Ut n
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
41 ii
Fair turning to partial overcast by
early afternoon with brisk winds.
See Page 4
VOL. LXX, No. 64
Six I
Eisenhower Charms F
Sees Afghanistan lies
Ike To Visit Nehru, _ s
Address Parliament
President Calls Talks in Pakistan
'Interesting, Constructive' in Speech
KARACHI, Pakistan (I)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower wound
up a triumphal 40-hour visit to Pakistan Yesterday and with a fond
farewell from President Mohammed Ayub Khan took off for a five-
hour stop in Afghanistan where he landed at 10:52 p.m. (EST).
Later today Eisenhower will fly from Kabul, Afghanistan, to India
for his meetings with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and India's
President Rajendra Prasad under the shadow of the Red China threats
to India.
After a gruelling, crowd-cheered schedule during his stay in Kara-
chi, Eisenhower had the spring of a young man in his step when, he
""alighted from the helicopter that{
. 'e took him to Karachi's Mauripur!
tWins Contest
;JI Of Ap
Of Aplause
NEW YORK (? - 'e Demo-
crats held a contest of 1960 Pres-
idential possibilities this weekend
and, based on appl'ause, the win-
ner was Adlai E. Stevenson.
Stevenson says he isn't seeking
the nomination.
The occasion was a dinner hon-
oring the 75th birthday of Mrs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt. It came at
the end of weekend meetings in
New York of the Democratic ad-
visory council. More than 1,000
Democrats paid $100 a plate to
attend the event and look over
the field.
When dinner ended, the cur-
tains parted on a stage. And there,
seated in a semi-circle with Mrs.
Roosevelt and former President
Harry Truman in the middle, were
three United States Senators,
Gov. G. Mennen Williams told
the group that the Republicans
want to "stay in the valley of
"Nobody here, I venture to
say, has had more personal ex-
perience than I," he continued.
"As a sort of Democratic Daniel
in the Republican lions' den out
in Michigan, I have seen the
Republican Party stand firmly
and fight bravely against the
20th century. ,
"I bear the scars of that
three governors - and Steven-
son - all of whom have been
mentioned for the Democratic
nomination next year.
Truman called them to speak.
He said he would proceed geo-
graphically, moving from west to
east across the continent.
That brought Edmund G. (Pat)
Brown, governor of California, up
first. Then came Sen. Hubert
Humphrey (D-Minnesota), and
Sen. Stuart Symington, (D-Mis-
Having now reached the middle
west, Truman called on Steven-
son, who said, "I wasn't sup-
posed to be included in the com-
pany of these handsome; hairy
young men" - a reference to his
own baldness - "and I'm a little
at a loss what to say in view of
your assumption that I'm still
Nevertheless, he rose. So did
many people in the audience.
Cheers and clapping racketed
through the ballroom.
Michigan's Gov. G. Mennen
Williams, New Jersey's Gov. Rob-
ert B. Meyner, and Sen. John
Kennedy of Massachusetts fol-
lowed in order.
Seek Removal
Of Red Troops
airport from Ayub Khan's home.
Smiles Broadly
He was all smiles at the airport,
as if he had thoroughly enjoyed
the stay in -Pakistan, itmilitary
ally of the United States.
Eisenhower inspected an honor
guard of Pakistan army, navy and
air force men.
In a brief statement President
Eisenhower said his stay in Pakis-
tan had been too brief and he
would like to come again.
The United States chief execu-
tive thanked the Pakistani presi-
dent for his hospitality.
"We have learned a lot about
your country in this visit," Eisen-
hower said.
"Good luck and goodby to Pakis-
With a broad smile Eisenhower
shook hands with Ayub Khan.
Presidents Walk
The two presiderks then walked
to Eisenhower's big glistening jet
transport. A 21-gun salute split
the morning stillness just as the
sun peeped over the horizon.
The President's son, Maj. John
Eisenhower, in civilian clothes, and
his, wife Barbara in a gray suit
and bright red hat accompanied
the President into the plane.
Six Pakistani air force jets-
part of the United States military
assistance program - took off in
advance and streamed down the
runway and into the air as an
advance guard for the President's
Eisenhower already had won
cheers in India. In upper house
parliamentary debate at New Del-
hi on the eve of his arrival, Nehru
referred to the President as a
messenger of peace. The members
cheered and pounded their desks
in response.
Members Urge
Members of his congress party
in parliament urged Nehru to ac-
cept foreign aid if China openly
attacks. Nehru still clings to. a
policy of non-alignment in the
cold war.
As the end of his Pakistan visit
drew near, Eisenhower delivered
a speech in which he posed the
hope of improved international
relations, but made clear the
United States' firm stand beside
Pakistan in upholding free nations
against any agression.
In his speech, one of the major
efforts of his 19-day trip, the
President urged all national lead-
ers worthy of that designation to
join in a truly enforceable system
of disarmament.
Addresses Pakistanis
He spoke to more than 15,000
Pakistanis, some of them in the
raggy clothing that betokens the
relative poverty of this part of the
Mankind's latest scientific
achievements in the military field
make it mandatory to reach an
agreement on disarmament, he
said, adding:
"There is no reason to hesitate
in this great undertaking.
"There can be no winner in any
future global war. The world, the
entire world, must insist that the
conference table, rather than force,
is to be used for settlement of in-
ternational disputes."
Then, in a joint declaration
summing up two days of talks,
Eisenhower and President Ayub
Khan of Pakistan stressed the
need of cooperation among free nrim at, h+ +v r.min
PAKISTAN FAREWELL-President Eisenhower is shown here with Pakistan President Mohammed
Ayub Khan waving to the crowds on his trip to the airport in Karachi. Eisenhower concluded his
two-day tour of the country yesterday and left for a five-hour stop in Kabul, Afghanistan before
continuing on to New Delhi, India, where he will spend four days.
Columbia University Raises Tuition
IGY Head,
A ponted
To 'U' Job
The former international head
of the International Geophysical
Year, Sydney Chapman, has been
appointed senior research scientist
by the University's science and
technology institute.
Institute director Robert R.
White announced his appoint-
ment, saying Chapman is the first
senior research scientist appointed.
Chapman undertook his duties
Sunday and will serve until Feb.
20. As a senior research scientist,
he will lecture and consult with
engineers and scientists on ap-
propriate research activities.
He has also been chosen to
present the commencement ad-
dress at the University's mid-year
Commencement Exercises Jan. 16.
Chapman is known for his work-
as solar-terrestrial physicist and
has been a professor of geophysics
at the University of Alaska since
1951. Since 1955, he has held a
position on the research staff of
the High Altitude Observatory in
Boulder, Col.
In 1953 Chapman was appointed
a visiting professor to the Uni-
versity astronomy department.
Since then, he has intermittently
served as consultant to the Uni-
versity Research Institute and
visiting lecturer in several en-
gineering and science departments.
For Board
Student appointments to the
Committee on Referral will be an-
nounced at the Student Govern-
ment Council meeting at 7:30 p.m.
One undergraduate and one
graduate student will be appointed.
Council sponsorship of a debate
on the City Drinking Ordinance
will also be discussed at the meet-
According to Toger Seasonwein,
'61, SGC Executive Vice-President,
there is a feeling among Council
members that in view of the suc-
cess of the last debate, another
would be worth while.
Lobbyists Protest
Nuisance Taxes
Liquor, Tobacco, Beer Spokesmen
Term New Levy 'Unfair Burden'
LANSING (Al) - Spokesmen for liquor, beer and tobacco indus-
tries rose up in protest yesterday against proposed taxes which would
tap drinkers and smokers for $26 million a year.
They told the House Taxation Committee higher taxes would en-
courage bootlegging, damage manufacturing and wholesaler and re-
tail businesses and load an unfair burden on one segment of Michi-
gan's population.
The proposed new levies are the heart of a $34 million package of
nuisance taxes passed last week by the Senate in a last-ditch move
to wrap up a new revenue pro-
gram in the 1959 legislative ses-
A three-cent tax on telephone
and telegraphs would produce an-
other eight million dollars.
Rep. Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tip- ,
ton), Taxation Committee chair-
man, said the bills probably would k
be sent to the House floor without
committee recommendation for t
passage. He said he doubted the
package would come up for a vote
before next week.
GOP tax strategists in the
House plan to back other legisla-
tion to boost the Senate package
by 15 to 25 million dollars. Cur-
rently in favor are a one mill in-
crease in the corporation fran-
chise fee, worth 13 millions, and
a five-dollar tax on moving traffic
violations, which would bring in
six millions.
"House action might be held
up on the Senate package until DAVID OISTRAKH
the new bills put in an appear- gives concert
ance and the House has some as-
surance that they will pass in the a
Senate," Conlin said. Clai s D ebt.
It was evident several Demo-
cratic votes would be necessary to 0
push the bills through the evenly
divided House. Democrats gener-
Republicans are cool toward any
new nuisance taxes.
Rep. George W. Sallade, mav-
erick Republican from Ann Arbor, By STEPHANIE ROUMELL
branded the package a "Rube
Goldberg tax plan" which would "The debt of every musician is
force Republicans to abandon a to teach young students and to
record of pay-as-you-go financing. transfer his own experience," Da-
Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-Kal- vid Oistrakh, Moscow violinist,
amazoo), GOP tax architect who said yesterday after rehearsing for
helped the nuisance package clear his performance at Hill Auditor-
the Senate, lit into the "beer bar- ium.
ons, liquor lords and filter kings" In accord with the Soviet re-
who are fighting the proposed quirement for performing artists
levies. to devote some time to teaching,
"Michigan needs this money to Oistrakh divides his time between
meet its obligations and the spe- concert tours at home and abroad
cial pleading of the self-appoint- and teaching at the Tschaikowsky
ed aristocrats of privilege from Conservatory in Moscow.
Virginia and Kentucky should not "Working in connection with
be permitted against the public talented students is, for me, a
interest," he declared, great joy," he continued In soft-
The taxes would add a penny to spoken Russian. Oistrakh speaks
the five-cent per pack tax on cig- only a little English so on his
arettes, levy a20 per cent tax on tours abroad, he travels with an
the wholesale price of other to- interpreter.
bacco products, double the $1.25 Helps Artist Too
per barrel beer tax, add a four Teaching also helps the artist'fl
per cent excise tax on liquor and development, the violinist said,
a three-cent use tax on telephones because young musicians often
and telegraphs. have their own good thoughts and
All would expire June 30, 1961. ideas
Columbia University will in-!
crease its tuition and fees by as
much as 21 per cent starting next
President Grayson Kirk dis-
closed Monday an increase in stu-
dent tuition from $1,100 to $1,450
per year.
There are raises in minimum
salaries for the faculty from $500
to $1,500, he continued.
The tuition rise will affect 18,-
000 students in Columbia's 16 di-
visions. It was caused by "basic
financial problems that confront
Columbia University in common
with virtually all other American
colleges and universities," he said.
After Monday's meeting of the
university, trustees adopted the
new tuition rate, President Kirk
said, "The action has as its com-
pelling reason the imperative need
for increases in salaries for facul-
ty members."
Becomes Effective
The minimum salary, effective
July 1, has been increased for in-
structors by $500 to $5,500; for as-
sistant professors by $1,000 to
$6,500; for associate professors by
$1,500 to $8,000, and for full pro-
fessors by $1,000 to $11,000.
The tuition for all Columbia di-
visions, except the School of So-
cial Work, is now $1,100, plus up
to $100 in fees. Tuition at the so-
cial work school is $900.
Starting in September, full-
time students will pay (1) $1,450
in Columbia College, the Under-
graduate School of Engineering,
the School of Medicine, and the
School of Public Health;
(2) Tuition climbed to $1,400 in
the Graduate School of Journal-
ism, School of Architecture, Grad-
uate School of Business, and
School of Dental and Oral Sur-
Notes Increase
(3) It reached $1,300 in the
Graduate Faculties, School of In-
ternational Affairs, G r a d u a t e
School of Engineering and School
of Library Service;
(4) Total tuition is $1,280 in the
Coeds Rise
In Number
Coeds are catching up with men
in numbers in spite of the nearly
two to one ratio of men to women
in Michigan's colleges and univer-
Michigan's institutions of higher
education enrolled 95,557 men and
51,798 women this fall, according
to figures compiled by Edward G.
Groesbeck, University director of
registration and records.
Compared to last year, women's
enrollment increased by 5,457,
while enrollment of men increased
by only 2,888. Among freshmen,
the coeds' increase outdistanced
the mens', 1,754 to 1,570.
Fall enrollments at the states
largest universities show that
women make up a high percentage
of the freshmen classes. Of the
University's 3,216 freshmen, 1,505
are women. At Michigan State
University, 1,901, out of 4,300
freshmen are women. And at
Wayne State University there are
750 men and 750 women in this
year's freshman class.
School of General Studies and the
Program in the Arts;
(5) Yearly academic costs are
$1,250 in the School of Law and
$1,100 in the School of Social
The rise will mean that the av-
erage student in the college, tak-
ing 15 points or five courses each
semester, will be paying $45 a
In his statement, President Kirk
emphasized two' things. He said
that "Columbia will assure each
student now enrolled that he will
not be obliged to leave for finan-
cial reasons before reaching his
educational goal."
Tuition Insufficient
He added that currently student
tuition at Columbia takes care
of only 40.5 per cent of educa-
tional costs.
Financial aid in the form of
scholarships, f e 11 o w s h i p s and
loans will be increased where
needed to help meet the rise,
President Kirk said.
The rise in tuition and fees
brings Columbia up to the level
of other schools in the Ivy League.
The university has raised tui-
tion five times since 1945, when
the costs ran to $550 a year, or $12
for each credit.
The executive committee of Co-
lumbia University's Student Coun-
cil reacted immediately following
the announcement of the tuition
The Council issued a statement
saying it "is unalterably opposed
to the manner in which the pro-
posed tuition rise was presented to
Columbia's student body."
(Copyright 1959, New York Times;
Reprinted by Special Permission)
3 ',
BEpytaphF Termed Difficult by
Court Refuses Davis's Plea;
Contempt Citation Still Stands
-WASHINGTON (A)-The Supreme Court Monday refused to
review the contempt of Congress conviction of Horace Chandler Davis,
who refused to answer questions by a House Subcommittee on Un-
American Activities.
Davis appeared before the group in Lansing, Mich., on May 10,
1954, in response to a subpoena. He refused to say whether he had
ever been a Communist Party member, or if he knew of Communist
activities while he was a student
at Harvard.
Davis was employed for a time
as a mathematics teacher at the
A United States District Judge
in Michigan found Davis guilty of
contempt of Congress and imposed
a sentence of $250 fine and six
months in jail.
Davis questioned in his appeal
to the Supreme-Court whether an
investigative committee of Con-
gress has power to compel testi-
mony as to a private citizen's
ideas, his associations, or his ac-
tivities in recommending his ideas
J o others.
He also questioned the power
of a committee to conduct a pub-
lic hearing "designed to direct un-
reasoning scorn, obloquy and ridi-
cule by the public upon a political
doctrine, and upon a witness if he
does not repudiate the doctrine."
The Supreme Court order deny-
ing a hearing to Davis noted that
Justices Douglas and Black fa-
4 <;vored granting a hearing.
There Is a common feature be-
tween the leading violinists of
United States and Soviet, Ois-
trakh maintained, because many
remarkable United States violin-
ists are from Russian schools--
for example, Mischa Mischokoff,
concert master of the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra.
"The Russian school for the art-
ist gives much opportunity," he
continued, "but it is necessary for
the students to have initiative."
Helps Develop Talent
"The school can help the tal-
ented musician to develop, but he
must be willing to work hard."
For no one can rise up to the
level of a professor in Russia and
abroad, Oistrakh continued, if he
is not eager.
"And even though the student
is talented and attends good
schools," the eminent violinist
maintained, "he must be resource-
Arrangements for Olstrakh's
North American tour were nego-
tiated with the Ministry of Cul-
ture of the Union of Soviet So-
cialist Republics under the exist-
ing agreement between the United
States and the Soviet Union pro-
viding for cultural exchanges.
This is his second tour of the
United States; his debut here was
made at Carnegie Hall, Nov. 20,
Performs at 12
His first performance was given
at the age of 12, playing the
Beethoven Concerto in the pres-
ence of Prokofieff.
Oistrakh first attracted world
attention when he took first prize
i ,. -- T,, n 4nnisAalti anA vea
"The love of art and the desire to be an artist is often quite
separate from te ability to produce," Prof. Hugh Z. Norton, director
of the Playbill production opening today, said.
John Osborne's "Epitaph for George Dillon" is a presentation of
this "great problem of the young artist," Prof. Norton explained.
The problem is known both here and in England and especially
in England in the privation of the postwar period, Prof. Norton said.
And Osborne wrote about it very vividly and extremely well.
Directed Summer Play
Prof. Norton also directed the production of Osborne's "Look
Back in Anger," presented last summer.
"It+ is the name play of the angry young men," he said. "And it
is savagely cruel. But 'Epitaph for George Dillon' shows Osborne's
gentle and compassionate side, however unhappy it might be."
George Dillon is a young actor and playwright who slowly dis-
covers that in spite of critical ability he is unable to deliver his appre-
ciation of art.
He is out of harmony with the level of society in which he must
live and incanable of the exercise of a brilliant artistic talent which
I . . -