenn.) said yester- in tablet form at a price 1,410 per day public hearings had demon- cent above its bulk sale price. strated that antiartritic drug Rand Dixon, the committee's prices are "clearly too high." chief counsel, referred to this as a Kefauver is chairman of a Sen- "1,410 per cent markup." But Up- ate antimonopoly subcommittee john said Dixon was failing to which has devoted the week to take into account a great many testimony about prices, profits and costs in the manufacture and dis-< tribution of steroid hormone drugs, largely used by persons suffering from arthritis. Kefauver said the testimony . demonstrated that large manufac- ' ' turers selling these same drugs to m the government and to foreign_ sales outlets at prices far below those charged retail druggists and the public.:;::::'; Cites Profits- :fie said that over the past three > years the major drug manufac- - ;: turers had enjoyed the highest profit rate of any industry in the> country.: Senate investigators figured yes- terday that the Upjohn Co. of_ Kalamazoo sells a female sex hor- mone to druggists at 10,000 per ; cent more than it pays for it. But E. Gifford Upjohn, president of the drug firm, protested that_ the comparison was between the- cost of a raw material and the sale of the finished product at- retail outlets. "The cost of the raw material - is but a fraction of the cost," he' told the Senate antitrust and- monoply committee.: Big Markup. Earlier the committee, investi- ='=' gating drug prices, said the Up- E. GIFFORD UPJOHN john Co. sells the anti-arthritis, offersprotest drug Prednisolene to pharmacists costs involved in selling the drug "The University has a great deal at stake in the well-being c in tablet form for the retail trade. Ann Arbor," Mc2evitt, who is also a member of the Ann Arbor Cit With respect to the female sex Planning Commission, said. "And with the development of the plan hormone, known as Progesterone, ning department staff, we have been improving and extending oppor Dixon said that last year Upjohn tunities for joint action." bought three million dollars worth Ann Arbor is also growing because of the impact of the Detrol of it at 13/a cents to 14 cents a metropolitan area, and has become in part what William Bott, secre gram for use in making one of itstary of the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, termed a "bedroor drug"--one composed of people who live in the city because c Notes Difference its scenic and cultural attractions but don't wdrk here. Dixon said Upjohn sells Proges-'Technical Industries Attracted terone, also used for treatment ofTs female disorders, to druggists at The last few years have also seen a very rapid increase in th $15 a gram compared to the price number of scientific and technical industries attracted to Ann Arba of about 14 cents it paid for it. by its opportunities for research and by cultural opportunities anc Upjohn said Progesterone sells pleasant living conditions for employes. The University's proposes only in very small amounts and Institute for Science and Technology is expected to be a magnet- fo that other pharmaceutical houses more industries and an addition to Ann Arbor's growing prestige a sell it at approximately the same the research center of the Midwest, Leary said. price. Trying to determine how fast, when and where this growth is t Dixon, however, cited smaller take place-and how much it will cost-is the job of the city's plan firms that he said sell it to drug- gists for as little as $2 and $2.98 ning department which, under Learysa direction, assembles the ifor a gram compared to Upjohn's $15 mation and data needed by the Planning Commission and give price. advice and assistance when it is needed. Profits High The nine-member Commission, appointed by the mayor anc John Blair, the committee's chief including one Council member, recommends zonings, approves subdi economist, presented a chart show- vision plats, is required to present to the Council an annual capital ing that Upjohn's profits for the improvement program, and frequently submits plans for the use years 1949-1958 totaled about land and buildings, transportation, housing, conservation, publi three times the firm's net worth a facilities and other elements of Ann Arbor's growth and developmeni decade ago. Kefauver asked Upjohn if "you Need Council Approval don't think that is going pretty The City Council must give final approval to all planning pro fast-a pretty high profit picture." grams. "It shows it is a successful busi- "Planning is a series of value decisions, all of which ultimater ness, yes." Upjohn replied. But he relate to people," Leary said. "We must constantly weigh the publ said "this is a growth industry" good, yet not destroy private rights." and that it takes a lot of invest- At present, the planning department is formulating a new zoning ment for research and develop- ordinance, a comprehensive revision of the original zoning ordinanc ment. of 1923 which has been repeatedly patched and amended. "It also is a basic need industry," "We are also doing a fringe-area study to ascertain what An1 Kefauver said, adding that for a Arbor's area of city services could be in a reasonable length of time, company to pay for itself in four years is "pretty remarkable." Leary said. "It's a record of success, yes," "The conclusions of this study will outline a set of priorities to Upjohn repeated. the annexation of new land to the city," he continued. "The cost a -development of utilities, street and other community facilities to the various segments of the fring ; /rtearea around .Ann Arbor will b+ calculated.n his will make possibl a more informed policy decisio. on new areas for expansion. CommrceConcern. "Another area of concern is th ' ->- commercial activity of the centre business district vs. that of th outlying shopping areas," Lear ; added. "And we are also devisin a thoroughfare plan in coordina 'r <:tion with the University, the town ships and the country." <- "Our problems don't stop at th city limits," he explained, ::Among Ann Arbor's most ur - .gently needed capital improve ments are road construction anc improvements, fire stations for th newer areas of town, parks ane ., recreation facilities for the con - stantly growing young populatior a new city hall to house the man city departments now scattered it three locations, and expansion a sewer and water treatment plan .'4. facilities-"which are as inevitabi as death and taxes." Set Priorities Wolverine Tankers Lead AA U Pai Tragedy Mars Swim .Circus Two thousand fans began a trip "Around the World in 80 Minutes" and emerged more than two hours later after a laugh-filled, but also tragic journey at the Michigan Swim Gala last night. The crowd, absorbed in the pre- vading atmosphere of levity which always prevails at the Gala, was stunned into silence midway through the evening when Michi- gan diver Bob Webster struck his head against the three meter div-. ing board while attempting an inward two-and-one-half sommer- sault. Kn7ocked unconscious by the blow, Webster was hauled from the1 water by his teammates and at- I Wolf, Legacki Share Honors By HAL APPLEBAUM Frank Legacki and Fred Wolf winning three events each paced a strong field of AAU swimmers in the Michigan swim Gala yester- day at the Varsity Exhibition Pool. Legacki, a Michigan junior, won the 50- and 100-yard freestyle as well as the 100-yard butterfly, while his sophomore teammate Wolf won the 100- and 220-yard backstroke and the 100-yard in- dividual relay. The only records to fall in the day long swim festival which started at 11 a.m. and was con- cluded nearly 12 hours later were the pool marks which were bet- tered in both the 440-yard free- ,v ,A 1flfl-va..-1,4et-rd,. aw o '' gm '«...s