"Now Let's Try This One" 4t 91-01-igan Daily Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHlN: Osborne's Dillon Unsympathetic Hero I I "When Opinions Are Free Trut wil Prevan- Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must ke noted in all reprints. URSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN HARTWIG Renewal Group Faces Problems rVHE ANN ARBOR City Council has outlined a difficult task for itself by attempting to treat the problem of urban renewal through the efforts of a citizens' committee rather than through the services of a professional firm. A professional firm, more experienced in making such investigations, could analyze in- formation about the area's needs more effi- ciently than a committee of untrained citizens. The professional survey would be more accu- rate and complete, since it would be based upon a strong foundation of -technical knowl- edge. The disinterested, professional attitude with which a hired firm would look at the situation would be beneficial to the city. It definitely would not be thrown off by political maneuver- ing, excessive concern for individual rights, or technical ignorance. Its suggested methods for improvement and rehabilitation would serve for the general welfare of the people living in the area and for the appearance of the city as a whole. COUNCIL MEMBERS themselves expressed their doubt of the ability of a committee of citizens to fulfill its function. Several support- ed the suggestion that the committee start Eisenhower Assi PRESIDENT EISENHOWER'S goodwill trip this week, to eleven nations of Western Europe, South Asia, and North Africa is one example of a general situation of which Ameri- cans have become increasingly aware: the President has become virtually his own Sec- retary of State. While Christian Herter sits to the side nodding, Mr. Eisenhower has ap- parently been pulling all the strings. Although it is perfectly natural and advisable to expect a certain degree of direct Presidential action on matters of state; past Secretaries (including John Foster Dulles' have seemingly had much more influences and jurisdiction within their'sphere of duties than has Christian Herter. In plannnig his present "world mission," Eisenhower was carefully briefed by his son John, Press Secretary Jim Hagerty, and Ap- pointments Secretary Tom Stephens. He went over his proposed schedule with these men in detail, partly approving and partly modifying it. But Secretary of State Herter apparently took little, if any, part in the matter. IT IS POSSIBLE that Eisenhower's personal trip will accomplish much in the way of strengthening friendships abroad, and that his recently revived role in foreign policy matters has been beneficial. But, if -so, why do we need a Secretary of State? If the Secretary's duty is to oversee' the managing of foreign affairs and relations, and if the President can handle this all himself, he really need not appoint someone else to -do it. This consideration might seem silly, but it is no more silly than the President's thinking that he can handle both domestic and foreign affairs himself in anything more than a general working, and that if it encounters difficulties with which it can't cope, then outside help could be summoned. Judging from the atti- tudes of the Council members, the idea of hir- ing a professional group*seems not to have been dropped completely. Their opinion of the success of the committee seems to be influenced by the slowness with which Mayor Creal's Vol- untary Committee for Rehabilitation has thus far operated. Not hiring a professional firm is an unfor- tunate thing, because it would be more capable than a committee of local citizens. But the die has been cast. Now the mayor and the City Council must appoint especially capable, in- telligent and interested people to the commit- tee. They will still be harrassed by difficulties and obstacles, but in spite of them they could produce a thorough study and suggest worth- while, feasible plans to rehabilitate and main- tain the area at accepted standards. These people must be practical, but they must also have a strong interest in the welfare of the inhabitants and the condition of the city. Let us hope that the new committee produces more results than we have seen so far, --DONNA MOTEL umes New Role capacity. Certainly affairs of state should be of great concern to him, but a vast preponder- ance of work in this area must be handled by the Secretary of State in order that the Presi- dent have the time to handle effectively all the important duties of his office, both foreign and domestic. THE ABSENCE of a powerful Secretary of State will probably have its repercussions on the GOP bid for the 1960 elections. For the past eight years the Republicans have relied heavily on Mr. Eisenhower's domestic personal popularity. He has 'accomplished much largely because of his great respect and prestige. But now that Eisenhower is about to leave office, who will the- Republicans have for a Secretary of State? It seems their only hope is that the Republican presidential candidate, if elected, might be able to play this same dual role of "President-Secretary of State" that Eisenhower is attempting. But it is questionable whether this could be done, especially when Mr. Eisenhower-even with all his personal popu- larity and prestige-still did not enjoy the greatest success. Although it is important that the chief executive exercise a certain authority both in foreign and domestic affairs, when his concern with one area becomes disproportionate to his actual duty in that area, government becomes handicapped with inefficiency and mis-spent effort. This is what has happened to the Eisen- hower Administration. Though President Eisenhower may be effec- tive abroad, perhaps more of the work in this area ought to be done by the Secretary of State, who is actually delegated and trained to handle it. -SHERMAN SILBER #l 4 -,.a rr, A a 0 4,1 40 Q M~tMo Herblock is away due to iiness CepluM. tl"M TM puUmu Pb ltab. tit. Louis PO*-E"Sgps DUAL LOYALTY: Birth Control and Kennedy By JAMES SEDER BIRTH CONTROL nearly did to Sen; John F. Kennedy what liquor did to Al Smith. Like Kennedy, Smith was an Eastern, big-city Roman Catholic. To win the Presidency he faced a tough uphill fight. Smith killed whatever chance he may have had when he disregarded his own po- litical maxim "first get elected, then fight crusades" and advo- cated ending Prohibition. This was the straw that broke the camel's back-he was over- whelmingly defeated. Kennedy faces the same ob- stacles Smith faced; healso faces two Smith-created obstacles: the theory thata Catholic can't win, and the current game of con- sidering every event in the light of the Catholic candidate's sup- posed dual loyalty. Kennedy has worked hard, and seemingly successfully, to dis- credit the "a-Catholic-can't-win" theory, by rounding up strong grassroots support. t * * * BUT THERE WAS no way for Kennedy to go out and meet the dual-loyalty charge: he had to wait and see what developed' Recently, a "dual-loyalty issue" did develop three events concern- ing population problems and arti- ficial birth-control made national headlines. The problem of the "population explosion" is not a new one. The United States and most of the other countries of the world have been studying the problem for many years. The State Depart- ment set up a committee headed by retired Maj. Gen. William Draper to study the population problem in under-developed na- tions. The first public focus on the problem came as a result of the statements of two prominent Brit- ish biologists, Sir Charles Darwin and Julian Huxley, who came to this country to attend the Dar- winian Centennial Celebration at the University of Chicago. In their speeches at Chicago and in articles stimulated by their talks in the mass - circulation magazines the danger that the day might come when the earth's resources will be drowned in a sea of human beings was vividly brought home to the American public. Then, the Draper committee submitted its report. The report pointed out that population ex- plosions in underdeveloped coun- tries were seriously undermining the attempts of those countries to raise their standards of living. * *. * THESE TWO events might very well have caused Kennedy some political embarassment, but the Roman Catholic Bishops of Ameri- ca took the element of doubt out of the situation. They chose to re- iterate the position of the Roman Catholic Church on artificial birth control. This put Kennedy on the spot. Did he agree with the experts or his Church? Kennedy's answer was sound politics and also a sound program for the government. Kennedy an- swered that birth control mea- sures should not be undertaken or sponsored by the United States government. Any birth - control programs should come from pri- vate groups. The nations needing to control their populations are predominently Negroid and Mon- goloid. No one should be able to deduce from the actions of our government that the United States wants to reduce, destroy or "con- trol" the world's non-white popu- lation. Kennedy avoided answering the question of conflict between his moral beliefs and the needs of the country by denying that such a conflict existed. * * * MOST commentors on Ken- nedy's answer, including the anti- Kennedy Mrs. Eleannor Roosevelt, agreed that Kennedy had spoken wisely. But the moral problem still re- mained. Kennedy was saved politically by a Protestant Republican. Presi- dent Eisenhower told newsmen that he would never, so long as he were President, allow American funds to be used for birth-con- trol purposes. President Eisen- hower silenced the dual loyalty aspect of the question by indicat- ing that he too was bound by cer- tain moral convictions. This basi- cally squelched any potential criticism of Kennedy's position. One question still remains un- answered: why did the Catholic Bishops decide to make the state- ment when they did? There are three possible an- swers: 1) They were afraid that Ken-, nedy's nomination would raise anti-Catholic bitterness and they wanted to prevent the nomina- tion, or if Kennedy were elected and turned out to be a poor presi- dent it would hurt the Church. 2) They wanted to demonstrate that the Church would in no way foster or protect Kennedy's presi- dential drive. 3) They felt that public discus- sion of birth-control compelled them to reiterate and make clear its position and it was determined to fulfill its role of moral advisor to its members irregardless of the political consequences of its moral views for any individual Catholic. IT IS OBVIOUSLY impossible to know what the Bishops thought -or even if they all were mo- tivated by the same reason. But there is no particular reason for supposing that they were doing anything extraordinary. There is no evidence to suppose that the Bishops did any more than they have ever done-speak out about a moral question about which they were morally concerned. It would seem that there would be more danger of a merging of church and state if a church group were to endeavor to protect one of its member's political future at the cost of prostituting its moral values. "EPITAPH FOR George Dillon" concerns the spiritual death of a struggling, conniving actor-play- wright whose inability to sym- pathize with the greater mass of humanity leads to his ultimate compromise with public taste. At least, I think that this is what "Epitaph" is about. As a play it has many shortcomings, not the least of which is Osborne and Creighton's failure to delineate successfully the complex person- ality of its main protagonist. If I am right (and we will mud- dle through on the assumption that I am) "Epitaph's" unre- deemable flaw is its inability to generate the necessary sympathy for Dillon. We feel no sympathy for Dillon, in turn, because he feels no sympathy for anyone else. He is the calculating intellectual wriggling helplessly in the self- woven web of his own egocen- tricity. Although he possesses deep insight upon which he bases his artistic hopes, he lacks compas- sion. Thus, he realizes that Mrs. Elliot befriends him-takes him into the Elliot household-not because of any deep appreciation of art, but because she is hoping to replace her only son, killed in the war. At the end of the first act, as he views the portrait of this dead son, he can only exclaim, "What a stupid-looking bastard!" We feel that in all probability his observa- tion is correct, for he does under- stand. * * 4. THE WORLD, insofar as Dillon is concerned, owes him not only a living, but an apology, and he has no qualms about leeching off the Elliot's. Feeling secure in his artis- tic integrity, he battles his way through rejection slips until, fi- nally, he popularizes one of his plays. In the final act, when he re- turns home to the Elliot's after a bout with Tuberculosis (an obvious symbol for his greater, inner ill- ness) Mrs. Elliot is overjoyed with his popular success. Dillon, swoon- ing in her arms, is overwhelmed by the inevitability of his "successful" failure. Fulfilling their roles as "carica- tures" admirably, the cast at- tempts to define for the play- wrights the conflicts which are, at best, vague. HOWARD GREEN who played another Osborne character in the summer production of "Look Back in Anger" portrayed him again. Osborne's two heros, Jimmy Port- er and George Dillon are very similar interpretations. Although Dillon hardly spends the time wallowing in his own joyous misery that Porter does, he is the same bombastic and simul- taneously self - abnegating char- acter. Dillon, as Osborne, has the rare ability to catch himself in his own absurdities. Green struts his two hours upon the stage perhaps a'bit more than the role of Dillon requires. But he is fascinating to watch with his rapid alterations of mood, his generally keen sense of timing, and a grace of movement that is rare if not always controlled. ' * NANCY ENGGASS as Ruth, the woman who has loved a man like Dillon and knows him too well - and loves him too well, is extremely sensitive to her role. It is her char- acterization, more than any other that gives the play a sense of direc- tion and relevance. Ruth is "Epi- taph's" one sympathetic character and Miss Enggass gains and holds this sympathy throughout. The second act scene between Miss Enggass and Green should be far more significant to audi- ence understanding than it ap- pears, however. It is the one "dra- matic moment" in an essentially plodding piece, but it fails to ful- fill its potential chiefly because of the, author's inability to stop laughing at his own creations and the actors' occasional failure to achieve the split-second timing in mood' change necessary to cap- ture the meaning as well as the motion of the scene. carriage volumes that could not have been stated in words. Miss Gee's painfully thin, slumped body and indescribable walk is a mas- terpiece of expression. If the play is interesting, it is because Osborne has something interesting to say. It is, however, never a gripping experience, and the ironic ending is intellectual when it needs to be emotional. -J. L Forsht and Jo Hardee New Books at Library Leech, Margaret-In the Days of McKinley; N.Y., Harper & Bros., 1959. Mailer, Norman-Advertisements for Myself; N.Y., G. P. Putname's Sons, 1959 Peyrefitte, Roger -Knights of Malta; N.Y., Criterion Books, 1959. Phillips, John-Odd World; N Y., Simon & Schuster, 1959. Rise, Elmer-The Living The- atre; N.Y., Harper & Bros., 1959. Robbins, Roland Wells and' Jones, Evan - Hidden America; N.Y., A Knopf, 1959. Shimer, John A:-The Sculp- tured Earth; N.Y., Columbia Uni- versity Press, 1959. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is en official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEwRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2;00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1959 VOL. LXX, NO 65 General Notices TIAA -- College Retirement Equities Fund: Participants in the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA) retirement program who wish to change their contributions tb the College Retirement Equities Fund (CREF), or to apply for or discontinue participation in the Equities Fund; will be able to-make such changes before Dec. 18, 1959. Staff members who have % or % of their contributions to TIAA allocated to CREF may wish to change to a 'a basis or go from the latter to a % or %3 basis. Please contact the Office of Staff Benefits, 3057 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 619. New University of Michigan Graduate Screening Examinations in French: And German. All graduate students desir- ing to fulfill their foreign language re- quirement by passing the written exam- ination given by Prof. Lewis (formerly given by Prof. Hootkins) must first past (Continued on Page 5) Playing the senseless and over- sexed young woman whom Dillon gets "in the family way," Estelle Ginn is all animal. She is, as Dil- lon says just before seducing her, "characterless"-intentionally so. GIVING performances that re- quire high degrees of characteriza- tion with little dialogue, Tom Leith and Anne Gee were admirable. Both conveyed by posture and HOWARD GREEN ... s Osborne hero MAX LERNER: Make, Believe in Italy ROME-A friendly man stepped off his Air Force plane in a driving rain at the Ciam- pino airport and received a friendly welcome. The officials and people here were all ready to like Ike. Even the Communist leaflets proclaim "wel- come" in English in their homage to the man of Camp David. Having said this I must also say that the Italian part of the President's trip seems an exercise largely in make work and, make believe. Nothing will be decided in the talks here that will shape the world's history. HISTORIANS may some day say that Eisen- hower chose Italy as his first stop because whe'n Segni and Pella came to Washington late in September the President had a cold and went off to Arizona. The Italians were furious at what they considered a slight. One of Eisenhower's aims may well be the healing of Segni's hurt. Another motive may be to discuss with President Gronchi what he will carry with him on his coming visit to Moscow. Yet these are minor matters. The major fact is that Italians of every class and party are both hopeful and puzzled about the Khrushchev visit to America and the thawing out of the cold war. This is the only really new theme I have heard discussed here since my last visit. The Italian Communists gave it a name, "de- tensione," for which there is on one word English translation. It refers to the easing of tensions between America and Russia and has become a staple in all the newspapers. A number of Christian Democrats and Social reliance on world "detensione" may sap the militance of Italian Communists. V THIN THIS frame President Eisenhower dare not be glowing about the chances of world peace lest he feed the current Communist propaganda line here. Yet neither can he risk being pessimistic about it and thus give the Communists a handle for attack. Yet to evade or straddle it would be to evade or straddle the onlyy big issue that has some spontaneous appeal. I may be wholly wrong about this. I come here from India where there is a sense of crisis and urgency because of Chinese aggression. There is little sense of crisis and urgency here. Italy is old and beautiful and beyond ruin. ITALY IS enjoying some prosperity now, with' rising living standards for the middle classes and the employed workers, and with a good balance of trade and a stable lira. But it is also true that the spread between the prosperous bourgeoisie of the north and the landless and jobless farm workers of Apulia, Lucania, and Sicily has grown greater rather than less. Industry is still dominated by big companies that have developed little of the outlook of the American welfare corporation. Agriculture is weakened by an uneconomic and heavily sub- sidized wheat production ,the government is run by a right wing faction of the Christian Democrats, whose alliance with other parties of the right is qualified only by the support of Saragat's Social Democrats. If the Segni government has managed to sur- I LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: W ters Discuss Messiah Review, Movie Critic To the Editor: UNDER NORMAL circumstances I would not feel moved to reply to the letter of Mr. Felix A. Pap- palardi, Jr., SM, but since he feels moved to impugn my qualifica- tions to review a performance of Messiah, an answer forces itself. While I would 'not pretend to be a judge of my journalistic compe- tence, I do feel that I know a little about the score and techniques of Handel's Messiah, even though Mr. Pappalardi might think oth- erwise. First of all, I have some back ground in music (MM, University of Michigan, plus eight years of vocal training and more than a decade of choral experience)and I hae stn in rfnma-n c years behind the times," as Mr. Pappalardi says it is, might I re- mind him that puts me right in with Handel (died 1759)? Since Handel's forces for per- forming Messiah consisted of an orchestra and chorus of about equal numbers - somewhere near 30 each - it would be my opinion that in order to maintain those proportions, as Mr. Pappalardi says is done here, the orchestra should have numbered around 300 players. Of course, this is prepos- t e r o u s, but reduction of the chorus is very practical. *4* * THE FACT that many noted choral societies have made a tra- dition of performing Messiah with mave c~u~ hoirs tviLhf. mit TMr ?.n- musicology and is a vocal matter, has long been debated. But I in- sist that the use of It is admitting defeat in the battle to articulate such music. * * * IF MR. Pappalardi would ob- serve the performances of really fine singers in music of this florid nature, he might realize that the use of aspirate "h's" is not "the only way to produce clear articu- lation in rapid eighth and six- teenth note passages." If he doesn't hear it there, he might consult any cop etent voice teacher. I can only say that Mr. Pap- palardi's insistence on my abys- mal ignorance of these matters is Angry Young Woman To the Editor: THE REVIEW of "Look Back in Anger" left this reader with a vast feeling of nausea. Aside from the inane and incorrect remarks about snarls pouts and scowls the reviewer seems to have entirely missed the point of the story with wondrous facility. If the necessary information is lacking, it is true that American audiences might have difficulty in discerning the basis for the bitter sarcasm of England's Angry Young Men. The screen play does leave something to be desired on this point. The raillery against Allison's middle class background has its There is no hint of self-pity in either the portrayal of Jimmy Por- ter orf the interpretation of the role by Richard Burton. In fact, the impression I received was a distinct lack of pity for anyone and certainly none for himself. It follows without saying that Jimmy did not feel himself "re- duced to running a sweets stall." I do not know where the reviewer received this bit of misinforma- tion, but clearly not from the pic- ture. BURTON NEITHER mumbles, squirms or sweats in the well- known "innermost me" method acting of Brando. Jimmy is pos- sessed of marked energy, action, and (compared to Marlon Brando) i