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December 09, 1959 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-09

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25th Annual 'M' Swim Gala Saturday

Trackmen Training in Weighted Jackets;
Invention Proves Popular with Athletes

Steeped in tradition, the Michi-
gan swim team will present the
25th annual Swim Gala Saturday
night at 8 p.m.
Originally the brain child of
Matt Mann, Wolverine swim
coach from 1926-1954, the Gala
combines the best swimming and
aquatic events, to provide a full
day of top flight swimming.
This, the 25th Gala, is a tribute
to its founder, Mann, and to the
late Bruce Harlan, Michigan's div-
ing coach from 1954-1959. Harlan
was killed in a fall last July.
Coach Five Years
In his five years at Michigan
Harlan, who was an Olympic div-
ing champion in 1948, added
greatly to the Gala. He drew from
the experiences he gathered as a
professional diver. Harlan and
Hobie Billingsley, Indiana's diving

coach, toured the country with the
great water show they -owned, ran
and performed in.
The imaginative material he
added to the Gala, his own diving,
and that of the divers he trained
will long be remembered by the
Michigan swim fans fortunate
enough to have seen him perform.
His presence will be felt Satur-
day night as the Michigan divers,
perfrom thrilling three meter and
precision platform dives as well
as adding to the general levity of
the evening with their comic rou-
Great Names
In the first 25 Galas, the great-
est names in swimming have par-
ticipated. Olympic c h a m p io n s
such as the great Adolph Keifer,
have swam and given exhibitions
in the Gala.

Q h
the game's the thing!
Fred Katz, Associate Sports Editor
The Gentle Way
MAYHEM WITH MANNERS, some might call it.
That's judo, a sport as paradoxical as it is paralyzing.
It's perhaps one of the classic misnomers of all time that judo
means "the gentle way."
It almost makes you lose faith in your ability to conquer 60-
pound, eight-year-old boys, . once they have learned the tricks of
this ancient Japanese back-racking game.
Playing the role of the intrepid reporter, I greeted a yard-high
moppet at a judo academy on Chicago's south side with the challenge:
"Think you can throw me?"
I had heard him boast to another third-grader about the 12
lessons he already had had. You can't let these kids get too cocky.
But he was eager, too eager. A minute later I discovered why.
Just as I was poised to find out how effective his instructor, Blaise
Joe Zorich, was, teacher Joe yelled from another corner of the mats:
"Hey, get away from that kid!"
"I'm not going to hurt him," I yelled back.
"Hurt him? He could break your arm"'
My awe of what was in front of me must have resembled that
of the Egyptian pharoah when the wooden rod suddenly turned into
a serpent at Moses' command.
Teacher Joe made his point even more emphatic. A solid 185-
pounds and a former Golden Gloves boxing champion, he himself
paired off with this unlikely 60-pound stick of dynamite. He gave no
resistance and went flying over the shoulder of his prize pupil.
I was thoroughly convinced. Judo works.
Says Joe: "Judo is more than a way of killing a person; it's
an art."
I'll agree. It's a most artful means of murder.
Actually, judo, as practiced in AAU sanctioned tournaments and
as taught in such schools as Joe's, is a sport with a definite set of
rules of etiquiette that are essential.
Jul jitsu, sometimes confused with judo, Is practiced only by
"blackbelts," the highest-ranking judo experts. This can be truly
brutal for it's the equivalent of street-fighting: anything goes.
Family Affairr...
PROPONENTS of judo fall almost without exception into three
categories: the kids, who want to know something the other kids
don't and thereby assert their physical supremacy in the neighbor-
hood: their fathers, who consider it a practical means of working out
once a week; and their sisters, mothers and grandmothers, who
figure they'll never again have to worry about walking down the side
streets at night.
Joe has had male students ranging in age from 4% to 68 years,
and women from 5 to 55.
He gets his biggest kicks from the kids and that's why he gave up
his insurance business six years ago.
-"He'll tell you kiddingly that "if I was smart, I'd still be there,
because I made a lot more."
But then he turns semi-serious and'you know why he enjoys
letting an eight-year-old "throw" him.
"After a few times here these kids are ready to take on a whole
school. It builds their confidence like nothing I know. Most of the
time parents will bring them in and the kids are scared. I don't
blame 'em. When I was a boxer, I was afraid of judo, too. I'd see these
guys flying through the air and say, "Nope, this isn't for me." But I
got over it as most everyone else does.
"You wanta know why I stay here? I can remember how I was-a
shy kid. And I get the same type all the time-shy as all get out. So
many parents don't give their kids credit for doing anything. So judo
does the job the parents should be doing-building their kids' con-
Joe refuses to pamper his students; he roughhouses with them
and gives them their share of spills. Yet they love it and they come
back for more. The harder their spills the more determined they
One pink-cheeked cherub was wandering about aimlessly, ten-
derly massaging back and backside. (I'm still sore from last week.)
He was a new judo student with revenge as his incentive.
"Four 11-year-olds beat me up two weeks ago. My dad found out
and he brought me here. I'11 get even with 'em soon.
"My grandma said I'd be throwing people after two lessons;
shows you how much grandma knows about judo!"
What did grandma have to say as she sat in a corner watching
her brave new warrior?
"The boy doesn't know how to defend lhimself; it's terrible. I
don't mean that he should hurt people, but to defend himself, yes.
"You know, it's a wonderful thing, this judo. In fact, it's nice. They

It is only fitting that this, the
silver anniversary of the Gala,
kicks off another Olympic swim-
ming year; and that Michigan
Coach Gus Stager, is to coach the
American team.
Michigan swimmers from the
United States, Mexico, Hungary,
Canada, and Finland will be par-
ticipating. Many of them will rep-
resent their countries in Rome
this coming August.
Oklahoma Coach
Mann, now coach at Oklahoma,
where he went when he was
forced to "retire" from Michigan
upon reaching his 70th birthday
in 1954, built the Wolverines into
a national power in his years at
Ann Arbor.
Along with Bob Kiputh of Yale
and Mike Pepe of Ohio State,
Mann was greatly responsible for
building collegiate swimming to
the status it has now achieved.
The work of these three men is
reflected in the fact that Michi-
gan, Ohio State and Yale have
been the only institutions to win
the NCAA team championships
since they were inaugurated.
Gala Theme
The theme of this year's Gala is
"Around the World in 80 Min-
The show will have swimming
events dedicated to the Michigan
swimmers from Mexico, Hungary,
Finland and Canada.
Besides this full scale water
show, topflight swimming events
will feature this day-long extrava-
Swim trials will begin Saturday
morning at 11 a.m. Some finals
will be held at 4 p.m. with the
others being run off as part of the
evening show.
Tickets are $1 for general ad-
mission and 60 cents for students.
One ticket entitles the holder ad-
mittance to all three events.

The Michigan athletic depart-
ment's "free enterpriser" has done
it again.
Wolverine track coach and part-
time businessman Don Canham
has put another product on the
market that is selling like the
proverbial hotcakes.
It is a weighted training jacket
designed to help athletes improve
their performances. The sleeveless
jacket's main feature is four huge
pockets, two in front and two in
Into these pockets go four thin
rectangular-shaped lead weights.
Each weighs two and a half lbs.,
giving the wearer an extra 10 lbs.
to carry around.
Builds Up Muscles
According to Canham, these 10
lbs. give an athlete a chance to
build up underdeveloped muscles
while running through ordinary
training exercises.
"The additional weight brings
more muscle fibres into play, thus
taxing an athlete and making him

--Daily-Jim Benagh
WEIGHTED JACKET-John Gregg, *olverine sprinter, watches
track coach Don Canham insert one of the four lead weights into
the jacket he will wear during practice. The vest-type jackets add
ten pounds to each athlete's weight and are designed to help
strengthen the muscles of the Wolverine trackmen.

more tired than he would ordi-
narily be after a workout," said
the Michigan coach.
"When some of our runners wore
the jackets for the first time. they
complained about the soreness
they felt afterwards. But this sore-
ness gradually builds strength and
when you take those jackets off,
you really feel that you can move
alot faster. Its just like losing 10
Used by Russians
"The Russians have used some-
thing like this for quite a while.
However, they use a belt and this
does not place the weight over a
person's center of gravity. Our
jacket does that. Another fault
of the belt was that it used to
bounce on the athlete's hip as he
went through his particular exer-
cise," said Canham.
Evidently the Wolverine coach
has a lot of backers in this latest
training method of his, for at last
count his modest Ann Arbor fac-
tory is well behind production,
with new orders piling up every
"The jacket's use isn't limited to
runners. It is of great value to
broad jumpers, high jumpers and
other athletes," said Canham.
' Used by Cagers
"In fact a great deal of our
orders have come from basketball
and football coaches. Basketball
coaches have their players scrim-
mage with their jackets on to build
up their leg muscles. When game
time arrives, off go the 10-1lb
jackets and the players feel they
can jump twice as high," said the
Michigan coach.
Thus the jackets have psycho-
logical as well as physical value.
"Football coaches have been us-
ing the jackets to build up their
players muscles during the off
season. If requested, we give them
four extra weights so that they
can build up the total extra weight
to 20 lbs.
"Coaches have their players
wear jackets while doing sit-ups,
chin-ups, or any exercise. They all

Big Ten Enters Meetings Tomorrow;
NCAA Television Policies Under Fire

build up unused muscles," said the
Wolverine enterpriser.
Old Principle
Actually Canham's idea has been
in effect for a long time. For
countless years baseball players
have swung a bat weighted with
lead while awaiting their turn at
the plate. Ancient runners often
ran with weights in their hands to
build up leg muscles.
This is not the first time the
business-minded Wolverine coach
has dipped into the commercial
market. Five years ago he put
films on the market showing the
techniques of famous track stars.
This small beginning has blos-
somed into "Champions on Film,"
a firm with reels on 39 sports and
a worldwide organization with offi-
ces in Glasgow and Copenhagen.
In addition Canham runs "Wol-
verine Sports Supply," a firm that
manufactures 12 differnet athletic
items ranging from track hurdles
to football sideline markers. He
has also written several books on
track and field techniques.
However no one can accuse the
busy Michigan mentor of neglect-
ing his coaching duties, for his
teams have consistently finished
high up in the Big Tenlast year
finishing first indoors and second
Skiers To Meet
The Uller Ski Club will have
its first open meeting of the
season tonight at the Michigan
Union, from 7:30 to 9.
Membership is open for both
unexperienced and experienced
skiers, and everyone is invited
to join. The club is particularly
interested in those who like to
race, since much of the time on
skis is spent in this fashion.
For anyone who would like
more information, please con-
tact Miss Julie Yoder at NO


" j

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-The Big Ten enters
its annual winter meetings Thurs-
day, flushed with a 3 million dollar
television offer that is bound to
raise the Conference's blood pres-
sure against the NCAA's TV policy.;
Commissioner K. L. (Tug) Wil-
son confirmed today that a Chi-
eago advertising agency (Wade)
has offered a three-year contract'
for a client that advertises nation-

'North Carolina State Upset
InCollege Basketball Action

By The Associated Press

A field goal by Ronnie Jackson
with three seconds left gave South
Carolina a 71-70 victory over
North Carolina State in a basket-
ZBT Downs
ATO, 4-3
Zeta Beta Tau, with 6'2" Joe
Levine leading the way, defeated
Alpha Tau Omega, 4-2, in the "A"
fraternity volleyball champion-
ship game played last night.
It was a very close, hard fought
match with neither team holding
more than a slim lead 'at any
In the residence hall "B" cham-
pionship Kelsey downed Taylor,
4-1. Monday night the Kelsey "A"
team lost in the finals to Gom-
berg. Kelsey also won the "A"
football championship earlier
this fall.

ball game played last night at
Columbia, S. C.
Meanwhile, Jerry West pumped
in 24 points as West Virginia won
its fourth straight game, 84-62,
over Richmond.
In the East, Syracuse, in a very
tight contest, rose up to defeat
previously unbeaten Cornell, 68-66.
Bowling Green took care of
Canisus handily, 80-71. Top scorer,
for the winners was All-America
candidate Jim Darrow with 32.
Clarion Teachers was never
headed as they easily downed
slippery Rock Teachers, 105-88.
NBA Standings
W L Pct. GB
Boston 19 4 .826 -
Philadelphia 15 6 .714 3
Syracuse 13 8 .619 5
New York 7 15 .318 11if
St. Louis 11 9 .550 -
Detroit 11 13 .458 2
Cincinnati 7 17 .292 6
Minneapolis 7 18 .280 6Y
Cincinnati 105, St. Louis 101
Boston 121, New York 105

ally. It stipulates payment of one
million dollars annually to beam
Big Ten football, basketball and
other Conference 'events with an
option for renewal after three
The Big Ten can accept only if
the NCAA changes its policy which
provides a national-regional foot-
ball program with controls. The
Big Ten long has crusaded for
schools to arrange their own TV
schedules and commitments but
never has made headway along
this line with the NCAA.
The only other way for the Big
Ten to accept the TV offer would
be to ignore NCAA policy, which
would amount to a bolt from that
organization. Not abiding by NCAA
regulations would make Big Ten
schools ineligible for NCAA cham-
pionship competition and even
could go so far as schedule boy-
cotts by NCAA members.
The TV offer will be perused by
the Big Ten Television Committee
in a meeting tomorrow night and
its suggestions probably will be
known before the conference ses-
sions end Saturday.
Least Pain, Good
715 N. University

The committee consists of Ath-
letic Directors Doug Mills of Illi-
nois, Paul Brechler, Iowa; Ivy
Williamson, Wisconsin; Guy Mac-
key, Purdue, and ex-officio mem-'
bers Wilson and Assistant Com-
missioner Bill Reed.
Another item on the agenda is
a review of the Conference's finan-
cial aid policy based on need. The
report is to be made before a
joint meeting of faculty represen-
tatives and athletic directors'
Thursday by Committee Chairman
Stu Holcomb of Northwestern.
Holcomb will propose that the
need factor be eliminated, con-
tending that because of it the Big
Ten is losing athletes to outside



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