"It's a Nice Piece of Goods - I Used To Wear It Myself!"I
5 Airdigau Daffy
Seventieth Year
When Opinions Are Free
Truth Wil Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
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Little-Known Selections
Provide Fine Evening
THE MICHIGAN SINGERS and the Tudor Singers presented a mag-
nificent Collegium Musicum concert at the Rackham Lecture Hall.
December 4. Under the sensitive direction of Maynard Klein, this
select group made a significant contribution to our concert season.
They not only gave insprired performances of little- nown music
from the fifteenth through the early eighteenth century; they also
presented significant works made available by the research of three
School of Music faculty members.
The "Gloria" by Dufay provided an exciting introduction to the
evening. The two assisting trombonists, placed at opposite ends of the
choral group, joined the voices in a spectacular display of antiphonal
sound that was no less vivid nor joyful because of its conception a
,remote 500 years ago!
Following three sixteenth century songs, each distinctive in its
own style, the Tudor Singers, a group of 20 picked from the larger
Crisler at SFA Conference
Dispels Unfortunate Myth
L ARGE SUMS of money for the athletic are
only a phone call away, Athletic Director
H. O. "Fritz" Crisler told a discussion group
at the Student-Faculty-Administration Con-
ference Saturday.
"But if the day when I had to ask for out-
side help ever came, I would leave this place,"
he added in the sincere and yet decisive man-
ner that characterizes Crisler oratory. He
pointed out that such aid would allow alien
influences to have a share in running the pro-
Crisler probably could get money from alum-
ni who would be more than willing to give. He
could probably get a lot more too, if it were
ever necessary to supplement our athletic
He could do this because of his command-
ing position in all sports circles; but more im-
portant, he is the athletic director of one of
the most powerful plants in the country. Alum-
ni who remember the great "Michigan tradi-
tion" would be very willing to donate to pre-
serve the sporting heritage that Crisler now
[ERE IS A MYTH that has been built up
around him. It is nurtured when football
players recount how he quotes passages from
the rule book that he helped to write and
works on revising.
It develops from indications that he is a
dominant factor on the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics. This may be true
since alumni and student members of the
Board would tend to go along with him be-
cause of the greater amount of information'
that is available to him.
The myth is full of tales about his being too
powerful. Sportswriters, who looked at him from
all sides when he was being courted to become
commissioner of the newly-formed American
Football League say that he is cold and lacks
statesmanship ability.
SATURDAY this man who is rarely seen but
often talked about came to a Student-Fac-
ulty-Administration conference that admitted-
ly could not produce solutions. His appearance
hadn't been expected and one could honestly
wonder what he hoped to gain from talking
with people for two hours on a rainy morning.
With men from the faculty, with two former
and one present "M" men, with students from
activities, Crisler pointed out some things that
are well known and some few that aren't as
Besides noting with pride how, successful
former athletes are and reiterating that his*
department should "supplement a boy's educa-
tional experience," he made it very clear that
there must be a controlled varsity sports pro-
gram here. This program, he noted, is in agree-
ment with the general philosophy of the Uni-
Crisler mentioned other institutions that
hadn't kept as clean a house as the Maize and
blue purports to maintain. He alluded to in-
stances when he had attempted to standardize
practices both in the Big Ten and NCAA, but
had been thwarted by opposition from "sister
He even dramatically pronounced that "foot-
ball doesn't build character .. . you have to
have something underneath your jersey before
you can play that game."j
THE MAN was eloquent and imposing among
other figures (Prof. Robert Angell, Dean
James H. Robertson) who command a great
deal df respect from students who see them on
a day-to-day basis. He was for that brief span
of time of the conference in communication
with people north of Ferry Field.
And during that time it appeared that he
was basically in agreement with these people.
He was approachable, he smiled several times
and answered questions. Most important, how-
ever, he was seen.
The enigma about him remains and it is
still hard for people to reach him. But he did
journey out of the Athletic Administration
Building and may be willing to come out
Hopefully he will emerge at some future
date, not to slap backs or shake hands, but to
talk with the masses.
CRISLER may do nothing more than talk,
but this would be an infinite improvement
over the silence that now pervades his king-
dom. Hearing from him directly would be much
better than relying on rumors about his de-
An historical review of his administration re-
veals that he does favor the controlled program
which complements education. Saturday may
have been the first time he stated that fact to
Money, in Detroit, Chicago and Cleveland,
was and is readily available to him, but he re-
fuses to accept it because he doesn't want to
allow outside pressures to influence athletics
here. This fact is probably unknown to the
greater percentage of students who may harbor
delusions of Crisler being slipped something by
eager alumni.
JUSTIFIED or completely hollow criticism is
constantly being aimed at his office, but
rarely is any response forthcoming. The man
who made a decision to stay here instead of
running a new pro football league could do
much to help the 'campus understand the role
athletics play at this institution.
But until he moves, until he becomes willing
to talk with students and faculty, he will un-
fortunately remain as a myth whose good
qualities are nullified by unanswered criticism.
Personnel Director
ferbiock is away due to illness . CWW. u, t M
S.aE STUDENT-Faculty-Admin-
istration Conference discussion
on "Student Activities vs. Aca-
demics" failed to-raise any aston-
ishing points about the problem
discussed, but managed to point
out several defects of the confer-
ence system itself. Chief among
these was the nature of the con-
ferees themselves.
A discussion which revolved
around student activities man-
aged to have no students at all
representing "activities" and only
one person who was primarily a
student. The rest of the "stu-
dents" present were "Organiza-
tion men."
The defference between an ac-
tivity and an organization is one
of structure: an activity is a one-
shot thing (J-Hop or Gilbert and
Sullivan, for example), while the
organizations are the large, high-
ly structured groups on campus
(Union, League, ,The Daily, Stu-
dent Government Council, Pan-
hellenic, Assembly Association,
Inter-House Council, Interfrater-
nity Council).
* * *
ALL OF THE students present,
with one exception, were from or-
ganizations, and since the discus-
sion in large part centered around
the decline of organizations and
the rise of activities on campus,
it was not very fruitful to have
ail organization people and no ac-
tivities people at the discussion.
This lack of planning was par-
alleled by another: there were no
representatives of just plain stu-
dents. Much discussion revolved
around the lack of people joining
activities, and having a few stu-
dents there who had not joined
any activity to tell the organiza-
tions men why seems useful.
Thus at least two groups vital
to the discussion were not present
(and it may be added that just
plain students are never invited)
and the discussion was distinct-
ly one-sided. The organizations
people discussed their problems,
and the discussion didn't prove
valuable because there was no one
there to tell them what attracted
people to less regimented, less
time-consuming groups and the
discussors generally were disap-
pointed, or should have been.
* *s
SOME OF THE questions raised
were basic and important. How
much effect do the rising academ-
ic entrance requirements have on
the type of person admitted to the
University? Are courses now de-
manding more time, so that less
student time is available for acti-
vities? Are the activities them-
selves so wrapped in bureaucracy
that their tryouts are forced to be
"tools" rather than c r e a t i v e
These questions were brought
up, but no one seemed to know
the answers. Much emphasis was
placed on the rising academic in-
terest of the campus.
But a general consensus seemed
to evolve that students at the Uni-
versity were more "academically
oriented" than they have been in
former years and that any acti-
vity which is gaining favor on
campus is either "academic" or
religious in emphasis.
* * *
SGC's reading and discussion,
program, where great men discuss
great ideas with students, is typi-
cal of this new emphasis.
Other organizations seem to be
following a more academic line.
The service groups, the Union,
IFC, IHC, Panhel, The Daily and
the League, all seem to be orient-
ing themselves to the inevitable.
A representative from the lit-
erary college Honors Council,
'present at the discussion, de-
s c r i b e d the enthusiasm with
which honors students are study-
ing and attending special honors
seminars and discussions. She also
noted a recently-taken survey
which shows that honors students
are so enthusiastic about their
studies that they are not parti-
cipating in organizations to any
great extent.
*, * *
THUS SOME nebulous "aca-
demic" trend seems to be hitting
everything on the campus in some
way or another. But the question
can still be raised: If organiza-
tions revamp so as to provide
stimulating work for their tryouts,
will the trend of disinterest in
this type of work be reversed?
The ditto machine cannot com-
pete with stimulating discussion
for most of the type of people
which activities need, the think-
ing, intelligent students. And or-
ganizations are slowly beginning
to realize this as personnel direc-
tors from various groups sit down
to discuss their common problems.
But the SFAC would have pro-
vided some clue as to the nature
of student disinterest in organi-
zations if . plain, non-activities-
type people had been there to tell
why they are not "activists." As
it was, the same old group of stu-
dents and faculty people had a
nice chat about certain concepts
never quite defined. The value of
a discussion of this type is open
to question.
ensemble, presented four charming
early Christmas carols of Czech,
English, and Swiss origin.
The performance of the Isaac
"Missa Solemnis," transcribed by
Louise Cuyler, was undoubtedly the
first in modern times. This work
was without question the high
point of the concert both in musi-
cal interest and in choral virtu-
osity, for this taxing creation could
be performed only by a group with
superb training both in technic
and musicianship.
In accord with the renaissance
custom, Isaac had composed only
alternate verses of the mass, in-
tending that the remaining verses
be sung in Gregorian chant. This
chant, beautifully performed by
William Cole, tenor, stood in strik-
ing contrast to the magnificent
contrapuntal texture of the Isaac
The result was liturgical music
of nobility and great dramat
** *
THE PACHELBEL "Magnfilcat,"
a transcription of Hans T. David,
was an effective early eighteenth
century work, which received its
first Ann Arbor performance at
this concert. Perhaps the strain of
the Isaac mass took its toll on the
Pachelbel. This beautiful music, in
which the singers were assisted by
Marilyn Mason at the harpsichord,
suffered from bad intonation at
several points and provided the
only disappointing moments in the
Therfirst modern performance'
of the Charpentier "In Nativitatem
Jesu Christi Canticum" was pro-
vided by the Tudor Singers in
1952. This transcription of H.
Wiley Hitchcock was a happy
choice for the closing work. Solo-
ists, harpsichord, a cello, and two
violins, all united with the chorus
to deliver this charming and gra-
With the exception of the Pach-
cious contribution to the Christ-
mas season
elbel, the program showed Pro-
fessor Klein and his choral group
at their best. It also demonstrated
in a most appropriate manner .the
contributions of modern musical
research to the choral repertory.
-Robert A. Warner
School of Music
Wel comed
Associated Press News Analyst
WHY DO SO many people get
so enthusiastic when President
Eisenhower passes by?
There are, perhaps, a number of
reasons. Undoubtedly the chief
cne, as displayed in Europe last
summer, is that he has become the
personal symbol of their hopes for
The President's crowd appeal
has long been recognized. But that
isn't what brings out the thou-
sands who have never seen or
heard him or even read much
about him personally, although it
undoubtedly affects them once
they are gathered.
* .a .
THE REASONS for the turnouts
themselves lie elsewhere.
For one thing, he is the Presi-
dent of the great United States
who considers his country's associ-
ation with theirs sufficiently im-
portant tq warrant a visit. He is
paying them a compliment, and
they pay him one in return.
In both Turkey and Pakistan
the United States has meant both
military safety and economic ad-
vancement. She has helped not
only with food and arms, but also
in the development of techniques
for bootstrap operations.
* * *
LAST SPRING'S demonstrations
in Britain and Germany made it
clear, however, that Europeans are
just as interested as others.
Whether the enthusiasm of the
crowds means a tightening of poli-
tical bonds between the United
States and the countries visited
may never be known.
It will be interesting to watch
the visit to India, where crowds
can go wild with enthusiasm or
beserk with rage at the drop of a
hat. It is in India that the Presi-
dent is most likely to be shown
some anti-American faces. The re-
action of the majority in the,
'Infi del'
HANDSOMELY mounted, dazzl-
ingly colored and brilliantly
recorded in six track reverberat-
ing stereophonic sound, 20th Cen-
tury Fox's "Beloved Infidel"
emerged as a disjointedly con-
structed, oppressively overlong,
and surprisingly impotent gran-
diose disaster.
Originally calculated to provide
a lump in the throat, this new
CinemaScope entry comes much
closer to providing indigestion in
the stomach. Everything is so re-
markably sterile in this sacchar-
ine offering that the air seems to
be tinged with an ethereal quality.
Although there is nothing es-
sentially compelling in the screen-
play or treatment, "Beloved Infi-
del" is not one of those films that
one can pleasantly doze through.
It comes equipped with the bit-
tersweet sounds of harps, organs,
and a chorus which overwhelms
in sheer number of nothing else.
* * *
GREGORY PECK is cast as the
flamboyant F. Scott Fitzgerald
and Deborah Kerr is seen as the
Hollywood columnist, S h e 11 a h
Grahame. Of course, Peck fares
the worst in the film, contributing
another one of his wooden per-
formances and completely suffo-
cating any life the original sce-
nario might have possessed.
Miss Kerr is totally overwhelmed
by the inept material afforded
her. "I didn't drag myself up from
the gutter to waste myself on a
worthless drunk like you," she
shouts amidst a crescendo of ba-
nalities generously provided by
screen-writer Sy Bartlett.
"Beloved Infidel" graphically
details the on-again, off-again
affair between Miss Grahame and
Fitzgerald as it wanders aimless-
ly about the countryside. The
CinemaScope lens has been put to
especially good use in the Malibu
UNFORTUNATELY, that, is all
that is effective in this crushed
rose entry calculatingly designed
for the matinee contingent. The
only redeeming quality about the
rest of the program is 2th's prom-
ise to take us on a "Journey to
The Center of The Earth" for
their Christmas attraction.
The promotion boys tell us it
is a place where no one has been.
That should be quite refreshing
considering that the terrain in
"Beloved Infidel was distressingly
-Marc Alan Zagoren
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 63
General Notices
Captain R. G. Sauls, IV, United
States Marines, Marine Corps Officer
Selection Officer for the State of Mich-
igan, will interview students, interest-
ed in applying for a Marine corps com-
mission from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
daily Dec. 7 through 11 at the Union.
Marine officer training is arranged so
and all students are required to re-
ceive their degree before being as-
signed to active duty. Vacancies exist
for both ground and aviation training.
Mathematics Club: The next meet-
ing will be held Dec. 8, at 8:00 p.m. in
the W. Conference Rm. of the Rack-
ham Bldg. Prof. Otto Laporte of the
Physics Dept. will give the address. An
invitation to join the club is again ex-
tended to all faculty members and
graduate students in the Math. Dept.
The Stearns Collection of Musical
Instruments will be open on Tuesdays
and Fridays from 3 to 4 p.m. Enter at
East Circle Drive (across from the
Opening Tomorrow Evening, 8:00 p.m.
ROME--The burden of being a statesman in
Rome is perpetual motion. If the leaders of
great powers don't get crushed by the burdens
of office they run the danger of being worn
down by sheer mileage. Yet there is in one
sense an air of unreality about the whole long
journey that President Eisenhower starts today
at Rome. You have to scramble about to find
concrete problems he is here to resolve. And
that will be true of his later stops as well.
It is not a mission of hard negotiating he has
undertaken. Nor is it one of those musical
chairs visits that Adenauer, Macmillan, Segni
and de Gaulle have been plying in recent weeks
in order to settle specific differences of personal
viewpoint and national interest. Eisenhower
will be entangled in the sweet flypaper of good
will. Everywhere there will be gun salutes,
motorcades, banquets, receptions, speeches,
cheering crowds.
The Italians, in their passion for protocol,
are dizzy with delight at the opportunities for
pomp. None of your butcherpaper handouts for
them. When I got my various press cards yes-
terday at the Foreign Ministry in Rome. I was
also handed an elaborately prepared and sump-
tuously printed brochure of just who rides with
whom in what car. And who precedes and
follows whom on what occasion. It was com-
forting to have it all straight, and one felt like
the girl who is given her dance-book by her
date at the high-school senior prom. The mem-
ory will stay fragrant but it has little to do
with the grime and sweat of the world.
WRITING IN ROME on the eve of the pil-
grimage, one asks why the Good Pilgrim
is doing it. The first reason is personal. The
European trip in the fall was a success, and
having tasted the heady wine of mass approval
in the capitals of Europe, the President cannot
be blamed for liking the mixture as before, but
with an Asian and African flavor added.
It is natural, with only a year of the Presi-
dency left, for him to show abroad toward the
end of his tenure a measure of the dynamism
which he has failed to show at home in most of
the first seven years. The President wants to go
down in history as the war leader who spent so
much of his energy in seeking peace.
ANOTHER BATCH of reasons involves the
plight of American policies. The Russian
lead over the West in science and the Chinese
"great leap forward" in economic growth have
badly impaired the prestige of democracy in
every world area. One way to counter them
would be by a bold new program, a new Mar-
shall Plan for Asia and Africa that might re-
quire ten billion a year for the next five years
and would grapple with the problems of food
popuation growth and living standards in these
two now fateful continents. But this is not the
President's way. He has felt the need for
holding the budget line in America as the great
priority. Moreover, the development loans we
make to our friends are now hobbled by the
requirement that they must be largely spent for
American goods.
I trust that the Good Pilgrim will learn
something from his trip. And come back from
'Be Affirmative!' Reader Requests
4 I
To the Editor:
NOW THAT Al Young has stated
what "Generation" is not, per-
baps he will follow it up with a
statement of what it is: either
with an explicit, affirmative state-
ment of an organized and defini-
tive policy, or by listing some more
of the negative things which he
implies having omitted. The for-
mer would be preferable, but, at
this point, anything would do, just
so the long pull is started to get
the magazine off the bottom of the
dry well and on the way up.
It's quite true that more than
enough cracks have been made
about Generation-type stories, but
then they haven't been made on
the real problem, or to the right
people. So, it would seem that
there really hasn't been enough
And when the editors neglect to
return by mail manuscripts re-
ceived through same (it's obviously
not lack of money), and when
personal effort on the part of the
editors to search for more ma-'
was harsh, and direct, but valid,
and many worthwhile suggestions
made for correcting the vagueness
which presently prevails among
the magazine's editors.
Unfortunately, the excuses for
the present state of the magazine
were vague and non-commital,
viz., "we should have . . .," "We
might have . . .," "I think maybe
.," etc. I sincerely hope, for
those writing both on and around
campus, that the action subse-
quent to the meeting will not be
founded on the same vagueness.
AS FOR THE proposed indepen-
dent magazine, its hoped-for ap-
pearance is backed by people who
feel much the same about the
"Generation" rut as I do. They feel
that with the people now inter-
ested, and with the material al-
ready submitted, that the maga-
zine they intend already has 'more
form and policy than the last is-
sue, at least, of "Generation". (Al-
ways willing to accept more ma-
Repair Damage . .
To the Editor:
IT IS INDEED regrettable that
Mr. Friedman chose to speak
for the Michigan engineers. This
is so because his wild generalismns
have probably prejudiced those
who already thought the average
engineer was a bit dull into think-
ing that he is a complete fool. I,
too, am a graduate engineer and
I wish to repair some of the dam-,
age Mr. Friedman has done.
Contrary to the impression
which his letter created, not all
engineers are solidly entrenched
materialists-we are not all im-
patiently running out to industry
to make piles of money, though
this sort of person is not entirely
unknown to our field. I am not
here to make a case for engineers
or against Literary School stu-
dents; I am here merely as an in-
dividual pleading not to be judged
only on the grounds that I, am an
engineer or solely on the basis that
one of my group has spoken out
Editorial Staff
litorial Director City Editor
M BENAGH.................. Sports Editor
ARTON HUTHWAITE........... Features Editor
)AN KAATZ . ................. Magazine Editor
HARLES KOZOLL ............. Personnel Director
ELMA lSAWATA ..... Associate Personnel Director
LMES BOW ......... Associate City Editor
CTER DAWSON .............. Contributing Editor