Prey to California CHRISTMAS AT MIAMI:
This will be a Christmas to re-C
hh member for the Mihigan hoekv
to zeave li~e tne iamo.
They won their first two games SO YOU THINK YOU GOT TROUBLES?-Here I had trouble booking this chartered flight to Miami.
of the season over St. Lawrence I got all the way down here and what happens? The Fuuntainblow is all booked up except for the
and Clarkson by shutouts, but lost honeymoon suites. So I got one of those. Then I go down in the lobby to get my favorite kind of cigar,
their last to a fighting St. Law- and they're all out. Had to charter a flight to Havana. Right now, as you can see, boss, I'm busily at
rence team bent on revenge. The work meeting prospective customers, keeping records, and wondering how the heck I'm going to
pucksters salvaged some of their explain my expense account.
glory by knocking off Toronto on
their way back to Ann Arbor. 1
Travel-hardened vets like Bob-
ble Watt and coach Al Renfrew am
pass the time away on this type of exa for M EN
trip playing gin. Newcomers mak-etly
ing, their first flight like Carl1W111
White and Al Hinnegan stare out the soholik
of the window of the plane-for rt of th
two straight hours! ing that RUGGED
Coach Anticipates one sees e
Coach Renfrew expected worry-
ing defenseman Ed Mateka to verywhere in
make the flight insurance machine newspapers. I (
at the airport light up in a "tilt." happen because
It's on a trip like this that Tom there is space
Wilson gets a chance to display to be filed up
his prodigious appetite as he downs
a double order of bacon and eggs,a
two malteds and double toast is something decora
topped off with an order of pan- tive and the copy wr
cakes. smofteIter wants somethingDOBEEC$70
For some of the players, includ pited. hats preinedu eoe
ing Pat Cushing and his Tyrolean
hat (see The Daily want ads for in me really means almost
YOUR Tyrolean hat), the last nothing at all; but it sure "American Horses"
game in Canada was a time for a keeps you by
Hockey, recreation and even reading all KEM PLASTIC PLAYINGCARDS
studiesall play their part ne wThe tough stamina of the mus- of use. So reliable . . . they're
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Dalton Cashmere SAF
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Precision model kit of the fabulous giant dinosaur
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An exact scale replica of a museum specimen...
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