) THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATRDI TERNATION AL STUDENTS: Scholars Think USSR liday Celebrations Begin at League Wtsa Fe m & Writers Lack Freedom AY. D Two specialists in Soviet litera- ture agree that the Soviet fight for freedom will never end. Prof. Deming B. Brown, of the Slavic languages and literatures department, and Prof. Ernest J. Simmons, of the Slavic languages and the Russian Institute at Co- lumbia University, expressed this opinion recently on "Background," on WUOM, the University radio station. Prof. Brown said that this fight for freedom will be a slow process. "After World War II there was a hope by Soviet writers that they would have greater freedom," Prof. Simmons noted. "But in 1946 the Communist Party Central Committee issued a decree, and the most severe period of regimen- List Qualities Of Vocation Specialists Six qualifications necessary in a vocational administrator for ef- fectiveness in future development of trade and industrial education were listed by Prof. Ralph C. Wen- rich, chairman of the University vocational education and practi- cal arts department, in a recent speech. Outlining these qualifications to the American Vocational Associa- tion Convention in Chicago, he said: "1) He must be a leader. The administrator of the future can- not depend upon the authority vested in him by virtue of the of- ficial position he holds, but must develop those skills and insights necessary to work within the group. "2) He must be a curriculum specialist." Not only must the ad- ministrator understand trade and Job analysis which is used as a tool in curriculum building, but he must understand, be interested* in, and sympathetic with other phases of the school program. "3) He must know his commu- nity." The administrator should not only have a close working re- lationship with the trades and in- dustries in the community, but should know the whole commu- nity, its power structure and pro- cesses of decision-making. "4) He must be interested in developing a comprehensive pro- gram." He should also be concerned with programs designed to re- train or upgrade industrial work- ers, includin gwomen. An interest in the development of more ade- quate industrial arts programs on the elementary, secondary, and adult levels is also necessary. "5) He must cooperate with those administrators giving lead- ership to other phases of the school program." "6) He must be concerned with the improvement of instruction." To encourage and assist teachers to improve their instruction, to c o n d u c t studies and surveys through which the program can be evaluated and new needs deter- mined - these are the kind of functions which make the differ- ence between a mediocre program and a dynamic program." Hold Auditions For Speakers Auditions for the mid-year com- mencement's student speaker will be held Monday. Competition for this honor is open to all mid-year graduates. Each speech should be no long- er than five minutes and must be presented in its final form at the audition. Members of the Senior Board and Prof. Hugh Z. Norton of the speech department will judge the try-outs. An audition appointment can be made by calling Bruce Wilson, '60 SM, NO 3-5806. tation in Soviet literature fol- lowed. "Even before Stalin's death there was a rising tone of criti- cism among both writers and crit- ics," Simmons related. "After Ilya Ehrenburg wrote a strong denunciation of the Party's attempt at controlling Soviet lit- erature, it became clear that a growing dissent was being mani- fested by writers in the Soviet Union." "The Party sanctioned this de- gree of protest because it was thought to be a protest against conditions under Stalin." But it came too close for com- fort, he continued, when it be- came clear that it also was a pro- test against present conditions. Certain American writers who criticize the United States way of life - like Sinclair Lewis - are condoned and popular in the So- viet Union, Prof. Brown com- mented. But when a Soviet writer criti- cizes similar situations in the So- viet, Union, he is often considered to be subversive. Always Secondary "This criticism is always on a secondary level," Simmons add- ed, "never directed against per- sons like Khrushchev." Simmons conducted a survey among a group of writers who for- merly lived in the Soviet Union. He discovered that they felt that the highly intelligent Soviet read- ers were not entirely convinced by the Soviet theme in literature. A propoganda mission is per- formed by the Soviet novels, he noted. Rags-To-Riches "The characters in these books were the rags-to-riches type and the collective farmer could read about these heroes and find a wish fulfillment." "The Soviet citizens could only take so much of this propaganda," Prof. Brown maintained. "There is plenty of evidence that themes, such as man liking his tractor more than his wife, soon pall." Prof. Simmons in agreement said that the Soviet readers would soon tire of Romeo and Juliet characters talking about crop ro- tation during the balcony scene. The "Background" series is re- broadcast by the Worldwide Eng- lish Service of the Voice of Amer- ica. CITY OF FUTURE-James Van Sweden (left), and Donald Fritz have constructed a plan for the redevelopment of a.section of the downtown area of their home town of Grand Rapids. The model shown above was prepared as part of a senior-year project in architecture. They have presented the model of their Grand Rapids of the future to local architects. NEW PLAN FOR GRAND RAPIDS: Students Propose Urban Decay Solution By SUE FARRELL Two University architectural. students have proposed a solution to one aspect of their home town's urban decay. James Van Sweden, '60A&D and Donald Fritz, '60A&D, both of Grand Rapids, worked together on their senior-year project and de- signed what they call "the gate- way to the heart of Grand Rap- ids," the entrance to the core of the retail selling and civic center. "The whole downtown area has d h generate d slowly over the years," Fritz said. "It is a typical urban renewal area." "We decided to take one part of this area on which to work be- cause we felt we could realize the lacks and needs of our home town," he continued. Flour Mills "The problems we had to face included the old flour mills along the river and an old canal, which has since been filled in and used for a parking lot," Fritz explained. "Manufacturing has ruined the landscape; it is an area we feel should be used to advantage." "Some serious thinking on the problem is also needed because ex- pre sways from Detroit and Chi- cago. already being built, will en- close the downtown area and make it the focal point of the city," Van Sweden added. The model was constructed aft- er exploring and taking pictures of the area, looking at maps and talking to interested people in Grand Rapids. Between the expressway and the river they planned a recep- tion and information center, a motel and a furniture exhibition building. "Exhibitions for buyers have been held in Grand Rapids less often in the last few years be- cause of competition from Chic.a- go," Van Sweden explained. "We wanted to revive interests in the furniture industry as the symbol of Grand Rapids." Largest Building The largest building on the op- posite side of the river is a hotel. Proposed buildings around it and the Civic Auditorium would form a new Civic Center. "An additional reason we un- dertook this project was that the Grand Rapids League of Archi- tects has been considering under- taking some sort of redevelopment project and are trying to stimu- late public interest," Van Sweden said. "We presented our model to them and they were very pleased with the scheme and considered it well within the realm of possi- bility," he added. "We're now working on a fin- ished model which will take ad- vantage of the criticism we have received," Van Sweden and Fritz said, "most of which was suggest- ed refinements in planting and surface treatments and in details of the buildings." Exterior Space Important "Exterior space in relation to the interior of a building is be- coming more important to the to- tal scheme of an architectural plan," they explained. "Most cities are beginning to think in terms of urban renewal projects," Fritz said. "Some of them are realistic, such as this one, and some will never work. "The state of things in Grand Rapids is now only a series of ideas," Van Sweden said. "They're trying to sound out the ideas of the public and get them excited about such a project." "But when people become ac- customed to a city as it is, it's difficult for them to accept the idea of change," he concluded. "Public relations is the most im- portant part of such a project." - i On the Jouje AA _apphpps p a ~ pa s a a ..s ppmppgp.e By SANDRA JOHNSON The Kappa Delta sorority is planning a Winter Party. It is to be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow at a lodge out- side of Ann Arbor. This party is to be given by the new initiate class for the seniors. Entertainment will be provided by the Trinidads, the Sigma Phi Ep- silon singing group. Other enter- tainment will come from informal dancing, singing, eating, and snowball fighting (if there is snow). The Theta Chi fraternity is holding a tea in honor of their house mother from 2 to 4 p.m., tomorrow. Alumni will be coming from a 250-mile area. This party is not open to the public. ThePhi Rho Sigma annual fall formal will be held from 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today. The special feature will be "The Men of Note." The Acacia fraternity will pre- sent their -annual fall pledge for- mal, Snow, Sky, and Stars, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today. Preceding the dance, dinner will be served at the "Golden Apples." Then everyone will return to the Acacia fraternity house to dance to the Ernie Davis Quintet. Additional entertainment will be provided by the Acacia Dixieland Five. Following the pledge formal, there will be a serenade honoring Rosemary Angel and John Ohl- son, Acacia's newest sweethearts, The Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity will present their winter pledge formal tonight. Following the din- ner at 7 p.m. there will be danc- ing to the Larry Kass Orchestra. Entertainment will be provided by the Tau Epsilon Phi Men's Glee Club. Decorations will be on a medieval theme. Europe Has Summer Jobs "This summer there will be 3,000 jobs available in Europe for United States university stu- dents," Ramsey V. Harris, Euro- pean director of the American Student Information Service, an- nounced recently. Each job will pay the standard wage of the country in which they are located, he continued. These countries include England, France Germany, Belgium, Holland, Lux- embourg, Scandinavia, Austria and Spain. Although Germany and France offer the majority of summer openings, there are a few con- struction positions available as far away as Central Africa, he re- lated. RECORDSI 25%o OFFI LIST PRICE buy NOW for CHRISTMAS ALL I Lt DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. I I The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- toral responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily dlue at 2:00 pam. Friday. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1959 VOL. LXX, NO. 67 General Notices Midyear Graduation Exercises: Jan. 16, 1960: To be held at 2:00 p.m. in Hill Aud. Exercises will conclude' about 4:00 p.m. Reception for graduates and their relatives and friends in Michigan League Ballroom at 4:00 p.m. Please en- ter League at west entrance. Tickets: Three to each prospective graduate, to be distributed from Mon., Jan. 4, to 1:00 p.m. sat., Jan. 16, at Cashier's Office, first floor lobby of Ad- ministration Bldg. Academic Costume: Can be rented at Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. University Ave., Orders should be placed immediately. Assembly for Graduates: At 1:00 p.m. in Natural Science Aud. Marshall will direct graduates to proper stations. Graduation Announcements, Invita- tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Student Affairs. Programs: To be distribSuted at Hill Aud. Doctoral degree candidates who qualify for the Ph.D. degree or a simi- lar graduate degree and who attend the graduation exercises will be given a hood by the University. Hoods given during the ceremony are all Doctor of Philosophy hoods. Those receiving a doctor's degree father than the Ph.D. may exchange the Ph.D. hood given them during the ceremony for the ap- propriate one immediately after the ceremony. Such exchange may be made in the Natural Science Aud. after the recessional march. The Regular fall meeting of the Uni- versity Senate will be held on Mon., Dec. 14, at 4:15 p.m. in Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Concerts Guest Cellist: Robert Martin will be heard in a cello recital in, Aud. A, An- gell Hall on Sun., Dec. 13, at 8:30 p.nI He will be assisted by -David Efron, pianist. Open to the general public. Lectures Fourth Annual Carl V. Weller Lee- ture, 'The Pathology of Ionizing Radia- tion," Shields Warren, M.D., Prof. of Pathology, Harvard University, 5:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Lecture: Prof. Kenneth L. Pike will speak on "'The Status of the Language System(s) of the Bilingual" on Mon., Dec. 14 at 8 p.m., W. Conference Rm., Rackham Bldg. Everyone welcome. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Herman Merte, Jr., Mechanical Engrg.; thesis: "A Study of Pool Boiling in an Accel- erating System," Mon., Dec. 14, 146 W. Engrg. Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, J. A. Clark. Placement Notices Personnel Requests: Gerber Products Co., Fremont, Mich., is interested in employing a young col- lege graduate with a degree in Law and a fair Accounting background, with or without experience. A Firm in the Detroit Area has an excellent position for a college gradu- ate with a BS degree in Analytical Chemistry. February graduates pre- ferred, or alumni. New York State announces school district lob opportuniltes: Clerks, Sten- ographers, Machine operators, Business Mgr., Accountants, and many others. Applications accepted up to Dec 28, with examinations held Jan. 30. Com- plete list is on file at the Bureau. State of Connecticut announces ex- amination for Architect (Schools), with closing date for applications on Dec. 18 Jan. 30 is the closing date for the fol- lowing exams: Chief of Welfare Services (Public Assistance), Welfare District Director I and II, and Welfare Field Supervisor, Supervisor of Staff Devel- opment (Welfare), and Chief, Bureau of Program Operations. Thompson Products Div., Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, has need of people with MS or PhD in *Met., ChE., Physics, Chemistry or EM. Citizenship preferred. Argonne Nat'l Labs., Lemont, Ill., has need of BS grads in Science and Engrg. fields Brochures may be obtained from 4001 Admin. Bldg. (Continued on Page 4) p Gea jeI TONIGHT at 7:00 and 9:00 TOMORROW at 8:00 Arthur Miller's "DEATH OF A SALESMAN" , r'rrr rn itv/ AA AenDLr p 1 Continuous Today , From 1 o'clock ; I .a DIAL NO 8-6416 Brought Back at Request